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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Obi-Egbedi O., Ogungbite O., Oluwatayo I. Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria
Autor | Ogheneruemu Obi-Egbedi, Omowunmi Ogungbite, Isaac Oluwatayo |
Tytuł | Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria |
Title | Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | GMOs, smallholder farmers, awareness for GM crops, Credible seed sources, Agricultural technology |
Key words | GMOs, smallholder farmers, awareness for GM crops, Credible seed sources, Agricultural technology |
Abstrakt | Genetically Modified (GM) crops are crops modified through genetic engineering to improve their quality. Although safety concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are still being debated, the food security benefits have led to adoption by many counties. In Nigeria, where most farmers are uneducated and likely unaware of the agricultural technology, the government approved its first biotechnology crop for commercialization in 2018. Level of farmers’ awareness is crucial to acceptance of GM crops, although; this has not been fully explored in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed to assess farmers’ awareness for GM crops and the factors that determine their awareness in Oyo state, Nigeria, using primary data collected in 2018 with the aid of well-structured questionnaires from 242 smallholder farmers. Principal component analysis and Tobit regression model were used for data analysis. Results showed that farmers were aged 43 years with farm size of 3.57 ha, farming experience of 14 years and 11 years of education. Most farmers were male (71.90%), married (67.36%), not members of farmer groups (64.46%) and sourced their seeds from non-credible sources (85.12%). Most farmers (52.07%) had either not heard of or did not know of any benefits/costs of GM crops, hence; were not aware of GM crops. Factors that influenced awareness of GM crops were being a male farmer, years of education and source of seeds. The study concluded that increasing years of education and ensuring use of credible seed sources will increase awareness of the costs and benefits of GM crops among farmers. |
Abstract | Genetically Modified (GM) crops are crops modified through genetic engineering to improve their quality. Although safety concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are still being debated, the food security benefits have led to adoption by many counties. In Nigeria, where most farmers are uneducated and likely unaware of the agricultural technology, the government approved its first biotechnology crop for commercialization in 2018. Level of farmers’ awareness is crucial to acceptance of GM crops, although; this has not been fully explored in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed to assess farmers’ awareness for GM crops and the factors that determine their awareness in Oyo state, Nigeria, using primary data collected in 2018 with the aid of well-structured questionnaires from 242 smallholder farmers. Principal component analysis and Tobit regression model were used for data analysis. Results showed that farmers were aged 43 years with farm size of 3.57 ha, farming experience of 14 years and 11 years of education. Most farmers were male (71.90%), married (67.36%), not members of farmer groups (64.46%) and sourced their seeds from non-credible sources (85.12%). Most farmers (52.07%) had either not heard of or did not know of any benefits/costs of GM crops, hence; were not aware of GM crops. Factors that influenced awareness of GM crops were being a male farmer, years of education and source of seeds. The study concluded that increasing years of education and ensuring use of credible seed sources will increase awareness of the costs and benefits of GM crops among farmers. |
Cytowanie | Obi-Egbedi O., Ogungbite O., Oluwatayo I. (2020) Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 4: 58-67 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n4_s58.pdf |
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Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2018 |
Kudełka W., Strzelecki K. Ocena wiedzy i postaw rolników na temat upraw genetycznie zmodyfikowanych organizmów
Autor | Wanda Kudełka, Kamil Strzelecki |
Tytuł | Ocena wiedzy i postaw rolników na temat upraw genetycznie zmodyfikowanych organizmów |
Słowa kluczowe | inżynieria genetyczna, organizmy genetycznie modyfikowane (GMO), rośliny genetycznie modyfikowane, rolnictwo, świadomość, opinie |
Key words | genetic engineering, genetically modified organisms (GMO), genetically modified plants, agriculture, consciousness, opinions |
Abstrakt | Celem badań było określenie poziomu wiedzy i postaw rolników województwa opolskiego odnośnie upraw roślin genetycznie zmodyfikowanych. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w roku 2017 można stwierdzić, że pojęcie GMO znane było zdecydowanej większości ankietowanych rolników (92%), którzy jednocześnie potrafili podjąć próbę wyjaśnienia, co oznacza ten skrót. Wyższym poziomem wiedzy na ten temat wykazywali się rolnicy młodsi, ze średnim i wyższym poziomem wykształcenia. Najczęściej wiedza na temat GMO pochodziła z mediów, rzadziej z prasy specjalistycznej. Jednak większość badanych (ponad 70%) uznała, że jest ona niewystarczająca. Rolnicy nie byli pozytywnie nastawieni do wprowadzania tego rodzaju upraw i żywności (73,9% mężczyzn i 57,1% kobiet). Tylko nieznaczny odsetek ankietowanych (9,2% mężczyzn) przyznał się do uprawiania roślin GM, natomiast większy procent badanych deklarował stosowanie pasz GM w żywieniu zwierząt. Prawie 1/3 respondentów uważała, że z upraw roślin GM nie płyną żadne korzyści, pozostali wskazali m.in. na większą wydajność takich upraw i zmniejszenie ilości stosowanych środków ochrony roślin. Taki sam odsetek badanych uważał, że uprawy GM nie są zagrożeniem dla środowiska. Ponad 80% rolników było otwartych na szkolenia i kursy, które miałyby uzupełnić ich wiedzę na temat inżynierii genetycznej. |
