Glazkova I., Kozioł-Kaczorek D., Shmatko S. Smart Contracts as a New Technology in the Digital Economy
Autor | Irina Glazkova, Dorota Kozioł-Kaczorek, Sergey Shmatko |
Tytuł | Smart Contracts as a New Technology in the Digital Economy |
Title | Smart Contracts as a New Technology in the Digital Economy |
Słowa kluczowe | smart contract, cryptocurrency, blockchain |
Key words | smart contract, cryptocurrency, blockchain |
Abstrakt | Digital technologies have a number of advantages that contribute to the development of the economy and make it more transparent. Some of the main features of modern digital technologies are speeding up business processes, reducing costs, eliminating the possibility of fraud, ensuring the transparency of the system and the ability to check and analyze the system. Regardless of whether a commercial or government organization uses the technology, in any case, there is a wide range of possibilities of its application. One of these technologies is blockchain. A blockchain is a distributed database in which storage devices are not connected to a shared server. This database stores an ever-growing list of ordered records called blocks. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to the previous block. The article defines a smart contract, describes the main areas of its application and provides processes similar to smart contracts, but working outside the blockchain. We also consider some of the risks that arise when working with smart contracts. |
Abstract | Digital technologies have a number of advantages that contribute to the development of the economy and make it more transparent. Some of the main features of modern digital technologies are speeding up business processes, reducing costs, eliminating the possibility of fraud, ensuring the transparency of the system and the ability to check and analyze the system. Regardless of whether a commercial or government organization uses the technology, in any case, there is a wide range of possibilities of its application. One of these technologies is blockchain. A blockchain is a distributed database in which storage devices are not connected to a shared server. This database stores an ever-growing list of ordered records called blocks. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to the previous block. The article defines a smart contract, describes the main areas of its application and provides processes similar to smart contracts, but working outside the blockchain. We also consider some of the risks that arise when working with smart contracts. |
Cytowanie | Glazkova I., Kozioł-Kaczorek D., Shmatko S. (2018) Smart Contracts as a New Technology in the Digital Economy.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 146-151 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s146.pdf |
Gajdek S. Bitcoin as an example of cryptocurrency – current state and perspectives
Autor | Seweryn Gajdek |
Tytuł | Bitcoin as an example of cryptocurrency – current state and perspectives |
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Słowa kluczowe | cryptocurrency, bitcoin, cryptography, digital currency |
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Abstrakt | The idea of anonymous digital money existing outside of traditional banking system lasts at least 40 years. It appeared as soon as technological solutions, which such a system requires, became available. The article analyses the genesis of the crypto-currencies and technological solutions implemented into the Bitcoin digital currency. The article shows current state of the Bitcoin market and changes in its price, market capitalisation and number of transactions during last decade of operations of the crypto-currency market. Although there are difficulties in using Bitcoins, which include technical background and resulting from the high volatility of prices of this currency, the continuing upward trend of the Bitcoin price and the average daily number of transactions shows that interest in this currency is growing. Bitcoin features that attract new users are a large dose of anonymity, security of funds guaranteed by the extremely high computing power of the Bitcoin network, the speed of transactions and their low cost associated with the exclusion of a financial intermediary. The features of this money and data from the market allow to expect that Bitcoin will gain more individual and institutional users. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Gajdek S. |
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Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n2_s47.pdf |