Praulinš, Arturs
Impact of the accession to the EU on the performance of agricultural holdings in the Baltic States and Poland: a comparative study
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2008, vol.3(18), nr , s. 14-25
Key words
accession to the EU subsidies for agriculture net value added production net value added net investments
In the result of the EU enlargement not only a united legislative and economical body was formed on European basis, but also the support payments in many branches of economy in the new member states have increased substantially, including those in agriculture and rural development. A brief characteristics of place of agriculture in the economy of the Baltic states and Poland is given in the article, as well as that of the changes in total amount of support achieved before the entry into the EU. The effect of this support upon different agricultural holdings performance parameters (net value added, production net value added, net investments) in the period of years 2002-2006 is studied. A comparative analysis gave basis for the conclusions on the specificity of support use in the economic activity of holdings in different states.