61. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Urszula Konarzewska, Grażyna Michalczuk |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | sustainable development, social reporting, GRI |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The concept of sustainable development is not only the subject of theoretical consideration but also an important field of actions taken by international institutions. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is one of the results of these activities A special role in this area is attributed to companies which are expected to incorporate the sustainable development principles into long-term business strategy. Social reporting is a tool for support this process. It provides an information on activities and results in social and envi ronmental fields. The aim of the article is to identify trends associated with the publishing information re lated to Sustainable Development Goals. The realization of the article’s purpose was based on descriptive method consists of analysis of the subject-related literature concerning social re porting and sustainable development. In addition, the method of desk research was applied. Results of the research lead to the conclusion that implementation of challenges related to Agenda 2030 had an impact on increase the number of companies published social reports which contain information concerning sustainable development. However, in order to further develop this type of reporting, it is essential to improve the involvement of governments and other regulatory institutions in the areas of educational activities as well as take the promotional initiatives such as encouraging the use of the GRI Reporting Framework which allows to increase the transparency and ensure comparability and credibility of social reports. The article constitutes a contribution to research on the practice of social reporting. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Konarzewska U., Michalczuk G. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s125.pdf |
62. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2018 |
Balińska A. Funkcja turystyczna jako kierunek dywersyfikacji funkcji wiejskich obszarów przygranicznych wschodniej Polski
Autor | Agata Balińska |
Tytuł | Funkcja turystyczna jako kierunek dywersyfikacji funkcji wiejskich obszarów przygranicznych wschodniej Polski |
Title | Tourist function as a direction of diversification of the functions of rural border areas of eastern Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | funkcja turystyczna, obszary wiejskie, wschodnia Polska |
Key words | tourist function, rural areas, eastern Poland |
Abstrakt | Teren wschodniej Polski, szczególnie obszar leżący w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie granicy państwa, jest równocześnie wschodnim pograniczem Unii Europejskiej. Ma on wszystkie cechy typowe dla obszarów peryferyjnych. Utrudnione możliwości rozwoju gospodarczego sprawiają, że na znaczeniu zyskuje turystyka. Celem artykułu jest ocena rozwoju funkcji turystycznej na terenie powiatów leżących wzdłuż wschodniej granicy Polski. Jej poziom w poszczególnych powiatach jest zróżnicowany, co zobrazowano wskaźnikami. Analizę wskaźników uzupełniono prezentacją informacji pozyskanych z badań ankietowych wykonanych na próbie 600 mieszkańców tego terenu. Wyniki ankiety wskazały, że mieszkańcy oczekują rozwoju funkcji turystycznej oraz potrafi ą właściwie ocenić korzyści i problemy z niej wynikające. |
Abstract | The area of eastern Poland, especially the area lying in the immediate vicinity of the state border, is also the eastern borderland of the European Union. It has all the features typical of peripheral areas. Difficult opportunities for economic development make tourism more important. The aim of the article is to assess the development of the tourist function in the poviats along the eastern Polish border. Its level in particular poviats is varied, as illustrated by indicators. The analysis of indicators was supplemented with the presentation of information obtained from surveys made on a sample of 600 inhabitants of this area. The results of the survey indicated that the inhabitants expect the development of a tourist function and are able to properly assess the benefi ts and problems resulting from it. |
Cytowanie | Balińska A. (2018) Funkcja turystyczna jako kierunek dywersyfikacji funkcji wiejskich obszarów przygranicznych wschodniej Polski.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 122: 55-65 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2018_n122_s55.pdf |
63. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Bogdan Klepacki |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | logistics, transport infrastructure, storage, Logistic Performance Index (LPI) |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | One of the most important sectors currently determining the economic situation of countries, regions, including rural areas and enterprises is logistics. The study presents the directions of the impact of logistics on the economy and changes in equipping Poland with more important elements of the logistics infrastructure, namely transport and storage infrastructure. The place of the logistics sector in the national economy was presented, measured by the share of transport, storage, information and communication, against the background of industry, trade and construction, in the creation of the Net Domestic Product. The logistic competitive position of Poland against the background of neighbouring countries was also determined. It was found that it is high, and logistics can be an important factor in the development of the country. The development of logistics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at SGGW was also presented. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Klepacki B. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s353.pdf |
64. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Grębowiec M. Rola współczesnych innowacji sektora owoców i warzyw w procesie postrzegania i podejmowania decyzji nabywczych przez konsumentów
Autor | Mariusz Grębowiec |
Tytuł | Rola współczesnych innowacji sektora owoców i warzyw w procesie postrzegania i podejmowania decyzji nabywczych przez konsumentów |
Słowa kluczowe | innowacja, rynek, konsument, owoce i warzywa, innowacyjne produkty żywnościowe |
Key words | innovation, market, consumer, fruit and vegetables, innovative food products |
Abstrakt | W artykule dokonano próby oceny innowacyjności sektora owoców i warzyw w opinii polskich konsumentów. Bazując na dostępnej literaturze, artykułach i czasopismach branżowych oraz informacjach opublikowanych na stronach internetowych scharakteryzowano zmiany na polskim rynku owoców i warzyw, innowacyjność sektora owoców i warzyw, rodzaje innowacji związanych z nowymi technologiami i procesami oraz z nowymi metodami marketingowymi i organizacyjnymi, a także wskazano trendy i bariery nabywcze konsumentów w sektorze owocowo-warzywnym. Dla pełnego zobrazowania stopnia znajomości i rozpoznawalności wybranych innowacji oraz stosunku do tego typu produktów konsumenta przeprowadzono badania ankietowe. |
Abstract | Fashion, health and convenience shape today's consumer market in innovation. The knowledge of the consumer is the key to the success of the company. The aim of the study was to evaluate the innovativeness of the fruit and vegetable sector in Poland in the opinion of Polish consumers. Based on the available literature, articles and professional journals and the information published on websites characterized by changes in the Polish market in fruit and vegetables, innovative fruit and vegetable sector, types of innovation related to new technologies and processes, and new methods of marketing and organizational and also described trends and consumer barriers in the fruit and vegetable sector. For a full presentation of the degree of knowledge and recognition of selected innovations and the relation to this type of products of the consumer survey was conducted. |
Cytowanie | Grębowiec M. (2018) Rola współczesnych innowacji sektora owoców i warzyw w procesie postrzegania i podejmowania decyzji nabywczych przez konsumentów.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 20(69): 60-71 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n69_s60.pdf |
65. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Jarka S., Trajer M. Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union
Autor | Sławomir Jarka, Marzena Trajer |
Tytuł | Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union |
Title | Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union |
Słowa kluczowe | support, beekeeping sector, sustainable development |
Key words | support, beekeeping sector, sustainable development |
Abstrakt | The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget. |
Abstract | The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget. |
Cytowanie | Jarka S., Trajer M. (2018) Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 183-191 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s183.pdf |
66. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Ganc M. Ryzyko utraty płynności a możliwość ubezpieczenia należności w spółdzielniach mleczarskich
Autor | Marzena Ganc |
Tytuł | Ryzyko utraty płynności a możliwość ubezpieczenia należności w spółdzielniach mleczarskich |
Słowa kluczowe | spółdzielnia mleczarska, aktywa trwałe, ubezpieczenie należności handlowych. |
Key words | dairy cooperatives, fixed assets, insurance claims. |
Abstrakt | Celem pracy było określenie ryzyka utraty płynności finansowej spółdzielni mleczarskich z punktu widzenia możliwości uzyskania ubezpieczenia kredytu kupieckiego. Dla ukazania istotności informacji finansowej dla procesu decyzyjnego ubezpieczyciela przeprowadzono badanie 40 największych spółdzielni mleczarskich. Okres badawczy obejmował lata 2011 – 2014. Zastosowanie odpowiednich narzędzi diagnostycznych, polegających na wnikliwym badaniu podmiotów pod względem płynności finansowej pozwoliło na skuteczną ocenę możliwości ubezpieczenia kredytu kupieckiego. Spółdzielnie mleczarskie o niskich aktywach trwałych, zainteresowane zewnętrzną formą ograniczania ryzyka finansowego poprzez ubezpieczenie wierzytelności handlowych, w większości przypadków zostały negatywnie ocenione z punktu widzenia możliwości otrzymania takiego ubezpieczenia. Ilość spółdzielni o nienagannej płynności finansowej, które zostały pozytywnie ocenione w procesie przyznania limitu kredytowego przez zakład ubezpieczeń wahała się od 9 do 13 w zależności od badanego roku. |
Abstract | The aim of the work was to determine the risk of liquidity loss dairy cooperative society from the point of view of the possibility of obtaining trade credit insurance. To show the relevance of financial information for the decision-making process of the insurer's largest dairy cooperative, 40 study was carried out. Research period covered the years 2011-2014. The use of appropriate diagnostic tools, consisting of careful study of operators on liquidity effective assessment of the possibilities for trade credit insurance. Dairy cooperatives with low non-current assets, interested in the external form of reducing financial risk through insurance claims, most of the cases have been negatively evaluated from the point of view of the possibility of such insurance. The number of cooperatives of unimpaired liquidity, which have been positively evaluated in the process of granting the credit limit by the insurance company ranged from 9 to 13, depending on the test of the year |
