21. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Bartha Á., Horváth B. Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste
Autor | Ákos Bartha, Bálint Horváth |
Tytuł | Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste |
Title | Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste |
Słowa kluczowe | food waste, consumer attitude, sustainable consumption |
Key words | food waste, consumer attitude, sustainable consumption |
Abstrakt | With the increase of food supply and the improvement of production processes, the real value of certain food products has been steadily declining over the past decades, which is certainly a trend that has seriously transformed the moral value of food, its role in society and its associated personal attitudes. According to UN and FAO estimates, in 2016, 30-35% of our food was wasted. Food waste in households is also a special area of research in terms of their high wasting rate. While exploring the causes of high amounts of consumer waste, a research group has also correlated (with mathematical models) the gradual growth rate of food waste, the US obesity epidemic and the growing supply of cheaper food products (Hall et al. 2009). In our research, we examine certain personal aspects in case of specific (e.g. functional) foods as well. A significant decrease in food waste coming from households could be attained by controlling our attitudes. Food waste, consumption awareness, eating habits, food mileage, water footprint, sustainable eating, energy efficiency: these are all terms which have to have their meaning and importance taught to people, as they contain important – affecting the level of wasting – information. Therefore, we can see that food waste itself is one of the most serious, paradoxical and global modern issues which the developed world has identified, and is trying to decrease by using national and international interventions in order to limit food supply anomalies and environmental loads as much as possible. Understanding personal attributes more precisely might be a good practice for providing future solutions, as well. |
Abstract | With the increase of food supply and the improvement of production processes, the real value of certain food products has been steadily declining over the past decades, which is certainly a trend that has seriously transformed the moral value of food, its role in society and its associated personal attitudes. According to UN and FAO estimates, in 2016, 30-35% of our food was wasted. Food waste in households is also a special area of research in terms of their high wasting rate. While exploring the causes of high amounts of consumer waste, a research group has also correlated (with mathematical models) the gradual growth rate of food waste, the US obesity epidemic and the growing supply of cheaper food products (Hall et al. 2009). In our research, we examine certain personal aspects in case of specific (e.g. functional) foods as well. A significant decrease in food waste coming from households could be attained by controlling our attitudes. Food waste, consumption awareness, eating habits, food mileage, water footprint, sustainable eating, energy efficiency: these are all terms which have to have their meaning and importance taught to people, as they contain important – affecting the level of wasting – information. Therefore, we can see that food waste itself is one of the most serious, paradoxical and global modern issues which the developed world has identified, and is trying to decrease by using national and international interventions in order to limit food supply anomalies and environmental loads as much as possible. Understanding personal attributes more precisely might be a good practice for providing future solutions, as well. |
Cytowanie | Bartha Á., Horváth B. (2019) Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 2: 22-30 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n2_s22.pdf |
22. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Alemayehu M., Daksa M., Dechassa N., Lemessa S. Adoption Spells of Improved Potato Varieties by Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Ethiopia: The Duration Approach
Autor | Molla Alemayehu, Megersa Daksa, Nigussie Dechassa, Sisay Lemessa |
Tytuł | Adoption Spells of Improved Potato Varieties by Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Ethiopia: The Duration Approach |
Title | Adoption Spells of Improved Potato Varieties by Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Ethiopia: The Duration Approach |
Słowa kluczowe | adoption spell, Weibull, static, potato varieties, Ethiopia |
Key words | adoption spell, Weibull, static, potato varieties, Ethiopia |
Abstrakt | Potato is mainly tagged as a food security crop in Ethiopia. However, its productivity remains low due to low adoption of improved technologies by smallholder farmers. Duration models, namely, Parametric (Weibull) and Non-parametric (Kaplan Meier) were used to analyze the data gathered from 365 sample farmers. The Non-parametric result revealed that the average duration that potato growers should wait before adopting a new variety is about 3.5 years. The Weibull regression indicated that timely availability of seed, access to labor and irrigation water, land size, and adaptation strategy by farmers are found to be factors curtailing the timeframe to adopt improved potato varieties. The regression analysis revealed that costs of inputs such as manure and compost, environmental and market factors such as drought, pest and disease outbreaks, price variability of potato seed, and quality of potato seed were found to be factors influencing adoption decisions of improved potato varieties by smallholder farmers. |
