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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Oladele O., Yakubu D. Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria
Autor | Oladimeji Oladele, Danlami Yakubu |
Tytuł | Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria |
Title | Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | climate change, smallholder farmers, Nigeria, climate adaptation, adoption, livelihoods |
Key words | climate change, smallholder farmers, Nigeria, climate adaptation, adoption, livelihoods |
Abstrakt | Rice productivity and sustainability are threatened by both biotic and abiotic stresses, the effects of which can be further aggravated by dramatic changes in global climate. The most viable option for rice farmers is to use climate change adaptation practices. This study therefore investigated the determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among rice farmers in Kebbi State, North-West, Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 279 farmers selected using a multistage sampling procedure. The results of the data analysis revealed that the farmers used improved rice varieties, intercropping, recommended rates of fertilizers and other chemicals as climate change adaptation practices among others. Education, climate change awareness, and extension contact significantly influenced the use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers. Other determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers were years of cooperative membership, affordability, farming experience, weather information and farm size. It was concluded that use of climate change adaptation practices was determined by socioeconomic, institutional and technological characteristics. It is recommended among others that government policy should be geared towards encouraging the farmers especially the younger ones to acquire more formal education, larger farmlands and more climate change awareness. |
Abstract | Rice productivity and sustainability are threatened by both biotic and abiotic stresses, the effects of which can be further aggravated by dramatic changes in global climate. The most viable option for rice farmers is to use climate change adaptation practices. This study therefore investigated the determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among rice farmers in Kebbi State, North-West, Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 279 farmers selected using a multistage sampling procedure. The results of the data analysis revealed that the farmers used improved rice varieties, intercropping, recommended rates of fertilizers and other chemicals as climate change adaptation practices among others. Education, climate change awareness, and extension contact significantly influenced the use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers. Other determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers were years of cooperative membership, affordability, farming experience, weather information and farm size. It was concluded that use of climate change adaptation practices was determined by socioeconomic, institutional and technological characteristics. It is recommended among others that government policy should be geared towards encouraging the farmers especially the younger ones to acquire more formal education, larger farmlands and more climate change awareness. |
Cytowanie | Oladele O., Yakubu D. (2021) Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 1: 52-69 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n1_s52.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Daniłowska A., Duisenbekova A. Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region
Autor | Alina Daniłowska, Aigerim Duisenbekova |
Tytuł | Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region |
Title | Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region |
Słowa kluczowe | sustainability, agriculture, agri-food policy, food security |
Key words | sustainability, agriculture, agri-food policy, food security |
Abstrakt | The article assesses the food security of one region of Kazakhstan - the East Kazakhstan region. In the analyses, criteria such as the level of the region’s food independence, the degree of satisfaction of the population’s physiological needs in basic food, and the level of economic availability of food were applied. The research has shown that the food security in the East Kazakhstan region was at an acceptable level. However, some threats to food security were identified, including: a high level of income differentiation among the households of the East Kazakhstan region, an increase in the price index for food products, and a significant proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. The results of the evaluation can be useful for creating agri-food policy measures that will ensure, maintain and improve the level of food security at both a regional and national level. |
Abstract | The article assesses the food security of one region of Kazakhstan - the East Kazakhstan region. In the analyses, criteria such as the level of the region’s food independence, the degree of satisfaction of the population’s physiological needs in basic food, and the level of economic availability of food were applied. The research has shown that the food security in the East Kazakhstan region was at an acceptable level. However, some threats to food security were identified, including: a high level of income differentiation among the households of the East Kazakhstan region, an increase in the price index for food products, and a significant proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. The results of the evaluation can be useful for creating agri-food policy measures that will ensure, maintain and improve the level of food security at both a regional and national level. |
Cytowanie | Daniłowska A., Duisenbekova A. (2021) Assessment of Food Security in the East Kazakhstan Region.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 4-13 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s4.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Adesoji S., Adisa B., Agboola A., Ajayi A., Alabi D., Ayinde J., Deji O., Filusi O., Ojo T., Oladele O., Opayinka A. Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria
Autor | Solomon Adesoji, Banji Adisa, Abiodun Agboola, Adedayo Ajayi, Dorcas Alabi, Julius Ayinde, Olanike Deji, Olajide Filusi, Toyin Ojo, Oladimeji Oladele, Aanuoluwapo Opayinka |
Tytuł | Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria |
Title | Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | participatory curriculum, career- ready, e- extension services, stakeholders, Nigeria |
Key words | participatory curriculum, career- ready, e- extension services, stakeholders, Nigeria |
Abstrakt | This paper described and contextualized participatory development of demand-driven curriculum for career-ready e-extension services in Nigeria as introduced by the Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education. The stages of participatory development were participatory need assessment, participatory stakeholders’ workshop and validation among 124 stakeholders selected as key informants in relation to agricultural extension training, delivery, end users and policy makers. The stakeholders were grouped as follows: community leaders and policy makers; extension agencies / organisations / institutions / employers; farmers; input suppliers / marketers / agro-based traders / other value actors; and potential candidate groups. Stakeholder meetings were held separately with different groups three times, and then a combined meeting took place. The aggregated major decisions/consensus were subjected to content analysis using ATLAS.ti. The validation process included reading of each agreed decision to all participants, then participants indicated their agreement or otherwise, which led to either rejection or acceptance of the decision. This paper concludes that participatory curriculum development has enhanced the stakeholders to identify areas of demand-driven training in response to community needs. The stakeholders preferred more online than face-to-face training. The major perceived advantages of e-extension were reduced risk, time and cost effectiveness while infrastructural and human challenges were the perceived challenges that could possibly hinder the smooth running of e extension. |
Abstract | This paper described and contextualized participatory development of demand-driven curriculum for career-ready e-extension services in Nigeria as introduced by the Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education. The stages of participatory development were participatory need assessment, participatory stakeholders’ workshop and validation among 124 stakeholders selected as key informants in relation to agricultural extension training, delivery, end users and policy makers. The stakeholders were grouped as follows: community leaders and policy makers; extension agencies / organisations / institutions / employers; farmers; input suppliers / marketers / agro-based traders / other value actors; and potential candidate groups. Stakeholder meetings were held separately with different groups three times, and then a combined meeting took place. The aggregated major decisions/consensus were subjected to content analysis using ATLAS.ti. The validation process included reading of each agreed decision to all participants, then participants indicated their agreement or otherwise, which led to either rejection or acceptance of the decision. This paper concludes that participatory curriculum development has enhanced the stakeholders to identify areas of demand-driven training in response to community needs. The stakeholders preferred more online than face-to-face training. The major perceived advantages of e-extension were reduced risk, time and cost effectiveness while infrastructural and human challenges were the perceived challenges that could possibly hinder the smooth running of e extension. |
Cytowanie | Adesoji S., Adisa B., Agboola A., Ajayi A., Alabi D., Ayinde J., Deji O., Filusi O., Ojo T., Oladele O., Opayinka A. (2021) Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 14-23 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s14.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2021 |
Autor | Zuzana Bajusová, Ľudmila Dobošová, Ľubomír Gurčík, Jana Ladvenicová |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | liquidity, indicators, agricultural companies, financial controlling |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Controlling as an in-house management system is not only focused on profit management and cost control,in a selected region of the Slovak Republic. Liquidity is the ability of a company to transform assets into money and pay its liabilities on time. Effective financial management is one of the basic tasks of financial control. The main source of information for this control is the financial statement of companies. Based on the data from the financial statements of agricultural enterprises operating in the Nitra Region, we quantified and evaluated the development of current, quick, and cash ratio liquidity, as well as credit less and corrected liquidity for the period 2015–2019. The Nitra Region is one of the regions where agricultural activity has favourable conditions for its development. We analysed a total of 149 farms. From the point of view of the legal form, agricultural cooperatives show more favourable results of ʽclassic’ and credit fewer liquidities in all years. On the contrary, from the point of view of the calculation of corrected liquidities, which take into account the binding of selected items of assets and liabilities, trading companies achieve better results than agricultural cooperatives. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bajusová Z., Dobošová Ľ., Gurčík Ľ., Ladvenicová J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2021_n5_s29.