Cytowanie | Ganc M. (2018) Ryzyko utraty płynności a możliwość ubezpieczenia należności w spółdzielniach mleczarskich.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 32-42 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s32.pdf |
67. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Tomasz Pawlonka |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | homo oeconomicus, rationality, agriculture, speculative motif |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Up until now, a model approach has constituted the core of mainstream economics with regard to the decision maker and decision-making conditions. The financial (and economic) crises appearing with increased frequency and numerous market anomalies, although considered predictable by economists and being only a residual component of econometric models, are related to the growing financialization of the economy and an existing asymmetry of information in the absence of full decision-maker rationality. The importance of the psychological characteristics of individuals, their knowledge, the level of trust and priorities, recognized more and more commonly in economic practice, make it necessary to conduct research to identify ‘difficult quantifiable’ characteristics of decision-makers, including their purely economic considerations. (as a supplement to previous economic considerations, including the inclusion of new variables to econometric models that have been in operation for years). The aim of the study was to systematize the evolution of the homo oeconomicus concept along with an indication of further possible directions in its development. A survey of behavioural finance in relation to agribusiness has also been reviewed, which is a perfect example of the evolution of mainstream economics. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Pawlonka T. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s389.pdf |
68. |
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2018 |
Autor | Paweł Pięta |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | social capital, key competences, digital competences, digital exclusion, Łowicki county |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Competitive advantage in the professional market is shaped by the competences possessed, i.e. skills, qualifications, and permissions. One of the eight types of key competences mentioned in the European Union documents is digital competence.It is a collection of knowledge, skills, and rudiments necessary for both, the purposeful point of view and active participation of a given person in social life. The low level of digital competences possessed is particularly visible among groups at risk of digital exclusion, in particular among people living in rural areas, the elderly and people with low education. The difference between people who have access to a computer and the Internet and people who do not have the possibility to use these devices is affected by the dynamic development of information and communication technologies. Digital exclusion is not only the lack of access to the appropriate infrastructure but also the lack of computer and Internet skills. In order to counteract the exclusion of these groups, activities aimed at developing social capital by strengthening digital competences play an important role. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Pięta P. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | AMME_2018_n1_s73.pdf |
69. |
Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Roma Ryś-Jurek |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | economic size of farm, family farm income, production |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of this research is to present the family farm income and production and its economic determinants according to the economic size of farms in the EU countries in 2004–2015. Research is based on European Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), which includes information about average farms according to the economic size in the EU-28. In this article an attempt is made to use the panel models to evaluate the production and economic determinants of family farm income. The Gretl program is used to evaluate fixed effect models and random effect models. The production and economic determinants of family farm income depending on the farm’s size are indicated, such as: utilised agricultural area, crop and livestock production, net investment and cash flow and inputs. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Ryś-Jurek R. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s21.pdf |
70. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Rak A. Aktywizacja zawodowa młodych osób bezrobotnych w wybranych powiatach ziemskich podregionu siedleckiego
Autor | Anna Rak |
Tytuł | Aktywizacja zawodowa młodych osób bezrobotnych w wybranych powiatach ziemskich podregionu siedleckiego |
Title | Vocational Activation of Young Unemployed in Selected Rural Counties of Siedlce Subregion |
Słowa kluczowe | bezrobocie osób młodych, aktywne programy rynku pracy, metody poszukiwania zatrudnienia |
Key words | youth unemployment, active labour market programmes, methods of seeking employment |
