Himstedt K., Kacprzak T. The Influence of the Russian Embargo on the Economic Situation of Apple Producers in the Eastern Part of the Masovia Province
Autor | Katarzyna Himstedt, Tomasz Kacprzak |
Tytuł | The Influence of the Russian Embargo on the Economic Situation of Apple Producers in the Eastern Part of the Masovia Province |
Title | The Influence of the Russian Embargo on the Economic Situation of Apple Producers in the Eastern Part of the Masovia Province |
Słowa kluczowe | embargo, Russia, apple market |
Key words | embargo, Russia, apple market |
Abstrakt | The article concerns the effects of the Russian embargo on apple producers in Poland. Scientific literature is quite poor in this field, mainly information articles in industry literature and media information are available. The literature was reviewed in this respect and two studies (questionnaire and interview) were carried out. The information obtained allowed us to draw conclusions about the very large negative impact of the embargo on the apple market and to learn about its characteristics. New markets do not generate sufficient demand, in 2018 apple prices dropped below production costs, but this does not reflect in a drop in prices in stores, which means that price speculations take place, and the situation is used by realtors. It is necessary to quickly return to the Russian market, because soon it will be unrecoverable for Polish fruit farmers. It is also necessary to put pressure on the European Union's policy, because nowadays it is the Polish farmers who bear its effects to the greatest extent. |
Abstract | The article concerns the effects of the Russian embargo on apple producers in Poland. Scientific literature is quite poor in this field, mainly information articles in industry literature and media information are available. The literature was reviewed in this respect and two studies (questionnaire and interview) were carried out. The information obtained allowed us to draw conclusions about the very large negative impact of the embargo on the apple market and to learn about its characteristics. New markets do not generate sufficient demand, in 2018 apple prices dropped below production costs, but this does not reflect in a drop in prices in stores, which means that price speculations take place, and the situation is used by realtors. It is necessary to quickly return to the Russian market, because soon it will be unrecoverable for Polish fruit farmers. It is also necessary to put pressure on the European Union's policy, because nowadays it is the Polish farmers who bear its effects to the greatest extent. |
Cytowanie | Himstedt K., Kacprzak T. (2019) The Influence of the Russian Embargo on the Economic Situation of Apple Producers in the Eastern Part of the Masovia Province.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 19(34), z. 2: 54-64 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2019_T19(34)_n2_s54.pdf |
Mikuła A., Stańko S. Tendencje na rynku masła i serów na świecie i w Polsce w latach 2001-2017
Autor | Aneta Mikuła, Stanisław Stańko |
Tytuł | Tendencje na rynku masła i serów na świecie i w Polsce w latach 2001-2017 |
Title | Tendencies in the Global Butter and Cheese Markets and in Poland in the years 2001-2017 |
Słowa kluczowe | masło, ser, produkcja, zużycie krajowe, nadwyżki rynkowe |
Key words | butter, cheese, production, domestic consumption, market surpluses |
Abstrakt | Przedstawiono zmiany w produkcji oraz tendencje w niedoborach/nadwyżkach rynkowych masła i sera na świecie w latach 2001-2017 u największych producentów oraz w Polsce. Nadwyżki rynkowe masła zwiększały się w: Nowej Zelandii, UE i Białorusi, a zmniejszały w Australii i na Ukrainie. Niedobory rosły w Chinach, Meksyku, Iranie i Turcji, a zmniejszały się w Rosji i Kanadzie. Względnie zrównoważona produkcja i spożycie występowały w Indiach, Pakistanie, USA i Brazylii. Na rynku sera nadwyżki rosły w: UE, USA, Nowej Zelandii, Argentynie i Białorusi, a zmniejszały się w Australii i na Ukrainie. Niedobory rosły w: Rosji, Brazylii, Meksyku. W Polsce rosły nadwyżki produkcji masła i sera, co skutkowało rosnącym eksportem, kierowanym głównie do krajów UE. Ceny masła i sera w krajach UE i na rynku światowym charakteryzowały się konwergencją. Na początku badanego okresu ceny masła w UE były o 134% wyższe niż na rynku światowym, a sera o 92,6%, a w 2017 r. różnice te wynosiły odpowiednio: 6% i 0,6%. |
Abstract | Changes in production and trends in shortages / market surpluses of butter and cheese in the world and in Poland in 2001-2017 were presented. Market surplus of butter increased in New Zealand, EU and Belarus, and decreased in Australia and Ukraine. Shortages grew in China, Mexico, Iran and Turkey, and decreased in Russia and Canada. Relatively balanced production and consumption occurred in India, Pakistan, the USA and Brazil. On the cheese market, surplus grew in: EU, USA, New Zealand, Argentina and Belarus, and decreased in Australia and Ukraine. The shortages grew in: Russia, Brazil, Mexico. In Poland, there were surpluses in butter and cheese production, which resulted in growing exports, directed mainly to EU countries. Prices of butter and cheese in EU countries and on the world market were characterized by convergence. At the beginning of the analyzed period, butter prices in the EU were 134% higher than on the world market, and cheese prices were higher by 92.6%, and in 2017 these differences were respectively 6% and 0.6%. |
Cytowanie | Mikuła A., Stańko S. (2018) Tendencje na rynku masła i serów na świecie i w Polsce w latach 2001-2017.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 437-450 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s437.pdf |