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Ekonomika i Organizacja Logistyki, 2020 |
Pavlić Skender H., Štefanić A., Zaninović P. The logistics performance analysis in European Union – EU-15 vs. EU-13
Autor | Helga Pavlić Skender, Antonela Štefanić, Petra Zaninović |
Tytuł | The logistics performance analysis in European Union – EU-15 vs. EU-13 |
Title | Analiza wydajności logistycznej w Unii Europejskiej – UE-15 vs. UE-13 |
Słowa kluczowe | logistics, logistics performance index – LPI, European Union, EU-15, EU-13 |
Key words | logistyka, wskaźnik wydajności logistyki – LPI, Unia Europejska, EU-15, EU-13 |
Abstrakt | Logistics accounts for 14% of total GDP in the European Union countries, which shows the importance of the logistics service and performance of the European Union countries. Logistics market of EU-15 countries is well developed while most of EU-13 countries need to address poor railway infrastructure and other political issues related to corruption and lack of competitiveness. However, EU-13 economies are growing fast and can benefit even more from the improvements in logistics market. Therefor this paper aims to analyze logistics performance in the European Union, distinguishing between EU-15 and EU-13 countries. For our analysis we use Worlds Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI) which is a tool that measures the quality, velocity, accuracy and simplicity of the logistics processes. The analysis covers the period from 2010 to 2018. The results of our analysis show that some EU-13 countries are lagging behind EU-15 countries in terms of logistics performance, while countries like Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary are the best logistics performers among all EU-13 countries. Results also shows us correlation between logistics performance and economic growth which imply that EU-13 countries must take step forward in their logistics performance in order to integrate in regional and global supply chain and thus enhance their economic position and competitiveness. |
Abstract | Logistyka stanowi 14% całkowitego PKB krajów Unii Europejskiej, co wskazuje na duże znaczenie tego sektora dla wyników ekonomicznych krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Rynek logistyczny krajów UE-15 jest dobrze rozwinięty, podczas gdy większość krajów UE-13 powinno podjąć działania dla rozwoju słabej infrastruktury kolejowej oraz pochylić się nad kwestiami politycznymi związanymi z korupcją, czy brakiem konkurencyjności. Szybko rozwijające się gospodarki UE-13 mogą jednak skorzystać na poprawie rynku usług sektora logistycznego. Celem artykułu było określenie wydajności sektora logistyki w Unii Europejskiej z podziałem na kraje UE-15 i UE-13. W pracy wykorzystano wskaźnik wydajności logistyki według Banku Światowego (Logistics Performance Index – LPI), który jest narzędziem określającym jakość, szybkość, dokładność i prostotę procesów logistycznych. Analiza objęła okres od 2010 do 2018 roku. Wyniki wskazują, że niektóre kraje UE-13 pozostają w tyle za członkami UE-15 pod względem wyników logistycznych, podczas gdy kraje takie jak Polska, Czechy i Węgry osiągają najlepsze wyniki logistyczne wśród krajów UE-13. Wyniki wskazują również na korelację między wynikami logistyki a wzrostem gospodarczym. To oznacza, że kraje UE-13 muszą zrobić krok naprzód w swoich wynikach logistycznych, aby zintegrować się z regionalnym i globalnym łańcuchem dostaw, a tym samym poprawić swoją pozycję gospodarczą i konkurencyjność. |
Cytowanie | Pavlić Skender H., Štefanić A., Zaninović P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOL_2020_T5_n3_s5.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Klymenko M. Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth
Autor | Maksym Klymenko |
Tytuł | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Title | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Key words | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Abstrakt | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Abstract | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Cytowanie | Klymenko M. (2019) Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 35-45 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s35.pdf |
3. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Kraciuk J. Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych
Autor | Jakub Kraciuk |
Tytuł | Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych |
Title | Impact of International Financial Institutions on the Economic Situation of the Least Developed Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | konsensus waszyngtoński, kraje najsłabiej rozwinięte, międzynarodowe instytucje finansowe |
