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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2022 |
Łupiński M., Misztal P. Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego
Autor | Marcin Łupiński, Piotr Misztal |
Tytuł | Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego |
Słowa kluczowe | stabilność finansowa, ryzyko systemowe, model sieci |
Key words | financial stability, systemic risk, network model, banking system |
Abstrakt | Kryzys finansowy 2007+ ujawnił braki w reakcji decydentów politycznych na ryzyko systemowe. Okazało się, że nie tylko upadki poszczególnych banków, ale także negatywne efekty zewnętrzne wśród podmiotów mogą spowodować poważne zagrożenie dla sektora finansowego. W ciągu ostatnich 10 lat podjęto wiele międzynarodowych i krajowych inicjatyw mających na celu wzmocnienie stabilności systemu finansowego, wprowadzając perspektywę makroostrożnościową do nadzoru finansowego. Jednak ostatnie pandemie COVID19 okazały się poważnym negatywnym szokiem dla wielu gospodarek i ich sektorów finansowych. W niniejszym artykule, wykorzystując model sieciowy, staramy się przeanalizować, w jaki sposób te nieoczekiwane wydarzenia wpłynęły na polski sektor bankowy z ryzykiem systemowym. W celu analizy stabilności polskich banków opracowaliśmy formalne ramy testów warunków skrajnych oparte na modelu sieciowym, które umożliwiły identyfikację, modelowanie i pomiar ryzyka systemowego. Staraliśmy się zintegrować analizę czasu i przekrojowego charakteru ryzyka systemowego. |
Abstract | The financial crisis that began in 2007 pointed out deficiencies in policy-makers’ responsesto systemic risk. It turned out that not only individual bank insolvencies but also spillovers fromnegative externalities among entities can cause serious threats to the financial sector. During thelast 10 years, many international and national initiatives were taken to strengthen the soundnessof the financial system, introducing a macroprudential perspective to financial supervision.However, the recent COVID19 pandemic resulted in a serious negative shock for many economiesand their financial sectors. In this paper, using the network model we try to analyse how theserecent unexpected developments affected the Polish banking sector with systemic risk. To analysePolish bank stability we developed a formal stress-testing framework based on the network modelthat allowed systemic risk identification, modelling and measurement. We tried to integrateanalysis of time and the cross-sectional nature of systemic risk. |
Cytowanie | Łupiński M., Misztal P. (2022) Czy polskie banki są stabilne? Analiza ryzyka systemowego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 27(76): 68-79 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2022_n76_s68.pdf |
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Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2021 |
Gabryjończyk K., Gabryjończyk P. Zmiany stopnia wykorzystania turystycznych obiektównoclegowych w okresie zwalczania pandemii COVID-19w Polsce
Autor | Katarzyna Gabryjończyk, Piotr Gabryjończyk |
Tytuł | Zmiany stopnia wykorzystania turystycznych obiektównoclegowych w okresie zwalczania pandemii COVID-19w Polsce |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | turystyka, stopień wykorzystania turystycznych obiektów noclegowych,ryzyko zmian prawnych, obostrzenia, pandemia COVID-19 |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest poznanie zmiany stopnia wykorzystania turystycznychobiektów noclegowych w Polsce w okresie zwalczania pandemii COVID-19 (rok 2020)względem lat poprzedzających pojawienie się koronawirusa (2016–2019). Wykorzystanąmetodą badawczą była analiza literatury oraz danych statystycznych publikowanych przezGUS. Zaobserwowane zmiany przedstawiono na tle wprowadzanych i znoszonych w 2020 r.w poszczególnych obszarach życia społecznego i gospodarczego obostrzeń. Uzyskane wynikipozwoliły stwierdzić, że negatywne przekształcenia w zakresie wielkości ruchu turystycznegobyły najsilniejsze w czasie obowiązywania największych restrykcji, z wyraźnie zarysowanymszczytem w pierwszym okresie zwalczania COVID-19. Zaobserwowano także, że zmiany tedotyczyły w większym stopniu zagranicznej turystyki przyjazdowej, sytuacja pandemicznazmieniła zaś wybory turystów krajowych w zakresie czasu i modelu wypoczynku. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Gabryjończyk K., Gabryjończyk P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2021_n15_s43.pdf |
3. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Hussayn J., Obi-Egbedi O., Oluwatayo I. Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017)
Autor | Jamiu Hussayn, Ogheneruemu Obi-Egbedi, Isaac Oluwatayo |
Tytuł | Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017) |
Title | Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017) |
Słowa kluczowe | cocoa, competitiveness, market share, trade liberalization policy and vector error correction model |
Key words | cocoa, competitiveness, market share, trade liberalization policy and vector error correction model |
Abstrakt | The cocoa sector in Nigeria has experienced decline in production, yield, exports coupled with its inability to attain global standards and targets and, gradual loss of competitiveness at the world market. Trade liberalization was government’s panacea to the sector’s problem although, cocoa competitiveness remains an issue since liberalization. Therefore, the relationship between trade liberalization policy and competitiveness of Nigeria’s cocoa exports was examined in this study using data for the period 1961-2017. Cocoa market share was used to measure competitiveness while analytical tools employed were: ADF test, Johansen co-integration test and the vector error correction model (VECM). Market share, quantity of cocoa export and inflation rate were stationary at original level while others, at first difference. The co-integration test showed seven co-integrating equations. Trade liberalization policy was found to be an important driver of competitiveness. In addition, area harvested, production quantity and export quantity positively influenced competitiveness while world price of cocoa, interest rate on agricultural loans, exchange rate and trade liberalization influenced negatively. Therefore, appropriate trade policy formulation and implementation is recommended while, specific attention should be paid to monetary policies and cocoa production by the government. |