Abstract | The objective of the research study was to analyse the knowledge the farmers in the Opole province in Poland have on genetically modified crops and to evaluate their approaches to this issue. The vast majority of the farmers surveyed know the “genetically modified organism” term (92%) and the meaning of the ‘GMO’ acronym, although the knowledge of the younger farmers with secondary and tertiary education was at a higher level. Most often, the farmers acquire their knowledge from media and, less often, from trade journals. Even so, the majority of the surveyed (more than 70%) find their knowledge to be insufficient. The majority of the farmers polled (73,9% men i 57,1% women) are not open to such types of crops and food. Of the farmers surveyed, only a small percentage (9,2% men) admits to growing GM crops and a higher percentage (28,7% men and 20,8% women) admits to feed animals with GM fodders. Almost 1/3 of the survey participants think that the cultivation of GM crops does not confer any benefits while the rest of the surveyed point out to such advantages as, inter alia, higher yields and reducing the amounts of plant health products used. The same percentage of the polled thinks that GM crops do not pose any risk to the environment. The majority of the farmers surveyed (more than 80%) are open to training and courses in order to expand their knowledge of genetic engineering. |
Cytowanie | Kudełka W., Strzelecki K. (2018) Ocena wiedzy i postaw rolników na temat upraw genetycznie zmodyfikowanych organizmów.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 105, z. 2: 140-158 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2018_n2_s140.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2014 |
Majchrzak K., Żarska H., Żarski T. Genetycznie modyfikowane uprawy jako potencjalne zagrożenie dla gospodarstw specjalizujących się w usługach ekoagroturystycznych
Autor | Kinga Majchrzak, Henryka Żarska, Tadeusz Żarski |
Tytuł | Genetycznie modyfikowane uprawy jako potencjalne zagrożenie dla gospodarstw specjalizujących się w usługach ekoagroturystycznych |
Title | Crops of the genetically modified plants (GMP) as the potential threat for farms specializes in ecoagrotouristic services |
Słowa kluczowe | organizmy genetycznie modyfikowane, zagrożenia, ekologia, ekoagroturystyka |
Key words | genetically modified organism, threat, ecology, ecoagrotourism |
Abstrakt | Turystyka na obszarach wiejskich ma cały szereg form, z których najbardziej charakterystyczne są: turystyka wiejska, agroturystyka, i ekoagroturystyka. Ekoagroturystyka to specyficzna forma agroturystyki. Obejmuje ona bowiem pobyt w gospodarstwach ekologicznych. Gospodarstwa takie nie używają żadnych syntetycznych substancji chemicznych, nawozów, sztucznych barwników ani środków konserwujących w uprawie roślin i hodowli zwierząt. Ekologiczne produkty rolne podlegają ścisłemu nadzorowi i spełniają międzynarodowe standardy. Istotną cechą tej formy agroturystyki jest nie tylko pobyt w gospodarstwie rolniczym, ale także udział w pracy na roli oraz konsumpcja produktów z hodowli ekologicznej. Rolnictwo ekologiczne wyklucza całkowicie możliwość upraw i hodowli organizmów genetycznie modyfikowanych. Termin „organizm genetycznie modyfikowany” oznacza organizm, do którego genomu został wstawiony jeden lub więcej genów obcych tzw. transgenów zawierające sekwencje kodujące takie cechy jak odporność na herbicydy, lub związki owadobójcze. Inżynieria genetyczna tworzy organizmy, które nie mogłyby powstać w sposób naturalny. Jest to sprzeczne z zasadami rolnictwa konwencjonalnego, a przede wszystkim ekologicznego. |
Abstract | Rural tourism takes a whole range of forms, of which the most typical are: village tourism, agrotourism, ecoagrotourism. Ecoagrotourism is a specific form of agrotourism. It involves stays in eco-farming – undertakings. These farms do not use any synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, artificial colorants or preserving agents in their plant growing and animal breeding. Ecologic agricultural produce is subject to strict supervision and meets international standards. An essential characteristic of this form of agrotourism is not only the sharing of living with the farming family but also taking part in farming work and the consummation of produce from their ecological farming. Ecological agriculture excludes fully the possibility the crop and farming of modified genetically organisms. The term “genetically modified organism” means an organism into which has been inserted – through genetic engineering – one or more genes from an outside source that contains coding for desired characteristics, such as herbicide resistance or an antibacterial compound.. Genetic engineering involves crossing species that could not breed in nature. This is now the conflicting working with the principles of conventional agriculture and first of all ecoagriculture. |
Cytowanie | Majchrzak K., Żarska H., Żarski T. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2014_n1_s167.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2012 |
Autor | Johana Paluchová |
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Słowa kluczowe | |