Abstrakt | Bezrobocie osób młodych należy aktualnie do najpoważniejszych problemów polskiego i unijnego rynku pracy. Na obydwu tych rynkach osoby młode stanowią blisko połowę ogółu bezrobotnych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest określenie stopnia zainteresowania bezrobotnych młodych mieszkańców wsi aktywnymi programami rynku pracy oraz diagnoza najczęściej stosowanych przez te osoby metod poszukiwania zatrudnienia. Podstawowym źródłem informacji są wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w trzech powiatach ziemskich podregionu siedleckiego. |
Abstract | Youth unemployment is currently among the most serious problems on the Polish and EU labour markets. The young account for nearly half of the unemployed on the two markets. The purpose of the paper is to determine the interest of young unemployed residents of rural areas in labour market programmes and to diagnose the methods of seeking employment used by those people. The information presented mainly comes from the results of questionnaire surveys carried out in three rural counties of the Siedlce subregion. |
Cytowanie | Rak A. (2018) Aktywizacja zawodowa młodych osób bezrobotnych w wybranych powiatach ziemskich podregionu siedleckiego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 262-271 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s262.pdf |
71. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Gębski J., Kosicka-Gębska M., Kwiecińska K. Wpływ wybranych źródeł informacji na poziom wiedzy konsumentów o dziczyźnie
Autor | Jerzy Gębski, Małgorzata Kosicka-Gębska, Katarzyna Kwiecińska |
Tytuł | Wpływ wybranych źródeł informacji na poziom wiedzy konsumentów o dziczyźnie |
Title | Influence of Selected Information Sources on the Level of Consumers Awareness of Game Meat |
Słowa kluczowe | dostępność informacji, dziczyzna, zachowania konsumentów |
Key words | availability of information, wild game meat, consumers behavior |
Abstrakt | Zakres informacji, jakie posiada konsument, wpływa na przebieg procesu decyzyjnego podczas zakupu żywności. Istotne jest, by konsument otrzymywał dane i wiadomości odpowiadające jego potrzebom. Za cel niniejszej pracy obrano wskazanie głównych źródeł informacji, z jakich korzystają konsumenci dziczyzny w Polsce. Określono także zakres informacji istotnych dla osób dokonujących zakupu i konsumpcji dziczyzny. Stwierdzono, że Internet jest głównym medium dla najmłodszych respondentów w wieku od 25 do 35 lat, ale także dla grupy najstarszej (powyżej 55 roku życia). W odniesieniu do ogółu próby badanej, jako najczęściej wykorzystywane źródło informacji wskazano etykiety na produktach. Tematyka najbardziej pożądanych przez konsumentów informacji obejmowała: termin przydatności do spożycia, cenę oraz pochodzenie dziczyzny. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki możliwe jest opracowanie zaleceń dotyczących sposobu przygotowania materiałów informacyjnych promujących dziczyznę. |
Abstract | Every information affects consumers behavior during the decision-making process. This is the main reason why the information that consumer receives should answer his needs. The aim of this paper was to indicate the information sources, that are most frequently used by game meat consumers in Poland. Also the information content was analyzed. It was found that the Internet is the main information source for the youngest respondents (25 to 35 years old), but also for the oldest ones (over 55 years old). Consumers searched for the information about: the shelf-life date, the price and the origin of game meat. They acquired those information from product labels. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to create recommendations for preparation of commercial materials about game meat. |
Cytowanie | Gębski J., Kosicka-Gębska M., Kwiecińska K. (2018) Wpływ wybranych źródeł informacji na poziom wiedzy konsumentów o dziczyźnie .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 313-322 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s313.pdf |
72. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Klepacka A. Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Sectors: Selected Indicators in European Union and Poland
Autor | Anna Klepacka |
Tytuł | Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Sectors: Selected Indicators in European Union and Poland |
Title | Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Sectors: Selected Indicators in European Union and Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | sustainable development, renewable energy, UE, Poland |
Key words | sustainable development, renewable energy, UE, Poland |
Abstrakt | The aim of this article was to show the position of Poland in the renewable energy subsectors among the European Union countries. The research covered the areas of biomass, solar heating and heat pumps, showing the degree of their utilization, power required to drive the system and their production in 2016. The provided information was supplemented with a revenues per employee in thousand euros in chosen subsectors of renewable energy sources in the year 2016. The main tool for carrying out the set objective was the use of descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the survey demonstrated Poland’s prominent place in the sector of liquid biofuels (1st place in EU), thanks to the significant supply of raw materials as well as development perspectives in solar energy, which is confirmed by the world's statistics indicating a record number of photovoltaic installations fitted (PV). |
