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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S. Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka
Autor | S.H. Pushpa Malkanthi, S.D. Dilini Rathnachandra |
Tytuł | Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka |
Title | Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka |
Słowa kluczowe | agricultural information, Imbulpe, information needs, Sri Lanka, women farmers |
Key words | agricultural information, Imbulpe, information needs, Sri Lanka, women farmers |
Abstrakt | The study was conducted to find out female farmers’ agricultural information needs and their impact on food production, in the Imbulpe DS Division in Sri Lanka. Of the female farmers in the area, 238 were taken as the sample for the study from seven selected Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions in the area. Female farmers were selected by using a simple random sampling method from these purposively selected GN divisions. A pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was used as the primary data collection method from March to July 2019. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis. The result revealed that the majority (62.6%) of respondents were middle aged (40-59 years), married, and belonged to families with 4-5 members. Most respondents (64.3 %) had studied up to junior secondary education level. Their average farm land size is 0.84 acres and they have farming experience of about 15 years. Most of the respondents mentioned that they had obtained higher levels of information needs about improved crop varieties. In addition, female farmers reported that they moderately need information on application of agrochemicals, improved market systems and modern farming technologies. Extension agents and other female farmers act as their major sources of agricultural information and ICT equipment acts as the least important agricultural information source in this area. Moreover, there is a significant positive association between the agricultural information needs and food production. Therefore, providing necessary agricultural information and enhanced utilization of ICT tools for agricultural information sources, and encouraging female farmers to participate in farming societies will lead to enhanced food production in this area. |
Abstract | The study was conducted to find out female farmers’ agricultural information needs and their impact on food production, in the Imbulpe DS Division in Sri Lanka. Of the female farmers in the area, 238 were taken as the sample for the study from seven selected Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions in the area. Female farmers were selected by using a simple random sampling method from these purposively selected GN divisions. A pre-tested, interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was used as the primary data collection method from March to July 2019. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis. The result revealed that the majority (62.6%) of respondents were middle aged (40-59 years), married, and belonged to families with 4-5 members. Most respondents (64.3 %) had studied up to junior secondary education level. Their average farm land size is 0.84 acres and they have farming experience of about 15 years. Most of the respondents mentioned that they had obtained higher levels of information needs about improved crop varieties. In addition, female farmers reported that they moderately need information on application of agrochemicals, improved market systems and modern farming technologies. Extension agents and other female farmers act as their major sources of agricultural information and ICT equipment acts as the least important agricultural information source in this area. Moreover, there is a significant positive association between the agricultural information needs and food production. Therefore, providing necessary agricultural information and enhanced utilization of ICT tools for agricultural information sources, and encouraging female farmers to participate in farming societies will lead to enhanced food production in this area. |
Cytowanie | Malkanthi S., Rathnachandra S. (2021) Female Farmers’ Agricultural Information Needs and Food Production: A Case Study of Imbulpe ds Division in Sri Lanka.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 2: 22-32 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n2_s22.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Jeżyńska B., Pastuszko R. Obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi a prawo Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Beata Jeżyńska, Radosław Pastuszko |
Tytuł | Obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi a prawo Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Agricultural Real Estate Trade and European Union Law |
Słowa kluczowe | nieruchomości rolne, obrót nieruchomościami, swobodny przepływ kapitału, Unia Europejska |
Key words | farm land, real estate, free movement of capital, European Union |
Abstrakt | Przedmiotem analizy jest zagadnienie obowiązującego w Unii Europejskiej modelu prawnego określającego zasady obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi w państwach członkowskich. Podstawową płaszczyznę rozważań stanowi zasada swobodnego przepływu kapitału (art. 63 Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej). Przepisy, które ograniczają swobodny przepływ kapitału mogą być dopuszczone jeżeli są uzasadnione obiektywnymi przesłankami: nadrzędnymi względami interesu ogólnego i zasadą proporcjonalności, co oznacza, że muszą one być właściwe dla zagwarantowania osiągnięcia zamierzonego, zasadnego celu i nie mogą wykraczać poza to, co jest konieczne do jego osiągnięcia. |
Abstract | The subject of the analysis is the issue of the legal model in force in the European Union, which defines the principles of trading in agricultural real estate in the Member States. The principle of free movement of capital (Article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) is a fundamental consideration. Provisions which restrict the free movement of capital may be authorised where they are justified by objective reasons: overriding reasons of general interest and the principle of proportionality, which means that they must be suitable for securing the attainment of the objective pursued and must not go beyond what is necessary in order to attain it. |
Cytowanie | Jeżyńska B., Pastuszko R. (2018) Obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi a prawo Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 156-164 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s156.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2011 |
Battermann H., Theuvsen L. Irrigation of farm land under the EU Water Framework Directive
