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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2021 |
Autor | Zuzana Bajusová, Ľudmila Dobošová, Ľubomír Gurčík, Jana Ladvenicová |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | liquidity, indicators, agricultural companies, financial controlling |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Controlling as an in-house management system is not only focused on profit management and cost control,in a selected region of the Slovak Republic. Liquidity is the ability of a company to transform assets into money and pay its liabilities on time. Effective financial management is one of the basic tasks of financial control. The main source of information for this control is the financial statement of companies. Based on the data from the financial statements of agricultural enterprises operating in the Nitra Region, we quantified and evaluated the development of current, quick, and cash ratio liquidity, as well as credit less and corrected liquidity for the period 2015–2019. The Nitra Region is one of the regions where agricultural activity has favourable conditions for its development. We analysed a total of 149 farms. From the point of view of the legal form, agricultural cooperatives show more favourable results of ʽclassic’ and credit fewer liquidities in all years. On the contrary, from the point of view of the calculation of corrected liquidities, which take into account the binding of selected items of assets and liabilities, trading companies achieve better results than agricultural cooperatives. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bajusová Z., Dobošová Ľ., Gurčík Ľ., Ladvenicová J. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2021_n5_s29.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Hutsalenko L., Kolesnikova O., Marchuk U., Zabolotnyy S. THE HACCP SYSTEM AS A GUARANTEE FOR FOOD SAFETY IN UKRAINE
Autor | Liubov Hutsalenko, Olena Kolesnikova, Uliana Marchuk, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | management system, HACCP, Critical Control Point (CPC) |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The research points out the principal concept of the HACCP system, ensuring product safety along the whole food chain 'from the field to the table'. It focuses on HACCP as the food safety management system that proved to be effective and has been accepted globally. In recent years the HACCP system has been gradually introduced in Ukrainian business entities. The article reveals the emergence of the HACCP system and the adaptation of the legal base of Ukraine in the area of food safety requirements. It provides evidence that the harmonization of Ukrainian and international standards in the field of food quality and safety calls for the necessity to introduce HACCP-conforming technologies at all stages of production in Ukrainian companies. The results of the audits of food product safety in Ukraine for the period 2016-2019 were evaluated. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Hutsalenko L., Kolesnikova O., Marchuk U., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s49.pdf |
3. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Cezary Szydłowski |
Title | Audyt dochodów z tytułu opłaty miejscowej w wybranych gminach województwa pomorskiego w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | audit, budget revenues, local tax, climate fee, public sector, local government. |
Key words | audyt, dochody budżetowe, opłata miejscowa, opłata klimatyczna, sektor publiczny, samorząd terytorialny. |
Abstrakt | The article presents the importance of auditing the assessment of a commune's budget revenues for tourist fees (local fee or spa fee) as a tool enabling its increase by the commune authorized to impose it. The purpose of this article is to present on the basis of selected coastal municipalities of the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, the role and significance of the audit of the assessment of income to the municipal budget in terms of local and spa fees. The article uses case study, analytical method, inference method and document examination method as the research methodology. The source materials for the analysis were documents made available on the pages of the Public Information Bulletin by the assessed local government units from the Pomeranian Voivodeship (reports on the implementation of the budget and Rb-27s reports containing information on revenue for the year). The local and spa fees constitute a small share in the total income of the budgets of the surveyed municipalities. The key factor improving the revenues of municipalities from local and spa fees is the improvement of their collection system. The risk of inefficient collection of fees by those who collect them from tourists is a threat to effective collection of the fees. Therefore, individual communes should improve the supervision system and control of toll collection by hotel service providers. |
Abstract | Artykuł przedstawia znaczenie audytu oceny dochodów do budżetu gminy z tytułu opłat turystycznych (opłaty miejscowej lub opłaty uzdrowiskowej) jako narzędzia umożliwiającego zwiększanie jego poboru przez gminę uprawnioną do jej nakładania. Głównym celem artykułu było ustalenie jaki poziom dochodów budżetowych nadmorskich gmin województwa pomorskiego w Polsce stanowią wpływy z opłaty miejscowej i uzdrowiskowej. W artykule jako metodę badawczą wykorzystano studium przypadku, metodę analityczną, metodę wnioskowania oraz metodę badania dokumentów. Ocenie poddano wybrane nadmorskie samorządy miejskie oraz wiejskie województwa pomorskiego w Polsce. Materiał źródłowy do analizy stanowiły sprawozdania z realizacji budżetu oraz sprawozdania Rb-27s zawierające informacje o dochodach za dany rok. Przeprowadzone badania uwidoczniły, że dochody z opłaty miejscowej i uzdrowiskowej stanowią niewielki udział w budżecie poszczególnych gmin. Kluczowym czynnikiem wpływającym na poprawę dochodów gmin z tytułu opłat miejscowych i uzdrowiskowych jest usprawnienie systemu ich poboru. |
