Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S., Weerasinghe W. Consumers’ Awareness on Organic Food: Case of Urban Sri Lanka
Autor | S.H. Pushpa Malkanthi, S.D. Dilini Rathnachandra, W.A. Ruwani N. Weerasinghe |
Tytuł | Consumers’ Awareness on Organic Food: Case of Urban Sri Lanka |
Title | Consumers’ Awareness on Organic Food: Case of Urban Sri Lanka |
Słowa kluczowe | consumers’ awareness, organic food, regression analysis, urban consumer, Sri Lanka |
Key words | consumers’ awareness, organic food, regression analysis, urban consumer, Sri Lanka |
Abstrakt | The organic food market is rapidly expanding all over the world with the recent rise of concern in food safety and environmental protection. Thus, examining information about consumers’ awareness on organic food is one of the inspiring areas for producers and marketers to capture a greater market share successfully. Therefore, this study aimed at analyzing the consumer awareness towards organic food products while addressing socio-demographic factors affecting consumer awareness on organic food, knowledge of consumers about organic food, and their purchasing pattern. A sample of 600 consumers was selected from the main cities of six urban districts in Sri Lanka for the study. Data were collected via a consumer survey using a pre-tested questionnaire, from November 2018 to May 2019. The data analysis was carried out using frequencies, percentages, and multiple linear regression analysis. According to the results, the majority of the respondents were married females. The results revealed that Sri Lankan consumers have a better awareness on organic food. The results of the regression analysis highlighted that the consumers’ awareness is significantly affected by factors such as gender, marital status, education, and monthly income. Although most respondents have a good level of awareness on organic food, their buying trend is at a lower level. The findings of the study play an important role in promoting the organic food market and are essential for food marketing planners, researchers, and policymakers to enhance the organic food industry in the country in the future. |
Abstract | The organic food market is rapidly expanding all over the world with the recent rise of concern in food safety and environmental protection. Thus, examining information about consumers’ awareness on organic food is one of the inspiring areas for producers and marketers to capture a greater market share successfully. Therefore, this study aimed at analyzing the consumer awareness towards organic food products while addressing socio-demographic factors affecting consumer awareness on organic food, knowledge of consumers about organic food, and their purchasing pattern. A sample of 600 consumers was selected from the main cities of six urban districts in Sri Lanka for the study. Data were collected via a consumer survey using a pre-tested questionnaire, from November 2018 to May 2019. The data analysis was carried out using frequencies, percentages, and multiple linear regression analysis. According to the results, the majority of the respondents were married females. The results revealed that Sri Lankan consumers have a better awareness on organic food. The results of the regression analysis highlighted that the consumers’ awareness is significantly affected by factors such as gender, marital status, education, and monthly income. Although most respondents have a good level of awareness on organic food, their buying trend is at a lower level. The findings of the study play an important role in promoting the organic food market and are essential for food marketing planners, researchers, and policymakers to enhance the organic food industry in the country in the future. |
Cytowanie | Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S., Weerasinghe W. (2021) Consumers’ Awareness on Organic Food: Case of Urban Sri Lanka.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 4: 25-36 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n4_s25.pdf |
Cyran K., Kawa M. Wiedza konsumentów jako determinanta decyzji zakupowych na rynku żywności ekologicznej
Autor | Kazimierz Cyran, Marta Kawa |
Tytuł | Wiedza konsumentów jako determinanta decyzji zakupowych na rynku żywności ekologicznej |
Title | Consumers’ knowledge as a determinant of purchasing decisions on the organic food market |
Słowa kluczowe | żywność ekologiczna, rolnictwo ekologiczne, zachowanie konsumenta, wiedza |
Key words | organic food, organic farming, consumer behavior, knowledge |
Abstrakt | W Polsce żywność ekologiczna cieszy się rosnącym zainteresowaniem konsumentów przyczyniając się do dynamicznego rozwoju tego rynku. Celem artykułu jest określenie wpływu poziomu wiedzy konsumentów na temat produktów ekologicznych na decyzje zakupowe. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że stan wiedzy na temat żywności ekologicznej jest nadal zbyt niski. Poziom wiedzy determinuje właściwe określenie cech żywności jakie powinny charakteryzować żywność ekologiczną. Z badań wynika, że konsumenci charakteryzujący się wyższym poziomem wiedzy na temat produktów ekologicznych jako najważniejsze kryterium produktu podają naturalny sposób produkcji, bez dodatków chemicznych oraz przywiązują większą wagę do cech zdrowotnych takich jak wartość odżywcza i świeżość produktów. Ważne są działania zmierzające do podnoszenia poziomu wiedzy i zwiększenia zainteresowania ekologicznymi produktami żywnościowymi. |
Abstract | In Poland, a growing consumer interest in organic food is observed, contributing to the development of this market. The aim of this article is to determine the influence of the level of consumer awareness of organic products on the purchasing decisions. The study shows that the state of knowledge about organic food is still too low. The level of knowledge determines appropriate defining the characteristics of organic food. The research shows that consumers characterized by higher level of knowledge on organic products, state that the most important product criterion is a natural way of production, without chemical additives. They pay more attention to health characteristics such as nutritional value and freshness of the products. The efforts to raise the consumers’ awareness and increase their interest in organic food products is also important. |
Cytowanie | Cyran K., Kawa M. (2015) Wiedza konsumentów jako determinanta decyzji zakupowych na rynku żywności ekologicznej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 112: 63-74 |
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Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2015_n112_s63.pdf |
Peneva M. Animal welfare: the EU policy and consumers perspectives
Autor | Mariya Peneva |
Tytuł | Animal welfare: the EU policy and consumers perspectives |
Title | Animal welfare: the EU policy and consumers perspectives |
Słowa kluczowe | brak |
Key words | animal welfare, consumers, willingness to pay, Bulgaria |
Abstrakt | brak |
Abstract | The awareness of animal welfare and animal well-being is growing all over Europe and the world. The concerns are related to the applied policy regimes, economic sustainability of the production methods, food quality and safety, consumers’ health and behaviour and their willingness to pay for animal products obtained in animal-friendly conditions. The paper aims to analyse the consumers’ awareness and its effect on consumers’ purchasing behaviour in Bulgaria. The data were collected under the WELANIMAL project, based on a questionnaire. Later a statistical analysis was done. At the end it is concluded that consumers still need to be educated and there are opportunities to enhance their awareness of animal welfare standards through marketing actions |
Cytowanie | Peneva M. (2011) .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 11(26), z. 3: 98-106 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2011_T11(26)_n3_s98.pdf |