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1. |
Adamowicz M. Nauki rolnicze a wielofunkcyjny i zrównoważony rozwój rolnictwa
Autor | Mieczysław Adamowicz, |
Tytuł | Nauki rolnicze a wielofunkcyjny i zrównoważony rozwój rolnictwa |
Title | Agricultural Sciences and the Multifunctional and Sustainable Development of Agriculture |
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Abstract | The aim of the paper is discussing the multifunctionality of agriculture and its links with sustainable development as well as the role of agricultural sciences in implementation of those ideas. The industrialization and modernisation of agriculture and their limitations were presented on the ground of general description of development rules. The idea of multifunctionality and its forms, multifunctional dimension of agricultural farms, multifunctional strategies and their effects were analysed. Proposals for the role of agricultural sciences in multifunctional and sustainable development of agriculture in Poland were suggested. |
Cytowanie | Adamowicz M. (2004) Nauki rolnicze a wielofunkcyjny i zrównoważony rozwój rolnictwa.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 5-24 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s5.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.11 |
5-24 | |
2. |
Zawojska A. Strefa euro a nowe kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej - dywergencja czy konwergencja gospodarcza?
Autor | Aldona Zawojska, |
Tytuł | Strefa euro a nowe kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej - dywergencja czy konwergencja gospodarcza? |
Title | Euro Zone versus new Member States of the European Union - Economic Divergence or Convergence? |
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Abstract | Economic and Monetary Union is unique in that it combines centralised conduct of monetary policy by the European Central Bank (ECB) with national sovereignty over fiscal and other economic policies. Its main goals are providing greater macroeconomic stability and improving economic efficiency in the euro area. After implementation of the EU enlargement on l May 2004, the ten new EU member states now face the challenge of joining the Eurozone. Central and East European Countries (CEEC) differ significantly with regards to their economic performance. Of the eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe joined the EU, only Estonia and Lithuania currently meet all the Maastricht convergence criteria. EU membership gives the opportunity to catch up, but the actual economic outcomes depend on the quality of domestic policies. |
Cytowanie | Zawojska A. (2004) Strefa euro a nowe kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej - dywergencja czy konwergencja gospodarcza?.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 25-42 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s25.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.12 |
25-42 | |
3. |
Idzik M. Społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju bankowości detalicznej w Polsce
Autor | Marcin Idzik, |
Tytuł | Społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju bankowości detalicznej w Polsce |
Title | Social Conditions of the Retail Banking Development in Poland |
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Abstract | The paper presents the scale of retail bank usage in Poland as well as factors determining the development of retail banking usage and reasons for non using banking services. The knowledge about financial institutions, sources of fears and opinions about the satisfaction from services offered by banks to individuals were also assessed. The necessity of financial exclusion reduction and taking into consideration poor people were also pointed. |
Cytowanie | Idzik M. (2004) Społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju bankowości detalicznej w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 43-56 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s43.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.13 |
43-56 | |
4. |
Wyrzykowska B. Rodzaje powiązań integracyjnych w agrobiznesie
Autor | Barbara Wyrzykowska, |
Tytuł | Rodzaje powiązań integracyjnych w agrobiznesie |
Title | The Types of Integration Connections in Agrobusiness |
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Abstract | Common actions play the rising role in today' s world. The integration processes on an international scale influence on the integration processes between branches of agriculture and food processing industry on the country or region scale. There are distinguished two main types of integration: vertical and horizontal; sometimes it is said about diagonal (or cross) integration. It is also said about complete and indirect integration. The best possibilities of development both of the main integration forms exist in an agrobusiness. The agrobusiness is the part of the traditional economy and includes all of the elements necessary to the food producing and delivering to consumers. |
Cytowanie | Wyrzykowska B. (2004) Rodzaje powiązań integracyjnych w agrobiznesie.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 57-76 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s57.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.14 |
57-76 | |
5. |
Jakóbik A., Klepacki B. Poziom produkcji roślinnej w Polsce na tle wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Anna Jakóbik, Bogdan Klepacki, |
Tytuł | Poziom produkcji roślinnej w Polsce na tle wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej |
Title | The Level of Plant Production in Poland in Comparison with Chosen European Union Countries |