Cytowanie | Szydłowski C. (2020) AUDIT OF INCOME FROM LOCAL FEES IN SELECTED COMMUNES OF THE POMERANIAN PROVINCE IN POLAND.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 208-221 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s208.pdf |
4. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine
Autor | Pelageya Papkovskaya, Kateryna Pylypenko, Sviatlana Shсharbatsiuk |
Tytuł | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Title | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Słowa kluczowe | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Key words | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Abstrakt | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Abstract | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Cytowanie | Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. (2020) The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 37-50 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s37.pdf |
5. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2019 |
Jurewicz D., Kowalska I., Legutko M. Skutki finansowe władztwa podatkowego gmin
Autor | Daniel Jurewicz, Iwona Kowalska, Mirosław Legutko |
Tytuł | Skutki finansowe władztwa podatkowego gmin |
Słowa kluczowe | finanse, gmina, podatek, subwencja, władztwo podatkowe |
Key words | finance, municipality, tax, subvention, taxing authority |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest ocena skali władztwa podatkowego gmin poprzez udzielanie ulg, zwolnień oraz odroczeń podatkowych, a także ocena wpływu udzielanych przez gminę ulg i zwolnień podatkowych na wysokość otrzymywanej części wyrównawczej subwencji ogólnej. Zastosowano metodę analizy danych pochodzących z programu Besti@. Zawiera on dane ze sprawozdań sporządzanych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego (JST). Przyjęty do analiz okres to lata 2006 - 2017 roku. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, iż: 1. Działania z zakresu władztwa podatkowego są przede wszystkim podejmowane przez organy stanowiące gmin. 2. W zakresie władztwa podatkowego gminy preferują przede wszystkim obniżanie stawek podatków poniżej maksymalnych poziomów określanych przez władze centralne. 3. W najmniejszym zakresie ulg i zwolnień podatkowych udzielają miasta na prawach powiatu, a w największym zakresie gminy wiejskie.4. Gminy stosując z własnej inicjatywy zwolnienia podatkowe mogą doprowadzić do sytuacji w której zostaną przyporządkowane do wyższej kategorii dochodowej gmin i skutkować to będzie uzyskaniem niższej kwoty części wyrównawczej subwencji ogólnej. |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to assess the scale of taxing authority exercised by municipalities (gmina) by granting tax reliefs, tax exemptions and tax deferrals. Additionally the paper assesses the impact of tax concessions and exemptions granted by the municipality on the amount of compensatory part of the general subvention received from the state government budget. The data analysis was conducted with the application of Besti@ software which contains data from reports prepared by local governments. The analyses cover the years 2006 - 2017. The study concludes that: 1. The power of taxing authority is primarily exercised by municipal councils (the legislative and controlling body).2. When exercising their taxing authority, municipalities prefer primarily to lower tax rates below the maximum levels set by the central authorities.3. Tax concessions and exemptions are granted least often by the cities with poviat rights and most often by rural municipalities.4. By granting tax concessions on their own initiative, municipalities may lead to a situation in which they will be assigned to a higher income category of municipalities and this will result in obtaining a lower amount of the compensatory part of the general subvention |
Cytowanie | Jurewicz D., Kowalska I., Legutko M. (2019) Skutki finansowe władztwa podatkowego gmin.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 21(70): 118-131 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2019_n70_s118.pdf |
6. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Dubicki P., Kułyk P. Uwarunkowania zachowań konsumentów na rynku żywności ekologicznej
Autor | Piotr Dubicki, Piotr Kułyk |
Tytuł | Uwarunkowania zachowań konsumentów na rynku żywności ekologicznej |
Title | Determinants of Consumer Behavior on the Organic Food Market |
Słowa kluczowe | świadomość ekologiczna, żywność ekologiczna, zachowania konsumentów |
Key words | the ecological awareness, organic food, consumer behaviour |
Abstrakt | Poznanie zmieniających się potrzeb konsumentów jest ważnym elementem budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zachowań konsumentów na lokalnym rynku produktów ekologicznych. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z rynkiem żywności ekologicznej. Zdefiniowano i scharakteryzowano pojęcie produktu ekologicznego, omówiono kontrolę i certyfikację produkcji ekologicznej oraz czynniki wpływające na jakość żywności i popyt na produkty ekologiczne. Przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe na rynku lokalnym mające na celu scharakteryzowanie uwarunkowań zachowań konsumentów na rynku żywności ekologicznej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych i analizy danych statystycznych można zauważyć, że współczesny konsument jest świadomy tego co kupuje. Jakość i skład produktu to najważniejsze czynniki, które wpływają na podejmowane przez nich decyzję. Konsumenci coraz częściej rezygnują z konsumpcji żywności tradycyjnej na korzyść produktów ekologicznych. |
