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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Voliak L. Analytical assessment of sunflower production in ukraine
Autor | Lesia Voliak |
Tytuł | Analytical assessment of sunflower production in ukraine |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | sunflower, production, area, yield, market, profitability, index analysis |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article considers the current state of sunflower production in Ukraine. The main indicators of the industry, the dynamics of changes in the area of sunflower crops, yield and profitability are analyzed. The main factors influencing the production of sunflower using index analysis have been studied. The regional structure of sunflower production is considered with the separation of groups of enterprises by organizational form. Ukrainian enterprises are provided with proposals to increase the level of industry development and production. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Voliak L. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n16_s101.pdf |
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Economic and Technical Efficiency of Sunflower Seed Treatment, 2020 |
Głowacki S., Gołębiewski J., Hutsol T., Kiurchev S., Kolodii O., Kucher O., Mykhailov Y., Nurek T., Palianychka N., Verkholantseva V., Zadosna N. Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika
Autor | Szymon Głowacki, Jarosław Gołębiewski, Taras Hutsol, Serhii Kiurchev, Oleksandr Kolodii, Oleg Kucher, Yevgen Mykhailov, Tomasz Nurek, Nadiia Palianychka, Valentуna Verkholantseva, Natali Zadosna |
Tytuł | Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika |
Title | Economic and Technical Efficiency of Sunflower Seed Treatment |
Słowa kluczowe | słonecznik, nasiona słonecznika, produkcja, oczyszczanie, wydajność, Ukraina |
Key words | sunflower, sunflower seed, production, purification, efficiency, Ukraine |
Abstrakt | W monografii przedstawiono analizę fizyczną i mechanicznąwłaściwości oleju słonecznikowego, środki techniczne obróbki pożniwnej upraw oraz wyniki badań pneumatycznych i pneumatycznych urządzeń grawitacyjnych. Pzredstawiono analizę analizę produkcji słonecznika na Ukrainie, wyposażenie techniczne do pozbiorczego przerobu nasion słonecznika, wyniki badań teoretycznych procesów oddzielania zanieczyszczeń separowanych powietrzem, aspekty metodyczne badań urządzeń doświadczalnych, wyniki badań laboratoryjnych i terenowych oraz praktyczne zastosowanie wyników badań a także ocenę ich efektywności ekonomicznej. Niniejsza monografia skierowana jest do naukowców, nauczycieli, studentów i innych grup czytelników związanych z agrobiznesem. |
Abstract | The monograph presents the analysis of the physical and mechanicalproperties of sunflower oil, technical means of post-harvest processing of crops, and the results of pneumatic and pneumatic gravity devices studies. The analysis of sunflower seeds production in Ukraine, the technical equipment of the post-harvest sunflower seeds processing, theoretical studies of the separation process of air separated impurities, the methodical aspects of the experimental device's research, the results of laboratory and field research on experimental devices, practical application of the conducted research results and their economic efficiency evaluation are described. This monograph is aimed at scientists, teachers, students, and other categories of readers related to the activities of the agro-industrial complex. |
Cytowanie | Głowacki S., Gołębiewski J., Hutsol T., Kiurchev S., Kolodii O., Kucher O., Mykhailov Y., Nurek T., Palianychka N., Verkholantseva V., Zadosna N. (2020) Ekonomiczna i techniczna efektywność obróbki nasion słonecznika. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | MONO_2020_ymykhailov_economic_and_technical.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Kuts T., Makarchuk O. Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets
Autor | Tetyana Kuts, Oksana Makarchuk |
Tytuł | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Title | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Słowa kluczowe | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Key words | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Abstrakt | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Abstract | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Cytowanie | Kuts T., Makarchuk O. (2020) Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 3: 4-15 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n3_s4.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Doronin A., Polishchuk O., Vitalii V. Ecological-economical aspects of the use of nutritiousresidues of agricultural crops in various business entities
Autor | Andrii Doronin, Olena Polishchuk, Vitalii Vitalii |
Tytuł | Ecological-economical aspects of the use of nutritiousresidues of agricultural crops in various business entities |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | food economy, elements of nutrition, renewable sources of energy, bio-fuel, straw,granules, ecology, efficiency, competitive ability |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper covers the analysis of the development of the crop output market inUkraine which ensures both food security of the country and the production of alternative fuel.The preconditions of negative changes in agriculture of Ukraine were studied. High profitabilityof corn and sunflower production encourages producers to increase their sown areas. Theanalysis of the production of some agricultural crops was made in the years of 2000–2019.The challenge of the use of nutritious residues of agricultural crops is discussed in the paper.The estimation of the production efficiency of some kinds of agricultural products at farmenterprises of Ukraine for the period of 2009–2019 was made. Some ecological-economicalaspects of the use of nutritious residues of agricultural crops to balance mineral crop nutritionand to manufacture bio-fuel were suggested. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Doronin A., Polishchuk O., Vitalii V. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n14_s81.pdf |
5. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2016 |
Chibowski P., Izdebski W., Laskowska E., Makarchuk O., Skudlarski J., Zaika S., Zając S. Stan i perspektywy produkcji roślin oleistych w Polsce i na Ukrainie w kontekście rozwoju sektora biopaliw transportowych
