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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Balanovska T., Gogulya O., Kucher O. The role of activation of entrepreneurship activitiesin the development of rural areas in Ukraine
Autor | Tetiana Balanovska, Olga Gogulya, Oleg Kucher |
Tytuł | The role of activation of entrepreneurship activitiesin the development of rural areas in Ukraine |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | entrepreneurship, rural areas, revitalization, diversification, diversification strategy,types of employment, self-employment, agricultural sector |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article substantiates the role of entrepreneurship in the revival of rural areas ofUkraine. The main problems and obstacles for the development of modern agricultural businessare presented. The attention is paid to the high share of households in the total productionof agricultural products, as well as the crisis situation regarding the employment situationof the rural population. Possibilities of employment for the inhabitants of rural territories byactivating the initiative of unemployed citizens to organize their own business activity are considered.The peculiarities and motives of the implementation of the diversification strategy foreconomic entities, including agricultural producers, are revealed. The existing and perspectivedirections of diversification in some regions in Ukraine are analyzed. The main directions offormation of organizational and economic mechanism of diversification of entrepreneurial activityat the expense of activation of new forms of employment of population are summarized,which will contribute to the complex socio-economic and ecological development of rural territoriesin Ukraine. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Balanovska T., Gogulya O., Kucher O. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n14_s7.pdf |
2. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Koleśnik J. Strategiczne wyzwania w zakresie pomiaru i zarządzania ryzykiem utraty reputacji w bankach
Autor | Jan Koleśnik |
Tytuł | Strategiczne wyzwania w zakresie pomiaru i zarządzania ryzykiem utraty reputacji w bankach |
Słowa kluczowe | banki, ryzyko utraty reputacji, ryzyko operacyjne |
Key words | banks, reputational risk, operational risk. |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest przegląd i analiza regulacji nadzorczych oraz dotychczasowych badań w zakresie zarządzania ryzykiem utraty reputacji we współczesnym systemie bankowym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metod identyfikacji i pomiaru tego rodzaju ryzyka oraz instrumentów stosowanych w celu jego ograniczania. Zdaniem autora ryzyko utraty reputacji należy definiować jako oddzielny rodzaj ryzyka, jednak ze względu na jego specyficzną naturę nie powinien być on zarządzany odrębnie, ale w sposób zintegrowany z podstawowymi rodzajami ryzyka. Strategicznym postulatem dotyczącym mechanizmów redukcji ryzyka utraty reputacji w systemie bankowym jest zaś ograniczenie ryzyka upadłości dużych, wzajemnie powiązanych ze sobą instytucji poprzez zmniejszenie ich rozmiarów oraz ograniczenie wzajemnych połączeń, a także usprawnienie zarządzania procesem restrukturyzacji i uporządkowanej likwidacji banków. |
Abstract | The purpose of the article is to review and analyse supervisory regulations and existing research in the area of reputational risk management in the modern banking system, with particular emphasis on methods for identifying and measuring this type of risk and instruments used to mitigate it. According to the author, reputational risk should be defined as a separate type of risk. However, due to its specific nature, it should not be managed separately, but together with the basic types of risk. The strategic postulate regarding mechanisms to mitigate reputational risk in the banking system is to limit the risk of bankruptcy of large, interrelated institutions by reducing their size and limiting interconnections, as well as improving the management of the efficient resolution of banks. |
Cytowanie | Koleśnik J. (2020) Strategiczne wyzwania w zakresie pomiaru i zarządzania ryzykiem utraty reputacji w bankach.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 45-56 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s45.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine
Autor | Pelageya Papkovskaya, Kateryna Pylypenko, Sviatlana Shсharbatsiuk |
Tytuł | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Title | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Słowa kluczowe | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Key words | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Abstrakt | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Abstract | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Cytowanie | Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. (2020) The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 37-50 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s37.pdf |
4. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Wawrzyniec Czubak, Krzysztof Pawłowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | common agricultural policy, central and eastern europe, pro-investment mechanisms |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of this paper is to identify the role and importance of pro-investment mechanisms within the CommonAgricultural Policy in the reproduction of farm assets in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Theexperimental material comprised unpublished microdata of farms originating from the FADN database of theEuropean Commission (data source: EU-FADN – DG AGRI). The time frame covered the years 2004–2015.Among all the farms selected for analyses only those ensuring data continuity throughout the entire investigatedperiod were used in the study. In each of the studied countries farms were divided into two groups: thegroup of beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment funds and the control group. For each farm the value of fixedassets was determined (excluding the value of land) and next the mean value for each group was calculatedin an individual country. The study showed that in most investigated countries both farms being and thosenot being beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment mechanisms are capable of reproducing their fixed assets;nevertheless, it is the farms receiving financial support for their investments that show a capacity to increasethe value of their fixed assets. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czubak W., Pawłowski K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s103.pdf |
5. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Anatolii Dibrova, Larysa Dibrova, Maksym Dibrova, Yaroslav Krylov |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | grain market, grain production, mechanism, state regulation, logistics, export potential |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article gives an economic assessment of the current state of the grain industry development, determinesthe main factors influencing the formation of demand and supply on the grain market. The lack of efficiencyof the mechanism of regulation of the grain market in Ukraine is substantiated on the basis of the obtainedvalues of “market price support” indicators per 1 t of grain and “nominal coefficient of protection of producers”used in the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Theforecasts of gross collections of cereals and legumes, as well as their volumes of domestic consumption inUkraine for the period up to 2025 are estimated. The state of transport and logistics infrastructure of the grainmarket of Ukraine is estimated. Based on the analysis carried out, strategic guidelines for the development ofthe grain market and its regulation mechanism are proposed. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Dibrova A., Dibrova L., Dibrova M., Krylov Y. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s67.pdf |
6. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2019 |
Davydenko N., Nehoda Y., Tytarchuk I., Wasilewska N. Mechanizm zapewnienia zrównoważonego finansowania przedsiębiorstw rolnych
Autor | Nadiia Davydenko, Yuliia Nehoda, Iryna Tytarchuk, Natalia Wasilewska |
Tytuł | Mechanizm zapewnienia zrównoważonego finansowania przedsiębiorstw rolnych |
Słowa kluczowe | stabilność finansowa, przedsiębiorstwa rolnicze, bezpieczeństwo finansowe, sektor rolno-przemysłowy, stabilny rozwój przedsiębiorstw, rentowność |
Key words | financial sustainability, agricultural enterprises, financial security, agricultural-industrial sector, stable development of enterprises, profitability |
Abstrakt | Celem badań jest wskazanie teoretycznych i metodycznych podejść do określania stabilności finansowej przedsiębiorstw rolnych. Przeanalizowano światowe i krajowe doświadczenia w określaniu stabilności finansowej podmiotów prowadzących działalność rolniczo-przemysłową, a także czynniki wpływające na kształtowanie stabilności finansowej na poziomie regionalnym oraz w grupach przedsiębiorstw rolnych. Istnieje specyfika mechanizmu stabilności finansowej przedsiębiorstw rolnych. Głównym celem mechanizmu zapewniającego stabilność finansową jest osiągnięcie bezpieczeństwa finansowego, stabilności funkcjonowania i rozwoju. Metoda oferuje wykorzystanie kompleksu wskaźników, które są ściśle powiązane i określają status ekonomiczny oraz zdolność finansową do kontynuowania działalności przedsiębiorstwa i badania stabilności finansowej przedsiębiorstwa. |
Abstract | The aim of the research is summing up and improving theoretical and methodical approaches to determination of financial sustainability of agricultural enterprises. World and national experience of financial sustainability determination of entrepreneurial activities subjects were analyzed and summarized as well as system impact factors on formation of financial sustainability on the regional level and the group of agricultural enterprises level were examined. There are considerable formation specifics of the financial sustainability mechanism of agricultural enterprises. It means that main target of mechanism to ensure financial sustainability is to achieve financial security, their work stability and development today and in future. The method offers using complex of indicators that are closely connected with each other and define economic status and financial ability to continue enterprise activities and examine financial sustainability of an enterprise. The implementation of this approach to determine financial sustainability will increase the information background for further analyzation of financial opportunities. |
