Kiełbasa B., Popa D., Sargo A., Trojak M. New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries
Autor | Barbara Kiełbasa, Daniela Popa, Aliona Sargo, Mariusz Trojak |
Tytuł | New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries |
Title | New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | agro-sector, European Union, correlation and regression, financial efficiency, food product, financial economy, productivity & profitability, resource efficiency |
Key words | agro-sector, European Union, correlation and regression, financial efficiency, food product, financial economy, productivity & profitability, resource efficiency |
Abstrakt | Economic literature pays a great deal of attention to economic and financial efficiency, expressed in terms of competition, concentration, productivity and profitability. This paper provides an all-embracing framework for the various existing theories in this area and illustrates these theories with practical applications. Currently, changing the size of the production potential in agricultural units in the Republic of Moldova depends to a great extent on the influence of different trends in the modification of production resources: the reduction of labor resources and agricultural land, quantitative and qualitative changes in fixed assets, and in current assets, etc.The notion of resource potential means the totality of the volume of all resources (natural, labor, material, intellectual, information, etc.) on specific enterprises, territories, branches, regions. Evaluating a broad field of research, the paper describes profit maximizing food products and demonstrates how several widely-used products can be fit into this framework. The authors also present an overview of the current major trends in the food sector and relate them to the assumptions for food products, thereby displaying their relevance and timeliness. The results include a set of recommendations for future research on this topic.The design, methodology and approach of this research is to explain why efficiency can help obtain a profit surplus, and to measure this efficiency. For quality of methodology we apply a range of statistical methods, as well as the strategic capability of organisations – made up of resources and competences. One way to approach the stategic capability of an organisation is to consider its strengths and weaknesses (for example, where it has a competitive advantage, profit, efficiency or disadvantage). Based on our research and results, we sought to understand the concepts of financial effciency and to apply these concepts to practical situations. At the start of each analysis entrepreneurship plays an important role. Most organisations have to innovate constantly to obtain profit and efficiency for food products. They need to be first into a market, or simply a follower of customers in developing new products and services. Original studies in Moldova and Poland regarding farm concentration in terms of Gini Coefficient, Gini Index and Concentration Index of the utilized agricultural area. Original calculus formula to determine the Concentration Index of the UAA for the top 10% largest farms in Moldova and UK. |
Abstract | Economic literature pays a great deal of attention to economic and financial efficiency, expressed in terms of competition, concentration, productivity and profitability. This paper provides an all-embracing framework for the various existing theories in this area and illustrates these theories with practical applications. Currently, changing the size of the production potential in agricultural units in the Republic of Moldova depends to a great extent on the influence of different trends in the modification of production resources: the reduction of labor resources and agricultural land, quantitative and qualitative changes in fixed assets, and in current assets, etc.The notion of resource potential means the totality of the volume of all resources (natural, labor, material, intellectual, information, etc.) on specific enterprises, territories, branches, regions. Evaluating a broad field of research, the paper describes profit maximizing food products and demonstrates how several widely-used products can be fit into this framework. The authors also present an overview of the current major trends in the food sector and relate them to the assumptions for food products, thereby displaying their relevance and timeliness. The results include a set of recommendations for future research on this topic.The design, methodology and approach of this research is to explain why efficiency can help obtain a profit surplus, and to measure this efficiency. For quality of methodology we apply a range of statistical methods, as well as the strategic capability of organisations – made up of resources and competences. One way to approach the stategic capability of an organisation is to consider its strengths and weaknesses (for example, where it has a competitive advantage, profit, efficiency or disadvantage). Based on our research and results, we sought to understand the concepts of financial effciency and to apply these concepts to practical situations. At the start of each analysis entrepreneurship plays an important role. Most organisations have to innovate constantly to obtain profit and efficiency for food products. They need to be first into a market, or simply a follower of customers in developing new products and services. Original studies in Moldova and Poland regarding farm concentration in terms of Gini Coefficient, Gini Index and Concentration Index of the utilized agricultural area. Original calculus formula to determine the Concentration Index of the UAA for the top 10% largest farms in Moldova and UK. |
