Dzierżawa jako czynnik przemian w strukturze gospodarstw

Wojciech Ziętara

Ziętara, Wojciech; ORCID: 0000-0002-3182-522X
Dzierżawa jako czynnik przemian w strukturze gospodarstw
Leasing as a Factor of Changes in Farm Structure
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2006, vol., nr 58, s. 75-88


The characteristic feature of the recent times is the high rate of change in an economical environment of agricultural enterprises. That significant process is mainly expressed by high rate of wages growth in non-agricultural sectors and increase of agricultural input prices, while there is observed the simultaneous stagnation, even decrease of agricultural produce prices. That facts influence therefore decrease of unit profitability of agricultural production and farm income diminishment. The main and even the only way for the farmers adjustment to the new reality is an increase of economical labor efficiency, which they can achieve through growth of farm size due to leasing of agricultural land. Hence the leasing practices have recently become the main way of farm size development