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1. |
Bórawski P., Kalinowska B., Kochanowicz Z. Zróżnicowanie czynników produkcji w gospodarstwach rolnych specjalizujących się w chowie bydła mlecznego w regionach FADN w Polsce w latach 2006-2017 na tle UE13
Autor | Piotr Bórawski, Beata Kalinowska, Zdzisław Kochanowicz, |
Tytuł | Zróżnicowanie czynników produkcji w gospodarstwach rolnych specjalizujących się w chowie bydła mlecznego w regionach FADN w Polsce w latach 2006-2017 na tle UE13 |
Title | Differentiation of Production Factors in Agricultural Farms Specializing in Dairy Cattle in FADN Regions in Poland in the Years 2006-2017 vis-à-vis the EU13 |
Słowa kluczowe | czynniki produkcji, mleko, kraje UE |
Key words | production factors, milk, EU countries |
Abstrakt | W pracy analizie poddano nakłady pracy ogółem, powierzchnię użytków rolnych i wartość majątku trwałego w gospodarstwach specjalizujących się w chowie bydła mlecznego i prowadzących rachunkowość rolną FADN. Ponadto przedstawiono zmiany badanych cech dla gospodarstw w regionach FADN UE13. Z badań wynika, że powierzchnia UR w gospodarstwach prowadzących rachunkowość rolną FADN i zajmujących się chowem bydła mlecznego uległa zwiększeniu w badanym okresie. Podobne tendencje wzrostowe zaobserwowano w przypadku wartości majątku trwałego. Z badań wynika, że najwyższą wartość majątku trwałego odnotowano w 2014 roku w regionie FADN Pomorze i Mazury spośród czterech regionów Polski i była na poziomie 295,4 tys. EUR na gospodarstwo rolne specjalizujące się w chowie bydła mlecznego. Z kolei najniższy poziom wartości aktywów trwałych 46,3 tys. EUR wystąpił w 2006 roku w regionie FADN Małopolska i Pogórze. |
Abstract | The paper analyzes total labor input, arable land area and the value of fixed assets on farms specializing in dairy cattle farming and conducting agricultural accounting by FADN. In addition, changes of the examined features for farms in FADN UE13 regions were presented. The research shows that the area of UAA on farms conducting agricultural accounting of FADN and dealing with dairy cattle farming increased during the examined period. Similar upward trends were observed in the case of fixed assets. The research shows that the highest value of fixed assets was recorded in 2014 in the FADN region of Pomerania and Mazury among four Polish regions and was at the level of 295.4 thousand. EUR per farm specializing in dairy farming. In turn, the lowest level of fixed assets value 46.3 thous. EUR occurred in 2006 in the FADN region of Lesser Poland and Pogórze. |
Cytowanie | Bórawski P., Kalinowska B., Kochanowicz Z. (2019) Zróżnicowanie czynników produkcji w gospodarstwach rolnych specjalizujących się w chowie bydła mlecznego w regionach FADN w Polsce w latach 2006-2017 na tle UE13 .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 5-15 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s5.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.41 |
5-15 | |
2. |
Ceylan N. Revealed Comparative Advantage of Turkish and Hungarian Wheat Sectors
Autor | Nazli Ceylan, |
Tytuł | Revealed Comparative Advantage of Turkish and Hungarian Wheat Sectors |
Title | Revealed Comparative Advantage of Turkish and Hungarian Wheat Sectors |
Słowa kluczowe | wheat sector, revealed comparative advantage, Hungary, Turkey |
Key words | wheat sector, revealed comparative advantage, Hungary, Turkey |
Abstrakt | Hungary and Turkey have a considerable share in world wheat markets. In 2018, Hungary’s export value of wheat and wheat flour reached to 411 million euros and it formed 32 per cent of overall cereal & milling industry export value of the country. Export value of Turkey for the same commodities was 875 million euros in the same period and it formed 77 per cent of total cereal & milling industry export value (International Trade Centre, 2019). Considering their potential and recent upward trends in trade, this study aims to determine the competitiveness of the wheat sectors in Hungary and Turkey. The study examines the competitiveness level of both countries by using Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage index and Michaely index. The examination range covers the 10-year period between 2009 and 2018. Majority of data in this work was obtained and derived from International Trade Centre database. According to analysis results, Hungary has a higher degree of specialization vis-a-vis Turkey. |
Abstract | Hungary and Turkey have a considerable share in world wheat markets. In 2018, Hungary’s export value of wheat and wheat flour reached to 411 million euros and it formed 32 per cent of overall cereal & milling industry export value of the country. Export value of Turkey for the same commodities was 875 million euros in the same period and it formed 77 per cent of total cereal & milling industry export value (International Trade Centre, 2019). Considering their potential and recent upward trends in trade, this study aims to determine the competitiveness of the wheat sectors in Hungary and Turkey. The study examines the competitiveness level of both countries by using Balassa’s Revealed Comparative Advantage index and Michaely index. The examination range covers the 10-year period between 2009 and 2018. Majority of data in this work was obtained and derived from International Trade Centre database. According to analysis results, Hungary has a higher degree of specialization vis-a-vis Turkey. |
Cytowanie | Ceylan N. (2019) Revealed Comparative Advantage of Turkish and Hungarian Wheat Sectors.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 16-22 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s16.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.42 |