Abstract | Understanding the changing needs of consumers is an important element of building a competitive advantage of the company. The aim of the article is to present consumer behavior on the local market of organic products. The article presents issues related to the organic food market. The concept of organic product was defined and characterized, control and certification of organic production as well as factors affecting food quality and demand for organic products were discussed. In addition, a survey was conducted on the local market to show the determinants of consumer behaviour on the organic food market. Based on the surveys carried out and the analysis of statistical data, it can be seen that the modern consumer is aware of what he is buying. The quality and composition of the product are the most important factors that influence the decision they make. Consumers are increasingly giving up the consumption of traditional food in favor of organic products. |
Cytowanie | Dubicki P., Kułyk P. (2019) Uwarunkowania zachowań konsumentów na rynku żywności ekologicznej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 1: 79-87 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n1_s79.pdf |
7. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2019 |
Autor | Wawrzyniec Czubak, Krzysztof Pawłowski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | common agricultural policy, central and eastern europe, pro-investment mechanisms |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of this paper is to identify the role and importance of pro-investment mechanisms within the CommonAgricultural Policy in the reproduction of farm assets in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Theexperimental material comprised unpublished microdata of farms originating from the FADN database of theEuropean Commission (data source: EU-FADN – DG AGRI). The time frame covered the years 2004–2015.Among all the farms selected for analyses only those ensuring data continuity throughout the entire investigatedperiod were used in the study. In each of the studied countries farms were divided into two groups: thegroup of beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment funds and the control group. For each farm the value of fixedassets was determined (excluding the value of land) and next the mean value for each group was calculatedin an individual country. The study showed that in most investigated countries both farms being and thosenot being beneficiaries of CAP pro-investment mechanisms are capable of reproducing their fixed assets;nevertheless, it is the farms receiving financial support for their investments that show a capacity to increasethe value of their fixed assets. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Czubak W., Pawłowski K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2019_n3_s103.pdf |
8. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2019 |
Autor | Piotr Hadrian |
Title | Praktyczne uwarunkowania implementacji strategicznej kontroli marketingu w formie audytu |
Słowa kluczowe | marketing management, strategic marketing control, marketing audit |
Key words | zarządzanie marketingiem, strategiczna kontrola marketingu, audyt marketingu |
Abstrakt | The article discusses the problems of marketing control, understood as a function which tops the management cycle. The immediate aim of this article is to present the results of research on the use of marketing audit as a form of strategic marketing control, in particular, the indicated factors that affect the limitation of its use. Considerations on the theoretical aspect, as well as the analysis of empirical material of a secondary and primary nature, were conducted using the literature studies method and qualitative research methods. I presented the results of several studies directly devoted to the problems of implementing marketing audit against the background of analyzing the place of audit in the structure of marketing control. The research, although conducted at different times, in different markets and using different methods, undertook similar research topics, which allows, to some extent, a qualitative comparative analysis of their results. The presented results show that the degree of the use of marketing audit in economic practice still should be assessed as weak. Limiting factors for the use of marketing audit in enterprises include, first and foremost: restricting access to information necessary in the process of auditing, unawareness of the benefits resulting from the implementation of marketing audit, the unclear nature of marketing activities undertaken, and the fear of excessive organizational and financial burden. |
Abstract | Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce kontroli marketingu rozumianej jako funkcja wieńcząca cykl procesu zarządzania. Bezpośrednim celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań dotyczących wykorzystywania audytu marketingu jako formy strategicznej kontroli marketingu, a w szczególności wskazywanych czynników, które wpływają na ograniczenie jego wykorzystania. Rozważania w części teoretycznej, jak i analizie materiału empirycznego o charakterze wtórnym i pierwotnym, prowadzone były z wykorzystaniem metody studiów literaturowych oraz metod badań jakościowych.Na tle rozważań poświęconych usytuowaniu audytu w strukturze kontroli marketingu, dokonano prezentacji wyników kilku badań, poświęconych bezpośrednio problemom implementacji audytu marketingu. Badania, choć prowadzone w odmiennym czasie, na różnych rynkach i różnymi metodami, podejmowały podobne zagadnienia badawcze, co umożliwia w pewnym zakresie dokonanie jakościowej analizy porównawczej ich wyników. Z zaprezentowanych wyników wynika, że stopień wykorzystywania audytu marketingu w praktyce gospodarczej, niezmiennie należy ocenić jako słaby. Za czynniki ograniczające wykorzystanie audytu marketingu w przedsiębiorstwach, należy uznać przede wszystkim ograniczenie dostępu do informacji niezbędnych w procesie realizacji audytu, nieświadomość korzyści wynikających z realizacji audytu marketingu, nieklarowny charakter podejmowanych działań marketingowych oraz obawy przed nadmiernymi obciążeniami natury organizacyjnej i finansowej. |
Cytowanie | Hadrian P. (2019) PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MARKETING AUDIT AS STRATEGIC CONTROL.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 22(71): 65-76 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2019_n71_s65.pdf |
9. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Bartha Á., Horváth B. Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste
Autor | Ákos Bartha, Bálint Horváth |
Tytuł | Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste |
Title | Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste |
Słowa kluczowe | food waste, consumer attitude, sustainable consumption |
Key words | food waste, consumer attitude, sustainable consumption |
Abstrakt | With the increase of food supply and the improvement of production processes, the real value of certain food products has been steadily declining over the past decades, which is certainly a trend that has seriously transformed the moral value of food, its role in society and its associated personal attitudes. According to UN and FAO estimates, in 2016, 30-35% of our food was wasted. Food waste in households is also a special area of research in terms of their high wasting rate. While exploring the causes of high amounts of consumer waste, a research group has also correlated (with mathematical models) the gradual growth rate of food waste, the US obesity epidemic and the growing supply of cheaper food products (Hall et al. 2009). In our research, we examine certain personal aspects in case of specific (e.g. functional) foods as well. A significant decrease in food waste coming from households could be attained by controlling our attitudes. Food waste, consumption awareness, eating habits, food mileage, water footprint, sustainable eating, energy efficiency: these are all terms which have to have their meaning and importance taught to people, as they contain important – affecting the level of wasting – information. Therefore, we can see that food waste itself is one of the most serious, paradoxical and global modern issues which the developed world has identified, and is trying to decrease by using national and international interventions in order to limit food supply anomalies and environmental loads as much as possible. Understanding personal attributes more precisely might be a good practice for providing future solutions, as well. |
Abstract | With the increase of food supply and the improvement of production processes, the real value of certain food products has been steadily declining over the past decades, which is certainly a trend that has seriously transformed the moral value of food, its role in society and its associated personal attitudes. According to UN and FAO estimates, in 2016, 30-35% of our food was wasted. Food waste in households is also a special area of research in terms of their high wasting rate. While exploring the causes of high amounts of consumer waste, a research group has also correlated (with mathematical models) the gradual growth rate of food waste, the US obesity epidemic and the growing supply of cheaper food products (Hall et al. 2009). In our research, we examine certain personal aspects in case of specific (e.g. functional) foods as well. A significant decrease in food waste coming from households could be attained by controlling our attitudes. Food waste, consumption awareness, eating habits, food mileage, water footprint, sustainable eating, energy efficiency: these are all terms which have to have their meaning and importance taught to people, as they contain important – affecting the level of wasting – information. Therefore, we can see that food waste itself is one of the most serious, paradoxical and global modern issues which the developed world has identified, and is trying to decrease by using national and international interventions in order to limit food supply anomalies and environmental loads as much as possible. Understanding personal attributes more precisely might be a good practice for providing future solutions, as well. |
Cytowanie | Bartha Á., Horváth B. (2019) Effects of Certain Personal Attributes on Food Waste.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 2: 22-30 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n2_s22.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2019 |
Huseynov R. Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach
Autor | Ragif Huseynov |
Tytuł | Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach |
Title | Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach |
Słowa kluczowe | food availability, food access, food stability, Azerbaijan |
Key words | food availability, food access, food stability, Azerbaijan |
Abstrakt | Food intake is a prerequisite for human beings to live a healthy life style. The attainment of food security is crucial and is a prime development priority for all developing countries. The inability to provide reliable evidence of national food security has remained a problem for both policymakers and researchers alike. The present study helps fill this gap by incorporating the multidimensional determinants of food security at the national level in Azerbaijan. The specific objectives of the study are to evaluate the short-term and long-term dynamics of these determinants on food security. The empirical analysis draws from nationally representative time series data over the period 1991 to 2018, taken from FAO and WDI. The ARDL model suggested that food import, exchange rate, inflation, climate change, and urban population growth harm national food security dynamics of Azerbaijan. On the other hand, trade to GDP ratio has a positive impact on food security. Overall results suggest that there is a pressing need to improve its institutional framework if the Azerbaijan government sincerely desires to have sustainable food security, as organizations control all other issues. |
