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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2022 |
Gałecka A., Ganc M. Stabilność finansowa gmin wiejskich województwa lubelskiego w latach 2016-2020
Autor | Agnieszka Gałecka, Marzena Ganc |
Tytuł | Stabilność finansowa gmin wiejskich województwa lubelskiego w latach 2016-2020 |
Słowa kluczowe | stabilność finansowa, gminy wiejskie, analiza wskaźnikowa, płynność finansowa |
Key words | financial stability, rural municipalities, ratio analysis, financial liquidity |
Abstrakt | Stabilność usług publicznych oraz sytuacja finansowa samorządów lokalnych ma istotny wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy kraju, jak również trwający od lat proces reform politycznych zmierzających do promowania wydajności jednostek sektora publicznego, ich zrównoważonych budżetów oraz stabilności finansowej. Jest to pojęcie różnie definiowane, co wynika m.in. z jego wieloaspektowości oraz braku precyzyjnie określonych miar do oceny tego zjawiska.Celem głównym pracy była ocena stabilności finansowej gmin wiejskich województwa lubelskiego w latach 2016-2020. W ramach celu głównego przeprowadzono analizę wskaźnikową oraz badania ankietowe. Artykuł powstał w oparciu o studia literatury przedmiotu, sprawozdania z wykonania budżetów badanych gmin publikowane przez Regionalną Izbę Obrachunkową w Lublinie oraz kwestionariusz ankiety.Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono że badane gminy w latach 2016-2020 odnotowały trwałość w zakresie polityki fiskalnej, stabilny poziom płynności finansowej i zadłużenia, aczkolwiek stosunkowo niski poziom samodzielności dochodowej. Kryzys w 2020 roku wywołany pandemią Covid-19 spowodował znaczny wzrost wydatków bieżących jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w porównaniu do dochodów, które były mniejsze niż planowano, aczkolwiek nie wpłynął na znaczne pogorszenie wyników finansowych badanych gmin. W opinii ankietowanych (wójtów) zdecydowana większość gmin wiejskich województwa lubelskiego była stabilna finansowo a pandemia Covid-19 na ogół nie miała istotnego wpływu na jej poziom. |
Abstract | The stability of public services and the financial situation of local governments has a significant impact on a nation’s economic development. It also affects the long-standing process of political reforms aimed at promoting the efficiency of public sector units, their balanced budgets and financial stability. It is a concept defined in different ways, which is due, among other things, to its multifaceted nature and the lack of precisely defined measures to assess this phenomenon.The main objective of the paper was to assess the financial stability of rural municipalities in Poland’s Lublin voivodeship in 2016-2020. Within the framework of the main objective, ratio analysis and survey research was conducted. The paper was based on the study of literature on the subject, reports on the implementation of budgets in the studied municipalities published by the Regional Chamber of Accounts in Lublin, and a survey questionnaire.Based on the analyses, it was found that the studied municipalities in 2016-2020 recorded sustainability in terms of fiscal policy, and a stable level of financial liquidity and debt, albeit with a relatively low level of revenue independence. The crisis in 2020 caused by the Covid-19 pandemic caused a significant increase in the current expenditures of local government units compared to revenues, which were less than planned, although it did not significantly worsen thefinancial performance of the surveyed municipalities. In the opinion of the respondents (heads of rural municipalities), the vast majority of rural municipalities in the Lublin voivodeship were financially stable and the Covid-19 pandemic generally did not have a significant impact on theirlevels of stability. |
Cytowanie | Gałecka A., Ganc M. (2022) Stabilność finansowa gmin wiejskich województwa lubelskiego w latach 2016-2020.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 27(76): 18-29 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2022_n76_s18.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2022 |
Łupiński M., Misztal P. Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego
Autor | Marcin Łupiński, Piotr Misztal |
Tytuł | Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego |
Słowa kluczowe | stabilność finansowa, ryzyko systemowe, model sieci |
Key words | financial stability, systemic risk, network model, banking system |
Abstrakt | Kryzys finansowy 2007+ ujawnił braki w reakcji decydentów politycznych na ryzyko systemowe. Okazało się, że nie tylko upadki poszczególnych banków, ale także negatywne efekty zewnętrzne wśród podmiotów mogą spowodować poważne zagrożenie dla sektora finansowego. W ciągu ostatnich 10 lat podjęto wiele międzynarodowych i krajowych inicjatyw mających na celu wzmocnienie stabilności systemu finansowego, wprowadzając perspektywę makroostrożnościową do nadzoru finansowego. Jednak ostatnie pandemie COVID19 okazały się poważnym negatywnym szokiem dla wielu gospodarek i ich sektorów finansowych. W niniejszym artykule, wykorzystując model sieciowy, staramy się przeanalizować, w jaki sposób te nieoczekiwane wydarzenia wpłynęły na polski sektor bankowy z ryzykiem systemowym. W celu analizy stabilności polskich banków opracowaliśmy formalne ramy testów warunków skrajnych oparte na modelu sieciowym, które umożliwiły identyfikację, modelowanie i pomiar ryzyka systemowego. Staraliśmy się zintegrować analizę czasu i przekrojowego charakteru ryzyka systemowego. |
Abstract | The financial crisis that began in 2007 pointed out deficiencies in policy-makers’ responsesto systemic risk. It turned out that not only individual bank insolvencies but also spillovers fromnegative externalities among entities can cause serious threats to the financial sector. During thelast 10 years, many international and national initiatives were taken to strengthen the soundnessof the financial system, introducing a macroprudential perspective to financial supervision.However, the recent COVID19 pandemic resulted in a serious negative shock for many economiesand their financial sectors. In this paper, using the network model we try to analyse how theserecent unexpected developments affected the Polish banking sector with systemic risk. To analysePolish bank stability we developed a formal stress-testing framework based on the network modelthat allowed systemic risk identification, modelling and measurement. We tried to integrateanalysis of time and the cross-sectional nature of systemic risk. |