16-22 | |
3. |
Hubeni Y., Krupa V. Land Transformations in Ukraine: Problems and Expectations
Autor | Yuriy Hubeni, Volodymyr Krupa, |
Tytuł | Land Transformations in Ukraine: Problems and Expectations |
Title | Land Transformations in Ukraine: Problems and Expectations |
Słowa kluczowe | land reform, land relations, agricultural land market, moratorium, land lease |
Key words | land reform, land relations, agricultural land market, moratorium, land lease |
Abstrakt | The analysis of urgent problems of land relations transformation and of forming agricultural land market in Ukraine is carried out in the article. The general characteristic of main reform stages is given. The reasons of lasting action of the moratorium on agricultural land sale-purchase being the chief obstacle for complete market development are defined. Supporters' and opponents' arguments about moratorium canceling, population estimation of advantages and threats of land circulation are described. The results of the research project "Farmers' land expectation" made by the authors are given. The project purpose was studying population rational expectations concerning the directions of further land reform development and its results. The research was conducted on the local level in rural surrounding, which is characterized by high competition level among agrarian business subjects at agricultural land lease market. Landowners' and other interested group people' opinions concerning lease cost, potential sale price, inclination towards land sale, possibilities of farmers' common farming on their own land, leaseholders' participation in social and economic development of rural areas are examined. High level of farmers' uncertainty about land market indicators because of knowledge lack and low level of land reform information support is established. |
Abstract | The analysis of urgent problems of land relations transformation and of forming agricultural land market in Ukraine is carried out in the article. The general characteristic of main reform stages is given. The reasons of lasting action of the moratorium on agricultural land sale-purchase being the chief obstacle for complete market development are defined. Supporters' and opponents' arguments about moratorium canceling, population estimation of advantages and threats of land circulation are described. The results of the research project "Farmers' land expectation" made by the authors are given. The project purpose was studying population rational expectations concerning the directions of further land reform development and its results. The research was conducted on the local level in rural surrounding, which is characterized by high competition level among agrarian business subjects at agricultural land lease market. Landowners' and other interested group people' opinions concerning lease cost, potential sale price, inclination towards land sale, possibilities of farmers' common farming on their own land, leaseholders' participation in social and economic development of rural areas are examined. High level of farmers' uncertainty about land market indicators because of knowledge lack and low level of land reform information support is established. |
Cytowanie | Hubeni Y., Krupa V. (2019) Land Transformations in Ukraine: Problems and Expectations.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 23-34 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s23.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.43 |
23-34 | |
4. |
Klymenko M. Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth
Autor | Maksym Klymenko, |
Tytuł | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Title | Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Key words | environmental taxation, green growth, tax instruments, environmental issues |
Abstrakt | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Abstract | The article is devoted to environmental taxation as a tool for green growth and assistant to solve environmental issues of the world and Ukraine in particular. Nowadays, the world's economic growth goes side by side with environmental protection, and taxation aims to become an economic instrument to stop large-scale over-use of energy and consider effective resource utilisation, expand the share of organic farming and move towards “green” economy. The paper identifies the main groups of environmental taxes in the EU countries, analyses the European experience of the economic impact on the environment protection, examines possible ways of environmental taxation reforming in Ukraine, based on successful foreign experience. |
Cytowanie | Klymenko M. (2019) Environmental Taxation as a Policy Instrument for Green Growth.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 35-45 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s35.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.44 |
35-45 | |
5. |
Gurkowa K., Kowalska A. Changes in Potato Production and Consumption in Poland in 2001-2019
Autor | Klaudia Gurkowa, Anna Kowalska, |
Tytuł | Changes in Potato Production and Consumption in Poland in 2001-2019 |
Title | Changes in Potato Production and Consumption in Poland in 2001-2020 |
Słowa kluczowe | potato, production, consumption, evolution |
Key words | potato, production, consumption, evolution |