Key words | Washington consensus, least developed countries, international financial institutions |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania było ukazanie wpływu działalności Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego i Banku Światowego na sytuację ekonomiczną najsłabiej rozwiniętych krajów Afryki subsaharyjskiej. Stwierdzono, że działanie tych organizacji zgodnie z zasadami konsensusu waszyngtońskiego nie przyniosły oczekiwanych rezultatów, a pomoc kredytowa MFW i BŚ zwiększyła zadłużenie i nie przyczyniła się do wyraźnego wzrostu PKB per capita w analizowanych krajach. Dlatego też konieczna stała się zmiana reguł działania międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych wobec krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych. Proponowane programy dostosowawcze mają generować wzrost gospodarczy, który będzie podporządkowany potrzebom społeczeństw, a wybór wariantów polityki ekonomiczno-społecznej powinien być dostosowany do warunków określonego kraju. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to show the impact of the activities of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on the economic situation of the least developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It was found that the operation of these organizations in accordance with the principles of the Washington consensus did not bring the expected results, and the credit aid of IMF and World Bank increased debt, but did not contribute to a significant GDP growth per capita in the analyzed countries. Therefore, it is necessary to change the rules of operation of international financial institutions towards least developed countries. The proposed adjustment programs are to generate economic growth, which will be subordinated to the needs of societies, and the choice of economic and social policy options should be adapted to the conditions of a given country. |
Cytowanie | Kraciuk J. (2019) Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 57-66 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s57.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Konrad Turkowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | aquaculture, adaptation, sustainability |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | In the late 1980s, inland aquaculture in Poland produced about 20 and 4 thousand tonnes of carp and trout, respectively. In 2016, the total volume of the sector’s production increased to over 35 thousand tonnes, including 18 and 16 thousand tonnes of the two species and above 1 thousand tonnes of another fish. This constitutes 94% of total catches of inland fish and about 15% including sea fishing. Globally, roughly 50% of seafood supply is produced by aquaculture, and farmed fish production exceeds that of farmed beef. The EU’s Blue Growth Strategy identifies aquaculture as a sector which could boost economic growth across Europe. The key challenges in the Polish aquaculture sector is significant production growth to 49 thousand tonnes by 2020 and increasing its competitiveness by using resources more effectively, supporting the market by building distribution chains, improving the quality of products and marketing, as well as increasing contribution to environmental protection. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Turkowski K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s92.pdf |
5. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Alesia Efremova |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | livestock, poultry industry, poultry meat, egg, food supplies |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Within the framework of implementation of overarching national tasks, special attention is paid to the food production and the matter of keeping up with the consumer demand for quality food, which is of national significance. The poultry industry is able to make its fairly considerable contribution into solving the problems of the consumer demand for valuable healthy food products; and to create conditions for the national food security owing to this industry economic growth based on its production potential development and strengthening. The domestic and foreign practice clearly demonstrates that it is possible to provide the population with quality food within a relatively short term, primarily due to the increase of egg and poultry meat production. The poultry industry is not only the most dynamic and fast-growing branch of the livestock farming, but also it has the most intensive production methods. The aim of this article is to determine the influence and the role of the poultry industry on providing the population with food supplies in present-day conditions in the world. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Efremova A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s29.pdf |
6. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Bartłomiej Bajan, Aldona Mrówczynska-Kamińska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | agribusiness, labour productivity, economic growth |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The purpose of this paper is to assess the global differences in labour productivity in the agribusiness. The relationship between a country’s economic development level (measured as GDP per capita) and labour productivity in the agriculture and across the entire agribusiness was measured in 39 countries around the world (which are entered to the World Input-Output Database and for which the relevant I/O tables were prepared) in 2000 and 2014. The input-output analysis, employed as the main research method, enabled the calculation of value added in the agriculture and elsewhere in the agribusiness. The results suggest the existence of a positive linear association between agribusiness labour productivity and economic development level, as corroborated by previous observations. In turn, two separate groups are noticeable in the relationship between agricultural labour productivity and the level of development of a country. In the first group of countries, agricultural labour productivity grows fast as the economy grows whereas in the second group, the growth rate of labour productivity clearly decreases as the economy grows. This study is a part of the discussion on the global agricultural development model which, on the one hand, calls for increasing the productivity of agricultural labour and, on the other, shows a need to reduce environmental degradation. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bajan B., Mrówczynska-Kamińska A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s191.pdf |
7. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Magdalena Jaworska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | food, food security, importers, international trade |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The main purpose of this paper was to assess the openness of trade in food products in the context of changes in food security levels. The period covered by this study is 1995–2015. The research was based on outcomes reported by main players of the global market. The basic source of data were online databases and reports. Once collected, the data was analysed with the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Selected statistical methods, indices of structure and dynamics, indicators of economic openness and indicators related to three dimensions of security (availability, access and stability) were used. The analysis resulted in numerous conclusions. In the study period, food imports followed a global growth trend with alternating periods of contrasting developments. In the countries covered by this study, the openness of trade in food was higher than that of global imports and followed a growth trend. The singularities of the development of the agri-food sector were reflected in decreasing values of the exports-to-imports ratio, and were decisive for the positive growth rate of per capita agri-food output. According to the analysis of relationships between changes in trade levels and selected food security indicators, imports proved to be positively correlated with physical and economic availability, and negatively correlated with stability. Based on the results, a general conclusion may be drawn that economic growth resulted in structural changes which contributed to improving access to food. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Jaworska M. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s245.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Anna Milewska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | knowledge management, shared services centres, business process outsourcing |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Nowadays, we can observe in different business and academicals environments an ongoing dialog about knowledge – based economy, due to the fact, that economies are increasingly based on knowledge and information. Practically it means, that companies have started looking for answers for plenty important questions – what ‘knowledge’ exactly means and what kind of knowledge is significant from business continuity perspective? What exactly is a driver of productivity and economic growth? Business executives have to face also other challenges: how all this knowledge has to be managed and how to adapt to swiftly changing circumstances? Should it be centralized in shared services centres forms or maybe outsourced based on business process outsourcing strategy? Do companies should establish cooperation with universities or R&D institutes based on the cluster structure? In this article the author will characterized the knowledge as a source of competitiveness, increasing importance of science and try to summarize best practices in that field. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Milewska A. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s313.pdf |
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Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Autor | Oleksii Lyulyov |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economic growth, unemployment, macroeconomic stability, social factors, European Union, Ukraine. |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The main purpose of the study is the role and influence of social factors on macroeconomic stability. The research is based on the hypothesis that countries with greater macroeconomic stability achieve greater social progress. The integrated index of human capital is proposed as a target for the construction of an appropriate system for monitoring social progress, and in the future – identifying the impact on macroeconomic stability. The main stages of estimating the integral index of human capital are: identification of relevant indicators that will form each of the sub-indices; filtering the selected indicators in the previous stage based on the analysis of the correlation matrix of each of the subindices; normalization of indicators in each of the subindices, calculation of the integral index for each of the subindices, calculation of the final integral index of human capital. The calculations of the integrated capital human capital index for some of the EU countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Romania) and Ukraine for the period 2000–2015 allowed us to conclude that Romania and Ukraine were on a marginal level of social progress, while Lithuania, Poland and Croatia in the range of moderate level. The use of the OLS (the least squares) method to determine the significance of changes in social progress to macroeconomic stability has revealed a positive and statistically significant impact of social progress on macroeconomic stability. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Lyulyov O. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n1_s53.pdf |