Cytowanie | Łupiński M., Misztal P. (2022) Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 27(76): 68-79 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2022_n76_s68.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Jaska E., Werenowska A. Komunikacja polskich miast z otoczeniemspołeczno-gospodarczym w nowych mediach
Autor | Ewa Jaska, Agnieszka Werenowska |
Tytuł | Komunikacja polskich miast z otoczeniemspołeczno-gospodarczym w nowych mediach |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | nowe media, marketing terytorialny, komunikacja, informacja |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania nowych medióww marketingu terytorialnym miast i poziomu zainteresowania społecznego ich ofertą w tychkanałach komunikacji. W części teoretycznej scharakteryzowano komunikację z wykorzystaniemnowych mediów z perspektywy marketingu terytorialnego. W części empirycznej zdefiniowanom.in. preferowane cechy informacji zamieszczanych przez polskie miasta w mediachspołecznościowych i na oficjalnych stronach internetowych, wskazując na ich aktualność, czytelnośći użyteczność. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych analiz, polskie miasta prowadzą aktywnymarketing terytorialny z wykorzystaniem nowym mediów. Jednak tylko przemyślane, umiejętniei odpowiedzialnie prowadzone serwisy przyciągają relatywnie większą grupę odbiorców. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Jaska E., Werenowska A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n15_s129.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Weremczuk A., Wielechowski M., Wrzesińska-Kowal J. Developments and convergence of real housing pricesin Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic:focus on voivodeship capitals
Autor | Arkadiusz Weremczuk, Michał Wielechowski, Joanna Wrzesińska-Kowal |
Tytuł | Developments and convergence of real housing pricesin Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic:focus on voivodeship capitals |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | real estate market, housing prices, regional price convergence in housing market, COVID-19, voivodeship capitals, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper aims to present and assess the changes in real housing prices in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyse transaction prices of residential premises in a multi-family housing (apartments) in the primary and secondary markets within 16 administrative capitals of voivodeships. We use quarterly data on House Prices Database collected by the National Bank of Poland and data on quarterly price indices of consumer goods and services from Statistics Poland. The research period covers the period 2018-2021, with distinction into COVID-19- and pre-COVID-19 periods. We observe the highest housing prices in Warszawa, Gdańsk, Kraków, and Wrocław, while the lowest in Zielona Góra and Kielce. Surprisingly, the growth rate in real housing prices in the pandemic sub-period is lower than in corresponding pre-COVID-19 period. In the COVID-19 sub-period, we observe the most significant increases in real estate prices in Zielona Góra and Szczecin in the primary market, and Kraków, Lublin, and Łódź in the secondary market. Additionally, we reveal the existence of regional price convergence in the housing market in analysed cities, both in primary and secondary markets. However, we do not observe a common price convergence, but only convergence clubs (city-groups) where the housing prices tend to converge in the COVID-19 sub-period. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Weremczuk A., Wielechowski M., Wrzesińska-Kowal J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n16_s111.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Doronin A., Polishchuk O., Rybchak V. Potential of renewable sources in Ukraine
Autor | Andrii Doronin, Olena Polishchuk, Vitalii Rybchak |
Tytuł | Potential of renewable sources in Ukraine |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, energy safety, energy consumption, renewable energy sources, production potential, alternative kinds of fuel |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Bearing in mind a serious dependence of Ukraine on the import of oil products, it isof great significance for Ukraine to develop own manufacture and to increase the share of oilproduct substitution with biofuel. It is not possible to develop biofuel market without solvinga number of economic and organizational problems, which is why it is expedient to introducefinancial-economic stimuli for biofuel producers and to build a stable demand for alternativekinds of fuel. In Ukraine the manufacture of alternative fuels almost terminated, however thesolution of the problem of biofuel manufacture will depend on the coordination of joint actionsof the state, participants of market relations and the development of the system of measuresaimed at the creation of pre-conditions to enhance a competitive biofuel market in Ukraine,taking into consideration foreign experience and current tendencies of the manufacture anduse of the alternative energy sources. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Doronin A., Polishchuk O., Rybchak V. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n15_s25.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Adesoji S., Adisa B., Agboola A., Ajayi A., Alabi D., Ayinde J., Deji O., Filusi O., Ojo T., Oladele O., Opayinka A. Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria
Autor | Solomon Adesoji, Banji Adisa, Abiodun Agboola, Adedayo Ajayi, Dorcas Alabi, Julius Ayinde, Olanike Deji, Olajide Filusi, Toyin Ojo, Oladimeji Oladele, Aanuoluwapo Opayinka |
Tytuł | Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria |
Title | Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | participatory curriculum, career- ready, e- extension services, stakeholders, Nigeria |
Key words | participatory curriculum, career- ready, e- extension services, stakeholders, Nigeria |