Abstract | Potato is mainly tagged as a food security crop in Ethiopia. However, its productivity remains low due to low adoption of improved technologies by smallholder farmers. Duration models, namely, Parametric (Weibull) and Non-parametric (Kaplan Meier) were used to analyze the data gathered from 365 sample farmers. The Non-parametric result revealed that the average duration that potato growers should wait before adopting a new variety is about 3.5 years. The Weibull regression indicated that timely availability of seed, access to labor and irrigation water, land size, and adaptation strategy by farmers are found to be factors curtailing the timeframe to adopt improved potato varieties. The regression analysis revealed that costs of inputs such as manure and compost, environmental and market factors such as drought, pest and disease outbreaks, price variability of potato seed, and quality of potato seed were found to be factors influencing adoption decisions of improved potato varieties by smallholder farmers. |
Cytowanie | Alemayehu M., Daksa M., Dechassa N., Lemessa S. (2019) Adoption Spells of Improved Potato Varieties by Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Ethiopia: The Duration Approach.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 2: 103-118 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n2_s103.pdf |
23. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Klymenko M. Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth
Autor | Maksym Klymenko |
Tytuł | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Title | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Key words | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Abstrakt | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Abstract | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Cytowanie | Klymenko M. (2019) Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 35-45 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s35.pdf |
24. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Oleg Dannikov, Inna Ivasko |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | tax regulation, special tax regimes, land rent, agrarian sector, agriculture, foreign experience |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article discusses the shortcomings of tax policy in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine, whichhas created non-competitive conditions for small farms. Large agricultural enterprises in Ukraine use theexisting special tax regime as an optimization of tax liabilities. This has led to such negative economic,social and environmental consequences as the development of landlands, the deterioration of agriculturallandscapes, the increase in export-oriented production, the growth of unemployment in the village and themigration of the rural population. While small farms, without state support, provide the population with basicfoodstuffs. The purpose of the article is evidence of the use of a special tax regime only for small farms, basedon an analysis of the special tax treatment regime in Polish agriculture and an analysis of the differential rentmethodology laid down in the basis of a special tax regime, as well as the development of practical recommendationsfor Ukraine. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Dannikov O., Ivasko I. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s60.pdf |
25. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Konrad Rojek |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | organic farming, organic food, agricultural production |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The world sees one of the many agricultural production opportunities in organic farming. There are manychallenges facing ecological producers, which on the one hand affect the income sphere of farmers, becausethey concern the provision of a fair existence, and on the other, farmers and organic producers must respectlegal regulations and meet growing social expectations in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity.The aim of this article was to analyse data on organic farming production in Europe. Presented in it thenumber of organic European agricultural producers, the biggest producers, the number of organic crop area inEurope and the countries with the largest agricultural area in Europe. The article focuses on plant and animalorganic production. Animal production divided into organic production of livestock of animals and organicproduction of animal products (excluding eggs). |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rojek K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s118.pdf |
26. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Józefowicz K., Smolińska K. Poziom rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w powiatach województwawielkopolskiego
Autor | Karolina Józefowicz, Kinga Smolińska |
Tytuł | Poziom rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w powiatach województwawielkopolskiego |
Title | Level of socio-economic development in Wielkopolska Voivodeship’s poviats |
Słowa kluczowe | rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy, rozwój powiatów, syntetyczny miernik rozwoju Hellwiga |
Key words | socio-economic development, development of poviats, synthetic measure of Hellwig’s development |
