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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2006 |
Biernat-Jarka A. Finansowe wsparcie rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich w UE, w latach 2007-2013
Autor | Agnieszka Biernat-Jarka |
Tytuł | Finansowe wsparcie rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich w UE, w latach 2007-2013 |
Title | European Union financial support to agriculture and rural areas in 2007-2013 |
Słowa kluczowe | Unia Europejska, Wspólna Polityka Rolna, fundusze, budżet |
Key words | European Union, Common Agricultural Policy, funds, budget |
Abstrakt | W artykule przedstawiono zmiany w zakresie finansowania wspólnej polityki rolnej i rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, w nowym okresie budżetowym 2007-2013. Zwrócono uwagę na fundusze, cele i możliwości wsparcia finansowego w ramach wytycznych, przyjętych przez Komisję Europejską. Pokazano także możliwości sfinansowania instrumentów w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rolnego Gwarancji (EFRG) a także działań Europejskiego Funduszu Rolnego na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich (EFRROW). |
Abstract | A fundamental reform of the Common Agricultural Policy was decided in June 2003. The reform is aimed at meeting the objectives of competitiveness, solidarity and better integration of environmental concerns, thus becoming a key step in the Lisbon and Goeteborg development strategy. It involves: a substantial simplification of the market support measures and direct payments, further strengthening the development of rural areas by transferring funds from market support to rural development through reductions in direct payments to bigger farms, strengthening of the financial discipline mechanism between 2007-2013. The European Commission created two new funds for financing the CAP: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). EAGF will finance: intervention measures to regulate agricultural markets, refunds for exporting farm produce to non-EU countries, and direct payments to farmers. EAFRD will finance the expenditure on rural development programmes. |
Cytowanie | Biernat-Jarka A. (2006) Finansowe wsparcie rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich w UE, w latach 2007-2013.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 15, z. : 117-123 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2006_T15_n_s117.pdf |
182. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2006 |
Dłubakowska-Puzio E., Pietraszek B. Analiza SWOT obszarów wiejskich Polski jako państwa członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Ewa Dłubakowska-Puzio, Beata Pietraszek |
Tytuł | Analiza SWOT obszarów wiejskich Polski jako państwa członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej |
Title | SWOT analysis of Polish rural areas in the light of Polish membership in the European Union |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | SWOT analysis, Polish agriculture, European Union |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The presented prognosis indicates possible directions and conditions of changes that will take place in the Polish countryside within the next few years. It should be underlined that this period will encompass both positive and negative processes. During this period 2.5 billion Euros (not including money for the Common Agricultural Policy) will be devoted to the development of rural areas. Together with domestic funds, it makes a total sum of 3 billion Euros of available financial resources. Having topped these funds up with investors’ own contributions, it will be possible to deal with total financial support of 4.5 - 4.9 billion Euros per annum. This will allow us to change the image of rural areas considerably, especially the level of technical infrastructure and the quality of productive potential of agriculture, as well as agribusiness. Therefore, the countryside and farms will have many more investment opportunities at their disposal. It is predicted that these funds should first of all be devoted to creating new work opportunities in rural areas and subsequently to improve competitiveness of farms due to their progressive concentration and technical modernisation. These processes are strongly related to each other and, therefore, one should not suppose considerable regional farm concentration without providing workplaces for farmers, especially the least skilled. On the other hand, one should mention processes that will make carrying out the intentions difficult. One of them is undoubtedly further limitation of agricultural expenses, especially after year 2013 (Common Agricultural Policy included). The reform of Common Agricultural Policy that took place in 2003 assumed stabilisation of expenses on agriculture as well as their gradual reinvesting in I and II Common Agricultural Policy levels. Further changes that might take place in the subsequent period of planning (2014-2020) are not yet known, which significantly limits the possibilities of outlining aims and priorities for Poland. It should be assumed that further limitations of funds for agriculture and rural areas in general are yet to come. The above mentioned is supported by the following three reasons: - More and more popular criticism of the Common Agricultural Policy as it is shaped right now, - Funds for Common Agricultural Policy after new members with big agricultural population (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Turkey) would need to be increased, - Negotiations related to liberalisation of world markets within WTO. |
Cytowanie | Dłubakowska-Puzio E., Pietraszek B. (2006) Analiza SWOT obszarów wiejskich Polski jako państwa członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 15, z. : 178-187 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2006_T15_n_s178.pdf |
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Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2006 |
Slavkova O. Agrarian policy influence on rural territorial development
Autor | Olena Slavkova |
Tytuł | Agrarian policy influence on rural territorial development |
Title | Agrarian policy influence on rural territorial development |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | agrarian policy, rural areas development, local governance |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | One of the key factors of rural areas development promotion is the effective local governing institutions’ activity and entrepreneurship development through collaboration with entrepreneurs from the EU. The increase of effectiveness and realization of regional development strategy in the context of European norms and traditions is one of the most important means of poor developed territory protection under the conditions of globalization and European integration. |
Cytowanie | Slavkova O. (2006) .Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, t. 14, z. : 85-85 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2006_T14_n_s85.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2006 |
Kapusta F. Uwarunkowania strategii rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa w ramach Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Franciszek Kapusta |
Tytuł | Uwarunkowania strategii rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa w ramach Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Conditions for strategy of Polish agricultural development in the EU |
Słowa kluczowe | rolnictwo, rozwój, strategia, uwarunkowania, zasoby |
Key words | agriculture, development, strategy, conditions, resources |
Abstrakt | W opracowaniu poddano analizie pozycję rolnictwa polskiego w Unii Europejskiej (25). Ma to stanowić podstawę wyjścia do konstruowania strategii jego rozwoju. Mówiąc o strategii miano na myśli strategię w ujęciu pozycja, czyli umiejscowienie polskiego rolnictwa na tle rolnictwa państw Unii. Pod względem poziomu myślano o strategii funkcjonalno-operacyjnej obejmującej podejmowanie decyzji, które ukierunkowują działania w obszarze wsi i rolnictwa. Rolnictwo polskie już obecnie stanowi ważną część rolnictwa Unii, a po podwyższeniu produkcyjności roślin i zwierząt do poziomu średniego w Unii, pozycję tę jeszcze bardziej poprawi |
Abstract | Poland as a member state of the EU follows the Common Agricultural Policy with limitations resulting from the accession treaty. Rural areas and agriculture play an important role in Poland. Rural areas comprise 93.2 % of country’s area and are populated with 38.5% of the total population. For a significant part of the rural population, working and gaining income from agriculture are the base of existence. Polish agriculture has a high position in the EU in production of basic plant and animal products both in absolute terms and per capita. Increase in productivity (plants and animals), which at present is low in Poland, will improve this position. In view of the existing agricultural theories and practice, the highest possibility for development is sustainable agriculture, which is also aimed at in the other EU countries. Traditional and more ecological agriculture both will continue to exist. The latter, albeit showing strong growth, still has a limited position |
Cytowanie | Kapusta F. (2006) Uwarunkowania strategii rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa w ramach Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 15, z. : 143-151 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2006_T15_n_s143.pdf |