Cytowanie | Davydenko N., Nehoda Y., Tytarchuk I., Wasilewska N. (2019) Mechanizm zapewnienia zrównoważonego finansowania przedsiębiorstw rolnych.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 106, z. 1: 7-21 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2019_n1_s7.pdf |
7. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2019 |
Szalaty N. Południowo-zachodni obszar funkcjonalny województwa wielkopolskiegojako obszar intensywnego rozwoju rolnictwa
Autor | Norbert Szalaty |
Tytuł | Południowo-zachodni obszar funkcjonalny województwa wielkopolskiegojako obszar intensywnego rozwoju rolnictwa |
Title | The South-West functional area of Wielkopolska voivodship as an area of intensive development of agriculture |
Słowa kluczowe | rolnictwo, obszar funkcjonalny, Południowo-Zachodni Obszar Funkcjonalny, rozwój rolnictwa |
Key words | agriculture, functional area, Southwest Functional Area, agricultural development |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie rolnictwa w Południowo-zachodnim obszarze funkcjonalnym województwa wielkopolskiego jako regionu uznanego za najlepiej rozwinięty rolniczo. W pracy wykorzystano źródła pierwotne oraz wtórne. Źródła wtórne stanowiła literatura naukowa z zakresu rozwoju lokalnego i rozwoju rolnictwa. Źródła pierwotne to wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w okresie od grudnia 2018 roku do lipca 2019 roku dotyczących m.in. inwestycji przeprowadzonych i planowanych, źródeł finansowania, czynników rozwojowych czy kierunku produkcji rolników. Na podstawie uzyskanych z badań wyników można stwierdzić, że rolnicy badanego obszaru skutecznie wykorzystali możliwości wynikające z mechanizmów wspólnej polityki rolnej (WPR). Akcesja Polski do Unii Europejskiej miała bardzo pozytywny wpływ na rozwój regionu, o czym świadczą rezultaty inwestycyjne osiągnięte w badanych podmiotach oraz pozytywne oceny integracji europejskiej formułowane przez rolników. |
Abstract | The aim of the study is to familiarize agriculture in the Southwestern Functional Area of the Wielkopolskie Voivodship as a region recognized as the best developed for agriculture. Primary and secondary were used in the work. Secondary sources were scientific literature in the field of local development and agricultural development. Primary sources are the results of research conducted in the period from December 2018 to July 2019 regarding, among others investments carried out and planned, sources of financing, development factors or direction of farmers’ production. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that farmers in the area under investigation have effectively used the opportunities arising from CAP mechanisms. Poland’s accession to the European Union had a very positive impact on the development of the region, as evidenced by the investment results achieved in the surveyed entities and positive assessments of European integration formulated by farmers. |
Cytowanie | Szalaty N. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2019_n11_s117.pdf |
8. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Katarzyna Boratyńska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | bankruptcy, restructuring proceedings, agribusiness sector |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Corporate bankruptcy generates the externalities that affect also agribusiness and local communities. Economies around the world have undertaken reforms aimed at improving their insolvency systems. The majority of the countries including Poland focused on introducing or strengthening reorganization mechanisms. The aim of this study was to present the changes of bankruptcy proceedings that support agribusiness entities survival from economic perspective. This study indicates also the role and support of the State in the restructuring proceedings creation. This is a conceptual article. The methods include comparative and descriptive analysis. As a result, restructuring proceedings provide an opportunity for a debtor to avoid declaration of bankruptcy through enabling him return to going concern status. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Boratyńska K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s188.pdf |
9. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Jarka S., Trajer M. Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union
Autor | Sławomir Jarka, Marzena Trajer |
Tytuł | Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union |
Title | Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union |
Słowa kluczowe | support, beekeeping sector, sustainable development |
Key words | support, beekeeping sector, sustainable development |