Abstract | Food intake is a prerequisite for human beings to live a healthy life style. The attainment of food security is crucial and is a prime development priority for all developing countries. The inability to provide reliable evidence of national food security has remained a problem for both policymakers and researchers alike. The present study helps fill this gap by incorporating the multidimensional determinants of food security at the national level in Azerbaijan. The specific objectives of the study are to evaluate the short-term and long-term dynamics of these determinants on food security. The empirical analysis draws from nationally representative time series data over the period 1991 to 2018, taken from FAO and WDI. The ARDL model suggested that food import, exchange rate, inflation, climate change, and urban population growth harm national food security dynamics of Azerbaijan. On the other hand, trade to GDP ratio has a positive impact on food security. Overall results suggest that there is a pressing need to improve its institutional framework if the Azerbaijan government sincerely desires to have sustainable food security, as organizations control all other issues. |
Cytowanie | Huseynov R. (2019) Multidimensional Determinants of National Food Security in Azerbaijan: an Application of the ARDL Approach.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 4: 58-68 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n4_s58.pdf |
11. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Olha Babytska, Tamara Prykhodko, Olena Shust, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | environmental policy, sustainability, innovation, effect |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article presents the principles of environmental policy implementation in Ukraine and its social, economic and ecological impact in accordance with objectives of the Environmental Strategy of Ukraine for 2020. It is stated that activities of industrial enterprises lead to the most significant negative influence on the environment. The relation between environmental policy and atmospheric air emissions is determined using regression analysis. It is also proved that innovations can be viewed as a driver for realization of environmental policy. Measures for the environmental policy improvement in Ukraine refer to state and local control and imply a set of innovative actions in industrial production. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Babytska O., Prykhodko T., Shust O., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s287.pdf |
12. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Chudzian J., Ładno A., Podlińska O. Control and the illusion of control in the financial decisions of entrepreneurs
Autor | Joanna Chudzian, Ada Ładno, Olga Podlińska |
Tytuł | Control and the illusion of control in the financial decisions of entrepreneurs |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | control, illusion of control, rationality, decision-making process, financial decisions |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article concerns the phenomenon of control and illusion of control In financial decisions of Polish enterprises. The article identifies the main determinants of the illusion of control. The aim of the paper is to assess the level of control and the degree of illusion of control. For this purpose a CAWI survey was conducted on a group of persons employed in enterprises and responsible for financial decisions. The empirical part of the article presents an primary study conducted among financial directors which showed high results of surveyed entrepreneurs in the area of control and the observed phenomenon of the illusion of control in decision-making situations in the field of finance. At the same time, the main factors influencing the level of the illusion of control were verified. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Chudzian J., Ładno A., Podlińska O. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n2_s19.pdf |
13. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Artish V., Buriak R., Orlykovskyi M. Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland
Autor | Victor Artish, Ruslan Buriak, Mykola Orlykovskyi |
Tytuł | Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland |
Title | Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | organic production, agricultural production, quality, agriculture, control, certification, financial support |
Key words | organic production, agricultural production, quality, agriculture, control, certification, financial support |
Abstrakt | A systematic analysis of trends in the development of organic products in Ukraine and Poland was carried out, which showed that the total area of certified ecological lands for the study period from 2006-2016 in Ukraine increased by 1.7 times, and in Poland from 2004-2014 it increased by 12 times. It has been established that the most significant impact on qualitative structural changes in the economic sector is adjustment to European standards that establish a favorable system of agricultural production regulation, marking and inspection of organic products. This is why Poland, while being in the European Union, has a significant advantage over Ukraine. The system of control and certification by the authorized bodies is generalized, as well as the mechanism of financial support for organic agricultural production. The necessity of using the experience of Poland with the purpose of greening agriculture and development of organic agricultural production in Ukraine is emphasized. |
Abstract | A systematic analysis of trends in the development of organic products in Ukraine and Poland was carried out, which showed that the total area of certified ecological lands for the study period from 2006-2016 in Ukraine increased by 1.7 times, and in Poland from 2004-2014 it increased by 12 times. It has been established that the most significant impact on qualitative structural changes in the economic sector is adjustment to European standards that establish a favorable system of agricultural production regulation, marking and inspection of organic products. This is why Poland, while being in the European Union, has a significant advantage over Ukraine. The system of control and certification by the authorized bodies is generalized, as well as the mechanism of financial support for organic agricultural production. The necessity of using the experience of Poland with the purpose of greening agriculture and development of organic agricultural production in Ukraine is emphasized. |
