Lampart M., Mierzejewski M. Analysis of Business Cycles in the Breeding of Pigs, Cattle and Poultry and their Relationship to the Causality of Wheat and Rye Cultivation in Poland
Autor | Magdalena Lampart, Mateusz Mierzejewski |
Tytuł | Analysis of Business Cycles in the Breeding of Pigs, Cattle and Poultry and their Relationship to the Causality of Wheat and Rye Cultivation in Poland |
Title | Analysis of Business Cycles in the Breeding of Pigs, Cattle and Poultry and their Relationship to the Causality of Wheat and Rye Cultivation in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | pork cycle, hog cycle, agribusiness, breeding, cycles |
Key words | pork cycle, hog cycle, agribusiness, breeding, cycles |
Abstrakt | The article presents a study on the phenomenon of pig gaps in the perspective of pig, cattle, and poultry farming in Poland. The work attempts to define the phenomenon itself as well as to show the reasons for its occurrence and significance for the Polish economy. The study used a cross-spectral analysis, which indicated cyclical relationships and shifts between the studied time series. The methodology of the work was based on a simplified spectral analysis, i.e. the use of the square of coherence, spectral density and phase spectrum. In addition, the article uses a comparative method for selected production volumes. The results were analyzed in the context of occurrence of pig cycles for breeding and cultivation. The study showed the occurrence of the relationship between pig breeding and wheat and rye cultivation. |
Abstract | The article presents a study on the phenomenon of pig gaps in the perspective of pig, cattle, and poultry farming in Poland. The work attempts to define the phenomenon itself as well as to show the reasons for its occurrence and significance for the Polish economy. The study used a cross-spectral analysis, which indicated cyclical relationships and shifts between the studied time series. The methodology of the work was based on a simplified spectral analysis, i.e. the use of the square of coherence, spectral density and phase spectrum. In addition, the article uses a comparative method for selected production volumes. The results were analyzed in the context of occurrence of pig cycles for breeding and cultivation. The study showed the occurrence of the relationship between pig breeding and wheat and rye cultivation. |
Cytowanie | Lampart M., Mierzejewski M. (2018) Analysis of Business Cycles in the Breeding of Pigs, Cattle and Poultry and their Relationship to the Causality of Wheat and Rye Cultivation in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 218-227 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s218.pdf |
Kufel J. Cykl koniunkturalny a wahania marż w polskim przemyśle spożywczym – wnioski z analizy spektralnej
Autor | Justyna Kufel |
Tytuł | Cykl koniunkturalny a wahania marż w polskim przemyśle spożywczym – wnioski z analizy spektralnej |
Title | Business cycle and markups fluctuations in the Polish food industry – conclusions from spectral analysis |
Słowa kluczowe | cykle koniunkturalne, przemysł spożywczy, marże, analiza spektralna |
Key words | business cycles, food sector, markups, spectral analysis |
Abstrakt | W celu odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak zmieniają się struktury rynku w polskim przemyśle spożywczym na tle wahań koniunktury, badano zależność między realnym PKB w latach 2002-2013 a marżami na poziomie zagregowanego przemysłu spożywczego. Oprócz analizy korelacyjnej i cross-korelacyjnej sięgnięto po narzędzia analizy spektralnej. Okazało się, że do najbardziej konkluzywnych wyników prowadzi estymacja marż z uwzględnieniem wynagrodzeń krańcowych i pracy nieprodukcyjnej. O ile analiza cykliczności pozwoliła stwierdzić, że równoczesna współzależność pomiędzy marżami a cyklem makroekonomicznym jest raczej słaba i ujemna, analiza wyprzedzeń i opóźnień wskazała, że szczyty marż poprzedzają szczyty koniunktury o ok. 2 lata. |
Abstract | In order to answer the question how market structures in the Polish food sector change along the business cycle, a relationship between real GDP in the period 2002-2013 and markups in the food sector was being tested. The methods used were as follows: correlations, cross-correlations and spectral analyses. Markups estimation taking account of marginal wage and overhead labor gave the most conclusive results. Cyclicality analysis allowed to state that the simultaneous variation between markups and business cycle is rather weak and negative, whereas markups peaks proceed peaks in business cycle by circa 2 years. |
Cytowanie | Kufel J. (2016) Cykl koniunkturalny a wahania marż w polskim przemyśle spożywczym – wnioski z analizy spektralnej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 16(31), z. 1: 149-163 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2016_T16(31)_n1_s149.pdf |