Abstrakt | The aim of the article is to analyse and assess changes in the potato market in Poland. The area of potato cultivation in Poland is gradually decreasing. The scale of this phenomenon is very large - unparalleled in any other country. Unprocessed, fresh potato are replaced more and more often with ready-made preserves and cereal products, e.g. groats, rice and pasta. The study uses statistical materials published by The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute and the Central Statistical Office. The time range of these data covers the years 2001-2019. During the development of the data, the basic methods of statistical analysis were used, i.e. correlation, change dynamics, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. |
Abstract | The aim of the article is to analyse and assess changes in the potato market in Poland. The area of potato cultivation in Poland is gradually decreasing. The scale of this phenomenon is very large - unparalleled in any other country. Unprocessed, fresh potato are replaced more and more often with ready-made preserves and cereal products, e.g. groats, rice and pasta. The study uses statistical materials published by The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute and the Central Statistical Office. The time range of these data covers the years 2001-2019. During the development of the data, the basic methods of statistical analysis were used, i.e. correlation, change dynamics, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. |
Cytowanie | Gurkowa K., Kowalska A. (2019) Changes in Potato Production and Consumption in Poland in 2001-2019.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 46-56 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s46.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.45 |
46-56 | |
6. |
Kraciuk J. Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych
Autor | Jakub Kraciuk, |
Tytuł | Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych |
Title | Impact of International Financial Institutions on the Economic Situation of the Least Developed Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | konsensus waszyngtoński, kraje najsłabiej rozwinięte, międzynarodowe instytucje finansowe |
Key words | Washington consensus, least developed countries, international financial institutions |
Abstrakt | Celem opracowania było ukazanie wpływu działalności Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego i Banku Światowego na sytuację ekonomiczną najsłabiej rozwiniętych krajów Afryki subsaharyjskiej. Stwierdzono, że działanie tych organizacji zgodnie z zasadami konsensusu waszyngtońskiego nie przyniosły oczekiwanych rezultatów, a pomoc kredytowa MFW i BŚ zwiększyła zadłużenie i nie przyczyniła się do wyraźnego wzrostu PKB per capita w analizowanych krajach. Dlatego też konieczna stała się zmiana reguł działania międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych wobec krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych. Proponowane programy dostosowawcze mają generować wzrost gospodarczy, który będzie podporządkowany potrzebom społeczeństw, a wybór wariantów polityki ekonomiczno-społecznej powinien być dostosowany do warunków określonego kraju. |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to show the impact of the activities of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on the economic situation of the least developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It was found that the operation of these organizations in accordance with the principles of the Washington consensus did not bring the expected results, and the credit aid of IMF and World Bank increased debt, but did not contribute to a significant GDP growth per capita in the analyzed countries. Therefore, it is necessary to change the rules of operation of international financial institutions towards least developed countries. The proposed adjustment programs are to generate economic growth, which will be subordinated to the needs of societies, and the choice of economic and social policy options should be adapted to the conditions of a given country. |
Cytowanie | Kraciuk J. (2019) Wpływ międzynarodowych instytucji finansowych na sytuację gospodarczą krajów najsłabiej rozwiniętych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 57-66 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s57.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.46 |
57-66 | |
7. |
Łyżwa E. Inwestycje jako determinanta rozwoju sektora rolnego na Ukrainie
Autor | Edyta Łyżwa, |
Tytuł | Inwestycje jako determinanta rozwoju sektora rolnego na Ukrainie |
Title | Investments as a Determinant of the Agricultural Sector Development in Ukraine |
Słowa kluczowe | sektor rolno-spożywczy, rozwój, inwestycje, gospodarka Ukrainy |
Key words | agri-food sector, development, investments, economy of Ukraine |
Abstrakt | Znaczenie badań nad gospodarką rolną Ukrainy ma kluczowe znaczenie w perspektywie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego kraju i Europy. W artykule przyjęto inwestycje jako podstawową determinantę rozwoju sektora. Tłem rozważań są przemiany sektora rolnego po odzyskaniu niepodległości przez Ukrainę. Zakresem badań objęto terytorium Ukrainy przywołując dane empiryczne z lat 1991-2018 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zakresu procesów inwestycyjnych w latach 2012-2018. Celem artykułu było zidentyfikowanie aktywności inwestycyjnej we współczesnej gospodarce rolnej Ukrainy. Przywołane dane pozwalają na wyciągniecie wniosków o nieefektywnym wykorzystaniu potencjału rolnictwa i przetwórstwa rolno-spożywczego w skali kraju oraz intensyfikacji aktywności inwestycyjnej państwa w ostatnich latach wspierających rozwój tego sektora gospodarki. |