Abstrakt | Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ocena poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego powiatów województwa wielkopolskiego. Zakres czasowy obejmował lata 2005–2007 oraz lata 2015–2017, w ramach których uśredniono wartości przyjętych cech. Przeprowadzone badania przy pomocy syntetycznego miernika rozwoju Hellwiga pozwoliły na dokonanie analizy porównawczej powiatów i obserwacji zmian, jakie nastąpiły w badanych okresach. Poszerzony zakres obserwacji wskazał ich znaczenie pod kątem wyodrębnionych aspektów społeczno-gospodarczych. Ponadto zaobserwowano zależność potencjału demograficznego, gospodarczego, infrastrukturalnego oraz środowiskowego. Przykład stanowią powiaty wschodniej części Wielkopolski. Niekorzystne zmiany w sferze potencjału demograficznego przeniosły się na aspekt gospodarczy i zdecydowały o poziomie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. |
Abstract | The purpose of this article is to assess the level of socio-economic development of the poviats of the Wielkopolskie voivodship. The time range covered two periods: 2005–2007 and 2015–2017, within which values of the adopted features were averaged. The research carried out with the help of a synthetic Hellwig development measure allowed for a comparative analysis of poviats and observation of changes that occurred in the examined periods. The extended scope of observations indicated their importance in terms of separate socio-economic aspects. In addition, the relationship between demographic, economic, infrastructural and environmental potential was observed. An example is the poviats of the eastern part of Wielkopolska. Adverse changes in the sphere of demographic potential have moved to the economic aspect and have determined the level of socio-economic development. |
Cytowanie | Józefowicz K., Smolińska K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n11_s37.pdf |
27. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Anna Kłoczko-Gajewska, Piotr Sulewski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | sustainable development, farmers, environmental awareness |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | A prerequisite to manage farms in line with the sustainability concept is to be aware of the potential impact of farming practices on environmental and social issues. In this paper we tried to describe and assess environmental awareness of Polish farmers. Basing on the representative sample of 600 farms participating in the FADN we have carried out interviews concerning the farmers’ awareness of environmental problems and potential influence of farming practices on the natural environment, as well as the concept of sustainable agriculture. The results show that the farmers have a relatively high environmental awareness (at least in declarations). Farmers with higher economic potential and participating in agri-environmental schemes are more likely to know the concept of sustainable farming, than the remaining ones. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kłoczko-Gajewska A., Sulewski P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s68.pdf |
28. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2018 |
Koszela G., Ochnio L., Suebpongsang P. Differences in food product consumption in selected Asian countries
Autor | Grzegorz Koszela, Luiza Ochnio, Pornsiri Suebpongsang |
Tytuł | Differences in food product consumption in selected Asian countries |
Title | Różnice w preferencjach żywieniowych w wybranych krajach Azji |
Słowa kluczowe | food preferences, Asia, multidimensional data analysis, GradeStat, GCA algorithm, ar measure, overrepresentation map, grouping of objects |
Key words | Preferencje żywieniowe w Azji, wielowymiarowa analiza danych, Grade- Stat, algorytm GCA, miara ar, mapy nadreprezentacji, grupowanie obiektów |
Abstrakt | The study of consumers’ food preferences has not only sociological dimensions but also economic ones, e.g. regarding producers searching for new markets. It is also a good starting point for estimating the willingness of consumers to spend money on the consumption of individual products. In this paper, the authors attempt to compare these preferences on the Asian market for nine product groups. Due to the problem complexity (considerations of tradition, religion, geographical location and size of the continent), the study included selected countries of Central and Southeast Asia (i.e. China, Mongolia, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Sri Lanka). The study covered the period 2011–2013, and consumption was defined as the arithmetic mean of three years. According to the research results, contrary to the European literature, food preferences in the surveyed Asian countries vary, sometimes even considerably. This is probably related, to a large extent, to the cultural and environmental conditions that prevail in the area in question. This is evidenced by the fact that several countries can be assigned into groups in terms of similarities in food preferences. The study uses Gradual Data Analysis (a measure of ar as an indicator of the dissimilarity of food preferences, overrepresentation maps in order to visualize these dissimilarities and assign countries into groups of similar dietary preferences). |