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Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2018 |
Barczyk-Ciuła J., Nogieć M., Sroka W., Wojewodzic T. Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza w gminach położonych w zasięgu oddziaływania Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego
Autor | Justyna Barczyk-Ciuła, Marcin Nogieć, Wojciech Sroka, Tomasz Wojewodzic |
Tytuł | Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza w gminach położonych w zasięgu oddziaływania Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego |
Słowa kluczowe | Krakowski Obszar Metropolitalny, przedsiębiorczość, teoria lokalizacji |
Key words | Kraków Metropolitan Area, entrepreneurship, location theory |
Abstrakt | Identyfikacja czynników sprzyjających rozwojowi gospodarczemu należy do najważniejszych zadań ekonomii. Głównym celem opracowania było określenie zależności pomiędzy wybranymi cechami lokalizacji i polityki podatkowej prowadzonej przez organy samorządu terytorialnego a natężeniem przedsiębiorczości w gminach pozostających w strefie oddziaływania Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego (KOM). Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że w okresie 1995-2016 szybciej zwiększała się liczba podmiotów gospodarczych w gminach bezpośrednio graniczących z Krakowem niż w jednostkach od niego oddalonych. Jednocześnie gminy zlokalizowane korzystniej względem regionalnego centrum gospodarczego prowadziły bardziej restrykcyjną politykę podatkową, dążąc do przejęcia w formie podatków lokalnych części renty lokalizacyjnej realizowanej przez przedsiębiorców. |
Abstract | One of economics’ major tasks is the identification of factors that facilitate economic growth. The main purpose of the study was to determine interrelations between selected features of a location, a tax policy implemented by territorial self-government authorities and the intensity of entrepreneurship in gminas [communes] within the range of impact of the Kraków Metropolitan Area (KMA). Based on the analyses which were conducted, in 1995-2016 the number of business entities in gminas bordering directly on Kraków increased faster compared to those located farther away. Reasons for such status quo include the increasing absorptive power of local markets within areas where population density has been increasing as well as migration of entrepreneurs from the core of the KMA to suburban gminas which have improved connections with Kraków. Concurrently, the gminas with more advantageous locations relative to the regional economic center implemented a more restrictive tax policy and aimed to take over, in the form of local taxes, a part of entrepreneurs’ location rent. |
Cytowanie | Barczyk-Ciuła J., Nogieć M., Sroka W., Wojewodzic T. (2018) Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza w gminach położonych w zasięgu oddziaływania Krakowskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 105, z. 1: 47-57 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2018_n1_s47.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Pietrych Ł., Wasilewska E. Starzenie się społeczeństwa a wzrost gospodarczy w krajach Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Łukasz Pietrych, Ewa Wasilewska |
Tytuł | Starzenie się społeczeństwa a wzrost gospodarczy w krajach Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Demographical Ageing and Economic Growth in the UE Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | starzenie się ludności, wzrost gospodarczy, Unia Europejska, modele panelowe |
Key words | demographical ageing, economic growth, European Union, panel models |
Abstrakt | Z uwagi na wciąż pogłębiający się proces demograficznego starzenia się ludności i znaczenie skutków tego procesu dla gospodarki, w artykule poddano analizie relację pomiędzy starzeniem się społeczeństwa krajów Unii Europejskiej a wzrostem gospodarczym. Celem podjętych badań była próba określenia wpływu starzenia się społeczeństwa na dynamikę wzrostu gospodarczego w krajach UE 27. Okres badań obejmował lata 1996-2016, dane pochodziły z bazy Eurostatu oraz Banku Światowego. Na potrzeby badań uwzględniono podział na kraje „starej” Unii i „nowej” Unii. Za miarę wzrostu gospodarczego przyjęto tempo wzrostu PKB, natomiast uwzględnionymi miarami starości demograficznej były stopa starości (odsetek osób w wieku 65+ w populacji) oraz współczynnik sędziwej starości (odsetek osób w wieku 80+ w populacji). Wykorzystano modele panelowe. Stwierdzono, że demograficzne starzenie się społeczeństwa ujemnie koreluje z dynamiką wzrostu gospodarczego. W skonstruowanych modelach panelowych dla krajów „starej” Unii współczynniki regresji odpowiadające stopie starości i współczynnikowi sędziwej starości wynosiły odpowiednio: –0,446 oraz –1,521, podczas gdy dla krajów „nowej” Unii były równe: –0,153 (dla stopy starości) oraz –0,980 (dla współczynnika sędziwej starości). Oznacza to, że negatywny wpływ starzenia się ludności na tempo wzrostu PKB jest silniejszy w krajach „starej” Unii w porównaniu z krajami „nowej” Unii. |
