Analiza kosztu funduszy własnych grupy banków giełdowych w Polsce

Katarzyna Kochaniak

Kochaniak, Katarzyna
Analiza kosztu funduszy własnych grupy banków giełdowych w Polsce
The cost analysis of equity in group of commercial banks quoted on Warsaw Stock Exchange
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2009, vol., nr 77, s. 69-76


This paper presents the estimation of cost of equity in group of commercial banks in Poland in 1998–2006. It discusses different aspects of cost of equity in group of banks quoted on Warsaw Stock Exchange. Presented are: the definition of bank’s cost of equity problems with implementation of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Polish, companies, the changes in costs of equity in Polish banking sector. Financial data used in this analysis are published by Warsaw Stock Exchange and Ministry of Finance.