Sytuacja finansowa przedsiębiorstw rolniczych w zależności od relacji kapitału obrotowego do zysku netto

Mirosław Wasilewski

Wasilewski, Mirosław; ORCID: 0000-0001-6791-5713
Sytuacja finansowa przedsiębiorstw rolniczych w zależności od relacji kapitału obrotowego do zysku netto
Financial standing of agricultural enterprises Depending on the relationship between Working Capital and Net Profit
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2006, vol., nr 61, s. 103-115


In the paper the analysis of the dependence between an amount of working capital (WC) for the unit of net profit (NP) and financial standing of agricultural enterprises is presented. The lowest level of this relationship did not guarantee a stable level of profitability of property, own capital and land use. Too high level of that relationship contributed to the increase of efficiency in this scope, but on the level lower than in enterprises with average relationship WC/NP. Only in enterprises with the highest relationship WC/NP maintenance of quick and current liquidity ratio was stated. Enterprises of the lowest relationship WC/NP were endangered with loss of financial liquidity and were characterized with the highest debt. The vindication of dues was the most efficient in enterprises with the highest relationship WC/NP. The working capital is fundamental source of the current activity financing, while too high level of it could be inefficient. Therefore it is a necessity of search its optimum in relationship to the profit, what transfers to the efficiency of use of land, labour and capital.