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Abstract | In the paper the level of plant production in Poland in comparison with leading EU countries was presented. There were showed areas of some plants in Denmark, France, Nederland and Germany as well as received yields of cereals, potatoes, sugar beets and rapes compared with scored in Poland in 2002. It was stated that received yields were in Poland 25 to 38% lower than in European Union. |
Cytowanie | Jakóbik A., Klepacki B. (2004) Poziom produkcji roślinnej w Polsce na tle wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 77-89 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s77.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.15 |
77-89 | |
6. |
Hamulczuk M., Stolarska A. Zmiany źródeł utrzymania ludności rolniczej
Autor | Mariusz Hamulczuk, Alicja Stolarska, |
Tytuł | Zmiany źródeł utrzymania ludności rolniczej |
Title | Changes in Income Sources of the Agricultural Population |
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Abstract | The paper includes an analysis of changes in income sources of private agricultural farms. The work is based on numeric data from National Census of People from 1996 and 2002. The share of agricultural population financially dependent on agricultural production decreased. The share of agricultural population made a living by social incomes increased at the same time. |
Cytowanie | Hamulczuk M., Stolarska A. (2004) Zmiany źródeł utrzymania ludności rolniczej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 91-97 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s91.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.16 |
91-97 | |
7. |
Stańko A. Poziom ubóstwa w krajach nowo przyjętych do Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Aneta Stańko, |
Tytuł | Poziom ubóstwa w krajach nowo przyjętych do Unii Europejskiej |
Title | The Poverty Level in New Member Countries of the European Union |
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Abstract | The paper presents chosen indicators of poverty and labour market in new member countries of the European Union. The new member countries could participate in the open coordination of policy against poverty and social exclusion from the first day of membership. The poverty level in new member countries was almost on the same level as in the "old" members but the poverty threshold was much lower in new members. The biggest sphere of poverty was in Estonia and Lithuania (over 16%), the lowest-in the Czech Republic and Hungary (about 10%). The main cause of poverty in all of the member countries was unemployment, especially persistent. |
Cytowanie | Stańko A. (2004) Poziom ubóstwa w krajach nowo przyjętych do Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 99-111 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s99.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.17 |
99-111 | |
8. |
Raczkowska M. Warunki bytu w polskich gospodarstwach domowych dotkniętych ubóstwem
Autor | Małgorzata Raczkowska, |
Tytuł | Warunki bytu w polskich gospodarstwach domowych dotkniętych ubóstwem |
Title | Economic Conditions of Poor Households in Poland |
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Abstract | The aim of the paper was to analyse economic conditions of poor households in Poland. The research shows the diversity of incomes and expenses within the poor households. The paper was prepared on the basis of the data collected by the Main Statistical Office (GUS). |
Cytowanie | Raczkowska M. (2004) Warunki bytu w polskich gospodarstwach domowych dotkniętych ubóstwem.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 113-125 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s113.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.18 |
113-125 | |
9. |
Wasilewski M. Wyniki i organizacja produkcji w gospodarstwach rolniczych o różnych formach organizacyjno-prawnych
Autor | Mirosław Wasilewski, |
Tytuł | Wyniki i organizacja produkcji w gospodarstwach rolniczych o różnych formach organizacyjno-prawnych |
Title | The Outputs and the Production Organization in Different Organizational and Property Forms of Agricultural Farms |
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Abstract | In the paper the comparative analysis of !he organization and the productivity per unit of the plant and animal production in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms is presented. The share of agricultural land in total area was similar in all of the farms' groups, the area of agricultural land in private farms increased insignificantly while in another farms it decreased. Those farms were characterized by the lowest area. Companies were characterized by the lowest level of labour force reserves while in private farms those reserves were the highest. In all of the farms' groups cereals dominated in the structure of sown, the most in private farms, and the least in companies owned to A WRSP. The differences between farms as regards fertilizing with mineral fertilizers were not large, and the highest crops of cereals occurred in A WRSP companies. The highest number of livestock occurred in private farms and the lowest in A WRSP companies. In the structure of the herd of animals swine predominated in private farms and in the rest of farms' groups cattle predominated. Private farms were characterized by the highest effectiveness of reserves of resources to the production usage while companies incurred losses. |
Cytowanie | Wasilewski M. (2004) Wyniki i organizacja produkcji w gospodarstwach rolniczych o różnych formach organizacyjno-prawnych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 127-142 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s127.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.19 |
