Oladele O., Yakubu D. Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria
Autor | Oladimeji Oladele, Danlami Yakubu |
Tytuł | Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria |
Title | Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | climate change, smallholder farmers, Nigeria, climate adaptation, adoption, livelihoods |
Key words | climate change, smallholder farmers, Nigeria, climate adaptation, adoption, livelihoods |
Abstrakt | Rice productivity and sustainability are threatened by both biotic and abiotic stresses, the effects of which can be further aggravated by dramatic changes in global climate. The most viable option for rice farmers is to use climate change adaptation practices. This study therefore investigated the determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among rice farmers in Kebbi State, North-West, Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 279 farmers selected using a multistage sampling procedure. The results of the data analysis revealed that the farmers used improved rice varieties, intercropping, recommended rates of fertilizers and other chemicals as climate change adaptation practices among others. Education, climate change awareness, and extension contact significantly influenced the use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers. Other determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers were years of cooperative membership, affordability, farming experience, weather information and farm size. It was concluded that use of climate change adaptation practices was determined by socioeconomic, institutional and technological characteristics. It is recommended among others that government policy should be geared towards encouraging the farmers especially the younger ones to acquire more formal education, larger farmlands and more climate change awareness. |
Abstract | Rice productivity and sustainability are threatened by both biotic and abiotic stresses, the effects of which can be further aggravated by dramatic changes in global climate. The most viable option for rice farmers is to use climate change adaptation practices. This study therefore investigated the determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among rice farmers in Kebbi State, North-West, Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 279 farmers selected using a multistage sampling procedure. The results of the data analysis revealed that the farmers used improved rice varieties, intercropping, recommended rates of fertilizers and other chemicals as climate change adaptation practices among others. Education, climate change awareness, and extension contact significantly influenced the use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers. Other determinants of use of climate change adaptation practices among the farmers were years of cooperative membership, affordability, farming experience, weather information and farm size. It was concluded that use of climate change adaptation practices was determined by socioeconomic, institutional and technological characteristics. It is recommended among others that government policy should be geared towards encouraging the farmers especially the younger ones to acquire more formal education, larger farmlands and more climate change awareness. |
Cytowanie | Oladele O., Yakubu D. (2021) Determinants of Use of Climate Change Adaptation Practices by Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 1: 52-69 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n1_s52.pdf |
Franc-Dąbrowska J. Luminarze finansów agrobiznesu, stan obecny i perspektywy
Autor | Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska |
Tytuł | Luminarze finansów agrobiznesu, stan obecny i perspektywy |
Title | Luminaries of agribusiness finance, state of the present and prospects |
Słowa kluczowe | luminarze, finanse, agrobiznes |
Key words | luminaries, finance, agribusiness |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu było zebranie dorobku luminarzy finansów agrobiznesu oraz wskazanie na bieżące i przyszłe kierunki badań. Geneza finansów agrobiznesu – odrębnego obszaru badań w stosunku do finansów w ogóle – ma swoje umocowanie w specyfice podmiotów funkcjonujących w sferze agrobiznesu. Poczynając od rozważań koryfeuszy finansów agrobiznesu, poprzez prowadzone na przełomie wieków XX i XXI badania, nie udało się rozstrzygnąć wszystkich wątpliwości z obszaru podejmowania decyzji finansowych i ich skutków w rolnictwie. Nadal pozostaje szerokie pole badawcze – a wręcz wraz ze wzrostem tempa przemian w gospodarce w skali makro, jak i w świecie – pojawia się coraz więcej wątpliwości dotyczących rozstrzygnięć dedykowanych przedsiębiorcom rolnym. Rysuje się zatem szeroki zakres badawczy, który można byłoby określić jako finanse agrobiznesu, nacechowany specyfiką, w tym szczególnie uzależnieniem produkcji od gospodarowania z organizmami żywymi, silnym uzależnieniem od czynników przyrodniczych, czy ograniczoną mobilnością społeczeństwa z terenów wiejskich. |
Abstract | The aim of this article was to collect the achievements of luminaries of agribusiness finance and to indicate current and future research directions. The origin of finance of agribusiness – a separate area of research in relation to finance in general – has its anchorage in the specificity of entities operating in the sphere of agribusiness. Starting from the debates of coryphaeus of agribusiness finance, through the research conducted at the turn of the 20th and 21st century, all the uncertainties surrounding the financial decision-making and their effects on agriculture have not been resolved. There is still a wide field of research – and even with the increase in the pace of change in the macro-economy and in the world – more and more doubts arise about the decisions dedicated to agricultural entrepreneurs. There is therefore a wide range of research that can be identified as agribusiness finances, characterized by specificities, including the dependence of production on livelihoods, strong dependence on natural factors, and limited mobility of rural populations. |
Cytowanie | Franc-Dąbrowska J. (2017) Luminarze finansów agrobiznesu, stan obecny i perspektywy.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 119: 65-85 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2017_n119_s65.pdf |