Nakłady inwestycyjne w polskim przemyśle spożywczym w latach 2000–2011

Joanna Florek
Katedra Finansów i Rachunkowości, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
Florek, Joanna (Katedra Finansów i Rachunkowości, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu)
Nakłady inwestycyjne w polskim przemyśle spożywczym w latach 2000–2011
Capital expenditure in the Polish food industry from 2000 to 2011
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2013, vol., nr 104, s. 29-39


The main goal of this study was to present and assess the volume of capital expenditure in the Polish food industry from 2000 to 2011. The study was prepared on the basis of reference publications and unpublished statistics of the Central Statistical Office concerning investments and fixed assets according to the branches of the food industry. The analysis was based on measures of the dynamics of phenomena. In order to assess the investment activity a simple investment rate was used. As results from the research, capital expenditure increased in the Polish food industry from 2000 to 2011. Integration with the European Union considerably influenced the investment growth. In the period under analysis the highest mean investment rate was observed in the fishing, meat processing and dairy sectors. The investment activity was limited in 2009, which was a consequence of the world crisis.