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Stanisław Krasowicz, Mariusz Matyka |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economics, evaluation, role, agricultural research, major problems |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | On the example of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Puławy, thescope and importance of economic assessment in agricultural research are presented.As sources of information, IUNG-PIB reports and reports as well as selected publications were used. It wasfound that economic assessment enables and facilitates the selection of solutions offered in agricultural practice.Its scope is constantly expanding. It also plays an important role in decision-making processes related tothe selection of the management system and a specific variant of production technology on the farm. It alsoallows explaining many changes and tendencies in agriculture under the influence of the Common AgriculturalPolicy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Krasowicz S., Matyka M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s84.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Konrad Rojek |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | organic farming, organic food, agricultural production |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The world sees one of the many agricultural production opportunities in organic farming. There are manychallenges facing ecological producers, which on the one hand affect the income sphere of farmers, becausethey concern the provision of a fair existence, and on the other, farmers and organic producers must respectlegal regulations and meet growing social expectations in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity.The aim of this article was to analyse data on organic farming production in Europe. Presented in it thenumber of organic European agricultural producers, the biggest producers, the number of organic crop area inEurope and the countries with the largest agricultural area in Europe. The article focuses on plant and animalorganic production. Animal production divided into organic production of livestock of animals and organicproduction of animal products (excluding eggs). |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rojek K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s118.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Golonko M., Perkowska A., Rokicki T. Regionalizacja produkcji zwierzęcej na świecie
Autor | Magdalena Golonko, Aleksandra Perkowska, Tomasz Rokicki |
Tytuł | Regionalizacja produkcji zwierzęcej na świecie |
Title | Regionalization of Animal Production in the World |
Słowa kluczowe | globalizacja, regionalizacja rolnictwa, produkcja zwierzęca na świecie |
Key words | globalization, regionalization of agriculture, animal production in the world |
Abstrakt | Celem głównym badań była ocena regionalizacji produkcji zwierzęcej na świecie oraz występującym w tym aspekcie zmian. W artykule przedstawiono wartość produkcji zwierzęcej w regionach świata określanych przez kontynenty. Źródłem materiałów były dane z FAOSTAT. Okres badań dotyczył lat 2007-2016. Wartość światowej produkcji zwierzęcej stale wzrastała. Jedynie w momencie kryzysu gospodarczego w 2009 roku oraz w latach 2014-2015 zaobserwowano spadki we wszystkich obszarach. Stwierdzono dużą koncentrację produkcji zwierzęcej, która była skupiona w Azji i Europie. Następowało stopniowe przenoszenie produkcji z Europy i Ameryki Północnej do Azji i Ameryki Południowej. Prawidłowości te zostały potwierdzone również przy analizie poszczególnych grup produktów zwierzęcych, jak mięso, mleko i jaja. Jednocześnie stwierdzono bardzo dużą koncentrację i występowanie dużego zróżnicowania produkcji zwierzęcej w regionach. Dysproporcje wzrastały szybciej w przypadku produkcji jaj i mięsa niż mleka. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to assess the regionalization of animal production in the world and the changes that have occurred in this respect. The article presents the value of animal production in regions of the world defined by the continents. The source of the material was data from FAOSTAT. The period of research covered the years 2007-2016. The value of world animal production has steadily increased. Only at the time of the economic crisis in 2009 and in 2014-2015 were declines seen in all areas. There was a high concentration of animal production that was concentrated in Asia and Europe. There was a gradual relocation of production from Europe and North America to Asia and South America. These regularities have been confirmed also in the analysis of individual groups of animal products like meat, milk and eggs. At the same time, there was a very high concentration and a high degree of variation in animal production in the regions. Disproportions increased faster in meat and egg production than in milk production. |
Cytowanie | Golonko M., Perkowska A., Rokicki T. (2018) Regionalizacja produkcji zwierzęcej na świecie.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 272-281 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s272.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Herda-Kopańska J. Pomiar mnożnika w rozwoju rolnictwa
Autor | Justyna Herda-Kopańska |
Tytuł | Pomiar mnożnika w rozwoju rolnictwa |
Title | Measurement of the Multiplier in the Development of Agriculture |
Słowa kluczowe | pomiar mnożnika, macierz rachunkowości społecznej, model input-output, rozwój rolnictwa |
Key words | measurement of the multiplier, Social Accounting Matrix, input-output model, development of agriculture |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie przeglądu badań na temat pomiaru mnożnika w rozwoju rolnictwa. Na początku, na podstawie literatury przedmiotu, przedstawiono kilka wybranych wyników analiz oraz wnioski, jakie z nich wypływają. Następnie szerzej omówiono dwie metody. Pierwsza z nich to macierz rachunkowości społecznej (SAM), dzięki której można obliczyć wartości mnożników dla poszczególnych krajów. Natomiast druga omówiona metoda to model input-output (przepływów międzygałęziowych), do której zalicza się model IMPLAN. Metoda ta pozwala oszacować regionalne tabele przepływów międzygałęziowych, obliczyć mnożniki oraz dokonać analizy wpływu przemysłu. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań pozwalają stwierdzić, że w gospodarkach mniejszych, które są bardziej otwarte, wielkość mnożnika jest niższa niż w gospodarkach większych. Można również zauważyć, że wśród badaczy nie ma zgodności co do wielkości mnożników. |
