Juszczyk S., Rękorajski M. Koszty bezpośrednie pasz łąkowo-pastwiskowych w gospodarstwach mlecznych województwa łódzkiego
Autor | Sławomir Juszczyk, Marek Rękorajski |
Tytuł | Koszty bezpośrednie pasz łąkowo-pastwiskowych w gospodarstwach mlecznych województwa łódzkiego |
Title | Costs of meadow-pasture fodder on the example of milk farms in Lodz Province |
Słowa kluczowe | struktura kosztów bezpośrednich, koszty jednostkowe, ceny nasion traw, ceny nawozów mineralnych i innych środków produkcji |
Key words | structure of direct costs, unit costs, prices of grasses, prices of artificial fertilizers and other production means |
Abstrakt | W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań z terenu województwa łódzkiego prowadzonych w latach 2004-2006, dotyczące zróżnicowania kosztów bezpośrednich pasz łąkowych i pastwiskowych w gospodarstwach mlecznych. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper was to analyze the costs of meadow pasture folder in milk farms. There were analyzed farms from Łodz Province. Taking into consideration process of liberalization on milk market and respecting the necessity of looking for possibility of unit cost decreasing, the pasture feeding could be more and more important. In that context this issue connected with botanic content of the turf and with fertilizing intensification and nurturing of pasture seems very important and could have an influence on increasing competitive advantages between milk producers. It could have also influence, in the long term perspectives, on increasing milk production concentration, first of all in the farms, which have large pasture area, especially near the centre of the farm. In the researched period 2004-2006the average direct costs 1 dt of pasture cutting grass fluctuated from 1,88 to 1,93 zl; meadow cutting grass . from 2,18 to 2,23 zl; meadow hay . from 14,17 to 14,53; hay-silage from 6,55 to 6,72 and silage from 3,57 to 3,66 zl. Moreover, in the individual researched years occurred between milk farms significance differences of costs those fodder. The biggest were in 2005 year. Taking the lowest costs as 100%, the highest level in case of pasture cutting grass was 155,3%; in case of meadow cutting grass was 140,0%; meadow hay was 163,4%; hay-silage was 134,8% and silage was 137,4%. The diversity of unit costs could be recognized as a significant, and what is more, it shows the possibilities of decreasing the fodder costs in the specialized farms. |
Cytowanie | Juszczyk S., Rękorajski M. (2007) Koszty bezpośrednie pasz łąkowo-pastwiskowych w gospodarstwach mlecznych województwa łódzkiego .Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Seria G, t. 94, z. 1: 35-45 |
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