Abstract | Badanie preferencji żywnościowych ma poza aspektem socjologicznym, także aspekt ekonomiczny, np. ze strony producentów i szukania przez nich rynków zbytu dla produkowanej żywności. Jest także punktem wyjścia do szacowania skłonności konsumentów do ponoszenia wydatków na poszczególne produkty żywnościowe. W pracy podjęto próbę porównania tych preferencji na rynku azjatyckim odnośnie 9 grup produktowych. Z powodu złożoności problemu (względy tradycji, religii, położenia geograficznego i wielkości kontynentu) w badaniu uwzględniono 17 wybranych krajów Azji środkowej i południowo- -wschodniej (Chiny, Mongolia, Japonia, Indie, Tajlandia, Indonezja, Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Tadżykistan, Malezja, Myanmar, Filipiny, Pakistan, Kambodża, Wietnam, Laos i Sri Lanka). Badanie przeprowadzono w latach 2011–2013, a wyniki uśredniono dla każdego kraju dla każdej grupy produktowej na przestrzeni trzech lat. Wyniki badań wskazują, że wbrew obiegowej opinii Europejczyków, preferencje żywnościowe w krajach azjatyckich rozpatrywanego regionu różnią się, czasem nawet znacznie. Decyduje o tym zapewne, w dużej mierze, aspekt kulturowy oraz warunki środowiskowe, które przeważają nad bliskością sąsiedztwa pomiędzy państwami. Świadczy o tym wynik podziału państw na grupy pod względem podobieństw preferencji żywnościowych w badanym okresie. W obliczeniach posłużono się metodami gradacyjnej analizy danych (miarą ar jako miarą niepodobieństwa preferencji żywieniowych, mapami nadreprezentacji w celu wizualizacji tych niepodobieństw oraz podziału państw na odpowiednie grupy krajów o zbliżonych preferencjach żywieniowych). |
Cytowanie | Koszela G., Ochnio L., Suebpongsang P. (2018) Differences in food product consumption in selected Asian countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 124: 51-60 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2018_n124_s51.pdf |
29. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Tetiana Balanovska, Olga Gogulya, Barbara Wyrzykowska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | entrepreneurship, competency, entrepreneur, rural areas |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article substantiates that entrepreneurship is the basis of the country’s economy, a prerequisite for the revival of rural areas. It represents environmental factors that impede the formation of a competitive business environment in the Ukraine, and, accordingly, the achievement of indicators of efficiency of entrepreneurial activity. The essence of competence of the entrepreneur and its components is also considered. Different points of view of scientists are generalized and a list of competencies, which should be owned and developed by an entrepreneur in the course of his/her activity in order to harmoniously grow as a socially responsible person is also presented in the paper. The expediency of forming entrepreneurial competence in the process of vocational training of young people to life in society, their future activity in new market conditions, as well as the logical sequence of using the skills and abilities of an entrepreneur through the implementation of key competencies is substantiated. The methodical aspects of assessing the level of competence of the entrepreneur are provided. The results of this will allow to develop directions and measures for improving the process of forming the entrepreneurial competence of employees, increasing the quality of the work force, and providing competitive advantages through the use of human resources in the agricultural sector of the economy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Balanovska T., Gogulya O., Wyrzykowska B. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s55.pdf |
30. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Olha Babytska, Tamara Prykhodko, Olena Shust, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental policy, sustainability, innovation, effect |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article presents the principles of environmental policy implementation in Ukraine and its social, economic and ecological impact in accordance with objectives of the Environmental Strategy of Ukraine for 2020. It is stated that activities of industrial enterprises lead to the most significant negative influence on the environment. The relation between environmental policy and atmospheric air emissions is determined using regression analysis. It is also proved that innovations can be viewed as a driver for realization of environmental policy. Measures for the environmental policy improvement in Ukraine refer to state and local control and imply a set of innovative actions in industrial production. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Babytska O., Prykhodko T., Shust O., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s287.pdf |
31. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Mariusz Maciejczak, Kiryll Zahkarov |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | consumer food cooperative, utilitarian values, hedonic values, environmental values, participatory cooperative, supermarket cooperative, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Consumer choice of a particular type of retail outlet greatly depends on the consumer values that the outlet provides. The aim of this research was to address specific consumer values created by consumer food cooperatives in general, and in addition to examine the difference in the consumer values provided by two major types of such coops in Poland. It is argued that consumer food cooperatives provide customers with unique blend of values, different from those of consumer cooperatives in general due to their close bond with agriculture and environment. Such coops could deliver their customers not only economic or hedonic values but also an additional environmental ones. The environmental values are prevailing in participatory type of coop, while the supermarket type can deliver better the economic values. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Maciejczak M., Zahkarov K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s180.pdf |
32. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Konarzewska U., Michalczuk G. Komunikowanie działań CSR w procesie społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania
Autor | Urszula Konarzewska, Grażyna Michalczuk |
Tytuł | Komunikowanie działań CSR w procesie społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania |
Słowa kluczowe | społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu, społecznie odpowiedzialne inwestowanie, komunikowanie działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych |
Key words | corporate social responsibility, socially responsible investing, communication of socially responsible activities |
Abstrakt | Efektywność bieżącej działalności przedsiębiorstwa oraz realizacja jego celów rozwojowych wiąże się nierozerwalnie z pozyskiwaniem odpowiednich zasobów kapitału. Znalezienie inwestorów w coraz większym stopniu uwarunkowane jest nie tylko budowaniem wizerunku firmy wiarygodnej finansowo. Wielu inwestorów w procesie wyboru portfela tradycyjne kryteria finansowe uzupełnia również zasadami społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Rozwój koncepcji społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania wywołuje zainteresowanie zwiększoną aktywnością przedsiębiorstw w zakresie dostarczania informacji nie tylko w perspektywie finansowej, ale też społecznej i środowiskowej. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia komunikacji działań CSR w procesie społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania. Punktem wyjścia do realizacji tak sformułowanego celu było przedstawienie teoretycznych podstaw koncepcji społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania, jak i zagadnień związanych z komunikowaniem informacji z zakresu CSR, mogących w istotny sposób wspierać ten proces. W dalszej części artykułu skoncentrowano się na analizie podejścia do komunikowania działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych przez spółki wchodzące w skład indeksu RESPECT . Badania wykazały, że spółki Indeksu RESPECT są świadome znaczenia ujawniania informacji z obszaru społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Większość z nich nie ogranicza się do komunikowania kwestii ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych w sprawozdaniach z działalności, ale publikuje dodatkowo odrębne raporty CSR, bądź też raporty zintegrowane, które za pomocą jednego dokumentu prezentują zarówno finansowe, jak i niefinansowe aspekty prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej. |
Abstract | The effectiveness of the enterprise's current activity and achieving its development objectives is inextricably linked to the raising the adequate amount of capital. Finding investors increasingly is determined not only by building financial credibility. During the process of selecting the portfolio, many investors complements traditional financial criteria by additional set of corporate social responsibility rules. The development of socially responsible investing causes the interest in increased activity of enterprises in providing information not only in the financial but also in the social and environmental perspective. The aim of the article is to present the importance of communication of CSR activities in the process of socially responsible investing. The starting point for the implementation of a such formulated purpose was to present theoretical basis of the concept of socially responsible investing as well as the issues related to CSR communication, which may support this type of investing. Next, the paper focuses on the analysis of approach to communication of socially responsible activities by companies included in RESPECT Index. Results of the research lead to the conclusion that companies included in the RESPECT Index are aware of the importance of disclosing information concerning corporate social responsibility. Most of them are not limited to communicating economic, social and environmental issues within activity reports, but in addition, publish separate CSR reports or integrated reports which present in one document both financial and non-financial aspects of business activity. |
Cytowanie | Konarzewska U., Michalczuk G. (2018) Komunikowanie działań CSR w procesie społecznie odpowiedzialnego inwestowania.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 132-142 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s132.pdf |
33. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Czyżewski A., Staniszewski J. Zrównoważona intensyfikacja rolnictwa jako kombinacja efektywności nakładów ekonomicznych i środowiskowych
Autor | Andrzej Czyżewski, Jakub Staniszewski |
Tytuł | Zrównoważona intensyfikacja rolnictwa jako kombinacja efektywności nakładów ekonomicznych i środowiskowych |
Title | Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture as the Composition of Economic Productivity and Environmental Pressure Measures |
Słowa kluczowe | zrównoważona intensyfikacja, rolnictwo, ekoefektywność, DEA, Malmquist, TFP |
Key words | sustainable intensification, agriculture, eco-efficiency, DEA, Malmquist, TFP |