Abstrakt | This paper described and contextualized participatory development of demand-driven curriculum for career-ready e-extension services in Nigeria as introduced by the Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education. The stages of participatory development were participatory need assessment, participatory stakeholders’ workshop and validation among 124 stakeholders selected as key informants in relation to agricultural extension training, delivery, end users and policy makers. The stakeholders were grouped as follows: community leaders and policy makers; extension agencies / organisations / institutions / employers; farmers; input suppliers / marketers / agro-based traders / other value actors; and potential candidate groups. Stakeholder meetings were held separately with different groups three times, and then a combined meeting took place. The aggregated major decisions/consensus were subjected to content analysis using ATLAS.ti. The validation process included reading of each agreed decision to all participants, then participants indicated their agreement or otherwise, which led to either rejection or acceptance of the decision. This paper concludes that participatory curriculum development has enhanced the stakeholders to identify areas of demand-driven training in response to community needs. The stakeholders preferred more online than face-to-face training. The major perceived advantages of e-extension were reduced risk, time and cost effectiveness while infrastructural and human challenges were the perceived challenges that could possibly hinder the smooth running of e extension. |
Abstract | This paper described and contextualized participatory development of demand-driven curriculum for career-ready e-extension services in Nigeria as introduced by the Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education. The stages of participatory development were participatory need assessment, participatory stakeholders’ workshop and validation among 124 stakeholders selected as key informants in relation to agricultural extension training, delivery, end users and policy makers. The stakeholders were grouped as follows: community leaders and policy makers; extension agencies / organisations / institutions / employers; farmers; input suppliers / marketers / agro-based traders / other value actors; and potential candidate groups. Stakeholder meetings were held separately with different groups three times, and then a combined meeting took place. The aggregated major decisions/consensus were subjected to content analysis using ATLAS.ti. The validation process included reading of each agreed decision to all participants, then participants indicated their agreement or otherwise, which led to either rejection or acceptance of the decision. This paper concludes that participatory curriculum development has enhanced the stakeholders to identify areas of demand-driven training in response to community needs. The stakeholders preferred more online than face-to-face training. The major perceived advantages of e-extension were reduced risk, time and cost effectiveness while infrastructural and human challenges were the perceived challenges that could possibly hinder the smooth running of e extension. |
Cytowanie | Adesoji S., Adisa B., Agboola A., Ajayi A., Alabi D., Ayinde J., Deji O., Filusi O., Ojo T., Oladele O., Opayinka A. (2021) Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 14-23 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s14.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria
Autor | Amurtiya Michael, Shuaibu Mshelia, Justice Onu, Samuel Upev |
Tytuł | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Title | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Key words | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Abstrakt | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Abstract | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Cytowanie | Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. (2021) Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 2: 33-44 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n2_s33.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Hutsalenko L., Kolesnikova O., Marchuk U., Zabolotnyy S. THE HACCP SYSTEM AS A GUARANTEE FOR FOOD SAFETY IN UKRAINE
Autor | Liubov Hutsalenko, Olena Kolesnikova, Uliana Marchuk, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | management system, HACCP, Critical Control Point (CPC) |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The research points out the principal concept of the HACCP system, ensuring product safety along the whole food chain 'from the field to the table'. It focuses on HACCP as the food safety management system that proved to be effective and has been accepted globally. In recent years the HACCP system has been gradually introduced in Ukrainian business entities. The article reveals the emergence of the HACCP system and the adaptation of the legal base of Ukraine in the area of food safety requirements. It provides evidence that the harmonization of Ukrainian and international standards in the field of food quality and safety calls for the necessity to introduce HACCP-conforming technologies at all stages of production in Ukrainian companies. The results of the audits of food product safety in Ukraine for the period 2016-2019 were evaluated. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Hutsalenko L., Kolesnikova O., Marchuk U., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s49.pdf |
9. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Oleg Kucher, Liliia Prokopchuk, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | bioeconomy, agriculture, biotechnologies, bioresources, strategies |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article examines the role of the bioeconomy in the formation of priorities for the economic development of Ukraine. It is determined that the primary goal of the bioeconomy is the optimal use of renewable biological resources and the creation of sustainable manufacturing systems for new products. It is noted that Ukraine belongs to the countries with high bioeconomic potential, the source of which is the production of biomass of agricultural origin that creates favorable conditions for the development of the bioeconomy. The dynamics of biomass production potential are characterized by a stable increase in the amount of biomass available for use, and its energy capacity is analysed. Using the methodology of 'smart specialization', a model of strategy formation was developed, which defines the priorities, goals, and objectives of the bioeconomic development of Ukraine's economy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kucher O., Prokopchuk L., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s78.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Bajan B., Mrówczyńska-Kamińska A. Supply of Materials to the Agribusiness Sector of European Union Countries