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Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The article points at food quality of European products in some points, how could be the each European companies successful in the global competitive situation not only with history or culture but be safety in the area of product quality such as important factor of consumer behavior and. Food quality is an important food manufacturing requirement, because food consumers are susceptible to any form of contamination that may occur during the manufacturing process. Many consumers also rely on manufacturing and processing standards, particularly to know what ingredients are present, due to dietary, nutritional requirements (kosher, halal, vegetarian), or medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, or allergies) and because of the article shows some of new trends at food market in Europe. The provision of safe food which protects customers’ integrity and provides consumers with the desired taste is expected to remain the major priority in world food markets in the foreseeable future. While reducing microbial contamination, chemical contaminants and pesticide residues will gain in importance, ethical products and functional foods are the emerging priorities. Food businesses will need to give much greater attention towards minimising water use and pollution, more sustainable production systems, worker welfare and waste management. Recyclable packaging, conservation and biodiversity, food miles and reducing salinity and land degradation are the emerging environmental issues. Country-of-origin is perceived to be the most important indicator of food quality both now and in the foreseeable future. Identifying which food preservatives, food colourings and flavour enhancing compounds have been used in the food will continue to grow in importance as consumers move towards more natural, unadulterated food products. Identifying the presence of potential allergens is critically important for the growing number of susceptible consumers. The food energy content and the use of sugar and artificial sweeteners are the emerging issues, with the presence of genetically modified organisms and ecolabelling poised to become more prominent in the long-term. |
Cytowanie | Paluchová J. (2012) THE NEW APPROACH ON FOOD QUALITY: AN IMPORTANT FACTOR ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND TRENDS IN FOOD QUALITY.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 8(57): 355-365 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2012_n57_s355.pdf |
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Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2010 |
Heyder M., Theuvsen L. Corporate Social Responsibility in the agri-food sector: the case of GMOs
Autor | Matthias Heyder, Ludwig Theuvsen |
Tytuł | Corporate Social Responsibility in the agri-food sector: the case of GMOs |
Title | Corporate Social Responsibility in the agri-food sector: the case of GMOs |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | corporate social responsibility, GMOs, agri-food sector |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are handled differently in different countries. Whereas global acreage of GMOs jumped to 134 million hectares in 2009 [Cultivation... 2010], in many European countries opposition to GMOs is still strong, and their acreage is very small. This situation poses a difficult situation for many companies and their corporate social responsibility [CSR] strategies. Against this background, we conducted an online survey of 170 agribusiness firms in order to shed some light on how companies handle the conflict between, on the one hand, the growing use of GMOs worldwide and, on the other, the rejection of GMOs by European consumers. The empirical results show that many agribusiness firms perceive the use of GMOs as a highly relevant management issue that shapes their CSR strategies. All in all, agribusiness firms apply a wide spectrum of CSR activities, furthermore, CSR is considered a top management responsibility. GMOs are of aboveaverage relevance in firms that have been criticized for their attitudes towards and use of GMOs. The empirical results have interesting implications for the management of CSR and legitimacy in the agribusiness sector |
Cytowanie | Heyder M., Theuvsen L. (2010) .Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, t. 10(25), z. 3: 15-32 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2010_T10(25)_n3_s15.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2009 |
Gębski J., Kosicka-Gębska M. Oczekiwania i obawy związane z wprowadzeniem do obrotu produktów i żywności pochodzących z modyfikacji genetycznych
Autor | Jerzy Gębski, Małgorzata Kosicka-Gębska |
Tytuł | Oczekiwania i obawy związane z wprowadzeniem do obrotu produktów i żywności pochodzących z modyfikacji genetycznych |
Title | Expectations and fears connected with the introduction of GMO products and food on the market |
Słowa kluczowe | żywność, organizmy genetycznie zmodyfikowane (GMO), żywność transgeniczna |
Key words | food, genetically modified oganisms (GMO), transgenic food |
Abstrakt | Praca ma charakter przeglądowy. Zawarte są w niej opinie konsumentów, wyniki badań oraz analiza materiałów pochodzących z krajowych oraz zagranicznych źródeł literaturowych. Przedstawione są zarówno korzyści oraz szanse, jak i zagrożenia związane z wpływem upraw ro??lin i hodowlę zwierząt zmodyfikowanych genetycznie na produkcję żywności i ludzkie zdrowie. Dodatkowo zawarte są przepisy prawne i regulacje obowiązujące w Polsce dotyczące możliwości dopuszczenia na rynek produktów transgenicznych |
Abstract | This paper provides an overview of problems posed by transgenic food. It covers the consumers’ opinions, survey results, and analysis of material from various national and foreign sources connected with the subject of genetically modified food. Moreover, the paper shows benefits from and barriers for an increase in growing plants and breeding animals that are genetically modified, as well as the potential impact of transgenic food production on human health. Additionally, it reviews the legal provisions and regulations binding in Poland on genetically modified organisms, including food. |
Cytowanie | Gębski J., Kosicka-Gębska M. (2009) Oczekiwania i obawy związane z wprowadzeniem do obrotu produktów i żywności pochodzących z modyfikacji genetycznych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 9(24), z. : 65-76 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2009_T9(24)_n_s65.pdf |