Abstrakt | The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget. |
Abstract | The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget. |
Cytowanie | Jarka S., Trajer M. (2018) Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 183-191 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s183.pdf |
10. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Sobczak W., Zbyrowski R. Integracja przestrzenna rynków hurtowych – zastosowanie dla rynku fasoli szparagowej
Autor | Wioleta Sobczak, Rafał Zbyrowski |
Tytuł | Integracja przestrzenna rynków hurtowych – zastosowanie dla rynku fasoli szparagowej |
Title | Spatial Integration of Wholesale Markets – Application for the Green Bean Market |
Słowa kluczowe | transmisja cen, integracja przestrzenna, model VAR, przyczynowość w sensie Grangera, funkcja odpowiedzi na impuls |
Key words | price transmission, spatial integration, VAR model, Granger causality, impulse response function |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania była ocena poziomu integracji przestrzennej rynków hurtowych owoców i warzyw na przykładzie fasoli szparagowej. W pracy podjęto problem mechanizmu powiązań cenowych i transmisji cen pomiędzy rynkami hurtowymi. Do opracowania wykorzystano dzienne notowania cen analizowanego gatunku na pięciu rynkach hurtowych w Polsce. Do opracowania danych posłużyły metody ekonometryczne tj. wybrane modele ekonometrii dynamicznej. Wskazano, że znaczenie poszczególnych rynków hurtowych w kreowaniu cen zależy m.in. od wielkości rynku oraz jego lokalizacji. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to assess the level of spatial integration of wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in Poland based on the example of green bean, with respect to the results of research on a global scale. The paper discusses the problem of the price mechanism and transmission between the wholesale markets. The daily price quotations of the analyzed species on five wholesale markets in Poland were used for the study. Econometric methods, that is selected models of dynamic econometrics, were used to develop the data. |
Cytowanie | Sobczak W., Zbyrowski R. (2018) Integracja przestrzenna rynków hurtowych – zastosowanie dla rynku fasoli szparagowej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 426-436 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s426.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Autor | Tetiana Kaminska, Natalia Wasilewska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economic, legal and institutional preconditions, land market, land evaluation, mortgage institution, moratorium on sale of agricultural land. |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This paper discusses the issues related to the implementation of the land reform in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to work out a system of measures aimed at developing land relations, in particular, the introduction of the land market in Ukraine, as well as determining the economic impact of the effective turnover of land plots. The analysis of the economic situation in Ukraine over the past 10 years has been carried out. Issues related to land legislation, in particular land valuation, are briefly identified. The institutions without functioning of which the introduction of the land market is impossible, are established. The conducted analysis gave basis to the proposal of preconditions of economic, legal and institutional character, necessary for the successful development of land relations. The article also proposes mortgage refinancing mechanism through the issue of mortgage land securities. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kaminska T., Wasilewska N. (2018) PRECONDITIONS OF LAND RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT: ECONOMIC, LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 20(69): 234-244 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n69_s234.pdf |
12. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Yuriy Klapkiv, Yaroslav Kostetskyi, Petro Putsenteilo |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | agrarian sector, agro-industrial complex, agricultural enterprises, institutional structures, EU, economic policy, export |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | It is established that the Ukrainian agrarian sector in recent years suffered quite serious reformational impacts on the institutional environment of the functioning of economic actors, in particular the influence of regulators on the transformation of agricultural development. It is substantiated that under institutional transformations it is appropriate to understand the changes that occur as part of the creation of new rules of conduct of participants, containing a specific mechanism for ensuring compliance with these rules, as well as improving organizational and economic regulators within the existing set of rules for all participants It is determined that the institutional system is a structured set of interrelated informal rules that determine, on the one hand, a system of incentives for increasing the efficiency of interaction between subjects of the agrarian economy, and, on the other hand, restricts the activities of economic agents, which create a certain framework for implementation their target functions in accordance with the law and public interests. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Klapkiv Y., Kostetskyi Y., Putsenteilo P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s250.pdf |
13. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Artish V., Buriak R., Orlykovskyi M. Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland
Autor | Victor Artish, Ruslan Buriak, Mykola Orlykovskyi |
Tytuł | Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland |
Title | Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | organic production, agricultural production, quality, agriculture, control, certification, financial support |
Key words | organic production, agricultural production, quality, agriculture, control, certification, financial support |
Abstrakt | A systematic analysis of trends in the development of organic products in Ukraine and Poland was carried out, which showed that the total area of certified ecological lands for the study period from 2006-2016 in Ukraine increased by 1.7 times, and in Poland from 2004-2014 it increased by 12 times. It has been established that the most significant impact on qualitative structural changes in the economic sector is adjustment to European standards that establish a favorable system of agricultural production regulation, marking and inspection of organic products. This is why Poland, while being in the European Union, has a significant advantage over Ukraine. The system of control and certification by the authorized bodies is generalized, as well as the mechanism of financial support for organic agricultural production. The necessity of using the experience of Poland with the purpose of greening agriculture and development of organic agricultural production in Ukraine is emphasized. |
Abstract | A systematic analysis of trends in the development of organic products in Ukraine and Poland was carried out, which showed that the total area of certified ecological lands for the study period from 2006-2016 in Ukraine increased by 1.7 times, and in Poland from 2004-2014 it increased by 12 times. It has been established that the most significant impact on qualitative structural changes in the economic sector is adjustment to European standards that establish a favorable system of agricultural production regulation, marking and inspection of organic products. This is why Poland, while being in the European Union, has a significant advantage over Ukraine. The system of control and certification by the authorized bodies is generalized, as well as the mechanism of financial support for organic agricultural production. The necessity of using the experience of Poland with the purpose of greening agriculture and development of organic agricultural production in Ukraine is emphasized. |
Cytowanie | Artish V., Buriak R., Orlykovskyi M. (2018) Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 59-66 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s59.pdf |
14. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Ambroziak A., Grochowska R. Selected Aspects of Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU Agri-Food Market
Autor | Adam Ambroziak, Renata Grochowska |
Tytuł | Selected Aspects of Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU Agri-Food Market |
Title | Selected Aspects of Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU Agri-Food Market |
Słowa kluczowe | EU internal market, non-tariff barriers, agri-food products |
Key words | EU internal market, non-tariff barriers, agri-food products |
Abstrakt | Tendencies in national actions against foreign products currently observed in the European Union indicate protectionism or at least discrimination. The aim of this article is describe economic mechanisms of applying selected import-related policy instruments of Member States and to identify some potential directions of their impact on the functioning of the EU agri-food internal market. The presented mechanisms are related to three situations: (a) hindering the market entry through retargeting of consumer demand; (b) promotion of own products contrary to the fair rules of competition; (c) limiting economic activity of foreign companies. The analyses carried out allowed to identify economic activity areas, where negative effects could reveal and to state that the potential result of these activities may be selective reduction of trade or change of its directions. |
Abstract | Tendencies in national actions against foreign products currently observed in the European Union indicate protectionism or at least discrimination. The aim of this article is describe economic mechanisms of applying selected import-related policy instruments of Member States and to identify some potential directions of their impact on the functioning of the EU agri-food internal market. The presented mechanisms are related to three situations: (a) hindering the market entry through retargeting of consumer demand; (b) promotion of own products contrary to the fair rules of competition; (c) limiting economic activity of foreign companies. The analyses carried out allowed to identify economic activity areas, where negative effects could reveal and to state that the potential result of these activities may be selective reduction of trade or change of its directions. |
