Price Linkage Between Milling and Feed Wheat Prices in Poland and Germany
Mariusz Hamulczuk, Wiesław Łopaciuk
Hamulczuk, Mariusz ; ORCID: 0000-0002-4956-8516 Łopaciuk, Wiesław Price Linkage Between Milling and Feed Wheat Prices in Poland and Germany Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 2013, vol.13(28), nr 4, s. 34-44
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Hamulczuk, M., Łopaciuk, W. (2013). Price Linkage Between Milling and Feed Wheat Prices in Poland and Germany. Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW - Problems of World Agriculture, 13(28) (4), 34-44.
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