Cytowanie | Artish V., Buriak R., Orlykovskyi M. (2018) Management and Certification Process for Organic Production in Ukraine and Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 59-66 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s59.pdf |
14. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Gostomczyk W. System aukcyjny jako nowy sposób wspierania OZE
Autor | Waldemar Gostomczyk |
Tytuł | System aukcyjny jako nowy sposób wspierania OZE |
Title | The Auction System as a New Way to Promote Renewable Energy |
Słowa kluczowe | odnawialne źródła energii, system aukcyjny, rynek OZE |
Key words | renewable energy sources, auction system, renewable energy market |
Abstrakt | W artykule dokonano analizy zarówno obowiązujących, jak i projektowanych aktów prawnych w zakresie promowania i wytwarzania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych. Model gospodarki energetycznej oparty na źródłach odnawialnych różnie jest realizowany w poszczególnych państwach. Przy coraz większym udziale OZE oraz poziomu celów na kolejne lata istotne jest aby osiągnięte zostały one przy jak najniższym koszcie wsparcia ze środków publicznych. Z tego względu wiele państw zdecydowało się na stopniowe przechodzenie na system aukcyjny, dający kontrolę kosztów, struktury i przyrostu mocy nowych instalacji OZE. Problemem badawczym jest ocena skuteczności systemu aukcyjnego na tle dotychczas stosowanych instrumentów, zarówno pod względem przyrostu nowych mocy wytwórczych, jak i kosztów osiągania zamierzonych celów. Zagadnienia te, ze względu na krótki okres funkcjonowania nowego systemu nie zostały jeszcze właściwie rozpoznane. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane pochodzące z lat 2010-2018. Zakres przestrzenny obejmował głównie Polskę, ale również posłużono się przykładami pochodzącymi z innych państw na świecie. W badaniach i analizach posłużono się metodą porównawczą oraz zestawieniem poszczególnych technologii wytwarzania energii odnawialnej według analizowanych wartości. Przyjęto hipotezę, że system aukcyjny oparty na zasadach konkurencyjnych, skuteczniej i przy niższym wsparciu środków publicznych pozwoli osiągać cele związane z promocją odnawialnych źródeł energii.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie dotychczasowego i nowego systemu wsparcia OZE, cen uzyskiwanych w aukcjach oraz pierwszych doświadczeń z jego wprowadzenia. Materiałem badawczym były materiały statystyczne Eurostatu i GUS-u, dokumenty Komisji Europejskiej, Ministerstwa Energii, Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki, raporty dotyczące systemów wsparcia z krajów europejskich i Polski. Metody badawcze wykorzystane w pracy to analizy dokumentów, aktów normatywnych, kolejnych nowelizacji ustawy o odnawialnych źródłach energii oraz wydanych na ich podstawie rozporządzeń. Dokonano również oceny i rozpoznanie poziomu wsparcia w systemie aukcyjnym w państwach, które już od wielu lat stosują ten instrument. Analizy te pozwoliły ocenić dotychczasowe efekty przeprowadzonych aukcji, ich zalety i wady, sformułować wnioski w zakresie zmian organizacyjnych zapewniających sprawne funkcjonowanie systemu aukcyjnego. |
Abstract | The article analyzes both existing and proposed legal acts in the field of promoting and generating energy from renewable sources. The model of energy management based on renewable sources is implemented differently in individual countries. With the increasing share of renewable energy and the level of objectives for the coming years, it is essential that they are achieved with the lowest possible cost of support from public funds. For this reason, many countries have decided to gradually move to the auction system, giving control over the costs, structure and capacity increase of new RES installations. The research problem is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the auction system against the background of the instruments used so far, both in terms of the increase in new generation capacities and the costs of achieving the intended objectives. These issues, due to the short period of functioning of the new system, have not been properly identified yet. The study uses data from the years 2010-2018. The spatial range was mainly in Poland, but examples from other countries around the world were also used. The research and analysis used a comparative method and a list of individual renewable energy production technologies according to the analyzed values. It has been hypothesized that an auction system based on competitive principles, more effectively and with lower support of public funds will allow for achieving goals related to the promotion of renewable energy sources.The aim of the article is to present the current and new RES support system, prices obtained in auctions and the first experience in its implementation. The research material were Eurostat and GUS statistical materials, documents from the European Commission, the Ministry of Energy, the Energy Regulatory Office, reports on support systems from European countries and Poland. Research methods used in the work include analysis of documents, normative acts, subsequent amendments to the Act on renewable energy sources and regulations issued on their basis. The assessment and recognition of the level of support in the auction system in countries that have been using this instrument for many years was also made. These analyses allowed the assessment of the effects of the auctions carried out, their advantages and disadvantages, and helped formulate conclusions in the field of organizational changes ensuring efficient functioning of the auction system. |
Cytowanie | Gostomczyk W. (2018) System aukcyjny jako nowy sposób wspierania OZE.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 113-133 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s113.pdf |
15. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Autor | Rindu Bakti Tarigan, Ktut Mangani |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | risk, likelihood, impact, risk criteria, risk mitigation |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This research is try to identify the operational risks in Network Operation Center division of PT. IO; measure and evaluate the risks, as well as make control and response measures to operational risks. The research method was a survey and Focus Group Discussion, by using a questionnaire as a research tool. The sample selection is done by Quota sampling and Convenience sampling methods to the employees in Division Network Operating Center PT.IO, which has had experience of at least 5 years. The results showed that as many as 40 out of 49 identified risks have been handled properly. Against these risks, the company have 35 standard operating procedure documents (SOPs) as a mitigation of those risks. Nonetheless, efforts are needed to improve and update mitigation strategies because of the possibility of new risks and increased risk levels. It becomes a suggestion for further research as well as suggestion to undertake further research on mitigation at the division and director level. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bakti Tarigan R., Mangani K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n1_s115.pdf |
16. |
Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Kowalczyk S. Wolny rynek a bezpieczeństwo żywności w epoce globalizacji
Autor | Stanisław Kowalczyk |
Tytuł | Wolny rynek a bezpieczeństwo żywności w epoce globalizacji |
Słowa kluczowe | bezpieczeństwo żywności, interwencjonizm, fałszowanie żywności, prawo żywnościowe, kontrole żywności, krótkie łańcuchy dostaw, ruchy konsumenckie |
Key words | food safety, interventionism, food adulteration, food law, food controls, short supply chains, consumer movements |
Abstrakt | Podjęto próbę identyfikacji potencjalnych zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa żywności wynikających z procesu globalizacji oraz bezpośrednio związanej z nią skrajnej liberalizacji stosunków gospodarczych na poziomie międzynarodowym oraz wskazanie niezbędnych działań zaradczych w zakresie ochrony statusu bezpieczeństwa żywności. Analizie poddano współczesny status bezpieczeństwa żywności oraz skalę występujących fałszerstw żywnościowych na świecie. Do działań zaradczych zaliczono ustanowienie globalnego prawa żywnościowego, podejmowanie inicjatyw kontrolnych żywności na szczeblu ponadkrajowym, promocję krótkich łańcuchów dostaw, wreszcie edukację konsumentów i wzmocnienie ruchów konsumenckich. |
Abstract | The study attempts to identify potential threats to food safety resulting from the globalization process and the directly related extreme liberalization of economic relations at the international level as well as indication of the necessary remedial actions in the field of food safety protection. The analysis covered the contemporary status of food safety and the scale of occurring food fraud in the world. The remedial actions include the establishment of a global food law, undertaking food control initiatives at the supranational level, the promotion of short supply chains, and finally the consumer education and strengthening of consumer movements. |
Cytowanie | Kowalczyk S. (2017) Wolny rynek a bezpieczeństwo żywności w epoce globalizacji.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 4: 15-27 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n4_s15.pdf |
17. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2017 |
Ozimek I., Przeździecka-Czyżewska N., Szlachciuk J. Zafałszowania artykułów rolno-spożywczych w świetle regulacji prawnych oraz działań organów urzędowej kontroli żywności w Polsce
Autor | Irena Ozimek, Natalia Przeździecka-Czyżewska, Julita Szlachciuk |
Tytuł | Zafałszowania artykułów rolno-spożywczych w świetle regulacji prawnych oraz działań organów urzędowej kontroli żywności w Polsce |
Słowa kluczowe | konsument żywności, zafałszowania żywności, artykuły rolno- spożywcze, urzędowa kontrola żywności |
Key words | consumers of food, food adulteration, agricultural and food products, official food control authorities |
Abstrakt | Celem badań było przedstawienie regulacji prawnych dotyczących kwestii zafałszowań na rynku artykułów rolno-spożywczych oraz efektów działań IJHARS w tym zakresie. Badaniami objęto polskie i unijne regulacje prawne poruszające kwestię nieprawidłowości i odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorców na rynku żywności. Cel ten zrealizowano poprzez analizę danych wtórnych, tj. aktów prawnych oraz dostępnych wyników kontroli przeprowadzonych w latach 2009–2017 przez organy urzędowej kontroli żywności. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na analizę decyzji administracyjnych wydanych przez IJHARS na podstawie art. 29 ustawy o jakości handlowej artykułów rolno-spożywczych, dotyczących zafałszowań artykułów rolno-spożywczych, które są upubliczniane na stronie internetowej inspekcji. Wyniki działań kontrolnych wskazują na zasadność prowadzenia dalszych działań kontrolnych, zwłaszcza w zakresie etykietowania żywności. |
Abstract | The aim of the research was to present legal regulations concerning adulteration on the market of agricultural and food products, and the effects of actions taken by IJHARS in this regard. The study has covered the Polish and EU legal regulations concerning the issues of irregularities and of the liability of entrepreneurs on the foodstuffs market. This goal has been achieved by analysing secondary data, i.e. legal acts and the available results of the inspections conducted in 2009–2017 by the official food control authorities. The administrative decisions issued by IJHARS pursuant to Article 29 of the Act on Merchantable Quality of Agricultural and Food Products, concerning the adulteration of agricultural and food products, which are published on the Inspection’s website, have been analysed in particular detail. The results of the control activities indicate that further control activities are justified, in particular with regard to food labelling. |