Autor | Bartłomiej Bajan, Aldona Mrówczyńska-Kamińska |
Tytuł | Supply of Materials to the Agribusiness Sector of European Union Countries |
Title | Supply of Materials to the Agribusiness Sector of European Union Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | material supply, agribusiness, food industry, agriculture, European Union |
Key words | material supply, agribusiness, food industry, agriculture, European Union |
Abstrakt | The purpose of this paper was to assess the prevailing relationships in the supply structure of the agribusiness sector in European Union countries over the years. The study focused on 25 European Union countries (Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta were excluded) to address the changes in the supply structures of agriculture and food industries, the two major components of agribusiness. The study was of a dynamic nature. Although the study period was 2000–2014, this paper only presents the figures for the first and the last year, i.e. 2000 and 2014. The main focus was on drawing conclusions on the trends observed which proved to be relatively stable in the years covered. The input–output analysis was used by aggregating the sectors of the economy for a better transparency of the inference process. As shown by this study, EU countries at higher development levels witness a decline in the share of the chemical industry in the mix of goods and services supplied to agriculture. Conversely, less developed countries saw that ratio increase. Also, the share of goods supplied to agriculture from the fuel and energy sectors goes up in most EU countries. As regards the food industry, this study observed high shares of agriculture, services and self-supply in the supply structure of EU countries. This analysis extends the existing knowledge on the relationships in the structure of materials supplied to the agribusiness because in addition to agriculture itself (which was addressed by similar studies found in literature) it takes account of the food industry. Moreover, based on long-term observations, it endeavors to capture the prevailing relationships in several countries at a time. |
Abstract | The purpose of this paper was to assess the prevailing relationships in the supply structure of the agribusiness sector in European Union countries over the years. The study focused on 25 European Union countries (Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta were excluded) to address the changes in the supply structures of agriculture and food industries, the two major components of agribusiness. The study was of a dynamic nature. Although the study period was 2000–2014, this paper only presents the figures for the first and the last year, i.e. 2000 and 2014. The main focus was on drawing conclusions on the trends observed which proved to be relatively stable in the years covered. The input–output analysis was used by aggregating the sectors of the economy for a better transparency of the inference process. As shown by this study, EU countries at higher development levels witness a decline in the share of the chemical industry in the mix of goods and services supplied to agriculture. Conversely, less developed countries saw that ratio increase. Also, the share of goods supplied to agriculture from the fuel and energy sectors goes up in most EU countries. As regards the food industry, this study observed high shares of agriculture, services and self-supply in the supply structure of EU countries. This analysis extends the existing knowledge on the relationships in the structure of materials supplied to the agribusiness because in addition to agriculture itself (which was addressed by similar studies found in literature) it takes account of the food industry. Moreover, based on long-term observations, it endeavors to capture the prevailing relationships in several countries at a time. |
Cytowanie | Bajan B., Mrówczyńska-Kamińska A. (2020) Supply of Materials to the Agribusiness Sector of European Union Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 15-24 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s15.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Błażejowska M. Social entrepreneurship in rural areas as illustrated by social cooperatives in Poland’s Masovian Voivodeship
Autor | Małgorzata Błażejowska |
Tytuł | Social entrepreneurship in rural areas as illustrated by social cooperatives in Poland’s Masovian Voivodeship |
Title | Funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorczości społecznej na obszarach wiejskich na przykładzie spółdzielni socjalnych województwa mazowieckiego |
Słowa kluczowe | social cooperatives, rural areas, Masovian Voivodeship |
Key words | spółdzielnie socjalne, obszary wiejskie, woj. Mazowieckie |
Abstrakt | This paper aims to present the social cooperative movement in Poland’s rural areas as illustrated by social cooperatives operating in rural communes of the Masovian Voivodeship. Of the 32 units operating at least since 2014, only 10 have remained on the market. Based on the National Court Register data, the study examined activity profiles, employment levels, activity periods, founding entities and financial situations by using the method of indicators of dynamics and return on sales (ROS). Cooperatives were selected with regard to the legal nature of their founders in order to indicate any differences. The cooperatives established by legal persons had a stable financial situation in the case of 80% of the analysed entities. All of them recorded an increase in revenues in comparison to the year before and 80% of them reported a profit and a positive ROS. 80% of the entities established by natural persons generated a loss from conducted activities and a negative ROS in the last three years of conducted activities. The research results showed that the greatest chances for development were found in cooperatives that were established by legal persons and which rendered services of general interest. |