Abstract | The cocoa sector in Nigeria has experienced decline in production, yield, exports coupled with its inability to attain global standards and targets and, gradual loss of competitiveness at the world market. Trade liberalization was government’s panacea to the sector’s problem although, cocoa competitiveness remains an issue since liberalization. Therefore, the relationship between trade liberalization policy and competitiveness of Nigeria’s cocoa exports was examined in this study using data for the period 1961-2017. Cocoa market share was used to measure competitiveness while analytical tools employed were: ADF test, Johansen co-integration test and the vector error correction model (VECM). Market share, quantity of cocoa export and inflation rate were stationary at original level while others, at first difference. The co-integration test showed seven co-integrating equations. Trade liberalization policy was found to be an important driver of competitiveness. In addition, area harvested, production quantity and export quantity positively influenced competitiveness while world price of cocoa, interest rate on agricultural loans, exchange rate and trade liberalization influenced negatively. Therefore, appropriate trade policy formulation and implementation is recommended while, specific attention should be paid to monetary policies and cocoa production by the government. |
Cytowanie | Hussayn J., Obi-Egbedi O., Oluwatayo I. (2021) Trade Liberalization Policy and Competitiveness of Cocoa Beans Exports in Nigeria (1961-2017).Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 1: 4-15 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n1_s4.pdf |
4. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria
Autor | Amurtiya Michael, Shuaibu Mshelia, Justice Onu, Samuel Upev |
Tytuł | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Title | Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Key words | poverty, alleviating strategies, rural, farming household, Nigeria |
Abstrakt | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Abstract | The study analysed rural farming households’ poverty status and alleviating strategies in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: describes the rural household heads’ socio-economic characteristics; determine the poverty status of the respondents and its determinants; and identify poverty alleviating strategies of the respondents. Data for the study was collected from 420 respondents selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement index, and the Binary Logistic regression model. The findings of the study revealed a very high incidence of poverty (70%), having a gap of 0.34, and severity of 0.17. Poverty in the area is positively associated with the age of the household head and household size, while gender, educational level, off-farm activity, membership of a group, farm size, and land ownership are negatively associated with poverty. The common poverty alleviation strategies identified were agricultural wage labour (48.6%), rental services (45.0%), and transportation business (36.7%). Therefore, it was recommended that the government and other stakeholders should initiate sustainable social protection schemes that can assist rural residents in alleviating poverty until their condition improves. |
Cytowanie | Michael A., Mshelia S., Onu J., Upev S. (2021) Poverty and its Alleviating Strategies among Rural Farming Households in Benue State, Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 2: 33-44 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n2_s33.pdf |
5. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2021 |
Gralak A. Wdrażanie modelu gospodarczego opartego na obiegu zamkniętym w biogospodarce
Autor | Arkadiusz Gralak |
Tytuł | Wdrażanie modelu gospodarczego opartego na obiegu zamkniętym w biogospodarce |
Title | Implementing a Closed-Loop Economic Model in the Bioeconomy |
Słowa kluczowe | biogospodarka, gospodarka w obiegu zamkniętym, biogospodarka cyrkularna, cyrkularne modele biznesowe |
Key words | bioeconomy, circular economy, circular bioeconomy, circular business models |
Abstrakt | Wdrażanie rozwiązań z zakresu biogospodarki cyrkularnej jest zagadnieniem złożonym. Wymaga to dobrej znajomości koncepcji, różnych procesów gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym i ich oczekiwanych skutków dla sektorów oraz łańcuchów wartości. Jednak badania nad gospodarką o obiegu zamkniętym wydają się być fragmentaryczne w różnych dyscyplinach i często istnieją różne perspektywy interpretacji tego pojęcia i powiązanych aspektów, które należy ocenić. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera przegląd literatury na temat biogospodarki i gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym w celu lepszego zrozumienia tej koncepcji, a także jej różnych wymiarów i oczekiwanych skutków. Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie koncepcji biogospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym wraz z przedstawieniem głównych uwarunkowań jej wdrażania. Przedstawiono wybrane inicjatywy polityczne na rzecz wdrażania koncepcji gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym w sektorze biogospodarki oraz modele biznesowe dedykowane dla rozwiązań biogospodarczych. |
