Miejsce i rola sektora usług w rozwoju gospodarczym Polski w latach 1995–2004

Jan Hybel

Hybel, Jan
Miejsce i rola sektora usług w rozwoju gospodarczym Polski w latach 1995–2004
Place and role of the sector of services in the economic development of Poland in the years 1995–2004
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2006, vol., nr 61, s. 5-12


The aim of the paper was to determine the place and the role of the sector of services in the development of polish economy. The analysis covers the years 1995–2004. On the basis of data of the Central Statistical Of? ce the role of the sector of services in gross added value and workplaces creating, as well as in investment expenditures and foreign trade was determined. The analysis was carried out in the dynamic depiction and by the types of service. The author stated, that moving towards market economy has important impact on the dynamic development of the sector of services, thanks to that Poland decreased a distance in service development with relation to the developed countries