Abstract | Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie przedsiębiorczości społecznej na obszarach wiejskich na przykładzie spółdzielni socjalnych mających siedzibę w gminach wiejskich woj. mazowieckiego. Ustalono, że spośród 32 jednostek funkcjonujących co najmniej od 2014 roku, na rynku utrzymało się tylko 10. Na podstawie danych z KRS zbadano profil działalności, poziom zatrudnienia, okres prowadzenia działalności, podmioty założycielskie oraz sytuację finansową przy wykorzystaniu metody indeksów dynamiki oraz wskaźnika rentowności sprzedaży (ROS). Wyodrębniono spółdzielnie pod względem podmiotowości prawnej założycieli, celem wskazania różnic. Wśród podmiotów założonych przez osoby prawne występuje stabilna sytuacja finansowa dla 80% analizowanych jednostek. We wszystkich z nich nastąpił wzrost przychodów w porównaniu do roku ubiegłego a 80% z nich odnotowała zysk oraz dodatni ROS. Spośród spółdzielni założonych przez osoby fizyczne 80% wykazało stratę z prowadzonej działalności oraz ujemny ROS w trzech ostatnich latach prowadzonej działalności. Wyniki badań wykazały, że największe szanse na rozwój mają spółdzielnie socjalne założone przez osoby prawne i świadczące usługi użyteczności publicznej. |
Cytowanie | Błażejowska M. (2020) Social entrepreneurship in rural areas as illustrated by social cooperatives in Poland’s Masovian Voivodeship .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 24(73): 20-30 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n73_s20.pdf |
12. |
Ekonomika i Organizacja Logistyki, 2020 |
Wicki L. The impact of WMS implementation on work productivity. The case of three distribution warehouses
Autor | Ludwik Wicki |
Tytuł | The impact of WMS implementation on work productivity. The case of three distribution warehouses |
Title | Wpływ wdrożenia systemu WMS na produktywność pracy. Przypadek trzech magazynów dystrybucyjnych |
Słowa kluczowe | WMS, warehouse, labour productivity |
Key words | WMS, magazyn, produktywność pracy |
Abstrakt | Solutions of Industry 4.0 cover more and more areas of the economy. In logistics, digitization applies to each of the functional areas. Introducing IT solutions in logistics leads to an increase in the reliability of communication, faster stock rotation, and a higher level of service. It enables higher work efficiency and overall productivity. Changes in work productivity in three warehouses as a result of the implementation of a WMS class system and accompanying necessary changes in the equipment and organization of warehouse space was analysed in this work. The source of data for the analysis was the measurement of labour productivity for 12 months: three months before the implementation of the WMS and nine after its implementation. Work productivity after the implementation of the WMS increased by 40% compared to the level before it. The period of introducing WMS and obtaining an increase in personnel productivity was at least six months. Labour productivity in the analysed period increased in each month of the analysis. Only one of the three warehouses showed stabilization of workforce productivity at a level 50% higher than before the implementation. The research results confirm that the presence of WMS in the warehouse makes it possible to reach a significant increase in work productivity in warehouses. |
Abstract | Cyfryzacja obejmuje coraz więcej obszarów gospodarki i życia społecznego. W logistyce obejmuje każdy z obszarów funkcjonalnych. Podstawowe cele, jakie są realizowane poprzez wdrożenia systemów informatycznych to wzrost szybkości i niezawodności obsługi, obniżenie strat, wzrost wydajności pracy, obniżka kosztów. W pracy analizowano zmiany produktywności pracy w trzech magazynach w wyniku wdrożenia systemu klasy WMS i koniecznych zmian w zakresie wyposażenia oraz organizacji przestrzeni magazynu. Podstawą analizy były wyniki pomiarów produktywności pracy w okresie 12 miesięcy: trzech przed wdrożeniem systemu i dziewięciu po wdrożeniu systemu. Stwierdzono, że produktywność pracy po pół roku od wdrożenia wzrosła o 40% w stosunku do poziomu przed wdrożeniem systemu WMS. Okres produkcyjnego uczenia się po zmianach wynosił co najmniej sześć miesięcy. Tylko w jednym z trzech magazynów zaobserwowano stabilizację produktywności pracy na poziomie o 50% wyższym niż przed wdrożeniem. Wdrożenie systemu WMS w istotnym stopniu przyczynia się do wzrostu produktywności pracy. |
Cytowanie | Wicki L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOL_2020_T5_n3_s77.pdf |
13. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Katarzyna Czech, Michał Wielechowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | agricultural commodities, stock market, COVID-19, structural breaks |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper aims to identify the COVID-19-driven structural break in agricultural commodity prices time series. We assume the official outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., 11 March 2020, as the breaking point. We use data on the S&P GSCI Agriculture and Livestock Index and the S&P 500 from Refinitiv Datastream. The structural break is identified based on the Chow test. We prove the existence of structural break in both the S&P 500 and the S&P GSCI Agriculture and Livestock Index triggered by the official outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, to assess the causality between the analysed series, we apply the Granger causality test. We reveal a unidirectional causal relationship from the stock market to the agricultural commodity market. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czech K., Wielechowski M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s37.pdf |
14. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Hubeni Y., Krupa O., Krupa V., Raiter N. Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market
Autor | Yuriy Hubeni, Oksana Krupa, Volodymyr Krupa, Nataliia Raiter |
Tytuł | Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market |
Title | Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market |