Abstract | Implementing circular bioeconomy solutions is a complex issue. It requires a good knowledge of the concepts, the different processes of the circular economy and their expected impacts on sectors and value chains. However, research on the circular economy appears to be fragmented across disciplines and there are often different perspectives on the interpretation of the concept and related aspects to be assessed. This article reviews the literature on bioeconomy and closed-loop economy to better understand the concept, as well as its different dimensions and expected impacts. The aim of the article is to outline the concept of a circular bioeconomy along with a presentation of the main considerations for its implementation. Selected policy initiatives for the implementation of the closed-loop bioeconomy concept in the bioeconomy sector and business models dedicated to bioeconomy solutions are presented. |
Cytowanie | Gralak A. (2021) Wdrażanie modelu gospodarczego opartego na obiegu zamkniętym w biogospodarce.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 21(36), z. 3: 24-40 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2021_T21(36)_n3_s24.pdf |
6. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Oleg Kucher, Liliia Prokopchuk, Serhiy Zabolotnyy |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | bioeconomy, agriculture, biotechnologies, bioresources, strategies |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The article examines the role of the bioeconomy in the formation of priorities for the economic development of Ukraine. It is determined that the primary goal of the bioeconomy is the optimal use of renewable biological resources and the creation of sustainable manufacturing systems for new products. It is noted that Ukraine belongs to the countries with high bioeconomic potential, the source of which is the production of biomass of agricultural origin that creates favorable conditions for the development of the bioeconomy. The dynamics of biomass production potential are characterized by a stable increase in the amount of biomass available for use, and its energy capacity is analysed. Using the methodology of 'smart specialization', a model of strategy formation was developed, which defines the priorities, goals, and objectives of the bioeconomic development of Ukraine's economy. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kucher O., Prokopchuk L., Zabolotnyy S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s78.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Strzelecka A., Zawadzka D. Factors determining the tendency of rural households in Central Pomerania to save – PILOT study results
Autor | Agnieszka Strzelecka, Danuta Zawadzka |
Tytuł | Factors determining the tendency of rural households in Central Pomerania to save – PILOT study results |
Title | Czynniki determinujące skłonność wiejskich gospodarstw domowych Pomorza Środkowego do oszczędzania - wyniki badania pilotażowego |
Słowa kluczowe | rural household, propensity to save, income, Central Pomerania, Poland. |
Key words | wiejskie gospodarstwo domowe, skłonność do oszczędzania, dochód, Pomorze Środkowe, Polska. |
Abstrakt | The aim of this research is to identify factors affecting the propensity of rural households to save, on the example of 100 entities in Central Pomerania, based on pilot studies (direct questionnaire technique) using the logistic regression model. The study assumes that the dependent variable is the occurrence of savings in the household in 2018. The selection of independent variables for the logistic regression model was made on the basis of literature studies. The results of the analysis confirmed that statistically significant parameters for the variables were: average monthly net income per one person in the household, diversification of the income sources and the share of expenses on food and non-alcoholic beverages in total household consumption expenditure. The first two parameters increase the probability of saving by rural households of Central Pomerania. The last of these parameters reduces the chance of deferring consumption through savings. |
Abstract | Celem badań jest identyfikacja czynników wpływających na skłonność do oszczędzania wiejskich gospodarstw domowych na przykładzie 100 podmiotów na terenie Pomorza Środkowego, w oparciu o wykonane badania pilotażowe (technika ankiety bezpośredniej), przy zastosowaniu modelu regresji logistycznej. W badaniu przyjęto, iż zmienną zależną jest występowanie oszczędności w gospodarstwie domowym w 2018 roku. Doboru zmiennych niezależnych do budowy modelu regresji logistycznej dokonano na podstawie przeprowadzonych studiów literaturowych. Wyniki analiz potwierdziły, iż statystycznie istotnymi parametrami przy zmiennych okazały się: przeciętny miesięczny dochód netto na jedną osobę w gospodarstwie domowym, dywersyfikacja źródeł utrzymania oraz udział wydatków na żywność i napoje bezalkoholowe w wydatkach konsumpcyjnych ogółem gospodarstwa domowego. Dwa pierwsze parametry zwiększają prawdopodobieństwo oszczędzania przez wiejskie gospodarstw domowe Pomorza Środkowego. Ostatni z wymienionych parametrów zmniejsza szansę na odroczenie konsumpcji w czasie w drodze oszczędności. |
Cytowanie | Strzelecka A., Zawadzka D. (2020) Factors determining the tendency of rural households in Central Pomerania to save – PILOT study results.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 180-190 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s180.pdf |
8. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Cymanow P. Wybrane problemy zarządzania rozwojem górskich obszarówmigracyjnych na przykładzie gmin południowej części Polski
Autor | Piotr Cymanow |
Tytuł | Wybrane problemy zarządzania rozwojem górskich obszarówmigracyjnych na przykładzie gmin południowej części Polski |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | zarządzanie, gminy górskie, obszary migracyjne, rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | W artykule zaprezentowano kluczowe problemy zarządzania rozwojem górskichregionów migracyjnych. Poza ogólną charakterystyką terenów klasyfikowanych jako obszaryo niekorzystnych warunkach gospodarowania (ONW) przedstawiono opinie przedstawicielisamorządów lokalnych 45 gmin górskich położonych na obszarze Karpat. Wskazano naelementy mające największy wpływ na potencjalny rozwój obszarów peryferyjnych, przyjednoczesnym określeniu czynników pogarszających funkcjonowanie gmin i komfort życiamieszkańców terenów górskich oraz ograniczających rozwój tych terenów. W dalszej częściartykułu przedstawiono model zagrożeń wynikających z konsekwencji procesów migracyjnychzachodzących na przedmiotowym obszarze z uwzględnieniem czynników ekonomicznych,społecznych i rolno-środowiskowych. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Cymanow P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n14_s69.pdf |
9. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2020 |
Autor | Tetiana Balanovska, Olga Gogulya, Volodymyr Kharchenko, Hanna Kharchenko |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | information support, cognitive approach, modelling, forecasting, poorly structured system, cognitive modelling of efficiency of functioning of the information system of agricultural entrepreneurship |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This article encompasses the methodology of cognitive modelling of complex poorly structured systems. Based on the expert method and with the help of this modelling methodology, the main factors that influence the effectiveness of information support of agricultural entrepreneurship were identified and the direction of their action was determined. There has been developed a cognitive map that reflects the cumulative impact of various factors on each other, as well as on the effectiveness of the information system for agricultural entrepreneurship. Hidden patterns between factors influencing the effectiveness of information support of agricultural entrepreneurship are revealed based on the cognitive map. The scenario approach is simulated based on different trends that reflect the current situation. This model allows us to further evaluate the performance of the system of information support of agricultural entrepreneurship under the influence of the environment, to predict its development, as well as to develop optimal strategic decisions that are aimed at ensuring sustainable development. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Balanovska T., Gogulya O., Kharchenko V., Kharchenko H. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2020_n4_s55.pdf |
10. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Kuts T., Makarchuk O. Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets
Autor | Tetyana Kuts, Oksana Makarchuk |
Tytuł | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Title | Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets |
Słowa kluczowe | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Key words | market integration, Ukraine, European Union, United States, sunflower oil market |
Abstrakt | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Abstract | This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US. |
Cytowanie | Kuts T., Makarchuk O. (2020) Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 3: 4-15 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n3_s4.pdf |
11. |
Ekonomika i Organizacja Logistyki, 2020 |
Górecka A., Zborowska P. The factors influencing the growth in dropshipping orders during the COVID-19 pandemic
Autor | Aleksandra Górecka, Paulina Zborowska |
Tytuł | The factors influencing the growth in dropshipping orders during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Title | Czynniki wpływające na wzrost liczby zamówień w modelu dropshipping w czasie pandemii COVID-19 |
Słowa kluczowe | dropshipping, Polish market, COVID-19 |
Key words | dropshipping, polski rynek, COVID-19 |
Abstrakt | The paper aimed to investigate the most significant factors influencing the growth in orders in the dropshipping model in Poland. The research was conducted during the pandemic time and was compared with the results in the levels in orders in 2019. The main factors that have impacts on the growth in the level of orders were introduced out of B2B and B2C variables. The results present that apart from the product type, the payment method, marketing by supplier entity, and the number of suppliers is crucial for a dropshipping business model. |
Abstract | Celem artykułu było zbadanie najważniejszych czynników wpływających na wzrost zamówień w modelu dropshipping w Polsce. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie pandemii COVID-19 i porównano z wynikami w zakresie poziomów zamówień w 2019 roku. Czynniki mające wpływ na wzrost poziomu zamówień (zmienne) podzielono na dwie grupy: B2B i B2C. Wyniki wskazują, że poza rodzajem produktu kluczowe dla wzrostu zamówień w modelu biznesowym dropshipping były: dostępne sposoby płatności, rozwiązania marketingowe, dostawcy oraz liczba dostawców sklepu. |
Cytowanie | Górecka A., Zborowska P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOL_2020_T5_n3_s65.pdf |
12. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Bilushchak Т., Kolos S. Functioning of book trailers in the development of literarytourism popularization in the context of hashtag analysis
Autor | Тetiana Bilushchak, Sofia Kolos |
Tytuł | Functioning of book trailers in the development of literarytourism popularization in the context of hashtag analysis |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | multimedia presentation, social networks, video advertising of books, book trailer,hashtags, statistics, literary tourism |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Based on the analysis of hashtags, it was found that the use of a multimedia formatof book presentation as a book trailer on social networks is an effective means of promotingliterary tourism. With the help of the “goal tree” method, an information model of thefunctioning of book trailers in the development of literary tourism popularization was created.The creation of a “goal tree” in the study provided an opportunity at the stage of informationmodeling to show the subordination and relationship of goals, which demonstrates the divisionof the overall goal into sub-goals, objectives and individual actions. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Bilushchak Т., Kolos S. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n13_s19.pdf |
13. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Twardowska A. Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej
Autor | Anna Twardowska |
Tytuł | Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej |
Title | Equalization of Agricultural Land Prices in the European Union Countries |
Słowa kluczowe | beta-konwergencja, ceny ziemi rolnej, Unia Europejska |
Key words | beta-convergence, agricultural land prices, European Union |
Abstrakt | W artykule poruszono problematykę związaną z kształtowaniem się cen ziemi rolniczej w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Poddano weryfikacji hipotezę dotyczącą występowania beta-konwergencji absolutnej cen ziemi rolnej wśród 20 wybranych państw UE. Badania przeprowadzono dla lat 2006 – 2017 z wykorzystaniem modeli absolutnej konwergencji typu beta opartych na danych przestrzennych. Uzyskane wyniki badań potwierdzają występowanie tzw. efektu doganiania na rynku cen ziemi rolnej w Unii Europejskiej. Tym samym w krajach, w których początkowo stwierdzono niższy poziom cen ziemi rolnej następuje szybszy wzrost cen, niż w krajach o początkowo wyższym ich poziomie. |
Abstract | The paper deals with issues related to the development of agricultural land prices in the countries of the European Union. The hypothesis regarding absolute beta-convergence of agricultural land prices among 20 selected EU countries was verified. The research was carried out for the years 2006 - 2017 using absolute beta convergence models based on spatial data. Obtained test results confirm the occurrence of so-called the effect of catching up on the agricultural land market in the European Union. Thus, in countries where initially a lower level of agricultural land prices were found, there is a faster increase in prices than in countries with initially higher levels. |
Cytowanie | Twardowska A. (2020) Wyrównywanie się cen gruntów rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 1: 67-77 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n1_s67.pdf |
14. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Anna Kondak, Adrian Konior, Beata Tarczydło |
Title | Wybrane przedsięwzięcia współdzielonych przez współczesnych konsumentów usług transportowych. Wyniki badań |
Słowa kluczowe | consumers behaviour, sharing services and/or products, sharing economy, sharing transport services in the Polish market, case studies, research results and recommendations. |
Key words | zachowania konsumentów, współdzielenie usług i/lub produktów, ekonomia współdzielenia, przedsięwzięcia współdzielenia usług transportowych z rynku polskiego, studia przypadków, rezultaty badań i rekomendacje. |
Abstrakt | The primary objective of the paper is to discuss examples of sharing transport services in the Polish market as manifestations of the application of the idea of the sharing economy by contemporary consumers. Based on the essence of the considered concept and/or economy model, a review of previous studies was made and subjects for the authors’ own research were selected. The case study and online survey methods were used. In particular, services offered under the Traficar, Uber, and Wavelo brands were analysed. The research that was conducted made it possible to identify the determinants, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, of this type of market practice. It also allowed to develop certain recommendations for marketers interested in the methodical application of sharing services and/or products. |
Abstract | Celem głównym opracowania było omówienie przykładów współdzielenia przez współczesnych konsumentów usług transportowych z rynku polskiego jako przejawu zastosowania idei ekonomii współdzielenia. Wychodząc od istoty uwzględnianej koncepcji i/lub modelu gospodarki, dokonano przeglądu dotychczasowych badań i wybrano obiekty do badań własnych autorów opracowania. Zastosowano metody studiów przypadków i ankietę internetową. W szczególności objęto analizą przedsięwzięcia oferowane pod markami Traficar, Uber i Wavelo. Przeprowadzone badania umożliwiły zidentyfikowanie uwarunkowań oraz zalet i wad tego typu praktyk rynkowych. Pozwoliły także na wypracowanie pewnych rekomendacji dla marketerów zainteresowanych metodycznym wdrażaniem współdzielenia usług i/lub produktów. |
Cytowanie | Kondak A., Konior A., Tarczydło B. (2020) SELECTED UNDERTAKINGS OF SHARING TRANSPORT SERVICES BY CONTEMPORARY CONSUMERS: RESEARCH RESULTS.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 23(72): 222-236 |
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Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n72_s222.pdf |
15. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Yitayaw M. Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia
Autor | Mekonnen Yitayaw |
Tytuł | Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia |
Title | Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia |
Słowa kluczowe | Eastern Ethiopia; financial sustainability; outreach; profitability; SACCOs |
Key words | Eastern Ethiopia; financial sustainability; outreach; profitability; SACCOs |
Abstrakt | This study scrutinized the effect of outreach on financial sustainability and profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia using balanced panel data from 33 SACCOs over the period of 2017-2019. Quantitative approach and explanatory design were employed to realize the stated objective. This study used secondary data sources, mainly audited financial statement of the SACCOs, in the study period. The analysis revealed that SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia are profitable but not financially sustainable. Random effect model results show that gross loan to asset ratio, yield on gross loan portfolio, managerial and operational efficiency has statistically significant and positive effect on the financial sustainability of SACCOs, while average loan size has statistically significant but negative effect. Likewise, gross loan to asset ratio, managerial efficiency, and average loan size has statistically significant and positive effect on the profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia. However, the portion of women borrowers and number of active borrowers has statistically significant but negative effect on the profitability of the SACCOs in the study area. Finally, the study suggests that increasing the number of borrowing clients and sales volume (loan portfolio) could benefit SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia from economics of scale. |
