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1. |
Błaszczyk A. Warunki i sens praktyki demokratycznej w XX wieku
Autor | Andrzej Błaszczyk, |
Tytuł | Warunki i sens praktyki demokratycznej w XX wieku |
Title | The Sense of Democracy in the Reality of the 20th Century - The Unsolved Dilemmas |
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Abstract | Ideological disputes and certain practices within totalitarian regimes have led to the triumph of democracy in the late 20th century. The precedent totalitarianism in many countries was mainly a response to the inefficiency of capitalism, as well as a manifestation of disbelief in socialism. However, the triumphant democracy has proved unable to effectively cope with the new reality of the globalizing world. The mechanisms of democracy having its roots in the Enlightment era are poorly suited to the nature of the new civilization. The Enlightment democracy had postulated a "universal man" - an abstract entity, whose behaviour was to remain unchanged regardless of time and place. It was expected, that the citizens would actively participate in the state institutions and local governments, care about the common welfare and look after the proper functioning of the society as a w hole. Transformations of the rapidly changing world have brought about a crisis of such expectations in contemporary civilization. One of these transformations was the increasingly bureaucratic nature of the governing process. |
Cytowanie | Błaszczyk A. (2004) Warunki i sens praktyki demokratycznej w XX wieku.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 5-21 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s5.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.23 |
5-21 | |
2. |
Daniłowska A. Przedsiębiorstwo w nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej
Autor | Alina Daniłowska, |
Tytuł | Przedsiębiorstwo w nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej |
Title | The Firm - the New Institutional Approach |
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Abstract | The aim of the paper is to review the main concepts of firm which are done by relatively new branch of economic theory - new institutional economics. In the paper the main methodological assumptions and terms of new institutional economics are presented to help ·the readers to understand the ideas connected with firm. The main concepts of firm were presented in the evolutionary way. What' s more some areas of application new institutional economics approach to the firm were described. |
Cytowanie | Daniłowska A. (2004) Przedsiębiorstwo w nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 23-33 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s23.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.24 |
23-33 | |
3. |
Ciechomski W. Polskie ogrodnictwo w obliczu międzynarodowej konkurencji
Autor | Wojciech Ciechomski, |
Tytuł | Polskie ogrodnictwo w obliczu międzynarodowej konkurencji |
Title | Polish Horticulture in the Face of the International Competitiveness |
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Abstract | The competitiveness of horticulture sector in Poland is decreasing due to the low productivity of factors to the production resulting :from the little and dispersed scale of production as well as :from the low level of vertical and horizontal integration of the majority of vegetable and orchard farms. Dispersed structure of the sector - reflected main1y in farms of small and medium area - impacts on the incapability to compete with food processing plants and retail net on the equal principles. There is the lack of visible and effective forms of cooperation, coordination, information and communication between different entities functioning in the production sector, food processing industry and market. It all bring about, that long-term ability to gaining profits and maintaining current position, active and effective rivalry on domestic and international markets is to a high degree threatened. |
Cytowanie | Ciechomski W. (2004) Polskie ogrodnictwo w obliczu międzynarodowej konkurencji.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 35-42 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s35.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.25 |
35-42 | |
4. |
Juszczyk S. Organizacja i wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne gospodarstw mlecznych z następcami
Autor | Sławomir Juszczyk, |
Tytuł | Organizacja i wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne gospodarstw mlecznych z następcami |
Title | The Organisation and Economical and Production Results in Milk Farms with Successors |
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Abstract | The author suggests putting new index- - specialist identification successors. It is a quotient of number or participation of farms with the successors in the given specialization to number or participation farms with successors all in all - in the percentage expression. The research took place in the specialist milk farms of Central Macroregion in the years 1997-2001. The relationship between quantity of direct surplus from milk production in the farm and the index of specialist identification successors in milk production were observed in 2000. The bigger was this surplus, the bigger was the share of successors interested in continuation of milk production after talking over the farm. Moreover it was also observed, that the index of specialist identification successors increased with the increase of the number of cows in the farm. In the period 1997-2001 in the examined milk farms the quantity of the index of specialist identification successors was changing from 72.0% in the year 2001to79.2% in 2000. |
Cytowanie | Juszczyk S. (2004) Organizacja i wyniki produkcyjno-ekonomiczne gospodarstw mlecznych z następcami.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 43-50 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s43.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.26 |
43-50 | |
5. |
Wasilewski M. Klasyfikacja zapasów i gospodarowanie nimi w podmiotach rolniczych
Autor | Mirosław Wasilewski, |
Tytuł | Klasyfikacja zapasów i gospodarowanie nimi w podmiotach rolniczych |
Title | The Classification and Management of Reserves in Farming Entities |
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Abstract | In the paper the classification of reserves according to many criterions is presented. The attempt of defying uniform groups of reserves with highest and lowest level as regards the regularity of demand and the possibility of running low in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms was made. Within all groups of farms the rising role of cooperation with deliverers of factors to the production on the basis of trade contracts was observed. Resources to the production were ordered in different ways depending on the groups of resources. The time of delivery realization was shortest in private farms (mainly for the sake of direct purchase). Reserves characterized by highest and lowest states as well as regard the possibility of running low, the regularity of demand and possibility of forecasting were di verse between the groups of farms. The management of reserves in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms should be treated individually. The normative determination of levels of reserves' types is difficult. In private farms the situation is worsened by the little farmers' knowledge about possibilities of reserves' managing rationalization. |