Abstract | The aim of this article was to show the position of Poland in the renewable energy subsectors among the European Union countries. The research covered the areas of biomass, solar heating and heat pumps, showing the degree of their utilization, power required to drive the system and their production in 2016. The provided information was supplemented with a revenues per employee in thousand euros in chosen subsectors of renewable energy sources in the year 2016. The main tool for carrying out the set objective was the use of descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the survey demonstrated Poland’s prominent place in the sector of liquid biofuels (1st place in EU), thanks to the significant supply of raw materials as well as development perspectives in solar energy, which is confirmed by the world's statistics indicating a record number of photovoltaic installations fitted (PV). |
Cytowanie | Klepacka A. (2018) Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Sectors: Selected Indicators in European Union and Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 250-258 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s250.pdf |
73. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2018 |
Ozimek I. Ochrona konsumentów na wybranych rynkach usług w świetle regulacji prawnych i możliwości pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporów konsumenckich
Autor | Irena Ozimek |
Tytuł | Ochrona konsumentów na wybranych rynkach usług w świetle regulacji prawnych i możliwości pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporów konsumenckich |
Title | Consumer protection in selected service markets in the light of legal regulations and the possibility of out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes |
Słowa kluczowe | ochrona konsumentów, rynek usług, regulacje prawne, dochodzenie roszczeń przez konsumentów, spory konsumenckie, pozasądowe rozwiązywanie sporów konsumenckich |
Key words | consumer protection, services market, legal regulations, consumer claim pursuing, out-of-court resolution of consumers’ disputes. |
Abstrakt | Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie regulacji prawnych, w których ujęto problematykę ochrony konsumentów na rynku wybranych usług oraz sposoby dochodzenia roszczeń przez konsumentów w przypadku naruszenia ich praw. W ramach badań dokonano analizy danych wtórnych, tj. aktów prawnych, sprawozdań wybranych podmiotów sektorowych (publicznych i niepublicznych) w zakresie pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporów między konsumentem a przedsiębiorcą, wynikających z zawartej z konsumentem umowy. Dokonane analizy wskazują, że nie zawsze przestrzegane są prawa konsumentów na rynku usług. Ponadto, pomimo zwiększającego się zainteresowania polubownym sposobem rozwiązywania sporów, nadal istnieje konieczność prowadzenia przez różne instytucje i organizacje działań informacyjno-edukacyjnych w tym zakresie. Przyczyni się to do wzrostu świadomości istnienia możliwości wykorzystania tego sposobu rozwiązywania sporów, zarówno wśród przedsiębiorców, jak i konsumentów. |
Abstract | The purpose of this article is to present legal regulations which included the issues of consumer protection on the market of selected services and ways of pursuing claims by consumers in case of rights violation. The research consist of secondary data analysis i.e. legal acts, reports of selected sector entities (public and non-public) in terms of out-of-court dispute resolution between the consumer and the entrepreneur resulting from the contract concluded with the consumer. The results of the data analysis show that consumers’ rights are not always respected on the services market. Moreover, despite the growing interest in the amicable way of disputes resolving, there is still a need to carry out information and education activities in this area provided by various institutions and organizations. This will increase the awareness of existence the possibility of using this method of dispute resolution both among entrepreneurs and consumers. |
Cytowanie | Ozimek I. (2018) Ochrona konsumentów na wybranych rynkach usług w świetle regulacji prawnych i możliwości pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporów konsumenckich .Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW, Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing [t.], nr 19(68): 173-186 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PEFIM_2018_n68_s173.pdf |
74. |
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2018 |
Szlachciuk J. Znajomość praw przysługujących konsumentom dokonującym zakupu żywności przez Internet
Autor | Julita Szlachciuk |
Tytuł | Znajomość praw przysługujących konsumentom dokonującym zakupu żywności przez Internet |
Title | The familiarity with consumer’s rights purchase food on the Internet |
Słowa kluczowe | Internet, zakup żywności, ochrona konsumentów, znajomość praw |
Key words | Internet, grocery shopping, consumer protection, familiarity with the rights |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest ocena znajomości praw przysługujących konsumentom dokonującym zakupów żywności przez Internet. Badanie zrealizowano wśród 600 respondentów będących w wieku 25–44 lat, dokonujących zakupu żywności przez Internet. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, że rodzaj informacji udostępnianych przez przedsiębiorców, sposób ich podawania (które są konsekwencją obowiązujących regulacji prawnych) mogą przyczyniać się do postrzegania zakupów w sieci jako dobrej alternatywy tradycyjnych form sprzedaży żywności (sklepy stacjonarne). Jednocześnie warto zwrócić uwagę, że część ankietowanych nie potrafiła jednoznacznie ustosunkować się do praw przysługujących konsumentom podczas zakupu żywności przez Internet, nie zawsze też jest świadoma zasad składania reklamacji, co wskazuje na konieczność dalszego prowadzenia działań edukacyjnych skierowanych do konsumentów w tym zakresie. |