Abstract | The importance of researching the agricultural economy of Ukraine have got big importance in the perspective of the country’s and Europe food security. The article accepts investments as the basic determinant of the sector’s development. The background of the reflections is the transformation of the agricultural sector after Ukraine regained it’s independence. The research covered territory of Ukraine, recalling empirical data from the years 1991-2018, with particular emphasis of the investments in 2012-2018. The purpose of the article was to identify investment activity in the modern agricultural Ukraine’s economy. The mentioned data allowed us to draw conclusions about the ineffective use of the country’s agriculture potential and agri-food processing as well as the intensification of the state's investment activity in recent years that support the development of this sector’s economy. |
Cytowanie | Łyżwa E. (2019) Inwestycje jako determinanta rozwoju sektora rolnego na Ukrainie .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 67-74 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s67.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.47 |
67-74 | |
8. |
Olipra J. Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price
Autor | Jakub Olipra, |
Tytuł | Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price |
Title | Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price |
Słowa kluczowe | farmgate milk price, seasonality, forecasting, globalization, panel regressions |
Key words | farmgate milk price, seasonality, forecasting, globalization, panel regressions |
Abstrakt | Since 2007 farmgate milk prices in EU have become much more volatile and their seasonal pattern has stopped being so explicit. The purpose of this research is to test the hypothesis that seasonality still plays an important role in shaping farmgate milk prices in EU while its amplitude decreases together with the growing integration of the EU milk market with the global market. The aforementioned issues are investigated using Census X-12 procedure of price decomposition and panel random effects model. The results indicate that after 2007 the role of seasonality in determining EU farmgate milk prices has significantly decreased which partially results from the higher integration of the EU milk market with the global market. Nevertheless, seasonality remains an important factor determining the farmgate milk prices in EU. It can be expected that with the further globalization of the milk market, the significance of seasonality in determining farmgate milk prices in EU will be diminishing. |
Abstract | Since 2007 farmgate milk prices in EU have become much more volatile and their seasonal pattern has stopped being so explicit. The purpose of this research is to test the hypothesis that seasonality still plays an important role in shaping farmgate milk prices in EU while its amplitude decreases together with the growing integration of the EU milk market with the global market. The aforementioned issues are investigated using Census X-12 procedure of price decomposition and panel random effects model. The results indicate that after 2007 the role of seasonality in determining EU farmgate milk prices has significantly decreased which partially results from the higher integration of the EU milk market with the global market. Nevertheless, seasonality remains an important factor determining the farmgate milk prices in EU. It can be expected that with the further globalization of the milk market, the significance of seasonality in determining farmgate milk prices in EU will be diminishing. |
Cytowanie | Olipra J. (2019) Change in Seasonality Pattern of EU Farmgate Milk Price.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 75-84 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s75.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.48 |
75-84 | |
9. |
Halicka E., Jackowska M., Rejman K., Szczebyło A. Analysis of the Global Pulses Market and Programs Encouraging Consumption of This Food
Autor | Ewa Halicka, Małgorzata Jackowska, Krystyna Rejman, Agata Szczebyło, |
Tytuł | Analysis of the Global Pulses Market and Programs Encouraging Consumption of This Food |
Title | Analysis of the Global Pulses Market and Programs Encouraging Consumption of This Food |
Słowa kluczowe | pulses, global market, production, consumption |
Key words | pulses, global market, production, consumption |
Abstrakt | The prevalence of diet-related diseases together with global population growth and the imbalance of ecosystems determine an urgent need to change existing dietary patterns and make food market more sustainable. A widely available alternative to food of animal origin are plant sources of protein, including pulses. The aim of this paper was to analyse the global pulses market and to review programs encouraging the increase of pulses consumption. The production and consumption of this food were analysed globally, regionally, and in selected countries using FAOSTAT data. The situation on the Polish market was presented additionally on the base of GUS (Central Statistical Office) data. Finally, the SWOT method was used to assess the market and indicate the possibility of giving up part of the meat consumption for pulses |