Autor | Piotr Chibowski, Waldemar Izdebski, Elwira Laskowska, Oksana Makarchuk, Jacek Skudlarski, Svetlana Zaika, Stanisław Zając |
Tytuł | Stan i perspektywy produkcji roślin oleistych w Polsce i na Ukrainie w kontekście rozwoju sektora biopaliw transportowych |
Title | Condition and prospects of oilseed production in Poland and Ukraine in the context of the development of biofuels for transport |
Słowa kluczowe | rośliny oleiste, biopaliwa, Polska, Ukraina |
Key words | oilseeds, biofuel, Poland, Ukraine |
Abstrakt | W opracowaniu dokonano analizy stanu i perspektyw produkcji roślin oleistych w Polsce i na Ukrainie. W Polsce podstawową roślina oleistą jest rzepak, natomiast na Ukrainie dominuje słonecznik. Znaczny udział w strukturze upraw oleistych na Ukrainie oprócz słonecznika zajmują rzepak oraz soja. Zarówno w Polsce, jak i na Ukrainie odnotowano wzrost produkcji roślin oleistych. W Polsce stan ten wynika ze wzrostu popytu na surowce do produkcji biopaliw, natomiast na Ukrainie wzrost ten jest związany ze zwiększonym zapotrzebowaniem na nasiona roślin oleistych na rynkach światowych. Sektor biopaliwowy na Ukrainie znajduje się w początkowej fazie rozwoju i nie ma on istotnego wpływu na produkcję roślin oleistych w tym kraju. Dostrzegalny jest natomiast wpływ sektora biopaliw w krajach Unii Europejskiej na produkcję roślin oleistych i olejów roślinnych na Ukrainie. Sektor biopaliwowy w Polsce będzie odgrywał istotne znaczenie dla rozwoju produkcji rzepaku. W przypadku Ukrainy w związku z przyjętym ustawodawstwem o rozwoju OZE, w tym sektora biopaliw może w dalszej przyszłości nastąpić wzrost wewnętrznego zapotrzebowania na nasiona z roślin oleistych. |
Abstract | The paper analyses the state of and prospects for oilseed production in Poland and Ukraine. Rapeseed is the basic oil plant in Poland, and sunflower dominates in Ukraine. In addition to the sunflower, rape and soya take a significant share in the structure of oilseeds in Ukraine. We saw an increase in oilseed production both in Poland and Ukraine. In Poland, the situation is due to the increase in demand for raw materials for biofuel production, while in Ukraine the increase is associated with an increased demand for oilseeds for the global markets. The biofuel industry in Ukraine is in the early stage of development and has no significant impact on the production of oilseeds in the country. However the European Union sees the impact of biofuels sector, which used oilseeds and vegetable oils from Ukraine. The biofuel industry in Poland will play a significant role in the development rapeseed production. In connection with the adopted legislation on renewable energy development in the biofuel sector in the case of Ukraine may face an increase in internal demand for seeds of oilseeds in the longer term. |
Cytowanie | Chibowski P., Izdebski W., Laskowska E., Makarchuk O., Skudlarski J., Zaika S., Zając S. (2016) Stan i perspektywy produkcji roślin oleistych w Polsce i na Ukrainie w kontekście rozwoju sektora biopaliw transportowych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 16(31), z. 1: 60-70 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2016_T16(31)_n1_s60.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2011 |
Dušan D., Klimentová K., Récky R. Comparison of production and economic dependence within the growing of sunflower in the Slovak Republic
Autor | Dobák Dušan, Katarína Klimentová, Roman Récky |
Tytuł | Comparison of production and economic dependence within the growing of sunflower in the Slovak Republic |
Title | Comparison of production and economic dependence within the growing of sunflower in the Slovak Republic |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | Growing of oil crops has spread considerably in the last years. The most important oil crop grown in our conditions is oilseed rape. Sunflower is the second most important crop grown in the Slovak Republic. In this paper we evaluate the growing of sunflower from the production and economic point of view. Only the years 1996, 2004 – 2009 are dealt with in the paper. Obtained results show that economic advantage of growing of sunflower is affected mainly by the climatic conditions as well as by the intensification of production and support policy. The year 2007 was economically most advantageous of evaluated years. The highest loss within the growing of sunflower was recorded in 2009. Higher hectare yield of sunflower can be achieved by the intensification of production. |
Cytowanie | Dušan D., Klimentová K., Récky R. (2011) .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 5(54): 131-137 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2011_n54_s131.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2011 |
Robles R. The economics of oil-seed crops for energy use: a case study in an agricultural European region
Autor | Rita Robles |
Tytuł | The economics of oil-seed crops for energy use: a case study in an agricultural European region |
Title | The economics of oil-seed crops for energy use: a case study in an agricultural European region |
Słowa kluczowe | brak |
Key words | energy crops, profitability, Rural Rapid Appraisal (RRA), Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA), renewable energy |
Abstrakt | brak |
Abstract | There’s a strong link between the production of biofuels and energy crops. The first of these activities may contribute to the appearance of new products in agriculture, besides giving a boost to activities such as provision of services and aiding in the diversification of economic activities in rural areas. Farmers’ final decision to include energy crops into or exclude them from their productive alternatives depends on various factors of a different nature (political, legal, technical, economic or socio-cultural). This paper analyzes the socio-economic aspects related to the introduction of oil-seeds (sunflower and rape seed) as energy crops in one of the most important agricultural regions in Spain (Castile and Leon). Thus, using RRA (Rural Rapid Appraisal) and the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA), the study provides an evaluation of the main economic accounts of these crops and an idea of their profitability, impact on the level of employment and environmental consequences |
Cytowanie | Robles R. (2011) .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 11(26), z. 3: 115-125 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2011_T11(26)_n3_s115.pdf |