Słowa kluczowe | globalization, HoReCa, wholesale trade, wholesale market of agricultural production, wholesale purchase, customers’ market behavior |
Key words | globalization, HoReCa, wholesale trade, wholesale market of agricultural production, wholesale purchase, customers’ market behavior |
Abstrakt | The article is devoted to the research of local determinants of HoReCa sphere subject economic behavior in the wholesale markets of agricultural production under hospitality sphere globalization in Ukraine. The authors generalized the key provisions of consumer market behavior theories and its formation factors in HoReCa sphere. The peculiarities of agricultural wholesale market functioning are defined and the competitive surrounding of wholesale food market in western region of Ukraine is characterized. Main principles of business organization in HoReCa sphere are studied; the impact of globalization and foreign economic activity vectors on this sphere internationalization is outlined. The results of research project made by the authors are given, which was aimed at examining motives and peculiarities of HoReCa customers market behavior when wholesale purchasing agricultural production for their own business. The research was conducted on the basis of “Shuvar” market of agricultural production Ltd. - the largest in Western Ukraine wholesale agricultural market. It consists of several specialized food halls, including HoReCa centre. The structure of HoReCa establishments, that are “Shuvar” wholesale market clients, is analyzed. The factors influencing their managers’ decisions, concerning purchase assortment, its frequency, the most convenient time of goods delivery, are investigated. The evaluation of significance degree of certain products purchase, including price, products homogeneity, their constant availability, exclusiveness, is received. HoReCa sphere subjects’ wishes were studied, concerning purchase information support in the wholesale market, for service quality improvement. |
Abstract | The article is devoted to the research of local determinants of HoReCa sphere subject economic behavior in the wholesale markets of agricultural production under hospitality sphere globalization in Ukraine. The authors generalized the key provisions of consumer market behavior theories and its formation factors in HoReCa sphere. The peculiarities of agricultural wholesale market functioning are defined and the competitive surrounding of wholesale food market in western region of Ukraine is characterized. Main principles of business organization in HoReCa sphere are studied; the impact of globalization and foreign economic activity vectors on this sphere internationalization is outlined. The results of research project made by the authors are given, which was aimed at examining motives and peculiarities of HoReCa customers market behavior when wholesale purchasing agricultural production for their own business. The research was conducted on the basis of “Shuvar” market of agricultural production Ltd. - the largest in Western Ukraine wholesale agricultural market. It consists of several specialized food halls, including HoReCa centre. The structure of HoReCa establishments, that are “Shuvar” wholesale market clients, is analyzed. The factors influencing their managers’ decisions, concerning purchase assortment, its frequency, the most convenient time of goods delivery, are investigated. The evaluation of significance degree of certain products purchase, including price, products homogeneity, their constant availability, exclusiveness, is received. HoReCa sphere subjects’ wishes were studied, concerning purchase information support in the wholesale market, for service quality improvement. |
Cytowanie | Hubeni Y., Krupa O., Krupa V., Raiter N. (2020) Globalization and Local Determinants of HORECA Customers Market Behavior in the Wholesale Food Market.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 25-39 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s25.pdf |
15. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Katunian A., Variakojiene J., Zirnele, L. Theoretical and practical assumptions of the business travelorganization. Lithuanian case
Autor | Alina Katunian, Jolita Variakojiene, Lina Zirnele, |
Tytuł | Theoretical and practical assumptions of the business travelorganization. Lithuanian case |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | business trips, business tourism, MICE, Lithuania |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of this article is to analyse the theoretical and practical assumptions ofthe business travel organization. Development of the business tourism and growth of thebusiness trips was mainly influenced by the development of the international business.Nowadays business tourism is in a great request, business travellers book a lot of tourismservices, for instance: accommodation, transportation, insurance and other services. Differentcompanies have different approach and capabilities towards organization of the business trips:organizing through tour operators, self-organizing by the employees, organizing by the tourismprofessionals employed in the company. The article reviews the tendencies and represents theLithuanian case of the business travel organization. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Katunian A., Variakojiene J., Zirnele, L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n13_s59.pdf |
16. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Alexandra-Maria Chirilas, Diana Foris |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | agritourism, rural areas, local gastronomy |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This paper addresses issues regarding the new government initiative Local Gastronomic Points to develop rural areas with agritourism potential in Romania by highlighting the local gastronomy. The main objective of this research is to identify how the concept of Local Gastronomic Points is perceived in terms of the opinion of the owners who manage such businesses and to identify the implications of this concept in the development of agritourism. In this respect, qualitative marketing research based on the semi-structured interview method was conducted at the level of the rural tourist destination Vama Buzaului, Romania. The main conclusion of the study is that the Local Gastronomic Points is an initiative that demonstrates that it can generate horizontal development of the rural areas and the development of agritourism. The research results revealed that this concept enhances the local community and gastronomy. Starting from these results, we propose to design a unitary Gastro Local concept at the county level, which should include specific requirements regarding the culinary preparations and services, the standardization of the marking and signalling of these Points, and intense activity of information and tourist promotion. The results of the study are conclusive and relevant for stakeholders in agritourism, for the responsible public authorities in the field of tourism, to develop competitive rural tourist destinations. The paper also offers future research directions. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Chirilas A., Foris D. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s43.pdf |
17. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Kucharska B., Malinowska M. Pokolenie Y na rynku żywności – perspektywa placówek gastronomicznych
Autor | Barbara Kucharska, Mirosława Malinowska |
Tytuł | Pokolenie Y na rynku żywności – perspektywa placówek gastronomicznych |
Title | Generation Y on the Food Market – the Perspective of Catering Establishment |
Słowa kluczowe | pokolenie Y, rynek żywności, placówka gastronomiczna |
Key words | generation Y, food market, catering establishment |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja wybranych elementów zachowań pokolenia Y na rynku usług gastronomicznych oraz działań podejmowanych przez placówki gastronomiczne w kontekście tych zachowań. Realizacji celu posłużyły studia literaturowe, informacje pochodzące z czasopism branżowych oraz badania bezpośrednie przeprowadzone przez autorów artykułu. Identyfikacji wyróżników oferty placówek gastronomicznych wpisujących się w specyfikę pokolenia Y dokonano na podstawie analizie zawartości informacji zawartych na stronach internetowych placówek. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań i analiz wskazują, że pokolenie Y to niezwykle ważny podmiot rynku usług gastronomicznych – duży liczebnie, ale również innowacyjny, aktywny, szybki, wymagający. Zachowania pokolenia Y wyznaczają współczesne trendy na rynku i wymuszają podejmowanie działań przez placówki gastronomiczne zgodne z tymi trendami - w zakresie oferty, jej różnorodności i dostępności, a także wirtualizacji elementów obsługi klienta. |
Abstract | The aim of the article is to identify selected elements of behaviors of generation Y on the market of catering services and activities undertaken by catering establishments in the context of these behaviors. The purpose of the article was accomplished by literature studies, information from branche magazines, and direct research carried out by the authors of the article. Identification of the distinguishing features of gastronomic establishments suitable to the specificity of generation Y was based on the analysis of the content of information contained on the websites of these establishments. The results of research and analysis indicate that Generation Y is an extremely important entity on the food service market - it is not only large in number, but also innovative, active, fast and demanding. Behaviors of generation Y determine modern market trends and force gastronomic establishments in accordance with these trends - in terms of the offer, its diversity and availability, as well as the virtualization of customer service elements. |
Cytowanie | Kucharska B., Malinowska M. (2020) Pokolenie Y na rynku żywności – perspektywa placówek gastronomicznych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 40-51 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s40.pdf |
18. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Cezary Szydłowski |
Title | Audyt dochodów z tytułu opłaty miejscowej w wybranych gminach województwa pomorskiego w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | audit, budget revenues, local tax, climate fee, public sector, local government. |
Key words | audyt, dochody budżetowe, opłata miejscowa, opłata klimatyczna, sektor publiczny, samorząd terytorialny. |
Abstrakt | The article presents the importance of auditing the assessment of a commune's budget revenues for tourist fees (local fee or spa fee) as a tool enabling its increase by the commune authorized to impose it. The purpose of this article is to present on the basis of selected coastal municipalities of the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, the role and significance of the audit of the assessment of income to the municipal budget in terms of local and spa fees. The article uses case study, analytical method, inference method and document examination method as the research methodology. The source materials for the analysis were documents made available on the pages of the Public Information Bulletin by the assessed local government units from the Pomeranian Voivodeship (reports on the implementation of the budget and Rb-27s reports containing information on revenue for the year). The local and spa fees constitute a small share in the total income of the budgets of the surveyed municipalities. The key factor improving the revenues of municipalities from local and spa fees is the improvement of their collection system. The risk of inefficient collection of fees by those who collect them from tourists is a threat to effective collection of the fees. Therefore, individual communes should improve the supervision system and control of toll collection by hotel service providers. |
Abstract | Artykuł przedstawia znaczenie audytu oceny dochodów do budżetu gminy z tytułu opłat turystycznych (opłaty miejscowej lub opłaty uzdrowiskowej) jako narzędzia umożliwiającego zwiększanie jego poboru przez gminę uprawnioną do jej nakładania. Głównym celem artykułu było ustalenie jaki poziom dochodów budżetowych nadmorskich gmin województwa pomorskiego w Polsce stanowią wpływy z opłaty miejscowej i uzdrowiskowej. W artykule jako metodę badawczą wykorzystano studium przypadku, metodę analityczną, metodę wnioskowania oraz metodę badania dokumentów. Ocenie poddano wybrane nadmorskie samorządy miejskie oraz wiejskie województwa pomorskiego w Polsce. Materiał źródłowy do analizy stanowiły sprawozdania z realizacji budżetu oraz sprawozdania Rb-27s zawierające informacje o dochodach za dany rok. Przeprowadzone badania uwidoczniły, że dochody z opłaty miejscowej i uzdrowiskowej stanowią niewielki udział w budżecie poszczególnych gmin. Kluczowym czynnikiem wpływającym na poprawę dochodów gmin z tytułu opłat miejscowych i uzdrowiskowych jest usprawnienie systemu ich poboru. |
