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1. |
Mossakowska E., Zawojska A. Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce
Autor | Ewa Mossakowska, Aldona Zawojska, |
Tytuł | Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce |
Title | Economic development and rural human capital in Poland |
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Abstract | The main aim of this paper was to assess the level of human capital in rural areas of Poland and to make its cross-regional comparison. There was proposed the human resource development index or human capital index having six essential elements (education, enterpreunarship, economic activity, employment, health, and migration). In 2007, the opolskie, slaskie and malopolskie provinces were characterised by the highest levels of the human capital in rural areas.The paper provides also the investigation of the link between rural human capital and economic development in Polish regions concluding that in the slaskie, mazowieckie and wielkopolskie provinces high level of rural human capital was accompanied by high level of regional economic development as measured by GDP per capita. The results of human capital study at the individual level (questionnaire study in the sample of 120 farm owners from Mazovia and Podlasie regions, 2009) show that the education is the main determinant of farmer’s human capital improvement. |
Cytowanie | Mossakowska E., Zawojska A. (2009) Rozwój gospodarczy a kapitał ludzki na terenach wiejskich w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 5-21 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s5.pdf |
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5-21 | |
2. |
Drabik E. Kilka uwag o formalnych zasadach matematycznego modelowania zjawisk ekonomicznych i interakcji społecznych
Autor | Ewa Drabik, |
Tytuł | Kilka uwag o formalnych zasadach matematycznego modelowania zjawisk ekonomicznych i interakcji społecznych |
Title | Several comments on formal rules of mathematical modeling economic phenomena and social interactions |
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Abstract | Mathematics as an abstract science was derived from studies and analyses of the material word. However, “pure” mathematics very often creates its imaginary objects which develop independently, lead their own “imaginary” lines and very seldom have their equivalent in the surrounding reality. Nevertheless a completely new aspect of mathematics is highlighted when it is used for describing real phenomena, since – due to its highly formalized language – it enables practitioners, including economists, to specify relations and operations between objects under study. In order to achieve this goal the appropriate models have been created. Theconstruction of new models in economic science (and in many other domains) aims simplifying and formalizing many problems which, in fact, may increase the probability of finding relevant solutions. Furthermore, from the economic point of view, due to the high precision with highlighted above models work, essential conclusions are to be drawn, which subsequently may prove relevant for the progress of science. The aim of this paper is to present how modeling economic phenomena and social interactions have been developed within many years by using formalized language of mathematics economic phenomena and social interactions which have been developed within many years by using formalized language of mathematics. |
Cytowanie | Drabik E. (2009) Kilka uwag o formalnych zasadach matematycznego modelowania zjawisk ekonomicznych i interakcji społecznych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 23-37 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s23.pdf |
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23-37 | |
3. |
Raczkowska M. Kapitał społeczny na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce
Autor | Małgorzata Raczkowska, |
Tytuł | Kapitał społeczny na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce |
Title | Social capital in rural areas in Poland |
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Abstract | In the first part of the article, being based at three research takes, theories of the social capital were presented. Two next parts of the article contain deliberations concerning the influence of this capital on the economy and the society. A character sketch of the social capital was also presented in rural areas |
Cytowanie | Raczkowska M. (2009) Kapitał społeczny na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 39-47 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s39.pdf |
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39-47 | |
4. |
Łącka I. Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy
Autor | Irena Łącka, |
Tytuł | Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy |
Title | Science as well as agricultural and food sector in view of Knowledge-Based Economy’s challenges |
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Abstract | The article presents the role of science in a process of building the Knowledge- Based Economy as well as creating competitive, innovative agricultural and food sector. The introductory part includes characteristic of essence of the Knowledge-Based Economy and its pillars. Then the authoress presents the state of innovation of Polish economy and the level of advance in building knowledge based economy in our country. The elaboration underline the activities of Polish R&D sector in the aspect of new economy model. The authoress formulates the directions of necessary changes in Polish science (operating for food economy, too), which the science could support the development of modern, innovative economy. |
