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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Pasternak-Malicka M. Pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje szarej strefy postrzeganej jako „zręczność podatkowa” podmiotów gospodarczych i gospodarstw domowych
Autor | Monika Pasternak-Malicka |
Tytuł | Pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje szarej strefy postrzeganej jako „zręczność podatkowa” podmiotów gospodarczych i gospodarstw domowych |
Słowa kluczowe | szara strefa, gospodarka nieobserwowalna, oszustwa podatkowe, skutki szarej strefy |
Key words | gray market, unobservable economy, tax fraud, effects of the gray economy |
Abstrakt | Artykuł podejmuje problematykę szarej strefy. W pierwszej części została ujęta definicja szarej strefy w kontekście oszustw podatkowych oraz skala zjawiska w Polsce. W kolejnych przedstawione zostały negatywne i pozytywne skutki szarej strefy wymieniane w literaturze przedmiotu. W trzecim punkcie zaprezentowano fragmenty badań ankietowych dotyczących opisywanego problemu badawczego. W ostatniej części publikacji wskazano działania instytucjonalne oddziałujące na rozmiary szarej strefy w Polsce. Podstawowym celem niniejszej publikacji jest prezentacja pozytywnych i negatywnych konsekwencji występowania szarej strefy rozumianej jako oszustwo podatkowe i wskazania, które z nich przeważają w ocenie subiektywnej badanych podmiotów gospodarczych i gospodarstw domowych. W ramach artykułu zostały także zasygnalizowane rozwiązania instytucjonalne mające na celu ograniczyć badane zjawisko. Realizacja celu wymagała wykorzystania metod opisowo-statystycznych, a w szczególności analizy kształtowania się zakresu gospodarki nieobserwowalnej w Polsce i wybranych krajach. W artykule posłużono się badaniami ankietowymi z lat 2010-2019, w celu dokonania próby jakościowej oceny skutków zjawiska szarej strefy. |
Abstract | The article addresses the issue of the gray economy. In the first part the definition of the shadow economy in the context of tax evasion and the scale of the phenomenon in Poland are included. The following shows the negative and positive effects of the gray economy listed in the literature on the subject. In the third part fragments of a questionnaire survey were described concerning the problem. In the last part of the article, institutional activities affecting the size of the shadow economy in Poland are presented. The main purpose of this publication is to present the positive and negative consequences of the shadow economy, understood as tax evasion, and indicate which consequences prevail in the subjective assessment of the surveyed business entities and households. The article also indicates actions aimed at limiting the studied phenomenon. The implementation of the objective required the use of descriptive and statistical methods, in particular analysis of the shape and scope of the unobservable economy in Poland and selected countries. The direct-questionnaire method was also used. The article uses fragments of author-conducted study from 2010-2019 in order to make a qualitative attempt to assess the effects of the gray zone phenomenon. |
Cytowanie | Pasternak-Malicka M. (2020) Pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje szarej strefy postrzeganej jako „zręczność podatkowa” podmiotów gospodarczych i gospodarstw domowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 24(73): 128-142 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n73_s128.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Gruziel K., Raczkowska M. The Taxation of Agriculture in the European Union Countries
Autor | Kinga Gruziel, Małgorzata Raczkowska |
Tytuł | The Taxation of Agriculture in the European Union Countries |
Title | The Taxation of Agriculture in the European Union Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | tax, taxation of agriculture, agricultural tax |
Key words | tax, taxation of agriculture, agricultural tax |
Abstrakt | The paper sets out the key principles for taxation of agriculture in selected European Union countries. The theoretical foundations of tax systems in the context of their functions and features specified as desirable in the literature are discussed. EU agricultural taxation systems are presented in reference to optimisation and tax competitiveness. Some shared features of these agricultural taxation systems were pointed out and their division in two basic models (the British model and the continental model), which was presented taking as example the countries in which these models operate. Taxation of income derived from agricultural business activity is a natural direction of changes in tax systems. The tax policy implemented in the European Union countries in relation to agriculture make use of the principle of tax justice to the highest possible extent. The diversity of the tax rules and structures applied in the EU makes it possible to tax agricultural income without limiting the development potential of agricultural enterprises (farms), and often stimulates them. The form of individual tax systems results from numerous economic, social and political circumstances. Special tax treatment of agriculture is expressed through tax construction elements, e.g. right to deduct the value of generated loss or investment expenditure from taxable income. |
Abstract | The paper sets out the key principles for taxation of agriculture in selected European Union countries. The theoretical foundations of tax systems in the context of their functions and features specified as desirable in the literature are discussed. EU agricultural taxation systems are presented in reference to optimisation and tax competitiveness. Some shared features of these agricultural taxation systems were pointed out and their division in two basic models (the British model and the continental model), which was presented taking as example the countries in which these models operate. Taxation of income derived from agricultural business activity is a natural direction of changes in tax systems. The tax policy implemented in the European Union countries in relation to agriculture make use of the principle of tax justice to the highest possible extent. The diversity of the tax rules and structures applied in the EU makes it possible to tax agricultural income without limiting the development potential of agricultural enterprises (farms), and often stimulates them. The form of individual tax systems results from numerous economic, social and political circumstances. Special tax treatment of agriculture is expressed through tax construction elements, e.g. right to deduct the value of generated loss or investment expenditure from taxable income. |
Cytowanie | Gruziel K., Raczkowska M. (2018) The Taxation of Agriculture in the European Union Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 162-174 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s162.pdf |