127-142 | |
10. |
Juszczyk S. Skala produkcji gospodarstw mlecznych a jej opłacalność
Autor | Sławomir Juszczyk, |
Tytuł | Skala produkcji gospodarstw mlecznych a jej opłacalność |
Title | The Scale and the Profitability of Milk Production |
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Abstract | In years 1997-2001 in the typical family farms of the Central Macro region with the growth of production scale measured by: numbers of milk cows, milk production per year and commodity value of milk production with coupled production - the profitability of milk production and direct surplus from milk production grew. It is useful to intensify the milk production in those farms. State owned farms had from 42 to 173 milk cows. They achieved the highest direct surplus among the researched farms but average direct profitability fell to 2,41. In spite of taking into consideration the real indirect costs and the depreciation of farms' costs, the achieved profitability still gave the possibility of the growth of direct surplus. It means that a margin cost was higher than an average cost and simultaneously was smaller than purchase price, and that a margin surplus was higher than zero. The increasing of the direct surplus in these farms was possible but connected with a further decreasing of average profitability of milk production. Taking into the consideration the individual measure of the production scale and results received the direct profitability was the most negative correlated with the number of cows in the farm between 1997 and 1999: the index of determination was: 7,19%, 11,04% and 15,05%. Between 2000 and 2001 the direct profitability was the most negative correlated with amount of produced milk, which explained 13,47% and 11,36% changeability of the profitability of the production. The direct surplus in the analysed period was the most correlated with the value of commodity milk production and coupled production. Therefore when one wants to achieve high direct surplus from researched farms one should produce milk of the highest quality and also produce and sell with profit not only calves and defective cows but also farm heifers. In the analysed period the value of milk production and coupled production explained: 62, 30%; 66, 72%; 61, 97%; 90, 21 % and 86, 86% of direct surplus changeability. |
Cytowanie | Juszczyk S. (2004) Skala produkcji gospodarstw mlecznych a jej opłacalność.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 143-157 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s143.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.20 |
143-157 | |
11. |
Pizło W. Zastosowanie marketingu internetowego w „Indykpolu"
Autor | Wojciech Pizło, |
Tytuł | Zastosowanie marketingu internetowego w „Indykpolu" |
Title | The Use of the Internet Marketing in "Indykpol" |
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Abstract | The paper presents the use of the Internet in marketing actions of one of the biggest food processing industry enterprises in Poland - "Indykpol". In the paper the general characteristic of the company: the history, the origin of the capital group "Indykpol" and marketing actions done by the capital group are presented. The marketing strategy of the company, the strategy realized by the Internet, and problems of the Internet marketing development in the capital group were also presented. |
Cytowanie | Pizło W. (2004) Zastosowanie marketingu internetowego w „Indykpolu".Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 159-174 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s159.pdf |
HTML | wersja html |
DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.21 |
159-174 | |
12. |
Madras-Majewska B., Majewski J. Opłacalność produkcji pszczelarskiej w Polsce
Autor | Beata Madras-Majewska, Janusz Majewski, |
Tytuł | Opłacalność produkcji pszczelarskiej w Polsce |
Title | The Profitability of Honey Production in Poland |
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Abstract | The article treats about bee keeping which is a very important element of agriculture. The most important role of bees in environment is plants pollination. Bee colonies produce honey, propolis, bee wax and bee bred. The situation in bee keeping in Poland was critical in the middle of the eighties. The number of apiaries decreased 4 times whereas the number of bee hives decreased 3 times by the end of the nineties. The biggest problems of Polish bee keeping are small average number of trunks in the apiary as well as beekeepers age. They are usually older people and are keeping bees as a hobby. Almost 60% of apiaries have only 20 bee colonies. Such apiaries cannot become the base of beekeeper family livelihood. Only beekeepers that have at least 1 OO colonies in and out apiary can get income high enough to fully support their families. They also have to sell honeybees' products directly to customers. Based on estimations and calculations authors state that Polish bee keeping has a chance to develop in the future. On one hand Polish beekeepers have a chance to get subsidies from EU as well as from Polish government. On the other hand they also have a possibility to gain profits selling their products. |
Cytowanie | Madras-Majewska B., Majewski J. (2004) Opłacalność produkcji pszczelarskiej w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 53: 175-185 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2004_n53_s175.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.22 |
175-185 | |