Cytowanie | Łącka I. (2009) Nauka a sektor rolno-spożywczy wobec wyzwań gospodarki opartej na wiedzy.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 49-62 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s49.pdf |
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49-62 | |
5. |
Szwacka-Mokrzycka J. Przemiany na rynku żywności po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Joanna Szwacka-Mokrzycka, |
Tytuł | Przemiany na rynku żywności po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej |
Title | The transformation of the food market in Poland after EU accession |
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Abstract | The paper presents the nature, direction and scope of the changes the entire food marketing system has undergone since 2000. The recent changes in farms, processing and consumption and the determinants of the increase of the level of food market competitiveness are discussed. It is aimed to describe the general picture of the food market in Poland and will help to understand better the challenges and opportunities created in this area in last ten years, particularly after the EU accession |
Cytowanie | Szwacka-Mokrzycka J. (2009) Przemiany na rynku żywności po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 63-75 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s63.pdf |
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63-75 | |
6. |
Hybel J. Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na rynek pracy w Polsce w latach 2000–2007
Autor | Jan Hybel, |
Tytuł | Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na rynek pracy w Polsce w latach 2000–2007 |
Title | The influence of foreign direct investments on the labour market in Poland in the years 2000–2007 |
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Abstract | The develop of foreign direct investments (FDI) in Poland in 2000–2007 and their influence on creating the places of the work and enlargement productivity of labour are presented in this article. In the first part of the paper was presented analyze of dynamics level and structure FDI and their spacing location. Moreover, size and structure employment and productivity labour with part of foreign capital was presented. The main conclusion from this analyze is positive influence FDI on increase employment and level of efficiency and high regional diversification. The most number of work places was created in heavy economics (strong economically regions), mainly in voivodships: mazowieckie, wielkopolskie i dolnośląskie. |
Cytowanie | Hybel J. (2009) Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na rynek pracy w Polsce w latach 2000–2007.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 75-83 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s75.pdf |
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75-83 | |
7. |
Kisielińska J. Wielorównaniowy model ekonometryczny inflacji i bezrobocia w Polsce
Autor | Joanna Kisielińska, |
Tytuł | Wielorównaniowy model ekonometryczny inflacji i bezrobocia w Polsce |
Title | Multivariate econometric model of inflation and unemployment in Poland |
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Abstract | This paper presents a proposal for a multivariate model imaging relationship between inflation and unemployment in Poland. The model was estimated based on quarterly data. Then subjected them to statistical verification, which confirmed its accuracy. The model used to predict the recorded and expected inflation, and unemployment rate. Theoretical values were close to real values. |
Cytowanie | Kisielińska J. (2009) Wielorównaniowy model ekonometryczny inflacji i bezrobocia w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 85-97 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s85.pdf |
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85-97 | |
8. |
Stańko A. Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
Autor | Aneta Stańko, |
Tytuł | Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich |
Title | Entrepreneurship as a factor of development of rural areas |
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Abstract | The problem of balanced development is closely connected to the process of multi-functional development of rural areas. Lowering role of agricultural activity as source of maintenance rural population requires implementing of non-agricultural economic activities into rural areas. The goal of the paper was to identify most important factors that have influence on the development of entrepreneurship what leads to improvement of life status in rural areas. Social and economic transformation of Polish rural areas is still in progress. Low level of technical and social infrastructure, the characteristic feature of Polis countryside does not attract investors. Therefore the entrepreneurship level can develop proper only if supported by local and state authorities. |
Cytowanie | Stańko A. (2009) Przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik rozwoju obszarów wiejskich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 99-109 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s99.pdf |
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99-109 | |
9. |
Adamczyk P. Substytucyjność czynników produkcji w przemyśle spożywczym w Polsce
Autor | Piotr Adamczyk, |
Tytuł | Substytucyjność czynników produkcji w przemyśle spożywczym w Polsce |
Title | The production factors substitution in the food industry sector in Poland |