Abstract | Due to the still growing demographic aging process and the significance of this process on the economy, the article analyzes relationship between the demographic aging of the European Union countries and economic growth. The aim of the research was to determine the impact of demographic aging on the rate of economic growth in the EU27. The research period covered the years 2000-2015. Data from the Eurostat and the World Bank databases were used. The study adopted a division into the “old” and “new” EU Member States. The rate of GDP growth was taken as the measure of economic growth, while the measures of demographic aging included the old-age rate (percentage of population aged 65 or over) and the venerable senility rate (share of the population at the age of 80 or more in the general number of population). Panel models were used. It was found that the demographical aging of society negatively correlates with the dynamics of economic growth. In panel models constructed for countries of the "old" Union, regression coefficients for the old-age rate and the venerable senility rate were respectively: –0,446 and –1,521, while for the "new" EU countries were equal to: –0,153 (for the old-age rate) and –0,980 (for the venerable senility rate). This means that the negative impact of demographic aging on the GDP growth rate is more strongly observed in the countries of the "old" Union in comparison with the countries of the "new" Union. |
Cytowanie | Pietrych Ł., Wasilewska E. (2018) Starzenie się społeczeństwa a wzrost gospodarczy w krajach Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 481-492 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s481.pdf |
12. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Osborne P., Petrascu S., Popa D., Timofti E. The Investment Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Republic of Moldova in Terms of European Integration
Autor | Paulina Osborne, Svetlana Petrascu, Daniela Popa, Elena Timofti |
Tytuł | The Investment Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Republic of Moldova in Terms of European Integration |
Title | The Investment Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Republic of Moldova in Terms of European Integration |
Słowa kluczowe | economic growth, investment attractiveness, investment environment, project financing, bank loans |
Key words | economic growth, investment attractiveness, investment environment, project financing, bank loans |
Abstrakt | The modernization of the Agro-food sector, and revitalization of its conditions and standards, needs to attract funding sources from international donors, which helps stimulate the development of high value agriculture. Consequently, attracting agricultural investment is a strategic priority for Moldovan farmers, as this represents tangible economic growth based on retooling and modernization of agriculture. The National Bureau of Statistics ranks Moldova second in relation to the interest rates charged for loans. The average annual interest rate for lending to agriculture is 14.13%. Georgia in first place with 29%. Despite all the successes of banking, agriculture (as a sector) still remains an unattractive investment for banks in Moldova. The banking sector has also expressed reluctance in supporting small-scale agribusiness. |
Abstract | The modernization of the Agro-food sector, and revitalization of its conditions and standards, needs to attract funding sources from international donors, which helps stimulate the development of high value agriculture. Consequently, attracting agricultural investment is a strategic priority for Moldovan farmers, as this represents tangible economic growth based on retooling and modernization of agriculture. The National Bureau of Statistics ranks Moldova second in relation to the interest rates charged for loans. The average annual interest rate for lending to agriculture is 14.13%. Georgia in first place with 29%. Despite all the successes of banking, agriculture (as a sector) still remains an unattractive investment for banks in Moldova. The banking sector has also expressed reluctance in supporting small-scale agribusiness. |
Cytowanie | Osborne P., Petrascu S., Popa D., Timofti E. (2018) The Investment Attractiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Republic of Moldova in Terms of European Integration.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 315-322 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s315.pdf |
13. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Kołodziejczak W. Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016
Autor | Włodzimierz Kołodziejczak |
Tytuł | Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016 |
Title | Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2017 |
Słowa kluczowe | labour force, rural areas, natural unemployment rate |
Key words | labour force, rural areas, natural unemployment rate |
