Podatek rolny a podatek dochodowy . konsekwencje zmian dla gospodarstw rolniczych

Kinga Gruziel, Mirosław Wasilewski

Gruziel, Kinga; ORCID: 0000-0003-2429-3795
Wasilewski, Mirosław; ORCID: 0000-0001-6791-5713
Podatek rolny a podatek dochodowy . konsekwencje zmian dla gospodarstw rolniczych
The farming and income tax in agricultural farms – consequences of changes
Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Seria G, 2008, vol.94, nr 2, s. 115-129

Słowa kluczowe

podatek rolny podatek dochodowy indywidualne gospodarstwa rolnicze FADN

Key words

farming tax income tax agricultural individual farms FADN


Przedstawiono koncepcję i konsekwencje finansowe zastąpienia podatku rolnego podatkiem dochodowym w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolniczych. Badaniami objęto gospodarstwa rolnicze funkcjonujące w systemie FADN z regionu Mazowsze i Podlasie. Gospodarstwa klasyfikowano według kryterium powierzchni UR oraz typu rolniczego.


The elaboration presents the idea and consequences of replacement the farming tax with the income tax in agricultural farms of different types in .Mazowsze and Podlasie. region. It was ascertained that agricultural type as well as area of cropland in principle diversify dependences between previously existing charge of the tax farming and the possible income tax. In agricultural farms with the .Milk. type only in the smallest area group did not appear the income from the taxation, on the condition of introduction the allowance and exception tax. In remaining area groups with the same agricultural type the income tax was considerably higher from the farming tax. All farmers from agricultural .Granivores type of farms would pay the income-tax which was also considerably higher than the farming tax. In these farms was made a note of growing charge of the income-tax with relation to the farming tax, which goes together with decreasing area of cropland. Whereas in farms of .Mixed crops and livestock. agricultural type in most of area groups did not ascertain income from the taxation or the amount of farming tax was higher from the income tax. Together with introducing the income tax in agricultural farms it should be taken under consideration consequences for district budgets in investigated region.