Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW w Warszawie

Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego 2017 17(32) (4)

ISSN: 2081-6960 eISSN: 2544-0659
Lp. Autor / Tytuł Strony Pobierz
Full text
1. Andrzejuk A. Comparison of Agriculture Biotechnology and its Spatial Diversification among Different Countries of the World 11-20 pdf
2. Bronisz U., Jakubowski A. Rural Tourism as a Factor Stimulating the Development of Border Areas – The Case of Lubelskie Voivodeship 21-30 pdf
3. Cieślik E. The New Silk Road: Seeking Opportunities for Polish Exports in the Chinese Market 31-40 pdf
4. Davydenko N., Wasilewska N. Paradigm of Financial Provision of the Agricultural Land Restoration in Ukraine 41-51 pdf
5. Domagalska-Grędys M. Relational Premises in the Cooperation Between Farms with Conservative Breeds and Industry Organisations 52-67 pdf
6. Gajos E. Implementation of Selected Sustainable Development Objectives in European Union Countries 68-77 pdf
7. Getahun S. Review of Inclusive Growth and other Alternatives to Confront Authoritarian Populism 78-84 pdf
8. Górska A., Krawiec M. Statistical Analysis of Soft Commodities Returns in the Period 2007-2016 85-94 pdf
9. Horin N. Eco-innovative Activity of Ukrainian SMEs 95-104 pdf
10. Boiko V., Hubeni Y., Olishchuk P. A Retrospective Evaluation of Rural Populations: Social and Economic Challenges, Expectations and Evaluation 105-110 pdf
11. Dobošová Ľ., Jacková S., Kadlečíková M., Kapsdorferová Z. Food Security and Self-Sufficiency in Europe 111-119 pdf
12. Jaroszewska J., Pietrzykowski R. Convergence of the Labour Productivity in European Union Agriculture 120-129 pdf
13. Kacperska E. Poland and the Czech Republic in the Process of Globalization 130-142 pdf
14. Kacprzak M., Król A., Wielewska I. Human Capital on the European Labour Market 143-150 pdf
15. Ferenc A., Koreleska E. Functioning of “Organics Cluster” in the French National and Regional Market of Organic Food 151-160 pdf
16. Koszela G., Ochnio L. Changes in Consumer Food Preferences in EU Countries from 2001-2013 161-171 pdf
17. Kozioł-Kaczorek D. The Plant Production in Norway 172-181 pdf
18. Kryszak Ł., Staniszewski J. The Elasticity of Agricultural Income in the EU Member States Under Different Cost Structures 182-192 pdf
19. Krzyżanowski J. The Standard Model of Trade and the Marshall – Lerner Condition 193-198 pdf
20. Graszewicz M., Łapińska J., Zdunek-Rosa E. Poland's Competitive Position in Trade in Agri-Food Products with the United Kingdom – Selected Aspects 199-209 pdf
21. Łukasiewicz K. Perspectives of Agritourism Development in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine 210-217 pdf
22. Matyja M. A Comparative Study of Profitability of Agricultural Cooperatives in Poland and Around the World 218-227 pdf
23. Parlińska M., Parlińska A. The Crop Insurance Systems in Poland Towards the EU 228-235 pdf
24. Pawlak K. Importance and Comparative Advantages of the EU and US Agri-food Sector in World Trade in 1995-2015 236-248 pdf
25. Pera J. Linear and Non-linear Relationships Between Shares of the Agri-food Industries of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Risk Aspect 249-262 pdf
26. Pomichowski P. Comparison of Poland's Agrarian Structure with other EU Countries Using Cluster Analysis 263-270 pdf
27. Rytko A. The Economic Development in the Context of the Development of Foreign Trade in Poland – a Comparison to some EU Countries 271-279 pdf
28. Kłobukowski F., Skotnicka M., Śmiechowska M. Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland 280-291 pdf
29. Smoluk-Sikorska J. Distribution of Organic Food in Poland 292-301 pdf
30. Wasilewska E. Demographical Ageing of the EU Member States’ Societies 302-315 pdf
31. Wiatrak A. The Scope and Conditions of the European Union's Innovation Policy 316-325 pdf
32. Orlykovskyi M., Wicki L., Zaburanna L. Agriculture in Poland and Ukraine – Potential and Dynamics of Changes in Production 326-338 pdf
33. Zaremba Ł. Vegetables Price Volatility in Poland – Onion and Carrot Case 339-345 pdf