Abstrakt | The Polish rural population is highly differentiated in terms of occupational situation, mainly because of the rural population’s involvement in individual farming. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the occupational situation of the rural farming and landless population in 2002, 2016 and 2017 in the context of non-farming job opportunities and unemployment risks. The study consists of two parts; the first one analyses the changes to the occupational situation of the rural population in the labour market; the second one identifies the risk of unemployment in selected groups of rural population. Aggregated weighted data and non-aggregated, non-published non-weighted BAEL (Polish LFS) data was used as source material. The study period witnessed a considerable improvement of the rural population’s occupational situation. However, if there is a slowdown in economic growth, the occupational situation of the rural population may deteriorate. In the short and medium term, people involved in individual farming and landless woman, i.e. the group where the real unemployment rate is much lower than equilibrium unemployment, will be particularly severely affected. In the longer term, the adverse impact of business cycles may also deteriorate the situation of landless men if their equilibrium unemployment level “follows” the real unemployment rate. |
Abstract | The Polish rural population is highly differentiated in terms of occupational situation, mainly because of the rural population’s involvement in individual farming. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the occupational situation of the rural farming and landless population in 2002, 2016 and 2017 in the context of non-farming job opportunities and unemployment risks. The study consists of two parts; the first one analyses the changes to the occupational situation of the rural population in the labour market; the second one identifies the risk of unemployment in selected groups of rural population. Aggregated weighted data and non-aggregated, non-published non-weighted BAEL (Polish LFS) data was used as source material. The study period witnessed a considerable improvement of the rural population’s occupational situation. However, if there is a slowdown in economic growth, the occupational situation of the rural population may deteriorate. In the short and medium term, people involved in individual farming and landless woman, i.e. the group where the real unemployment rate is much lower than equilibrium unemployment, will be particularly severely affected. In the longer term, the adverse impact of business cycles may also deteriorate the situation of landless men if their equilibrium unemployment level “follows” the real unemployment rate. |
Cytowanie | Kołodziejczak W. (2018) Occupational Situation of the Rural Farming and Landless Population in Poland in 2002-2016.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 2: 156-165 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n2_s156.pdf |
14. |
Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, 2017 |
Kightley M. Finansowanie południowokoreańskiego cudu gospodarczego – w świetle rekomendacji konsensusu waszyngtońskiego
Autor | Marta Kightley |
Tytuł | Finansowanie południowokoreańskiego cudu gospodarczego – w świetle rekomendacji konsensusu waszyngtońskiego |
Title | The financing of the south korean miracle – versus the Washington Consensus |
Słowa kluczowe | gospodarka Korei Południowej, polityka kredytowa, zagraniczne inwestycje bezpośrednie, konsensus waszyngtoński, polityka rozwojowa |
Key words | South Korean economy, credit policy, foreign direct investment, Washington consensus, development policy |
Abstrakt | W artykule podjęty został temat metod finansowania koreańskiego przyspieszonego rozwoju gospodarczego w II poł. XX w. Autorka opisując politykę państwa wobec inwestycji zagranicznych oraz politykę kredytową włącza się do dyskusji, pomiędzy neoklasykami i etatystami, dotyczącej mechanizmów koreańskiego cudu gospodarczego. Analizuje kwestię finansowania rozwoju przemysłu odnosząc się do neoklasycznych rekomendacji zawartych w konsensusie waszyngtońskim. Zauważa, że Korea Południowa nie tylko ich nie spełniała, ale zaprzeczenie ich stanowiło ważny element polityki państwa prorozwojowego. Autorka wykazuje, że decyzja bazująca na rozwoju gospodarczym na lokalnych podmiotach pozwoliła na planowe stworzenie silnej struktury przemysłowej i umożliwiła wysoki poziom wzrostu gospodarczego w kolejnych dekadach. Polityka kredytowa prowadzona za pośrednictwem państwowych banków stanowiła zaś podstawowe narzędzie koordynacji działań prywatnych południowokoreańskich przedsiębiorstw i egzekwowania oczekiwanych wyników. |
Abstract | This paper addresses the topic of the methods used to finance accelerated economic growth in South Korea during Park Chung Hee’s rule (1961–1979). The author describes government policy concerning foreign direct investment and banking credit and takes a position in the dispute between neoclassical and statist economists concerning the mechanisms of the Korean economic miracle. Discussing the issue of financing Korean industrial development, she refers to the economic policy prescriptions described in the Washington Consensus. The author argues that not only did Korea not comply with these prescriptions, but contradictory measures constituted the building blocks of its developmental state policy. The decision to base economic development on local companies facilitated the creation of a comprehensive and strong industrial structure which enabled high economic growth for the following decades. Credit policy implemented by state-owned banks was the main tool for coordinating private-sector investment decisions and ensuring high performance. |