Abstrakt | W artykule zaprezentowano alternatywną koncepcję pomiaru zrównoważonej intensyfikacji (SI), opartą o pomiar efektywności z wykorzystaniem metody DEA, indeksu TFP Malmquista oraz miar odległości euklidesowej i kątowej. Proponowany miernik pozwala określić dynamikę procesu zrównoważonej intensyfikacji, z uwzględnieniem pierwotnego poziomu efektywności nakładów ekonomicznych i ekoefektywności. Zastosowane rozwiązanie pozwala częściowo zniwelować problem ważenia poszczególnych wymiarów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Metodę zastosowano do pomiaru SI w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2005-2013. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają występowanie tego procesu w większości krajów oraz przeciętnie w całej UE. Szczególnie szybko postępował on wśród krajów Europy środkowo-wschodniej oraz wśród krajów skandynawskich. Zmiany niezgodne z koncepcją zrównoważonej intensyfikacji postępowały natomiast w krajach Beneluksu oraz na Wyspach Brytyjskich, gdzie następowała poprawa produktywności środowiskowej, kosztem produktywności nakładów ekonomicznych. |
Abstract | The paper presents an alternative method of sustainable intensification (SI) measurement. It is based on efficiency analysis using DEA method, Malmquist TFP index and Euclidean and angular distance measurements. The proposed measure makes it possible to determine the dynamics of the process of sustainable intensification, taking into account the base level of economic and eco-efficiency. Applied solution partially eliminates the problem of weighing the various dimensions of sustainable development. The method was used to measure SI in the European Union countries in 2005-2013. Obtained results confirm the presence of this process in most countries and on average in the whole EU. It was particularly fast among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and among the Scandinavian countries. Changes that were not in line with the SI concept, occurred in the Benelux countries and in the British Isles, where environmental productivity improved, diminishing economic productivity. |
Cytowanie | Czyżewski A., Staniszewski J. (2018) Zrównoważona intensyfikacja rolnictwa jako kombinacja efektywności nakładów ekonomicznych i środowiskowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 80-90 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s80.pdf |
34. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Czyżewski A., Staniszewski J. Dylematy operacjonalizacji paradygmatu zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa z wykorzystaniem pojęcia ekoefektywności
Autor | Andrzej Czyżewski, Jakub Staniszewski |
Tytuł | Dylematy operacjonalizacji paradygmatu zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa z wykorzystaniem pojęcia ekoefektywności |
Title | Dilemmas of the Operationalisation of the Sustainable Agriculture Development Paradigm with Eco-Efficiency Measures |
Słowa kluczowe | rolnictwo, zrównoważona intensyfikacja, ekoefektywność, produktywność środowiskowa, DEA |
Key words | agriculture, sustainable intensification, eco-efficiency, environmental productivity, DEA |
Abstrakt | W artykule poruszony zostaje problem metodycznych uwarunkowań operacjonalizacji paradygmatu zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa z wykorzystaniem koncepcji ekoefektywności i metody obwiedni danych, DEA. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury zidentyfikowano dylematy przed jakimi staje badacz przyjmujący te perspektywę badawczą. Choć zastosowanie omawianych metod pozwala na ograniczenie problemów związanych z doborem wag i punktu odniesienia, a także różnych jednostek, w których wyrażone są nakłady i efekty działalności rolniczej, wymaga jednocześnie, przyjęcia założenia o nieuwzględnianiu w badaniach czynnika losowego i homogeniczności badanej grupy podmiotów, a także o wymienności nakładów kapitałowych i środowiskowych oraz istnieniu instytucjonalnych ograniczeń nadmiernej eksploatacji zasobów ekologicznych. |
Abstract | The article discusses the methodical problems of operationalization of the agriculture sustainable development with the use of the eco-efficiency concept and the DEA method. On the basis of the literature review, dilemmas faced by the researcher adopting this research perspective have been identified. Although the application of these methods allows to reduce the problems related to the selection of weights and reference points, as well as various units in which the inputs and effects of agricultural activity are expressed, at the same time it requires the assumption that: 1) the research will not take into account a random factor; 2) the analysed group of entities is homogenous; 3) exists interchangeability of capital and environmental inputs; 4) exist institutional limitations of over-exploitation of environmental resources. |
Cytowanie | Czyżewski A., Staniszewski J. (2018) Dylematy operacjonalizacji paradygmatu zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa z wykorzystaniem pojęcia ekoefektywności.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 44-56 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s44.pdf |
35. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Gąsiorek-Kowalewicz A., Kułyk P. Rozwój zielonej gospodarki w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
Autor | Anna Gąsiorek-Kowalewicz, Piotr Kułyk |
Tytuł | Rozwój zielonej gospodarki w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej |
Title | Development of the Green Economy on the Example of the Visegrad Group |
Słowa kluczowe | zielona gospodarka, Grupa Wyszehradzka, wskaźniki pomiaru, elementy zielonej gospodarki |
Key words | green economy, elements of green economy, indicators of monitoring, Visegrad countries |