Autor | Henning Battermann, Ludwig Theuvsen |
Tytuł | Irrigation of farm land under the EU Water Framework Directive |
Title | Irrigation of farm land under the EU Water Framework Directive |
Słowa kluczowe | brak |
Key words | farm income, irrigation, linear programming, Water Framework Directive, water permits, water price. |
Abstrakt | brak |
Abstract | With the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the European Union has established a legal framework for the protection of all aquatic ecological systems, including groundwater. This directive may have advantages for the water regime in ecologically sensitive areas but may also bring some economic disadvantages for farmers. The economic implications of the WFD for irrigated agriculture with regard to various scenarios and the implementation of alternative water policy measures are analysed. The results show that demand for irrigation water, farmers’ reactions with regard to operational and strategic decisions and income effects strongly depend on the water policy measures implemented. |
Cytowanie | Battermann H., Theuvsen L. (2011) .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 11(26), z. 3: 137-145 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2011_T11(26)_n3_s137.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2011 |
Graczyk A. Rozwój rynku energii odnawialnej w Polsce wytwarzanej na bazie produktów rolniczych
Autor | Andrzej Graczyk |
Tytuł | Rozwój rynku energii odnawialnej w Polsce wytwarzanej na bazie produktów rolniczych |
Title | Renewable energy from processing agricultural products, its market development in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | energetyka odnawialna, biopaliwa, instrumenty wsparcia, inwestycje, zmiana struktury produkcji rolnej |
Key words | renewable energy, biofuels, support instruments, investments, change in agricultural production structure |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i analiza najważniejszych przedsięwzięć w sferze tworzenia rynku energii odnawialnej wytwarzanej w Polsce na bazie wykorzystania produktów rolniczych. Popyt na taką energię powstaje wskutek regulacji prawnych, które zobowiązują podmioty sektora energetycznego do posiadania energii odnawialnej i biopaliw w strukturze dostaw. Rozwój podaży osiąga się dzięki mechanizmom wsparcia adresowanym do podmiotów z sektora energii i sektora rolnictwa. Gotowość przedsiębiorstw i jednostek samorządu terytorialnego do podejmowania inwestycji jest jeszcze stosunkowo mała. Na cele wytwarzania energii z produktów rolnictwa trzeba będzie w Polsce przeznaczyć do roku 2020 około 4 mln ha ziem uprawnych. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to present and analyse the most important undertakings in the sphere of market creation for the renewable energy produced in Poland from agricultural products. The demand for such energy is created as a result of legal regulations, which obligate the energy sector entities to evidence an adequate share of renewable energy and biofuels in their deliveries. This supply development is achieved due to support systems addressed to energy and agricultural sectors entities. The readiness of enterprises and local territorial authorities to undertake the adequate investment is yet comparatively small. In order to meet the needs for agricultural sources of energy production in Poland, about 4 million hectare of farm lands should be put into their cultivation till 2020. |
Cytowanie | Graczyk A. (2011) Rozwój rynku energii odnawialnej w Polsce wytwarzanej na bazie produktów rolniczych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 11(26), z. 1: 63-72 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2011_T11(26)_n1_s63.pdf |
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Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Seria G, 2009 |
Paszkowski S. Mechanizm transformacji strukturalnej instrumentu rolniczych rent strukturalnych
Autor | Stanisław Paszkowski |
Tytuł | Mechanizm transformacji strukturalnej instrumentu rolniczych rent strukturalnych |
Title | The structural transformation mechanism of early retirement pension scheme for farmers |
Słowa kluczowe | renty strukturalne, struktura obszarowa gospodarstw rolnych, przekazywanie gospodarstw rolnych, przekazujący gospodarstwo rolne, przejmujący gospodarstwo rolne |
Key words | early retirement pensions, agrarian structure, farm transfer, transferor, transferee |
Abstrakt | Instrument rolniczych rent strukturalnych jest wykorzystywany w polskiej polityce rolnej od początku lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku. Obecnie obowiązujące przepisy prawne wkomponowują go w strukturę narzędzi WPR stymulujących przekształcenia strukturalne w rolnictwie. Celem opracowania jest zarysowanie mechanizmu transformacji strukturalnej, stanowiącej istotę transferu gospodarstw rolnych pomiędzy gospodarstwami rolnymi w ramach systemu rolniczych rent strukturalnych. W instrumencie rolniczych rent strukturalnych działają dwie niezależnie formy transferu gospodarstw rolnych: w całości na rzecz następców oraz na powiększenie innych jednostek produkcyjnych. Pierwsza stymuluje wymianę generacji prowadzących gospodarstwa rolne, a druga koncentrację gruntów rolnych. Koncentracja gruntów rolnych i wymiana generacji rolników mogą być jednak realizowane przez obie formy transformacji strukturalnej. Wymaga to jednak wprowadzenia w systemach rent strukturalnych klauzul generacyjnych i obszarowych. |
Abstract | The instrument of early retirement pension scheme is used to explored in Polish agricultural policy since the sixties of twenty century. Presently the legal regulations accomplish it in the set of CAP instruments. Its aim is to stimulate the structural transformation of Polish agriculture. The main purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the mechanism of structural transformation process, which stimulate the agricultural land transfer between farms within the early retirement pension scheme. The undertaken analyse shows, that the early retirement pension scheme mechanism consist of two different forms of farm land transfer; transfer to successors and to farmers who tray to enlarge its farms land sources. The first form aims in changing of farmers generation, and the second one in concentration of agricultural land in farms. But the first one also can stimulate the farm land concentration, and the second one - the improvement of labour forces. It is possible to achieve it by building in the early retirement pension scheme the generation and acreage clauses. |
Cytowanie | Paszkowski S. (2009) Mechanizm transformacji strukturalnej instrumentu rolniczych rent strukturalnych.Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Seria G, t. 96, z. 4: 172-181 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2009_n4_s172.pdf |