Abstract | The prevalence of diet-related diseases together with global population growth and the imbalance of ecosystems determine an urgent need to change existing dietary patterns and make food market more sustainable. A widely available alternative to food of animal origin are plant sources of protein, including pulses. The aim of this paper was to analyse the global pulses market and to review programs encouraging the increase of pulses consumption. The production and consumption of this food were analysed globally, regionally, and in selected countries using FAOSTAT data. The situation on the Polish market was presented additionally on the base of GUS (Central Statistical Office) data. Finally, the SWOT method was used to assess the market and indicate the possibility of giving up part of the meat consumption for pulses |
Cytowanie | Halicka E., Jackowska M., Rejman K., Szczebyło A. (2019) Analysis of the Global Pulses Market and Programs Encouraging Consumption of This Food.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 85-96 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s85.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.49 |
85-96 | |
10. |
Szymańska J. Sytuacja na rynku ziemi rolniczej w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane problemy)
Autor | Joanna Szymańska, |
Tytuł | Sytuacja na rynku ziemi rolniczej w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane problemy) |
Title | The Situation on the Market of Agricultural Land in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe |
Słowa kluczowe | Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, ziemia rolnicza, podaż, popyt, cena |
Key words | Central and Eastern Europe, agricultural land, supply, demand, price |
Abstrakt | Artykuł prezentuje ważniejsze czynniki wpływające zarówno na podaż, jak i na popyt ziemi rolniczej w takich krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, jak: Polska, Czechy, Słowacja, Węgry, Bułgaria, Rumunia, Litwa, Łotwa i Estonia. W opracowaniu poddano także analizie zmiany cen sprzedaży gruntów rolnych w badanych krajach za lata 2005-2015. Wskazano zarówno okresy wzrostu tych cen jak i ich spadku oraz główne czynniki, które miały wpływ na te zjawiska. Stwierdzono, że w badanych krajach nie ukształtował się właściwie funkcjonujący rynek ziemi rolniczej. |
Abstract | The article presents the most important factors influencing both the supply and demand of agricultural land in such countries of Central and Eastern Europe as: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The study also analyzed the changes in the sales prices of agricultural land in the analyzed countries for the years 2005-2015. Both the periods of growth of these prices and their decrease were indicated, as well as the main factors that influenced these phenomena. It was found that the properly functioning agricultural land market did not develop in the countries surveyed. |
Cytowanie | Szymańska J. (2019) Sytuacja na rynku ziemi rolniczej w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane problemy).Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 97-107 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s97.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.50 |
97-107 | |
11. |
Tkachuk V., Vitriak O. Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village
Autor | Vadym Tkachuk, Oksana Vitriak, |
Tytuł | Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village |
Title | Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village |
Słowa kluczowe | agriculture, small farming forms, agricultural production |
Key words | agriculture, small farming forms, agricultural production |
Abstrakt | The article substantiates the prospects for the development and increase of the functioning efficiency of small farming forms in the countryside. Particular attention is paid to the study of factors that have a negative impact on the farms and households functioning. Based on the analysis of statistical indicators, it has been established that the most significant factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of small farming forms in the countryside are the difficulty of manufactured products realization, insufficiently effective state support, lack of developed infrastructure, low education level of households' heads. In order to minimize the negative impact of the identified range of problems, it is proposed to introduce preventive measures in the following areas: the state support system improvement, infrastructure development, the production base and resource support improvement, integration relations development. |
Abstract | The article substantiates the prospects for the development and increase of the functioning efficiency of small farming forms in the countryside. Particular attention is paid to the study of factors that have a negative impact on the farms and households functioning. Based on the analysis of statistical indicators, it has been established that the most significant factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of small farming forms in the countryside are the difficulty of manufactured products realization, insufficiently effective state support, lack of developed infrastructure, low education level of households' heads. In order to minimize the negative impact of the identified range of problems, it is proposed to introduce preventive measures in the following areas: the state support system improvement, infrastructure development, the production base and resource support improvement, integration relations development. |
Cytowanie | Tkachuk V., Vitriak O. (2019) Perspectives of Development and Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Functioning of Small Forms of Business on the Village.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 3: 108-115 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n3_s108.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2019.19.3.51 |
108-115 | |