Cytowanie | Ozimek I., Przeździecka-Czyżewska N., Szlachciuk J. (2017) Zafałszowania artykułów rolno-spożywczych w świetle regulacji prawnych oraz działań organów urzędowej kontroli żywności w Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 120: 97-109 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2017_n120_s97.pdf |
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Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, 2017 |
Bartnikowska S., Brzoski M., Czekała W., Lewicki A., Olszewska A., Smurzyńska A. Ziemniaki jako potencjalny substrat dla biogazowni rolniczych
Autor | Sylwia Bartnikowska, Michał Brzoski, Wojciech Czekała, Andrzej Lewicki, Anna Olszewska, Anna Smurzyńska |
Tytuł | Ziemniaki jako potencjalny substrat dla biogazowni rolniczych |
Słowa kluczowe | biogaz, energia elektryczna, fermentacja metanowa, ziemniak |
Key words | biogas, electric energy, methane fermentation, potato |
Abstrakt | Ziemniak jest zaliczany do surowców roślinnych mających wszechstronne zastosowanie, począwszy od branży spożywczej, aż do wykorzystania przy produkcji pasz. Klasyfikuje się go zarówno do roślin jadalnych, pastewnych, jak i przemysłowych. Odpady z przetwórstwa ziemniaków można wykorzystać do celów energetycznych, m.in. do wytwarzania paliw ciekłych czy skojarzonej produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej z biogazu powstałego w wyniku fermentacji metanowej. Badania wydajności biogazowej dla czterech prób substratów przeprowadzono zgodnie z obowiązującą niemiecką normą DIN 38 414/S8 w Pracowni Ekotechnologii na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym w Poznaniu. |
Abstract | Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a very versatile vegetable, largely used as food for human, animal feeding and as well classified as industrial plant. Waste from processing potatoes can be used for energy purposes such as: liquid fuels or a combined production of electricity and heat from biogas production by anaerobic digestion. In order to test the biogas potential of potato waste an experiment were conducted at the laboratory of Eco technology of the Poznan University of Life Sciences. The treatments: I – control, II raw potatoes, III – steamed potatoes, IV – raw potato skins, V – steamed potato skins were tested in accordance to the German normalization DIN 38 414 / S8. Additionally, economic aspects concerning the revenue obtained from the sale of electric energy produced according to biogas yields observed in laboratory were estimated. |
Cytowanie | Bartnikowska S., Brzoski M., Czekała W., Lewicki A., Olszewska A., Smurzyńska A. (2017) Ziemniaki jako potencjalny substrat dla biogazowni rolniczych.Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich, t. 104, z. 3: 66-74 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | RNR_2017_n3_s66.pdf |
19. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2017 |
Kłobukowski F., Skotnicka M., Śmiechowska M. Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland
Autor | Filip Kłobukowski, Magdalena Skotnicka, Maria Śmiechowska |
Tytuł | Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | functional food, highly satiating food, obesity, Poland |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The high level of competition between food products on the market has encouraged the development of various types of functional foods. Consumer demands and requirements for both medicinal and healthy products has caused food manufacturers to widen their product offerings. The objective of this study was to present the legal status of functional food production and sales, as well as analyse the possibilities of developing customized foods, in particular, highly satiating foods. In this time of obesity epidemic, the use of specifically designed food products which suppress hunger and give the feeling of satiety could be an effective tool in preventing obesity and controlling body mass. There is an optimistic prognoses that this type of food will be introduced on the Polish market. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kłobukowski F., Skotnicka M., Śmiechowska M. (2017) Prospects for Development of Highly Satiating Foods in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 17(32), z. 4: 280-291 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2017_T17(32)_n4_s280.pdf |
20. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2017 |
Bober B., Olkiewicz M. Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction
Autor | Benedykt Bober, Marcin Olkiewicz |
Tytuł | Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction |
Title | Managing the safety of clinical nutrition as an important element of comprehensive health satisfaction |
Słowa kluczowe | |
Key words | quality, management, clinical nutrition, food safety |
Abstrakt | |
Abstract | The health of society treated as a set of potential consumers requires effective action and a multidisciplinary approach. For the paper, a survey (a proprietary questionnaire) was used to determine the impact of quality and the factors determining it. Excessiveconsumption of high-energy food is the cause of diet-related diseases, aggravating both household budgets and the healthcare system. Healthy eating habits and the elements of food production safety should be monitored by a food security system. Such a system should be based on permanent control of nutritional, health-related characteristics and the presence of harmful substances to minimise the risk of disease. The process of improving threat detection systems is based on scientific risk analysis, the results of which form the basis for comprehensive risk management in clinical nutrition. Understanding patients’ opinions about the importance of quality nutrition in public hospitals may be among the determinants for improved multidirectional activities and increase the effectiveness of safe clinical nutrition. This aspect plays an important role in health education. |
Cytowanie | Bober B., Olkiewicz M. |
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Pełny tekst | AMME_2017_n1_s69.pdf |