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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Chykurkova A., Hutsol T., Kucher O., Melnyk M. Conceptual approaches to analysis and assessmentof efficiency of joint stock company functioning
Autor | Alla Chykurkova, Taras Hutsol, Oleg Kucher, Mariia Melnyk |
Tytuł | Conceptual approaches to analysis and assessmentof efficiency of joint stock company functioning |
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Słowa kluczowe | joint stock company, efficiency, corporation, corporate governance, financial andeconomic condition, dairy processing enterprise |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Effectiveness of a joint-stock company is realized through the skills and ability totake into account the wishes and needs of stakeholders and the organization in full. This workis based on the alignment of performance criteria with the organization’s strategy and capabilities.Management plays a key role in this process. It is they who must understand what theshareholders, customers, employees, lenders, and regulators want from the company, andthat each category requires organizations to meet their own needs. At the same time, the performancemeasurement and management system should be flexible enough to be transparentand able to keep track of processes occurring within the organization and stakeholder engagement.The activity of a joint-stock company includes general elements and special elementsthat arise from the specifics of the company’s operation. The peculiarities of the activity ofthe company are due also to industry trends, which are partially derived from specific elementsof management. In this regard, when identifying problems of functioning of joint-stockcompanies of the dairy industry, it is necessary to take into account the specific nature of theiractivity. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Chykurkova A., Hutsol T., Kucher O., Melnyk M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n14_s55.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Hutsol T., Kovalenko V., Kovalenko N., Zasada M. Economic efficiency of production of herbal granules
Autor | Taras Hutsol, Vitalii Kovalenko, Nataliia Kovalenko, Michal Zasada |
Tytuł | Economic efficiency of production of herbal granules |
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Słowa kluczowe | managerial decision making, feed production, the efficiency of the production ofgranulated feed |
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Abstrakt | Improving production efficiency, increasing gross and marketable output is inextricablylinked to comprehensive intensification, that is, with the growth of additional investmentsin the development of agricultural production. The increase in capital investments isthe basis for strengthening and improving the material and technical base, and for implementingscientific and technological progress. Increasing the intensity of agriculture and animalhusbandry contributes to more efficient use of land and livestock, increasing crop yields andlivestock productivity. The main link between crop production and animal husbandry is feedproduction. Creating a solid feed base is the most important condition for the development ofanimal husbandry. Its state and level of development determine the possibility of increasingthe number of animals, increasing their productivity, improving the quality of products andreducing the cost of the latter. It is proved that the level of productivity of animals by 50-80%is determined by their feeding. Due to the importance of feed, it is necessary that their productionis ahead of the pace of needs (growth of livestock and its productivity). When forminga feed base, it is important to take into account not only the total volume of feed that willensure the production of a certain amount of products, but also their balance with nutrients.As a rule, feed, namely green feed, silage, haylage, is not a commodity product, that is, thereare no permanent markets for them. These types of feed are grown by those farms that areengaged in animal husbandry and must create their own raw material base for obtaining themain feed. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Hutsol T., Kovalenko V., Kovalenko N., Zasada M. |
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Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n14_s127.pdf |
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Economic and Technical Efficiency of Sunflower Seed Treatment, 2020 |
Głowacki S., Gołębiewski J., Hutsol T., Kiurchev S., Kolodii O., Kucher O., Mykhailov Y., Nurek T., Palianychka N., Verkholantseva V., Zadosna N. Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika
Autor | Szymon Głowacki, Jarosław Gołębiewski, Taras Hutsol, Serhii Kiurchev, Oleksandr Kolodii, Oleg Kucher, Yevgen Mykhailov, Tomasz Nurek, Nadiia Palianychka, Valentуna Verkholantseva, Natali Zadosna |
Tytuł | Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika |
Title | Economic and Technical Efficiency of Sunflower Seed Treatment |
Słowa kluczowe | słonecznik, nasiona słonecznika, produkcja, oczyszczanie, wydajność, Ukraina |
Key words | sunflower, sunflower seed, production, purification, efficiency, Ukraine |
Abstrakt | W monografii przedstawiono analizę fizyczną i mechanicznąwłaściwości oleju słonecznikowego, środki techniczne obróbki pożniwnej upraw oraz wyniki badań pneumatycznych i pneumatycznych urządzeń grawitacyjnych. Pzredstawiono analizę analizę produkcji słonecznika na Ukrainie, wyposażenie techniczne do pozbiorczego przerobu nasion słonecznika, wyniki badań teoretycznych procesów oddzielania zanieczyszczeń separowanych powietrzem, aspekty metodyczne badań urządzeń doświadczalnych, wyniki badań laboratoryjnych i terenowych oraz praktyczne zastosowanie wyników badań a także ocenę ich efektywności ekonomicznej. Niniejsza monografia skierowana jest do naukowców, nauczycieli, studentów i innych grup czytelników związanych z agrobiznesem. |
Abstract | The monograph presents the analysis of the physical and mechanicalproperties of sunflower oil, technical means of post-harvest processing of crops, and the results of pneumatic and pneumatic gravity devices studies. The analysis of sunflower seeds production in Ukraine, the technical equipment of the post-harvest sunflower seeds processing, theoretical studies of the separation process of air separated impurities, the methodical aspects of the experimental device's research, the results of laboratory and field research on experimental devices, practical application of the conducted research results and their economic efficiency evaluation are described. This monograph is aimed at scientists, teachers, students, and other categories of readers related to the activities of the agro-industrial complex. |
Cytowanie | Głowacki S., Gołębiewski J., Hutsol T., Kiurchev S., Kolodii O., Kucher O., Mykhailov Y., Nurek T., Palianychka N., Verkholantseva V., Zadosna N. (2020) Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika. |
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Pełny tekst | MONO_2020_ymykhailov_economic_and_technical.pdf |