Prognozowanie zagrożenia finansowego przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu w województwie świętokrzyskim w latach 2005–2010

Anna Żelazowska-Przewłoka
Katedra Ekonomii, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Żelazowska-Przewłoka, Anna (Katedra Ekonomii, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim)
Prognozowanie zagrożenia finansowego przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu w województwie świętokrzyskim w latach 2005–2010
Forecasting Financial Risk of Agribusiness Companies in the Świętokrzyskie Province in 2005–2010
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2012, vol., nr 96, s. 221-230


The elaboration presents forecast for financial risk of selected agribusiness firms in the świętokrzyskie Province. Two models were used to predict corporate bankruptcy: a model M. Hamrol, B. Czajka and M. Piechocki, and A. Hołda model. The data based on financial statements placed in the Polish B Monitor of selected companies of the agribusiness calculated rates which served the post of discriminatory chosen models for calculating the value stayed. Enterprises were provided with examinations: Bakery at the Telegraph Roman Smolarski in Kielce, Plant Fruit and Vegetable Industry Dwikozy S.A. in Dwikozy, AGROMA Kielce Ltd. z o.o. in Kielce, Department of Fruit Processing Ltd. SAMBOR in Samborcu, Plant Grain-Milling ROC S.A. in Kielce, Kielce Brewery Co. Ltd. in Kielce, EKOPLON S.A. in Grabkach Large, Horticultural Wholesale Market in Sandomierz S.A. in Sandomierz, Department of Poultry-Cold store imports and exports in Jędrzejów Stanisław Bik. The study covered years 2005– –2010, while in the case of a brewery in Kielce from 2004 to 2009 in Kielce. This enterprise was liquidated by the management board of the Brewing Company in September 2009. In the examination they used the comparative analysis which was exploited for verifying two models for the early stage of warning before the bankruptcy.