Kredyt kupiecki – koszty i korzyści w aspekcie wzrostu gospodarstwa

Joanna Bereżnicka

Bereżnicka, Joanna; ORCID: 0000-0002-0316-6693
Kredyt kupiecki – koszty i korzyści w aspekcie wzrostu gospodarstwa
Trade credit – costs and benefi ts in farms’ growth aspect
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2010, vol., nr 82, s. 161-170


This paper contains analysis of costs and benefits connected with trade credit granted by farmers, as factors influencing farms’ growth abilities (understood as ability to enlarge both income and cash stocks). The research was carried out in a farm specialising in large-scale milk production. The researcher proposed three possible solutions concerning trade credit. The analysis revealed that trade credit creates costs which have negative influence on the farm income level. However, resigning from this credit was followed by unfavourable effects. On the other hand, using this credit in cash-flows gave considerable benefits. As a result of the research it was concluded that trade credit is an instrument positively affecting economic results of the farm and, consequently, its growth