Abstrakt | Zmiany zachodzące w gospodarce światowej, a w szczególności relacje między aspektami ekonomicznymi, środowiskowymi, społecznymi czy politycznymi stały się punktem wyjścia do rozważań nad ścieżką rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Za jedno z nowych podejść, uznać można koncepcję - green economy. Wzrost znaczenia tego podejścia upatruje się w rosnących ograniczeniach utrzymania długofalowego wzrostu w tradycyjnym podejściu zgodnie z modelem Solowa i występowania okresowo znacznych odchyleń uzyskiwanych wyników rocznych od stanu równowagi. Odnosząc się do tego problemu za cel artykułu przyjęto wskazanie uwarunkowań rozwoju zielonej gospodarki w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. W celu identyfikacji oraz określenia oddziaływania poszczególnych czynników ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych na rozwój sektora zielonej gospodarki zastosowano regresję panelową. Zakres czasowy obejmuje lata 2004-2016. Ze względu na brak uniwersalnej metody oceny stopnia rozwoju tej koncepcji, przeprowadzone badanie może być uznane za jedną z propozycji w ramach przedmiotu literatury. Uzyskane w ten sposób wyniki mogą służyć do interpretacji uwarunkowań rozwoju zielonej gospodarki. |
Abstract | Changes in the world economy, and in particular relations between the economic, environmental, social and political aspects, have become the starting point for reflection on the path of socio-economic development. One of the new approaches is the green economy. The importance of this approach is reflected in the growing constraints to sustain long-term growth in the traditional approach according to the Solow model and the occurrence of periodic significant deviations from the state of equilibrium. Referring to this problem, the aim of the article was to indicate the determinants of the green economy development in the Visegrad Group countries. Panel regression was used to identify and characterize the nature and impact of individual economic, social and environmental factors on the development of the green economy sector. Time range covers the years 2004-2016. Due to the lack of a universal method for evaluating the degree of development of this concept, the study conducted may be considered one of the proposals within the literature. The results obtained in this way can be used to interpret the determinants of green economy development. |
Cytowanie | Gąsiorek-Kowalewicz A., Kułyk P. (2018) Rozwój zielonej gospodarki w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 193-206 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s193.pdf |
36. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Bazyli Czyżewski, Anna Matuszczak, Andrea Muntean |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental burden, eco-efficiency, eco-effectiveness, sustainable development, agriculture, EU regions |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The main goal of the article is to compare three approaches to measuring environmental sustainability in agriculture: (1) environmental burden index, (2) sustainable value of eco-efficient production and (3) sustainable value of eco-effective farm, applied by the authors to the sample of 125 EUFADN regions in 2015. The study indicate a fundamental problem: the notion of environmental sustainability in agriculture differs depending on the criterion we apply. The authors recognized a principle trade-off in CAP which consist of compensating strain on the natural environment with production or with public goods provision. The choice between these two effects is crucial to draw a consistent development path for the Common Agricultural Policy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czyżewski B., Matuszczak A., Muntean A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s40.pdf |
37. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Piwowar A. The Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers and Herbicides in Poland Against the Background of the European Union
Autor | Arkadiusz Piwowar |
Tytuł | The Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers and Herbicides in Poland Against the Background of the European Union |
Title | The Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers and Herbicides in Poland Against the Background of the European Union |
Słowa kluczowe | low carbon agriculture, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, Poland |
Key words | low carbon agriculture, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, Poland |
Abstrakt | The popularity of fertilizers and plant protection treatments with chemical preparations is based, among other factors, on their ease of use and fast effects. This paper presents an analysis of the consumption of selected agrochemicals in EU-28 agriculture in type and spatial arrangement. The main aim of the article is to present changes in the examined scope, including the identification of Poland's rank in the consumption of selected agrochemicals against the background of European Union countries. According to the analysis, the consumption of mineral fertilizers and herbicides in Poland is one of the highest in Europe. Due to potential threats to human health and life and environmental risks, special attention should be paid to agricultural practices with regard to the use of agrochemicals. |
Abstract | The popularity of fertilizers and plant protection treatments with chemical preparations is based, among other factors, on their ease of use and fast effects. This paper presents an analysis of the consumption of selected agrochemicals in EU-28 agriculture in type and spatial arrangement. The main aim of the article is to present changes in the examined scope, including the identification of Poland's rank in the consumption of selected agrochemicals against the background of European Union countries. According to the analysis, the consumption of mineral fertilizers and herbicides in Poland is one of the highest in Europe. Due to potential threats to human health and life and environmental risks, special attention should be paid to agricultural practices with regard to the use of agrochemicals. |