Abstract | The aim of this article was to present a review of research on measuring the multiplier in agricultural development. Firstly, based on the literature of the subject, several selected results of the analyses and the conclusions that emerge from this research are presented. Two methods are further discussed. The first is a social accounting matrix (SAM), which enables calculating the value of multipliers for each country. The second method discussed is the input-output model, which includes the IMPLAN model. This method allows estimating regional input-output tables, calculating multipliers, and analysing the impact of industry. The presented results indicate that in smaller and more open economies the value of the multiplier is lower than in larger economies. It can also be noted that among researchers there is no agreement concerning the size of the multiplier. |
Cytowanie | Herda-Kopańska J. (2018) Pomiar mnożnika w rozwoju rolnictwa.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 1: 48-57 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n1_s48.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Szczukocka A. Rozwój sektora rolnego w Polsce i krajach Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Agata Szczukocka |
Tytuł | Rozwój sektora rolnego w Polsce i krajach Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Development of the Agricultural Sector in Poland and European Union Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | sektor rolny, syntetyczny miernik rozwoju |
Key words | agricultural sector, synthetic development measure |
Abstrakt | Rola i znaczenie sektora rolnego ulega zmianom w procesie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Pomimo zachodzących zmian rolnictwo w Polsce nadal jest ważnym sektorem gospodarki, a Polska jest znaczącym producentem żywności. W artykule podjęto próbę oceny rozwoju sektora rolnego w Polsce według województw oraz w krajach Unii Europejskiej wykorzystując wskaźniki ekonomiczne. Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki zmian w poziomie zatrudnienia i wartości dodanej brutto w ujęciu trzech sektorów. Zastosowanie do badania syntetycznej miary rozwoju umożliwiło dokonanie oceny poszczególnych województw oraz krajów Unii Europejskiej z punktu widzenia rozwoju sektora rolnego. Badanie wykazało, że w ostatnich latach rola sektora rolnego w Polsce i krajach Unii Europejskiej uległa zmniejszeniu. Poza tym zaobserwowano duże zróżnicowanie w rozwoju rolnictwa w układzie województw oraz w krajach Unii Europejskiej. |
Abstract | The role and importance of the agricultural sector is changing in the process of socio-economic development. Despite the ongoing changes, agriculture in Poland is still an important sector of the economy, and Poland is a major producer of food. The article attempts to assess the development of the agricultural sector in Poland, by voivodships and in comparison with European Union countries, using economic indicators. An analysis of the dynamics of changes in the level of employment and gross value added in terms of three sectors was carried out. Application to the synthetic measure of development made it possible to assess individual voivodships and EU countries from the point of view of the development of the agricultural sector. The research has shown that in recent years the role of the agricultural sector in Poland and European Union countries has decreased. In addition, there was a large variation in the development of agriculture in the system of provinces and in the countries of the European Union. |
Cytowanie | Szczukocka A. (2018) Rozwój sektora rolnego w Polsce i krajach Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 1: 275-286 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n1_s275.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Zawadzka D. Rynek wieprzowiny w Rosji w latach 1990-2017
Autor | Danuta Zawadzka |
Tytuł | Rynek wieprzowiny w Rosji w latach 1990-2017 |
Title | Pork Market in Russia from 1990-2017 |
Słowa kluczowe | Rosja, rynek wieprzowiny, samowystarczalność |
Key words | Russia, pig market, self-sufficiency |
Abstrakt | Celem analizy jest zidentyfikowanie kluczowych zmian, jakie nastąpiły na rosyjskim rynku wieprzowiny w latach 1990-2017. Badaniem objęto wszystkie elementy rynku, podejmując jednocześnie próbę odpowiedzi na dwa pytania: Czy rosnąca produkcja mięsa wieprzowego pozwoli na uzyskanie przez Rosję samowystarczalności w najbliższych latach? oraz czy Rosja ma szansę na przekształcenie się z importera netto w eksportera netto wieprzowiny? Podstawę oceny stanowiły dane pochodzące z rosyjskich Roczników Statystycznych oraz z publikacji amerykańskich Foreign Agricultural Service USDA. Do pomiaru dynamiki wykorzystano indeksy o stałej i zmiennej podstawie. Analiza pozwoliła na stwierdzenie, że największy wpływ na rosyjski rynek wieprzowiny wywarły subsydia prowadzące do wzrostu pogłowia i produkcji wieprzowiny w ostatnich dziesięciu latach. Pozwoli to na osiągnięcie samowystarczalności w najbliższych latach, ale pozycja eksportera netto może być osiągnięta w dalszej przyszłości. |
Abstract | The aim of the analysis is to identify the key changes that occurred on the Russian pork market from 1990-2017. The research covered all elements of the market, at the same time attempting to answer two questions: Will the growing production of pork allow Russia to achieve self-sufficiency in this area in the coming years? Does Russia have a chance to transform from a net importer into a net exporter of pork? The basis for the assessment data were taken from the Russian Statistical Yearbooks and from the US Foreign Agricultural Service USDA. Dynamics were indexed on fixed and variable bases. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the greatest impact on the Russian pork market would be the result of subsidies leading to the growth in the number of pigs and in pork production. This would allow Russia to achieve self-sufficiency in the coming years, with the position of net exporter as an achievable target in the future. |
Cytowanie | Zawadzka D. (2018) Rynek wieprzowiny w Rosji w latach 1990-2017.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 322-333 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s322.pdf |