Cytowanie | Ambroziak A., Grochowska R. (2018) Selected Aspects of Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU Agri-Food Market.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 82-94 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s82.pdf |
15. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Siemieniuk N., Siemieniuk T., Siemieniuk Ł. Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych
Autor | Nina Siemieniuk, Tomasz Siemieniuk, Łukasz Siemieniuk |
Tytuł | Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych |
Title | Selected aspects of the use of chaos theory to support financial decisions |
Słowa kluczowe | teoria chaosu, rynki kapitałowe, analiza R/S, wykładnik Hursta, wymiar fraktalny |
Key words | chaos theory, capital markets, R/S analysis, Hurst exponent, fractal dimension |
Abstrakt | Celem publikacji jest omówienie wybranych aspektów teorii chaosu deterministycznego, oraz prezentacja rezultatów badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania narzędzi chaosu deterministycznego (wymiaru fraktalnego, wykładnika Hursta) do wspierania decyzji finansowych inwestorów giełdowych na przykładzie wybranych spółek funkcjonujących na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Decyzje finansowe dotyczące inwestowania na rynku kapitałowym są na całym świecie przedmiotem licznych badań i analiz. Wykorzystuje się w nich różne metody i narzędzia badawcze. W celu prognozowania decyzji finansowych konstruowane są rozmaite modele, które nigdy nie dają pełnej pewności sukcesu i są obarczone, zwykle ryzykiem inwestycyjnym. Jedną z nowszych koncepcji wspomagania decyzji finansowych jest teoria chaosu deterministycznego. Cechy charakterystyczne, stany nierównowagi oraz mechanizm sprzężenia zwrotnego w wymiarze czasowym, znajdują swój wyraz w opisie za pomocą dynamicznych systemów nieliniowych. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to discuss selected aspects of the deterministic chaos theory and to present the results of research on the possibility of using deterministic chaos tools (fractal dimension, Hurst exponent) to support financial decisions of stock investors on the example of selected companies operating on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Financial decisions on investing in the capital market are the subject of numerous studies and analyzes worldwide. Various methods and research tools are used. In order to forecast financial decisions, various models are constructed that never give full assurance of success and are burdened, usually with investment risk. One of the newer concepts of financial decision support is the theory of deterministic chaos. Characteristics, imbalances and feedback mechanisms in the time dimension find their expression in the description using dynamic non-linear systems. |
Cytowanie | Siemieniuk N., Siemieniuk T., Siemieniuk Ł. (2018) Wybrane aspekty wykorzystania teorii chaosu do wspierania decyzji finansowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 237-247 |
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Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s237.pdf |
16. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Oleksandra Mandych, Arkadii Mykytas, Liliia Prokopchuk |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | solar power, electricity, household electric energy, solar panels, bioeconomics |
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Abstrakt | In recent decades considerable attention has been paid to alternative and renewable energy. Among the alternative sources, the sun’s energy is most appealing. Therefore, the development of solar energy, in the long run, is one of the top priorities. In practice, there are numerous barriers to the growth of the solar energy market. First of all, economic: fairly high prices for solar systems and payback period; the absence of working capital from manufacturing enterprises, the absence of specific mechanisms for stimulating production in the form of subsidies, tax exemptions, preferential tariff policies, etc. Therefore, research into the development of solar energy, as a real tool for a comprehensive solution to economic and environmental problems, is becoming increasingly relevant. The paper considers the energy policy of the use of renewable energy sources in rural areas. The theoretically feasible and technically achievable potential of solar energy in the territory of Ukraine was characterized. It was noted that the sun is the most affordable supplier of energy on earth today. The use of solar radiation is expedient for the development of thermal and electric energy and is possible throughout the territory of Ukraine. The dynamics of the commissioning of solar power plants by private households was analysed. The attention is focused on the application of the ‘green’ tariff, which stimulates the increase in the number of solar projects implemented in households. A financial model of private households of choosing a solar power plant option was proposed. The problems were identified and the possibilities of using solar energy for ensuring energy independence of households and profit generation were assessed. The forecast for the development of solar energy of the period up to 2020 was made. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Mandych O., Mykytas A., Prokopchuk L. |