Cytowanie | Piwowar A. (2018) The Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers and Herbicides in Poland Against the Background of the European Union.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 1: 194-202 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n1_s194.pdf |
38. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Janusz Majewski, Agnieszka Sobolewska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | environment, packaging, life cycle assessment (LCA) |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | In the paper was presented a comparative analysis of the impact on the environment of the life cycle assessment of boxes made of polypropylene, re-HDPE and cardboard, which are used to transport of dessert apples. For this purpose, the SimaPro 7.1 computer program and attached databases were used. The calculations were made for 48 trading circulations. The obtained results indicate that the biggest negative impact on the environment among the analysed packaging was caused by cardboard boxes. Also packaging from recycled material (re-HDPE) is less friendly to environment than boxes made from new polypropylene. The estimated environmental impact of polypropylene boxes was 4.42 Pt (eco-indicator point), for re- HDPE and cardboard packaging it was 7.5 and 19.7% higher, respectively. The most important factor for the differences between the boxes was the durability of the packaging and the eventual need for multiple repeats of production phase, which include the acquisition of raw materials and processes related to the manufacturing of products. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Majewski J., Sobolewska A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s340.pdf |
39. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Jakubczak A. Strategie greenwashing w wybranych sieciach handlowych w Polsce
Autor | Anna Jakubczak |
Tytuł | Strategie greenwashing w wybranych sieciach handlowych w Polsce |
Title | Greenwashing strategies in selected retail chains in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | greenwasing, społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu, społeczna odpowiedzialność konsumentów, green consumerism |
Key words | greenwasing, corporate social responsibility, consumer social responsibility, green consumerism |
Abstrakt | Problemem poruszonym w artykule jest zjawisko greenwashing, które jest coraz częściej stosowane przez biznes, aby wprowadzić konsumentów w błędne przekonanie o wizerunku firmy lub produktu, jako przyjaznego środowisku naturalnemu. Celem artykułu jest analiza strategii greenwashing stosowanych przez sklepy dyskontowe w ofercie produktów spożywczych i na ich opakowaniach przez producentów. Przeanalizowano kilkadziesiąt produktów żywnościowych organicznych oraz "udających" organiczne w dwóch popularnych sieciach dyskontowych w Polsce. Analiza wyników potwierdza, że w wybranych sieciach stosuje się nieodpowiedzialnie społecznie praktyki sprzyjające stosowaniu strategii greenwashing. |
Abstract | The problem raised in the article is the phenomenon of greenwashing increasingly used by business to introduce consumers into a misconception about the image of a company or product as environmentally friendly. The aim of the article is to analyze greenwashing strategies used by discount stores in the offer of food products in packaging and by producers of these products. Several dozen organic and organic "pretending" food products were analyzed in two popular discount chains in Poland. The analysis of the results confirms that in selected networks irresponsibly social practices favoring the use of greenwashing strategies are applied. |
Cytowanie | Jakubczak A. (2018) Strategie greenwashing w wybranych sieciach handlowych w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 20(69): 72-82 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n69_s72.pdf |
40. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Julian Krzyżanowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | European Union, Common Agricultural Policy, Added Value |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Integration links in the European Union are particularly strong in agriculture and in this sector joint actions have brought the most visible effect – the implementation of the common agricultural policy. The concept of European Added Value (EAV) can contribute to understanding and assessing the relevance of the CAP to the European Union. The CAP is one of the few EU policies which is chiefly implemented at the EU level and closely linked to the subsidiarity principle, according to which the EU takes on tasks which it can implement more effectively than the Member State governments and regions. EAV derived from the CAP has its own specificity. It creates new values in rural areas and agriculture, but also provides economic, social and environmental effects beyond agriculture. A couple of new values and effects are exemplified in the present paper. It shows the CAP’s contribution to other areas as well as to the UN’s sustainable development objectives. Further research studies on Added Value can contribute to the theory of regional economic integration. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Krzyżanowski J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s162.pdf |