Płynność finansowa i rentowność przychodów podmiotów sektora publicznego i prywatnego za lata 2008–2009

Leszek Borowiec

Borowiec, Leszek
Płynność finansowa i rentowność przychodów podmiotów sektora publicznego i prywatnego za lata 2008–2009
Comparative assessment of the financial performance of public and private sector for the years 2008–2009
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011, vol., nr 88, s. 209-218


The experience of countries with developed market economy confirms that the development of public and private sectors is necessary for the proper functioning of the economy of the state. Using statistics published by the Central Statistical Office, the article presents the financial results of private and public sectors in 2008–2009. The study analyzes the liquidity and profitability of the companies surveyed. Article shows that in 2009 the financial results of the entities by sectors have improved properties compared to the previous year, and the higher profitability of the acquired entities in the private sector. At the same time public sector entities is characterized by a much higher level of liquidity.