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Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s231.pdf |
17. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Pavlina Fugelo, Svitlana Savitska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | investment, investment activity, agricultural enterprises |
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Abstrakt | The article specifies that intensive development of the economy can be achieved by attracting and effectively using investment resources. Based on the indicator of the level of investment sufficiency, it was established that, in the period under review, the level of investment adequacy in the country is less than the established ‘threshold’ value, which indicates a shortage of investment funds. The study analysed the dynamics of investment attraction in agriculture. It was found that the main source of financing for investment is own funds of enterprises and organizations. However, they are too insufficient to ensure the intensive development of the economy. An analysis of growth dynamics of the total volume of investment in agricultural enterprises per 100 ha of agricultural land and their financial provision was carried out. Research showed that the increase in the value of fixed assets is more intensive than the increase in the inflow of investment in fixed assets, which indicates additional sources of growth in the value of fixed assets. It was noted that the potential sources of investment resources should be the funds of foreign investors, which currently stand at an extremely low growth level. A number of negative factors influencing the process of attracting foreign direct investment were identified. The main current requirements of the Ukraine in the process of integration into the world economic space, is the formation of a mechanism of investment activity, an important component of which is the mechanism of investment provision. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Fugelo P., Savitska S. |
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Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s303.pdf |
18. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Autor | Vita Boychenko, Dmytro Tsyhaniuk |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | strategic management, transnational banks, international market, financial crisis, post-crisis development. |
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Abstrakt | The article identifies post-crisis determinants of strategic management of transnational banks in the market of direct investments by means of the correlation analysis of the dependence of growth of external assets of transnational banks of European countries on the indicators of profitability and financial stability of banking systems of the countries of placement of subsidiary banks, the efficiency of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in these countries, the structure of a complex financial crisis and the speed of post-crisis recovery of the country, ease of doing business. There is no obvious connection between the presence of foreign banks in the banking system and indicators of profitability, ease of doing business and financial stability of banking systems. This is confirmed by the correlation analysis of 45 indicators on the example of 26 European countries for 2009–2011 (the period immediately after the end of the global financial crisis of 2008–2009). It is proved that in the post-crisis period, for transnational banks, the decision of increasing/decreasing the volume of assets in the banking system of the host country is dominated by: 1) the structure of a complex financial crisis; 2) the speed of post-crisis recovery of economies and banking systems of these countries; 3) the effectiveness of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in these countries |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Boychenko V., Tsyhaniuk D. |
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Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n1_s131.pdf |
19. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Pawłowski K. Rola środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej w rozwoju pszczelarstwa na przykładzie Wojewódzkiego Związku Pszczelarzy w Poznaniu
Autor | Krzysztof Pawłowski |
Tytuł | Rola środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej w rozwoju pszczelarstwa na przykładzie Wojewódzkiego Związku Pszczelarzy w Poznaniu |
Title | The role of funds from the European Union in the development of beekeeping on the example of the Provincial Union of Beekeepers in Poznań |
