Bariery uczestnictwa osób niepełnosprawnych w turystyce i rekreacji w kontekście ich sytuacji ekonomicznej

Jarosław Żbikowski

Żbikowski, Jarosław
Bariery uczestnictwa osób niepełnosprawnych w turystyce i rekreacji w kontekście ich sytuacji ekonomicznej
The barriers to participation of people with disabilities in tourism and recreation in the context of their economic situation
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011, vol., nr 93, s. 171-184


The aim of this study is to identify barriers to the participation of disabled people in the tourist and recreational activities and to determine the impact of identifi ed factors on the respondents, in the context of their economic situation. The study was conducted in 2006–2007, in the Lubelskie voivodship, on a sample of 360 people with disabilities. Disabled persons that were listed during the research considered the barriers for participation in tourism and sports and recreational activities to be insignifi cant or negligible, which can be regarded as a phenomenon of optimistic prospects for market growth of recreational tourism.The factor hampering tourist and recreational activity to the greatest extent in the opinion of researched people with disabilities is the high cost of participation in tourist events and recreational sports activities.