System podatkowy – rozwiązania Unii Europejskiej i Polski w okresie po kryzysie

Marta Postuła
Ministerstwo Finansów, Departament Reformy Finansów Publicznych
Postuła, Marta (Ministerstwo Finansów, Departament Reformy Finansów Publicznych)
System podatkowy – rozwiązania Unii Europejskiej i Polski w okresie po kryzysie
The tax system – a solution the European Union and Polish in the period after the crisis
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2011, vol., nr 94, s. 61-73


Financial and economic crisis faced public finances in many EU Member States with serious challenges. There is no doubt that activities designed to stimulate and maintain high economic growth rate must be accompanied by conducting a rational fiscal policy. As tax system can contribute to reducing the impact of global and European economic crisis – it is important to take deliberate actions in this respect at the level of European Union and individual member states. Therefore, this article outlines the planned changes in this field in Poland and on EU level.