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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S. Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka
Autor | S.H. Pushpa Malkanthi, S.D. Dilini Rathnachandra |
Tytuł | Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka |
Title | Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka |
Słowa kluczowe | agricultural information, Imbulpe, information needs, Sri Lanka, women farmers |
Key words | agricultural information, Imbulpe, information needs, Sri Lanka, women farmers |
Abstrakt | The study was conducted to find out female farmers’ agricultural information needs and their impact on food production, in the Imbulpe DS Division in Sri Lanka. Of the female farmers in the area, 238 were taken as the sample for the study from seven selected Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions in the area. Female farmers were selected by using a simple random sampling method from these purposively selected GN divisions. A pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was used as the primary data collection method from March to July 2019. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis. The result revealed that the majority (62.6%) of respondents were middle aged (40-59 years), married, and belonged to families with 4-5 members. Most respondents (64.3 %) had studied up to junior secondary education level. Their average farm land size is 0.84 acres and they have farming experience of about 15 years. Most of the respondents mentioned that they had obtained higher levels of information needs about improved crop varieties. In addition, female farmers reported that they moderately need information on application of agrochemicals, improved market systems and modern farming technologies. Extension agents and other female farmers act as their major sources of agricultural information and ICT equipment acts as the least important agricultural information source in this area. Moreover, there is a significant positive association between the agricultural information needs and food production. Therefore, providing necessary agricultural information and enhanced utilization of ICT tools for agricultural information sources, and encouraging female farmers to participate in farming societies will lead to enhanced food production in this area. |
Abstract | The study was conducted to find out female farmers’ agricultural information needs and their impact on food production, in the Imbulpe DS Division in Sri Lanka. Of the female farmers in the area, 238 were taken as the sample for the study from seven selected Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions in the area. Female farmers were selected by using a simple random sampling method from these purposively selected GN divisions. A pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was used as the primary data collection method from March to July 2019. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis. The result revealed that the majority (62.6%) of respondents were middle aged (40-59 years), married, and belonged to families with 4-5 members. Most respondents (64.3 %) had studied up to junior secondary education level. Their average farm land size is 0.84 acres and they have farming experience of about 15 years. Most of the respondents mentioned that they had obtained higher levels of information needs about improved crop varieties. In addition, female farmers reported that they moderately need information on application of agrochemicals, improved market systems and modern farming technologies. Extension agents and other female farmers act as their major sources of agricultural information and ICT equipment acts as the least important agricultural information source in this area. Moreover, there is a significant positive association between the agricultural information needs and food production. Therefore, providing necessary agricultural information and enhanced utilization of ICT tools for agricultural information sources, and encouraging female farmers to participate in farming societies will lead to enhanced food production in this area. |
Cytowanie | Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S. (2021) Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 2: 22-32 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n2_s22.pdf |
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Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, 2013 |
Pokynchereda V., Pravdyuk N. Inwestowanie w kapitał ludzki: aspekt rachunkowości
Autor | Vitaliy Pokynchereda, Natalya Pravdyuk |
Tytuł | Inwestowanie w kapitał ludzki: aspekt rachunkowości |
Title | Investments in human capital. Accounting aspect |
Słowa kluczowe | kapitał ludzki; charakter i struktura inwestycji; system rachunkowości |
Key words | human capital; nature and structure of investment; accounting system |
Abstrakt | Przedstawiono główne podejścia naukowców do wyznaczenia charakteru i struktury inwestycji w kapitał ludzki pracowników przedsiębiorstwa. Analizie poddano współczesną politykę ewidencjonowania inwestycji w kapitał ludzki krajowych przedsiębiorstw. Stwierdzono, że jedną z przyczyn, negatywnie wpływająca na poziom inwestycji w kapitał ludzki, jest obecny system rachunkowości, uniemożliwiający traktowanie kapitału ludzkiego jako przedmiotu inwestycji. Uzasadniono racjonalność odzwierciedlania w systemie rachunkowości przedsiębiorstwa inwestycji w kapitał ludzki przez integrację podejścia kosztowego i inwestycyjnego. Podkreślono konieczność zmiany zasad aktualnej polityki rachunkowości w zakresie inwestycji w kapitał ludzki, wynikającej z rosnących potrzeb informacyjnych wewnętrznych interesariuszy |
Abstract | Basic scientific approaches to determining the nature and structure of investments in human capital of the enterprise employees are considered. Current state of accounting recording of investments in human resources at the domestic enterprises is analyzed. It has been found that one of the reasons that adversely affects the scale of investments in human capital of the enterprise is a current accounting system, which due to its traditionalism does not allow to treat human resources as an object of investments. Economic feasibility of recording in the enterprise accounting system of investments in the human capital through the integration of the cost and investment approaches is proved. The necessity to change existing principles of accounting policy regarding investments in human capital caused by the growing information needs of internal users has been established. |
Cytowanie | Pokynchereda V., Pravdyuk N. (2013) Inwestowanie w kapitał ludzki: aspekt rachunkowości.Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, nr 2: 71-82 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ZFIR_2013_n2_s71.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2012 |
Jaworski J., Kondraszuk T. Kierunki poszukiwań rozwiązań ewidencyjnych dla gospodarstw rolniczych w świetle wyników badań potrzeb informacyjnych menedżerów małych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
Autor | Jacek Jaworski, Tomasz Kondraszuk |
Tytuł | Kierunki poszukiwań rozwiązań ewidencyjnych dla gospodarstw rolniczych w świetle wyników badań potrzeb informacyjnych menedżerów małych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce |
Title | Directions in Searching for Filing Solutions for Farms in Light of Research Results of Information Needs of Small Business Managers in Poland |
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Abstract | The purpose of this paper is an attempt to identify directions in searching for filing solutions for farms in the context of meeting the demand for financial information in light of research on non-agricultural activities. The results of this research were presented in the first part of the paper. Then, in the basis on the established information needs of managers of small enterprises, the criticism of current filing systems was conducted. In the last part of the paper, addressing the information needs of entrepreneurs to the circumstances of the farm functioning, the paths of relevant filling solutions were proposed. |
Cytowanie | Jaworski J., Kondraszuk T. (2012) Kierunki poszukiwań rozwiązań ewidencyjnych dla gospodarstw rolniczych w świetle wyników badań potrzeb informacyjnych menedżerów małych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 97: 287-298 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2012_n97_s287.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011 |
Pieczonka J. Forma ewidencji księgowej w kontekście potrzeb informacyjnych gospodarstw rolnych
Autor | Jacek Pieczonka |
Tytuł | Forma ewidencji księgowej w kontekście potrzeb informacyjnych gospodarstw rolnych |
Title | The choice of accounting records in the context of information needs of agricultural companies |
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Abstract | Every company – also agricultural company, should well know its own information needs and what kind of informations are necessary to perform appropriate functions and activities to create and implement plans and programs. Informations gathered in the company should be of suffi cient quality, which means they should be objective, relevant to the case, available in a timely manner and also comparable, complete and concise |
Cytowanie | Pieczonka J. (2011) Forma ewidencji księgowej w kontekście potrzeb informacyjnych gospodarstw rolnych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 92: 51-62 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2011_n92_s51.pdf |