Abstract | This study scrutinized the effect of outreach on financial sustainability and profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia using balanced panel data from 33 SACCOs over the period of 2017-2019. Quantitative approach and explanatory design were employed to realize the stated objective. This study used secondary data sources, mainly audited financial statement of the SACCOs, in the study period. The analysis revealed that SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia are profitable but not financially sustainable. Random effect model results show that gross loan to asset ratio, yield on gross loan portfolio, managerial and operational efficiency has statistically significant and positive effect on the financial sustainability of SACCOs, while average loan size has statistically significant but negative effect. Likewise, gross loan to asset ratio, managerial efficiency, and average loan size has statistically significant and positive effect on the profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia. However, the portion of women borrowers and number of active borrowers has statistically significant but negative effect on the profitability of the SACCOs in the study area. Finally, the study suggests that increasing the number of borrowing clients and sales volume (loan portfolio) could benefit SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia from economics of scale. |
Cytowanie | Yitayaw M. (2020) Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 51-69 |
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Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s51.pdf |
16. |
Turystyka i Rozwój Regionalny, 2020 |
Kusnanik N., Nurhasan N., Pambudi P. Sustainable development of sport tourism in Banyuwangi
Autor | Nining Kusnanik, Nurhasan Nurhasan, Panji Pambudi |
Tytuł | Sustainable development of sport tourism in Banyuwangi |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | sport tourism role, the effect on local content, sustainable development strategy |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | This research has an aim to examine the role of Sport Tourism through the program ofBanyuwangi festival (B-Fest) and the impact of local content and deciding sustainable strategyof Sport Tourism Development. This research uses descriptive associative research methodwith qualitative and quantitative approach. Data Collection method done by observation,direct interview, questionnaire and collect the data from related instance. The result of thisanalysis shows that: (1) Banyuwangi Festival Program (B-fest) successfully increase the numberof visitor in Kawah Ijen and Pulau Merah within total contribution of 75.9%; (2) The effectof sport tourism toward the change of local community in Kawah Ijen, on economic aspectcontribute 100%. On social aspect contribute 11.6%. Environmental aspect, edelweiss flowerno longer to be seen, Javan lutung and deer are rarely to be seen. Social Aspect contribute 2.6%toward people prosperity, 0.2% toward local satisfaction, 12.7% toward people participation;(3) Development strategy on sustainable sport tourism using the model of Sport tourismParticipation and oriented to tourism characteristic. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Kusnanik N., Nurhasan N., Pambudi P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | TIRR_2020_n13_s117.pdf |
17. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Maponya N., Oluwatayo I. Economic Efficiency of Table Grape Production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Autor | Naume Maponya, Isaac Oluwatayo |
Tytuł | Economic Efficiency of Table Grape Production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
Title | Economic Efficiency of Table Grape Production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
Słowa kluczowe | efficiency, farmers, table grapes, South Africa, stochastic frontier model |
Key words | efficiency, farmers, table grapes, South Africa, stochastic frontier model |
Abstrakt | Table grape production plays an important role in the economy of many countries in Africa. It serves as a source of income for the people who are engaged in its production and being one of the enterprises that is labour-intensive, thereby providing employment for more people. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the economic efficiency of table grape production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts of Limpopo province, South Africa. The study used primary data collected through administration of structured questionnaires on a sample of 12 farmers by employing a snowball sampling method. Analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics (such as tables and frequencies), Stochastic Frontier Model and Technical Inefficiency Model.Results from data analysis revealed that in terms of efficiency, farming experience (p<0.01), educational level (p<0.05), household size (p<0.10) and age of farmer (p<0.10) were associated with increased efficiency indicating that these factors play important roles in ensuring that resources used in the production of table grapes enhanced productivity and were not wasted. Also, technical efficiency among farmers was found to range from 0.8 to 1, with a mean of 0.89, thus implying a major possibility for improvement in production. However, the allocative efficiency was found to range from 0.47 to 1, with a mean of 0.68. This indicates that some farmers were finding it difficult to allocate their resources efficiently. Again, economic efficiency ranges from 0.56 to 1, with a mean of 0.73, an indication that most of the farmers were economically efficient. Meanwhile, some of the constraints faced by these farmers include high electricity bills and labour costs, water shortages as well as instability around land policy. The study therefore recommends capacity building of farmers through education and other skill enhancement programmes. Also, provision of incentives to encourage youth participation in farming through internship programmes is very important to increase farm productivity. |
