System powiązania wskaźników w ocenie zarządzania kapitałami w przedsiębiorstwie

Mirosław Krajewski

Krajewski, Mirosław
System powiązania wskaźników w ocenie zarządzania kapitałami w przedsiębiorstwie
The connection system of the capital management coeffi cients in enterprise assessment
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 76, s. 61-71


The process of funding in enterprise joins two inseparable and mutually related problems in enterprise – the investments assets delimitation and identifying possible sources of financing, which from the managers point of view, should also includes the costs of gaining additional capital. The correct utilization of capital in enterprise requires continuous monitoring of the financial effects of its performance in aspect of possessed assets. It leads to formulating the establish definitions in relation to economic quantities which helps to identify the major efficient financing sources in company activity. The methods and analysis tools should asses the most profitable level of loan capital and assure possibility to create the early warning system before financial losses appear in enterprise.