Cytowanie | Wasilewski M. (2004) Klasyfikacja zapasów i gospodarowanie nimi w podmiotach rolniczych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 51-68 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s51.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.27 |
51-68 | |
6. |
Kacperska E., Kraciuk J. Procesy koncentracji w polskim sektorze bankowym
Autor | Elżbieta Kacperska, Jakub Kraciuk, |
Tytuł | Procesy koncentracji w polskim sektorze bankowym |
Title | Concentration Processes in Polish Banking Sector |
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Abstract | The financial sector presents the strongest tendency towards capital concentration, what is the effect of its deregulation, liberalization and strong competitiveness. Fusions and foreign investors, who are taking banks over, are accomplishing this concentration. From the beginning of 1993 until the first quarter of 2004, the number of active commercial banks decreased from 87 to 59 and 27 fusions and assumptions were noticed. At the beginning of 2004 foreign investors controlled 46 commercial banks out of 59 operating in Poland. The value of their investments exceeded 7 .2 billions PLN and they owned 76.3% of equity and supplementary funds and 67.4% of assets. Owing to these investments, the banking sector development has started and the investors subsidised existing banks, improved infrastructure and made many innovations. The large foreign banks, which were set up as a result of concentration, made banking system more effective and facilitated development of national economy. On the other hand, the superior contribution of large foreign banks obstructs national financial policy and makes the financial sector sensitive to prosperity fluctuations and a crisis of the world banking system. |
Cytowanie | Kacperska E., Kraciuk J. (2004) Procesy koncentracji w polskim sektorze bankowym.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 69-87 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s69.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.28 |
69-87 | |
7. |
Drabik E., Górska A. Ocena inwestycji na Warszawskiej Giełdzie Towarowej w okresie od stycznia 2002 roku do lipca 2004 roku
Autor | Ewa Drabik, Anna Górska, |
Tytuł | Ocena inwestycji na Warszawskiej Giełdzie Towarowej w okresie od stycznia 2002 roku do lipca 2004 roku |
Title | The Evaluation of lnvestments at the Warsaw Commodity Exchange from January 2002 to July 2004 |
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Abstract | Nowadays the commodity exchange offers not only a wide range of operations such as trade in commodities but also future contracts and other types of financial transactions. While at the stock exchange one can encounter mainly shares, the commodity exchange epitomizes an impressive variety of negotiable units. Mutual funds and deposits, which are an alternative way of investing, also play a relevant role on the financial market. From economical point of view deposits are burdened with the smallest risk. According to the modem financial theory, the attitude towards a risk is considered as a very important aspect of the situation on the market. Not only behaviour of the investors but also political and economical events determine the situation on the market. The. behaviour of the investors is analysed by the cognitive psychology, which is associated with a new behavioural current in financial theory, which is called the behaviour finance. The aim of this paper is to check, if it is worth to invest at the commodity exchange. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the data from Warsaw Commodity Exchange in the span of3 years: 2002-2004. |
Cytowanie | Drabik E., Górska A. (2004) Ocena inwestycji na Warszawskiej Giełdzie Towarowej w okresie od stycznia 2002 roku do lipca 2004 roku.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 89-99 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s89.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.29 |
89-99 | |
8. |
Krawczyk E. Rozwój rynku kontraktów terminowych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie
Autor | Ewa Krawczyk, |
Tytuł | Rozwój rynku kontraktów terminowych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie |
Title | The Development of Future Contracts Market at the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw |
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Abstract | The development of future contracts market can be divided into two stages. The first stage includes the period 1998-1999, when future contracts appeared and strengthen its position at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The second stage includes the period 2000-2004, when a dynamic development of future contracts occurred. In the first stage quotations of unconditional future contracts futures WIG20, futures USD, futures EURO were started, while in the second stage: futures Tech WIG, futures on shares and futures on MIDWIG. In the analyzed period the contract futures WIG20 was of great importance with the share of 98% in total turnovers on derivatives. The future contracts market is the fastest developing market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 1998, the year of the debut, the value of turnovers of future contracts amounted to 1 % of spot market turnovers. In the next year this relationship amounted to 7%. In the end of 2000 turnovers of future contracts amounted to 17% of spot market turnovers. In the years 2001-2002 the value of turnovers of derivatives amounted to 119% of the value of spot market turnovers. In 2003 the dynamic development of future contracts was continued. Turnovers of future contracts amounted to 158% of spot market turnovers. |
Cytowanie | Krawczyk E. (2004) Rozwój rynku kontraktów terminowych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 101-113 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s101.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.30 |
101-113 | |
9. |
Matuszyk A. Szanse i zagrożenia sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wobec przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Anna Matuszyk, |
Tytuł | Szanse i zagrożenia sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wobec przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Chances and Threats of Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in Poland Towards Joining European Union |
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Abstract | The process of integration with European Union means lots of changes in the functioning conditions of enterprises. They must adjust to norms and standards that are obligatory in EU. Polish market became a part of uniform European market. This situation forced economic entities to start adaptation processes to new conditions. Small and medium enterprises, that are the basis of economy, are particularly sensitive for changes in business environment. Their special needs should be taken into consideration. Majority of Polish entrepreneurs are satisfied with joining European Union. They lead business with countries that are members of EU. |
Cytowanie | Matuszyk A. (2004) Szanse i zagrożenia sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wobec przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 54: 115-127 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n54_s115.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.31 |
115-127 | |