Abstract | Table grape production plays an important role in the economy of many countries in Africa. It serves as a source of income for the people who are engaged in its production and being one of the enterprises that is labour-intensive, thereby providing employment for more people. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the economic efficiency of table grape production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts of Limpopo province, South Africa. The study used primary data collected through administration of structured questionnaires on a sample of 12 farmers by employing a snowball sampling method. Analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics (such as tables and frequencies), Stochastic Frontier Model and Technical Inefficiency Model.Results from data analysis revealed that in terms of efficiency, farming experience (p<0.01), educational level (p<0.05), household size (p<0.10) and age of farmer (p<0.10) were associated with increased efficiency indicating that these factors play important roles in ensuring that resources used in the production of table grapes enhanced productivity and were not wasted. Also, technical efficiency among farmers was found to range from 0.8 to 1, with a mean of 0.89, thus implying a major possibility for improvement in production. However, the allocative efficiency was found to range from 0.47 to 1, with a mean of 0.68. This indicates that some farmers were finding it difficult to allocate their resources efficiently. Again, economic efficiency ranges from 0.56 to 1, with a mean of 0.73, an indication that most of the farmers were economically efficient. Meanwhile, some of the constraints faced by these farmers include high electricity bills and labour costs, water shortages as well as instability around land policy. The study therefore recommends capacity building of farmers through education and other skill enhancement programmes. Also, provision of incentives to encourage youth participation in farming through internship programmes is very important to increase farm productivity. |
Cytowanie | Maponya N., Oluwatayo I. (2020) Economic Efficiency of Table Grape Production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts, Limpopo Province, South Africa.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 3: 36-52 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n3_s36.pdf |
18. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2020 |
Obi-Egbedi O., Ogungbite O., Oluwatayo I. Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria
Autor | Ogheneruemu Obi-Egbedi, Omowunmi Ogungbite, Isaac Oluwatayo |
Tytuł | Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria |
Title | Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria |
Słowa kluczowe | GMOs, smallholder farmers, awareness for GM crops, Credible seed sources, Agricultural technology |
Key words | GMOs, smallholder farmers, awareness for GM crops, Credible seed sources, Agricultural technology |
Abstrakt | Genetically Modified (GM) crops are crops modified through genetic engineering to improve their quality. Although safety concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are still being debated, the food security benefits have led to adoption by many counties. In Nigeria, where most farmers are uneducated and likely unaware of the agricultural technology, the government approved its first biotechnology crop for commercialization in 2018. Level of farmers’ awareness is crucial to acceptance of GM crops, although; this has not been fully explored in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed to assess farmers’ awareness for GM crops and the factors that determine their awareness in Oyo state, Nigeria, using primary data collected in 2018 with the aid of well-structured questionnaires from 242 smallholder farmers. Principal component analysis and Tobit regression model were used for data analysis. Results showed that farmers were aged 43 years with farm size of 3.57 ha, farming experience of 14 years and 11 years of education. Most farmers were male (71.90%), married (67.36%), not members of farmer groups (64.46%) and sourced their seeds from non-credible sources (85.12%). Most farmers (52.07%) had either not heard of or did not know of any benefits/costs of GM crops, hence; were not aware of GM crops. Factors that influenced awareness of GM crops were being a male farmer, years of education and source of seeds. The study concluded that increasing years of education and ensuring use of credible seed sources will increase awareness of the costs and benefits of GM crops among farmers. |
Abstract | Genetically Modified (GM) crops are crops modified through genetic engineering to improve their quality. Although safety concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are still being debated, the food security benefits have led to adoption by many counties. In Nigeria, where most farmers are uneducated and likely unaware of the agricultural technology, the government approved its first biotechnology crop for commercialization in 2018. Level of farmers’ awareness is crucial to acceptance of GM crops, although; this has not been fully explored in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed to assess farmers’ awareness for GM crops and the factors that determine their awareness in Oyo state, Nigeria, using primary data collected in 2018 with the aid of well-structured questionnaires from 242 smallholder farmers. Principal component analysis and Tobit regression model were used for data analysis. Results showed that farmers were aged 43 years with farm size of 3.57 ha, farming experience of 14 years and 11 years of education. Most farmers were male (71.90%), married (67.36%), not members of farmer groups (64.46%) and sourced their seeds from non-credible sources (85.12%). Most farmers (52.07%) had either not heard of or did not know of any benefits/costs of GM crops, hence; were not aware of GM crops. Factors that influenced awareness of GM crops were being a male farmer, years of education and source of seeds. The study concluded that increasing years of education and ensuring use of credible seed sources will increase awareness of the costs and benefits of GM crops among farmers. |