Cytowanie | Kightley M. (2017) Finansowanie południowokoreańskiego cudu gospodarczego – w świetle rekomendacji konsensusu waszyngtońskiego.Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, nr 1: 67-77 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ZFIR_2017_n1_s67.pdf |
15. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Rembisz W., Waszkowski A. Czynnik kapitału jako endogeniczne źródło wzrostu w rolnictwie
Autor | Włodzimierz Rembisz, Adam Waszkowski |
Tytuł | Czynnik kapitału jako endogeniczne źródło wzrostu w rolnictwie |
Title | The Capital Factor as a Endogenous Source of Growth in Agriculture |
Słowa kluczowe | czynnik kapitału, źródła wzrostu w rolnictwie, funkcja produkcji |
Key words | capital factor, source of growth in agriculture, production function |
Abstrakt | W konwencji analiz wzrostu gospodarczego i w nawiązaniu do koncepcji funkcji produkcji wyprowadzono autorskie analityczne ujęcie wzrostu w rolnictwie. Na tej podstawie, wyodrębniając endogeniczne i egzogeniczne źródła wzrostu, określono najpierw analitycznie a następnie empirycznie rolę czynnika kapitału jako endogenicznego źródła wzrostu w rolnictwie. Weryfikacji empirycznej dokonano dla rolnictwa Polski, Niemiec, Francji, Holandii i Wielkiej Brytanii wykorzystując dane z bazy Eurostatu. |
Abstract | In the convention of economic growth analysis and in relation to the concept of production function, it was derived an analytical model of growth in agriculture. On this basis, isolating the endogenous and exogenous sources of growth it was defined first analytically and then empirically the role of the capital factor as an endogenous source of growth in agriculture. It was made the empirical verification for the agriculture of Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom using Eurostat data. |
Cytowanie | Rembisz W., Waszkowski A. (2017) Czynnik kapitału jako endogeniczne źródło wzrostu w rolnictwie.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 2: 211-223 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n2_s211.pdf |
16. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Kacperska E. Poland and the Czech Republic in the Process of Globalization
Autor | Elżbieta Kacperska |
Tytuł | Poland and the Czech Republic in the Process of Globalization |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | globalization, globalization indices, effects of globalization, threats of globalization, economic growth, Poland, Czech Republic |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The purpose of an article was to analyses complexity of the globalization process and its effects for the functioning of the Polish and Czech economies. In addition to the opportunities and threats of the globalization process, the study includes an analysis of the primary indicators for both economies, i.e. GDP, participation in foreign trade, flow of foreign investment and ranking of the KOF globalization index. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kacperska E. (2017) Poland and the Czech Republic in the Process of Globalization.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 130-142 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s130.pdf |
17. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Rytko A. The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries
Autor | Anna Rytko |
Tytuł | The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economic growth, export diversification, export competitiveness, comparative advantage |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The themes of the impact of foreign trade on economic growth has been repeatedly assumed by investigators and were most often related to various aspects: the openness of the economies, economic prosperity, competitiveness and diversification of export. The objective of the research was the evaluation of changes in economic development and the development of foreign trade in Poland comparing them with the EU and some EU countries. Particular attention was given to the issue of diversification and competitiveness of exports by putting the hypothesis that the greater product diversification of Polish export, the greater its competitiveness, which leads to economic growth. The work uses the following test methods: descriptive methods, statistical methods, the indexing methods of which Indicator of the Absolute Deviations and Revealed Comparative Advantages were calculated. Export diversification can lead to speeding up the pace of economic growth. By analyzing in detail the situations in Poland can conclude that it is advisable to diversify of the export structure. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Rytko A. (2017) The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 271-279 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s271.pdf |
18. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2017 |