Cytowanie | Szydłowski C. (2020) AUDIT OF INCOME FROM LOCAL FEES IN SELECTED COMMUNES OF THE POMERANIAN PROVINCE IN POLAND.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 208-221 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s208.pdf |
19. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Piotr Mielus |
Title | Wpływ panelistów na kształtowanie się stawki WIBOR – podejście hybrydowe |
Słowa kluczowe | financial benchmarks, money market, hybrid method |
Key words | wskaźniki finansowe, rynek pieniężny, metoda hybrydowa |
Abstrakt | The reform of financial benchmarks is one of the key elements of stability and trust in the financial market. In the money market, it is difficult to implement reforms because of the disappearance of the interbank deposit market, which was a reference market for IBOR-type rates. A solution is a hybrid method which combines declarations of panelists and prices of eligible transactions. Based on historic time series, the article analyses the impact of individual banks on the published index and presents the way the hybrid method can be used for WIBOR 3M. On the grounds of empirical data, the impact of particular banks was found to be moderate and the hybrid method proved to generate an interest rate series of a similar level, but of greater variance. The key problem is a limited impact of real-transaction prices on the published rate due to a low share of concluded deals and divergence of their prices from quotes generated by so called expert judgment in the analysed period. |
Abstract | Reforma wskaźników finansowych jest jednym z kluczowych elementów stabilności i zaufania na rynku finansowym. Na rynku pieniężnym, wdrożenie reformy jest trudne ze względu na zanik międzybankowego rynku depozytowego, który stanowił rynek referencyjny dla stawek typu IBOR. Rozwiązaniem jest metoda hybrydowa stanowiąca połączenie deklaracji panelistów oraz cen zawartych transakcji spełniających wyznaczone kryteria. Artykuł, na podstawie historycznych szeregów czasowych, analizuje wpływ poszczególnych banków na kształtowanie się publikowanego indeksu oraz prezentuje aplikację metody hybrydowej dla wskaźnika WIBOR 3M. Na podstawie danych empirycznych ustalono, że wpływ poszczególnych banków jest umiarkowany, a metoda hybrydowa generuje szereg stóp procentowych o podobnym poziomie stawki, ale o wyższej wariancji. Problemem jest niski udział cen transakcyjnych w procesie kształtowania stawki, ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę zawartych transakcji oraz rozbieżność ich cen z ocenami eksperckimi składanymi w okresie analizowanej próby. |
Cytowanie | Mielus P. (2020) IMPACT OF PANELISTS ON WIBOR RATES – HYBRID APPROACH.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 123-133 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s123.pdf |
20. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Stańczak-Strumiłło K. Instytucjonalne wykluczenie emerytalne w wąskim ujęciu jako rodzaj wykluczenia finansowego w Polsce
Autor | Kamila Stańczak-Strumiłło |
Tytuł | Instytucjonalne wykluczenie emerytalne w wąskim ujęciu jako rodzaj wykluczenia finansowego w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | wykluczenie finansowe, wykluczenie emerytalne, dobrowolne programy emerytalne. |
Key words | financial exclusion, pension exclusion, voluntary pension plans. |
Abstrakt | Problematyka wykluczenia finansowego stanowi istotny obszar badań we współczesnej nauce finansów głownie ze względu na poważne skutki jakie zjawisko to implikuje zarówno w makro (dla gospodarki, sektora finansowego), jak i mikro skali (dla konsumentów usług finansowych). Obserwując zmiany w demografii (wydłużanie się życia, starzenie społeczeństw) oraz spadek prognozowanych stóp zastąpienia w bazowych systemach emerytalnych szczególnego znaczenia nabiera kategoria wykluczenia emerytalnego, polegająca na ograniczonym dostępie jednostek do produktów emerytalnych. Celem artykułu jest określenie istoty i miary wykluczenia emerytalnego oraz próba kwantyfikacji tego zjawiska w Polsce w latach 2006-2017. O oryginalności opracowania stanowi autorska definicja instytucjonalnego wykluczenia emerytalnego w szerokim i wąskim ujęciu, a także podjęta próba pomiaru instytucjonalnego wykluczenia emerytalnego w wąskim ujęciu obejmująca analizę zmian liczby uczestników dobrowolnych programów emerytalnych, wskaźników penetracji poszczególnych programów emerytalnych, oraz odsetka osób aktywnych ekonomicznie, nie korzystających z produktów emerytalnych. |
Abstract | The issue of financial exclusion is an important area of research in modern finance science, mainly due to the serious effects that this phenomenon implies in both the macro (for the economy and the financial sector) and micro scale (for consumers of financial services). Observing changes in demography (increasing life expectancy, aging of societies) and a drop in forecasted replacement rates in basic pension systems, the category of pension exclusion, which involves limited access of individuals to pension products, is of particular importance. The purpose of this paper is to determine the nature and measure of pension exclusion and attempt to quantify this phenomenon in Poland in the years 2006-2017. The originality of the study is the author’s definition of institutional pension exclusion in both a broad and narrow perspective, as well as the attempt to measure institutional retirement exclusion in specific avenues, including: the analysis of changes in the number of voluntary pension scheme participants, penetration rates for individual pension programs and the percentage of economically active people not using pension products. |
Cytowanie | Stańczak-Strumiłło K. (2020) Instytucjonalne wykluczenie emerytalne w wąskim ujęciu jako rodzaj wykluczenia finansowego w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 168-179 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s168.pdf |