Finansowanie działalności innowacyjnej w podlaskich przedsiębiorstwach

Grażyna Klamecka-Roszkowska

Klamecka-Roszkowska, Grażyna
Finansowanie działalności innowacyjnej w podlaskich przedsiębiorstwach
The financing innovation activities in Podlasie area
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 76, s. 73-84


Innovation in companies is a large degree which depends on their financial resources. It influenced both the use of companies’ ideas concerning new choices and new technologies as well as the access of the external sources of innovation i.e. the purchase of license and modern fixed assets or the employment of highly-paid specialists. The purpose of this study is the discussion of the questionnaires results about financing innovation activities. The research has been carried out on 575 enterprises which conduct their activity in Podlasie area. The elaboration is a part of wider work, which aim was monitoring the Regional Innovation Strategy of Podlasie voivodeship.