Cytowanie | Obi-Egbedi O., Ogungbite O., Oluwatayo I. (2020) Genetically Modified Crops’ Technology and its Awareness among Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 4: 58-67 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n4_s58.pdf |
19. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Lichota W. Zastosowanie modeli logitowych do zdiagnozowania zagrożenia bankructwem przedsiębiorstw
Autor | Wojciech Lichota |
Tytuł | Zastosowanie modeli logitowych do zdiagnozowania zagrożenia bankructwem przedsiębiorstw |
Słowa kluczowe | kondycja finansowa, modele wczesnego ostrzegania, analiza finansowa |
Key words | logistic models, bankruptcy, risk assessment, regression analysis |
Abstrakt | W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wybrane modele regresji logistycznej, które służą do analizy przedsiębiorstw w zakresie zagrożenia bankructwem jak i zmiany w sytuacji finansowej. Jak wynika z literatury z zakresu finansów do oceny kondycji finansowej przedsiębiorstwa należy zastosować odpowiednie metody. Błędna ocena może przynieść przykre konsekwencje dla przedsiębiorstwa, w postaci podjęcia nietrafionych decyzji przez zarządzających, odmowy udzielenia kredytu bankowego lub niepodjęcia współpracy przez dostawców i odbiorców. Celem artykułu była weryfikacja skuteczności predykcji 12 modeli regresji logistycznej, które pozwalają na dokonanie oceny zagrożenia bankructwem przedsiębiorstwa a także zajęcia stanowiska odnośnie przyszłej kondycji finansowej. Próba badawcza wynosiła 40 przedsiębiorstw, w tym 8 przedsiębiorstw, dla których został złożony wniosek o upadłość. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych badań, poszczególne modele odznaczają się różną sprawnością ogólną, która wyniosła od 54% do 98%. Ponadto wykazano, że wraz ze wzrostem wskaźników analizy finansowej użytych w konstrukcji funkcji nie zwiększa się sprawność poszczególnych modeli. Autor podsumowuje, że w celu uniknięcia ryzyka przeprowadzenia niewiarygodnej oceny kondycji finansowej przedsiębiorstwa, należy zastosować co najmniej kilka modeli logitowych. |
Abstract | The article presents selected logistic regression models that are used to analyze enterprises in terms of their risk of bankruptcy and changes in their financial situation. As it appears from the literature on finance, it is necessary to apply appropriate methods to assess the financial condition of an enterprise. Incorrect assessment may cause unpleasant consequences for the company, in the form of taking wrong decisions by managers, refusal to be granted a bank loan or failure to undertake cooperation with suppliers and customers. The aim of the article was to verify the effectiveness of the prediction of 12 logistic regression models, that allow for the assessment of an enterprise’s bankruptcy risk and its future financial condition. The research sample was 40 companies, including 8 enterprises for which a bankruptcy petition had been filed. As results from the conducted research, individual models have different general efficiency, which ranged from 54% to 98%. In addition, it was seen that the efficiency of particular models does not increase with an increase of the financial analysis indicators used in the construction of the function. The author concludes that in order to avoid the risk of making an unreliable assessment of the financial condition of a company, at least 10 logistic models should be used. |
Cytowanie | Lichota W. (2020) Zastosowanie modeli logitowych do zdiagnozowania zagrożenia bankructwem przedsiębiorstw.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 24(73): 92-103 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n73_s92.pdf |
20. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2020 |
Autor | Lech Kujawski, Monika Liszewska, Marta Penczar |
Title | The impact of funding structure on EU banking sector stability |
Słowa kluczowe | banking sector stability, banking funding model, funding structure |
Key words | banking sector stability, banking funding model, funding structure |
Abstrakt | In our paper, we analyse the impact of funding structure on banking sector stability in EU countries. Our findings show that after the global financial crisis (GFC) there are four main funding models in the EU banking sectors. We document that funding structure is an important factor influencing the banking sector stability. We report that there are also some other banking business model characteristics as well as macroeconomic indicators which have impact on banking sector risk. |
Abstract | In our article, we analyze the impact of the funding structure on the banking sector stability in EU countries. Our findings show that after the GFC, there are four main funding models in EU banking sectors. We document that the funding structure is an important factor determining the stability of the banking sector. We point out that there are other features of the banking business model as well as macroeconomic indicators that influence the banking sectors risk. |
Cytowanie | Kujawski L., Liszewska M., Penczar M. (2020) THE IMPACT OF FUNDING STRUCTURE ON EU BANKING SECTOR STABILITY.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 24(73): 143-154 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2020_n73_s143.pdf |