Współpraca aniołów biznesu z funduszami venture capital w Polsce

Krystyna Brzozowska

Brzozowska, Krystyna
Współpraca aniołów biznesu z funduszami venture capital w Polsce
The cooperation of business angels with venture capital funds in Poland
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 77, s. 105-114


A level of innovations in economy has determined a growth of venture capital market. In well developed countries venture capital market plays a significant role in funding innovative projects, but in Poland, so far, a share of venture capital investors is still rather slight. After access of Poland to European Union, directed into increase of innovations in economy of member states, venture capital market has been accelerated, both in informal (business angels) and formal (venture capital funds) markets. There are some interactions between these groups of venture capital investors, like as cooperation, co-financing, and mainly keeping certain turn of funding – in early stages of project development– business angels, and further – venture capital funds. It should be underlined, that in Poland venture capital market has been developing in quite different way, not very similar to scheme worked out in other countries. It can be a result of relatively low level of venture capital market development and structural changes of overall environment