Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria
Autor | Amurtiya Michael, Shuaibu Mshelia, Justice Onu, Samuel Upev |
Tytuł | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Title | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Key words | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Abstrakt | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Abstract | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Cytowanie | Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. (2021) Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 2: 33-44 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n2_s33.pdf |
Bereżnicka J. Rola kapitału obrotowego w kształtowaniu sytuacji finansowej rodziny rolniczej w polskich gospodarstwach rodzinnych
Autor | Joanna Bereżnicka |
Tytuł | Rola kapitału obrotowego w kształtowaniu sytuacji finansowej rodziny rolniczej w polskich gospodarstwach rodzinnych |
Słowa kluczowe | kapitał obrotowy, gospodarstwo rodzinne, gospodarstwo domowe |
Key words | working capital, family farm, family household |
Abstrakt | Gospodarstwo rodzinne funkcjonujące w Polsce charakteryzuje silny związek gospodarstwa rolnego z gospodarstwem domowym. Z jednej strony działalność rolnicza stanowi nadal (w licznych przypadkach) podstawowe źródło utrzymania rodziny, ale jednocześnie rodzina wpływa na podejmowane decyzje w zakresie działalności produkcyjnej, inwestycyjnej czy finansowej gospodarstwa rolnego. Decyzje te wywierają wpływ na sytuację ekonomiczną „zakładu pracy” jak i finansową rolnika oraz jego najbliższych. Ten silny związek sprawia, że w gospodarstwie rodzinnym występuje tzw. „jedna kasa”, z której środki, w zależności od potrzeb, wykorzystywane są zarówno w gospodarstwie rolnym jak i domowym. Dlatego też celem pracy było poznanie sytuacji finansowej rodziny w zależności od poziomu kapitału obrotowego oraz sprawdzenie ich wzajemnych powiązań. Sformułowano tezę, że ujemny kapitał obrotowy netto, mimo że zwiększa ryzyko utraty płynności w gospodarstwie rolnym przynosi wyższe korzyści finansowe rodzinie. |
Abstract | The aim of this work was to investigate mutual dependencies between the level of working capital and the financial situation of the family measured by the “financial means of the household”. Research was conducted on a group of 5350 family farms collecting accounting data for the FADN PL, in the years 2004-2011. Agricultural holdings were grouped into those with negative and positive working capital. The financial liquidity and profitability of these farms was measured. A correlation analysis was also conducted. The research shows that agricultural holdings with negative working capital had higher resources of land and invested capital at their disposal. They also achieved better economic results. The profitability of own capital was higher in this group. The measurement of liquidity from a dynamic perspective showed, that farms from the group with negative working capital managed to settle their liabilities, despite significantly lower values than in the case of farms with positive working capital. A higher amount of financial means was received by families of farms with negative working capital. |
Cytowanie | Bereżnicka J. (2015) Rola kapitału obrotowego w kształtowaniu sytuacji finansowej rodziny rolniczej w polskich gospodarstwach rodzinnych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 13(62): 5-17 |
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Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2015_n62_s5.pdf |