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Abstract | The article presents the results of parameter estimation of production function in food industry in Poland. Author also calculated the marginal productivity of factors of production and used the marginal rate of substitution as a measure of substitution. It was stated that the output elasticity is higher with regard to labour input than to capital input. It means that exist way to obtain bigger growth in production in food industry by increasing labour input. Moreover, in some branches of food industry the value of marginal rate of substitution indicates that decrease of labour input by one unit requires significant increase of capital input in order to maintain the previous level of production. |
Cytowanie | Adamczyk P. (2009) Substytucyjność czynników produkcji w przemyśle spożywczym w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 111-123 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s111.pdf |
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111-123 | |
10. |
Chądrzyński M. Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce
Autor | Mariusz Chądrzyński, |
Tytuł | Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce |
Title | The selected circumstances of functioning and the development of small and medium size enterprises in rural areas in Poland |
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Abstract | The paper character is reviewed and it’s concerning problems according to premises and possibilities of development small and medium size enterprises. These enterprises are worked in rural areas. In this paper was taught following issues (points): 1)selected premises developing of entrepreneurship in rural areas, 2)possibilities of trend working and developing small and medium size enterprises in agribusiness. |
Cytowanie | Chądrzyński M. (2009) Wybrane przesłanki funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 125-135 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s125.pdf |
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125-135 | |
11. |
Pisarska A., Wasilewski M. Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego
Autor | Aleksandra Pisarska, Mirosław Wasilewski, |
Tytuł | Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego |
Title | The fixed assets management in small and medium size enterprises in Świętokrzyski region |
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Abstract | The elaboration estimates the managers opinion from small and medium size enterprises in Świętokrzyski region take into account management and investments in fixed assets. Most of the enterprises noted increasing productive potential as well as development. The research period were characterized by significant increase of equipment and machine participation in assets structure of these enterprises. This is positive trend reflected in profitable tendency increase companies operation potential by fixed assets. The main source of financing the fixed assets was the equity capital. The managers have been guided by the level of cash during a selection of financial resources. The enterprises managers were planning enhancing the level of fixed assets equipment, through equity capital involvement, which is simply safer. |
Cytowanie | Pisarska A., Wasilewski M. (2009) Zarządzanie środkami trwałymi w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach z regionu świętokrzyskiego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 137-148 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s137.pdf |
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137-148 | |
12. |
Gruziel K. Zróżnicowanie obciążeń podatkowych z tytułu podatku rolnego w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych
Autor | Kinga Gruziel, |
Tytuł | Zróżnicowanie obciążeń podatkowych z tytułu podatku rolnego w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych |
Title | The differentiation of tax burdens incurred by the agricultural tax concerning private farms |
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Abstract | The aim of the paper is to define the size and differentiation of agricultural tax concerning farms participating in the system of accounting data collection system FADN in years 2004–2007. The agricultural farms were classified according to the area of productive land and by type of the farming. The highest agricultural taxation was found in the smallest farms areas and in types: „ field crops” and „mixed crops”. In these groups of farms low relation of the agricultural tax to the size of support from the government was observed. This relation showed the real decrease of agricultural taxation burdens what resulted in the decrease of market accommodation processes. |
Cytowanie | Gruziel K. (2009) Zróżnicowanie obciążeń podatkowych z tytułu podatku rolnego w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 149-161 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s149.pdf |
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149-161 | |
13. |
Wrzesińska J. Polityka super- i hipermarketów wobec dostawców towarów
Autor | Joanna Wrzesińska, |
Tytuł | Polityka super- i hipermarketów wobec dostawców towarów |
Title | Super and hypermarkets policy towards suppliers of goods |
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Abstract | The policy of large retailing networks towards the suppliers of goods in Poland is presented in this article. The entire path of the product from the suppliers through superstores to the final consumer is shown. The criteria of choice of the supplier by the trading networks was presented. There are as well the basic standards that are expected from the suppliers or producers. The special consideration is given to the conditions and types of account settling with the suppliers and the benefits from their cooperation with superstores |
Cytowanie | Wrzesińska J. (2009) Polityka super- i hipermarketów wobec dostawców towarów.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 79: 163-175 |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2009_n79_s163.pdf |
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163-175 | |