Cytowanie | Kiełbasa B., Popa D., Sargo A., Trojak M. (2019) New Approaches to Developing the Integral Indicator Methodology for Estimating the Financial Efficiency of Agricultural Entities in Poland, the Republic of Moldova, and EU Countries.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 4: 103-112 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n4_s103.pdf |
Zuba M. Wpływ wstąpienia Polski do UE na rentowność i bezpieczeństwo finansowe wybranych spółdzielni mleczarskich
Autor | Maria Zuba |
Tytuł | Wpływ wstąpienia Polski do UE na rentowność i bezpieczeństwo finansowe wybranych spółdzielni mleczarskich |
Title | Impact of Polish accession to the European Union on the profi tability and financial security of selected milk cooperatives |
Słowa kluczowe | rentowność, bezpieczeństwo finansowe, wpływ wstąpienia do UE, spółdzielnia mleczarska. |
Key words | profitability, financial security, impact of accession to the EU, milk cooperative |
Abstrakt | Badaniami objęto 41 spółdzielni mleczarskich w okresie czterech lat (2002-2005). Badania wykazały, że wejście Polski do UE miało pozytywny wpływ na poziomy rentowności sprzedaży, majątku, kapitału własnego i zatrudnienia. Stopień płynności bieżącej i szybkiej z czasem uległ nieznacznemu obniżeniu, a gotówkowej podwyższeniu. Jednak poziomy te utrzymały się w granicach dla nich standardowych. Badane mleczarnie po wejściu Polski do UE poprawiły swoją sprawność finansową przez szybsze odzyskiwanie środków pieniężnych zaangażowanych w aktywa obrotowe. Wzrosło nieznacznie ich średnie zadłużenie, jednak nie dotyczyło ono zadłużenia długoterminowego, które pozostało na niezmienionym poziomie. Ich zdolność do obsługi zadłużenia była słaba, chociaż poprawiła się w większości przypadków. |
Abstract | The investigation concerned 41 milk cooperatives in years 2002-2005. The results indicate that Polish accession to the European Union positively influenced the levels of sales profitability, assets value, own capital and employment. The degree of current liquidity slightly diminished but that of cash liquidity increased. All those levels were maintained within standard limits. The surveyed dairies improved their financial efficiency after the accession through faster recovering of money engaged in current assets. Their average indebtedness slightly increased but it did not concern the long term indebtedness which stayed at the same level. Their ability to serve the indebtedness was weak although it improved in the majority of cases |
Cytowanie | Zuba M. (2010) Wpływ wstąpienia Polski do UE na rentowność i bezpieczeństwo finansowe wybranych spółdzielni mleczarskich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 10(25), z. 2: 130-141 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2010_T10(25)_n2_s130.pdf |
Pietrzak M. Klasyczne i dedykowane wskaźniki oceny efektywności spółdzielni mleczarskich na przykładzie uczestników IV rankingu forum spółdzielczości mleczarskiej
Autor | Michał Pietrzak |
Tytuł | Klasyczne i dedykowane wskaźniki oceny efektywności spółdzielni mleczarskich na przykładzie uczestników IV rankingu forum spółdzielczości mleczarskiej |
Title | Classical and dedicated efficiency indicators of dairy co-ops on the example of participants of iv ranking organised by dairy cooperatives forum |
Słowa kluczowe | efektywność finansowa, strategiczna karta wyników, spółdzielnie mleczarskie, sektor mleczarski |
Key words | financial efficiency, Balanced Scorecard, dairy cooperatives, dairy industry |
Abstrakt | Mleczarstwo należy do nielicznych sfer agrobiznesu w Polsce, w których spółdzielczość rolników ma dominującą pozycję. Badania empiryczne potwierdziły, że specyfika spółdzielni mleczarskich wskazuje na potrzebę odmiennego niż w spółkach pomiaru efektywności finansowej. Zastosowanie klasycznych wskaźników takich jak stopa zwrotu z kapitału własnego (ROE) czy Economic Spread prowadzi często do znacząco rozbieżnych ocen efektywności w stosunku do wskaźników dedykowanych spółdzielczości mleczarskiej takich jak cena skupu mleka czy nadzwyczajna spółdzielcza wartość dodatkowa w przeliczeniu na litr skupionego mleka (ACAV/l). W przeciwieństwie do wskaźników klasycznych, wskaźniki dedykowane spółdzielczości są skorelowane z wynikami osiąganymi przez spółdzielnie w perspektywach: klientów, procesów, potencjału i dostawców, wyodrębnionymi w nawiązaniu do zmodyfikowanej koncepcji strategicznej karty wyników. Cena skupu i ACAV/l są miarodajnymi wskaźnikami w ocenie efektywności spółdzielni mleczarskich. |
Abstract | Dairy industry is a rare example of agribusiness sector in Poland in which cooperatives have still substantial market share. Empirical research has shown that a different ways of measuring co-oop’s financial efficiency are needed. Assessment based on classical indicators such as Return on Equity (ROE) or Economic Spread could drawn to inappropriate conclusions in comparison with indicators dedicated to dairy co-ops such as milk price or Abnormal Cooperative Additional Value per litre of collected milk (ACAV/l). In opposite to classical indicators milk price and ACAV/l are correlated with achievements of co-ops in others perspectives of modified Balanced Scorecard model such as: customer perspective, processes perspective, potential perspective and supplier perspective. Based on these results it could be concluded that milk price and ACAV/l are more than ROE and Economic Spread reliable indicators in assessment of dairy co-ops efficiency. |
Cytowanie | Pietrzak M. (2010) Klasyczne i dedykowane wskaźniki oceny efektywności spółdzielni mleczarskich na przykładzie uczestników IV rankingu forum spółdzielczości mleczarskiej.Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Seria G, t. 97, z. 4: 172-182 |
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Pełny tekst | RNR_2010_n4_s172.pdf |