Rachunkowość w rolnictwie – wybrane zagadnienia wymogów ewidencyjnych

Adam Chmielewski

Chmielewski, Adam
Rachunkowość w rolnictwie – wybrane zagadnienia wymogów ewidencyjnych
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2008, vol., nr 66, s. 203-212


Historical changes initiated in Poland at the end of the nineties, followed by integration with the European Union, have forced Poland to face a lot of challenges throughout the economy. Amongst these, there are those concerning the information systems which assist the estimation of the financial standing of the agriculture sector and individual farms. The article presents the current legal regulations and farmers’ duties regarding financial reporting. The first regulation, applicable to only a very small group of farmers, is the accounting act of law. A larger group of agricultural enterprises have to provide documentation related to profits and value added tax. The third group is those farmers who agreed to participate in the Farm Accountancy Data Network – FADN. The article concludes that despite the various legal regulations which obligate disclosure, financial information about the agricultural sector and individual farms is almost non-existent