Słowa kluczowe | pszczelarstwo, Wielkopolska, fundusze unijne, wsparcie pszczelarstwa |
Key words | beekeeping, Wielkopolska, EU funds, support for beekeeping |
Abstrakt | Poza dostarczaniem niezwykle cennych produktów, pszczoły są jednym z gatunków zdolnych do zapylania roślin entomofilnych. Stąd wspieranie rozwoju pszczelarstwa w obliczu ich znaczenia dla ludzkości wydaje się być niezwykle istotne. W Polsce zadanie to jest realizowane także przy użyciu środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programów Wsparcia Rynku Produktów Pszczelich. Celem artykułu jest zatem określenie roli środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej w rozwoju pszczelarstwa w województwie wielkopolskim na przykładzie Wojewódzkiego Związku Pszczelarzy w Poznaniu. Do badań wykorzystano niepublikowane dane WZP w Poznaniu, a także wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety. Wyniki badań wskazują na pozytywne oddziaływanie środków z UE na rozwój pszczelarstwa w województwie wielkopolskim, zwłaszcza ze względu na spore zainteresowanie mechanizmem wśród pszczelarzy. |
Abstract | In addition to providing extremely valuable products, bees are one of the species capable of pollinating entomophilic plants. Hence, supporting the development of beekeeping in the face of their importance to humanity seems to be extremely important. In Poland, this task is also carried out using funds from the European Union as part of the Bee Market Program Support Programs. The aim of the article is therefore to determine the role of funds originating from the European Union in the development of beekeeping in the Wielkopolskie voivodship on the example of the Provincial Union of Beekeepers in Poznań. First of all unpublished JPA data in Poznań, as well as the results of surveys were used for the research. The results of the research indicate a positive impact of EU funds on the development of beekeeping in the Wielkopolskie voivodship, especially due to the considerable interest in the mechanism among beekeepers. |
Cytowanie | Pawłowski K. (2018) Rola środków pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej w rozwoju pszczelarstwa na przykładzie Wojewódzkiego Związku Pszczelarzy w Poznaniu.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 382-394 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s382.pdf |
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Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2018 |
Sikorska A., Wasilewski A. Prawa własności dóbr oraz ich implikacje dla transferu ziemi rolnej
Autor | Alina Sikorska, Adam Wasilewski |
Tytuł | Prawa własności dóbr oraz ich implikacje dla transferu ziemi rolnej |
Title | Property rights of goods and their implications for agricultural land transfer |
Słowa kluczowe | ziemia rolna, prawa własności, rynkowy transfer ziemi, nierynkowy transfer ziemi |
Key words | agricultural land, property rights, market land transfer, non-market land transfer |
Abstrakt | Celem prowadzonych badań było określenie relacji pomiędzy rynkowym a nierynkowym transferem praw własności ziemi rolnej. Badania przeprowadzono w nawiązaniu do drugiego twierdzenia teorii dobrobytu, z którego wynika, że każdą efektywną alokację w rozumieniu Pareto można osiągnąć w wyniku działania zdecentralizowanego mechanizmu rynkowego. Ponadto podjęto próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie: jak istniejący system praw własności oddziałuje na skalę rynkowej alokacji zasobów ziemi. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że istnieją możliwości dalszego rozwoju rynku ziemi oraz występują przesłanki stopniowej poprawy efektywności alokacji ziemi w Polsce. |
Abstract | The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between market and non-market transfer of property rights of agricultural land. This analysis was carried out due to the second proposition of the theory of well-being, from which it follows that every effective allocation in the Pareto sense can be achieved as a result of the decentralized market mechanism. In addition, an attempt was made to answer the question: if, and if so, how, the existing system of property rights limits the scale of the market allocation of land resources. The research also assessed the state's interference in the process of land allocation. The results of the research are presented in two parts. The first part presents the main assumptions of the theory of property rights, the issue of state interference in the scope of property rights and the resulting consequences for trade in land. In the second part, the market and non-market transfers of physical property were analyzed. Based on the obtained results, it was found that there are possibilities for further development of the market, and there are premises for a gradual improvement in the efficiency of land allocation in Poland. |
Cytowanie | Sikorska A., Wasilewski A. (2018) Prawa własności dóbr oraz ich implikacje dla transferu ziemi rolnej.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 105, z. 2: 14-24 |
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Pełny tekst | RNR_2018_n2_s14.pdf |