Kozak S. Changes in the level of risk in investment funds in Poland
Autor | Sylwester Kozak |
Tytuł | Changes in the level of risk in investment funds in Poland |
Title | Changes in the level of risk in investment funds in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | capital market, investment funds, investment risk |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The paper analyzes changes in risk of investment fund portfolios in different phases of the macroeconomic cycle. Twenty nine equity investment funds operating during the period of 2005–2015 were examined. The risk was assessed by the standard deviationof rates of return on funds and the β coefficient. The research indicates that the exposure of fund portfolios to risk changed in response to macroeconomic conditions and the situation on the capital market. Risk hit its highest level during the financial crisis years (2008–2011),followed by the dynamic macroeconomic growth years (2005–2007). The moderate growth years (2012–2015) exposed funds to the lowest risk. For the entire period the average and the median funds and the market were exposed to a similar amount of investment risk. |
Cytowanie | Kozak S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2017_n1_s23.pdf |
19. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2016 |
Lusawa R. Zróżnicowanie liczby przestępstw stwierdzonych w wybranych powiatach województwa mazowieckiego
Autor | Roman Lusawa |
Tytuł | Zróżnicowanie liczby przestępstw stwierdzonych w wybranych powiatach województwa mazowieckiego |
Słowa kluczowe | wzrost gospodarczy, rozwój lokalny, przestępczość, determinanty ekonomiczne i społeczne |
Key words | economic growth, local development, crime, economic and social determinants |
Abstrakt | Przestępczość, jak wykazuje analiza najnowszych modeli opisujących mechanizmy decydujące o tempie wzrostu gospodarczego, jest jednym z istotnych czynników wpływających na procesy rozwojowe. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badań na temat czynników sprzyjających przestępczości na obszarach wiejskich województwa mazowieckiego. |
Abstract | As the analysis of the latest models describing the mechanisms determining the rate of economic growth shows crime is one of significant factors affecting development processes. The study presents the results of research into factors facilitating crime in the rural areas of Mazowieckie province. |
Cytowanie | Lusawa R. (2016) Zróżnicowanie liczby przestępstw stwierdzonych w wybranych powiatach województwa mazowieckiego.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 103, z. 2: 91-105 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2016_n2_s91.pdf |
20. |
Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, 2016 |
Folwarski M. Wpływ kredytów bankowych na wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce
Autor | Mateusz Folwarski |
Tytuł | Wpływ kredytów bankowych na wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce |
Title | The impact of bank credit on economic growth in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | kredyt bankowy, wzrost gospodarczy, gospodarstwa domowe |
Key words | credit, economic growth, households |
Abstrakt | Banki w Polsce w czasie kryzysu finansowego 2007–2009 i zaraz bezpośrednio po nim w znaczny sposób ograniczyły akcję kredytową (m.in. poprzez regulacje kredytów mieszkaniowych w walucie obcej dla gospodarstw domowych oraz dla przedsiębiorstw z obawy przed „złymi kredytami”). Kredyt może stanowić zarówno w szerokim, jak i wąskim ujęciu szansę oraz zagrożenie dla różnych podmiotów gospodarczych całego kraju. Polska jest jednym z liderów wzrostu kredytów w całej Unii Europejskiej, niemniej w Polsce kredyty udzielane przez sektor bankowy są coraz to lepiej spłacane, zaś analiza skłonności i zdolności do spłaty tych kredytów jest coraz dokładniej analizowana przez banki. W opracowaniu wskazano na istotne powiązanie zmian kredytowania sektora niefinansowego przez banki w Polsce na zmiany wzrostu gospodarczego. Ukazano istotną, bardzo dużą zależność między wzrostem kredytów mieszkaniowych dla gospodarstw domowych a wzrostem PKB. |
Abstract | Banks during the financial crisis 2007–2009 and immediately after it significantly reduced lending (including through the regulation of mortgage loans in foreign currency for households and companies for fear of “bad loans”). The loan can provide a broad and narrow term, as an opportunity and a threat to the various economic operators and the entire country. Poland is one of the leaders in credit growth across the European Union but in Poland credits granted by the banking sector are increasingly better paid, and the analysis of the tendencies and ability to repay these loans is more precisely analyzed by financial institutions. The study identifies significant link between changes in non-financial sector lending by banks in Poland, along with changes in economic growth. It shows important, a high correlation between the increase in housing loans to households and GDP growth. |
Cytowanie | Folwarski M. (2016) Wpływ kredytów bankowych na wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce.Zarządzanie Finansami i Rachunkowość, nr 3: 5-14 |
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Pełny tekst | ZFIR_2016_n3_s5.pdf |