Abstract | The aim of the article is an assessment of the familiarity with the rights to which the consumers are entitled when they purchase food on the Internet. The study was carried out among 600 respondents aged 25–44 years who purchase food via the Internet. The results which were obtained confirm that the kind of information that is made available by the entrepreneurs, as well as the manner in which this information is provided (which results from legal regulations), might contribute to the fact that shopping online is perceived as a good alternative for traditional shops where food can be bought. Simultaneously, it is worth noticing that a number of respondents were not able to take an unequivocal stance with regard to purchasing food online. Moreover, they are not always aware of complaint making rules, which indicates that it is necessary to conduct further educational actions targeted at the consumers in this area. |
Cytowanie | Szlachciuk J. (2018) Znajomość praw przysługujących konsumentom dokonującym zakupu żywności przez Internet.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, nr 121: 105-114 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | EIOGZ_2018_n121_s105.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Bieńkowski J., Dąbrowicz R., Holka M., Jankowiak J. Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region
Autor | Jerzy Bieńkowski, Radosław Dąbrowicz, Małgorzata Holka, Janusz Jankowiak |
Tytuł | Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region |
Title | Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region |
Słowa kluczowe | carbon footprint, beef production, emission of greenhouse gases, life cycle assessment, agriculture |
Key words | carbon footprint, beef production, emission of greenhouse gases, life cycle assessment, agriculture |
Abstrakt | Animal production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the major challenges in sustainable management is to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions. The diversity of animal production systems and accompanying diversification of technological processes, mean that specific production effects can be obtained at different levels of GHG emissions. The aim of the study was to determine the carbon footprint (CF) of beef cattle grown in a conventional system (i.e. indoor confinement). The research was carried out on the beef cattle farm belonging to a large-area enterprise, Długie Stare Ltd. The beef cattle production system consisted of the following subsystems: a basic breeding herd (consisting of suckler cows, replacement heifers and calves up to 6.5 months), breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls. The method of life cycle analysis (LCA) in the stages from "cradle-to-farmgate" was used to assess the GHG emissions associated with the production of beef cattle. The average CF in the entire beef cattle production system was 25.43 kg of CO2 kg-1 of live weight of marketed cattle, while in the individual subsystems of basic breeding herd, breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls, the CF (after GHG allocation) was: 11.0 kg CO2 eq., 34.30 kg CO2 eq., 27.32 and 25.40 kg CO2 eq., respectively. GHG emissions associated with young calves staying in the cow-calf pairs until weaning (in the period from 0-6.5 months), had a decisive influence on the final CF in each of the subsystems of beef cattle production. The second important factor directly affecting the CF was GHG emissions related to methane (CH4) enteric fermentation and manure management. Knowledge of factors affecting the CF structure allows better identification of critical areas in production processes with high GHG emission potential. Information on the CF of beef cattle and beef meat responds to a wider societal demand for the ecological characteristics of market products, which ultimately contributes to improving their market competitiveness. |
Abstract | Animal production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. One of the major challenges in sustainable management is to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions. The diversity of animal production systems and accompanying diversification of technological processes, mean that specific production effects can be obtained at different levels of GHG emissions. The aim of the study was to determine the carbon footprint (CF) of beef cattle grown in a conventional system (i.e. indoor confinement). The research was carried out on the beef cattle farm belonging to a large-area enterprise, Długie Stare Ltd. The beef cattle production system consisted of the following subsystems: a basic breeding herd (consisting of suckler cows, replacement heifers and calves up to 6.5 months), breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls. The method of life cycle analysis (LCA) in the stages from "cradle-to-farmgate" was used to assess the GHG emissions associated with the production of beef cattle. The average CF in the entire beef cattle production system was 25.43 kg of CO2 kg-1 of live weight of marketed cattle, while in the individual subsystems of basic breeding herd, breeding heifers, breeding bulls and fattening bulls, the CF (after GHG allocation) was: 11.0 kg CO2 eq., 34.30 kg CO2 eq., 27.32 and 25.40 kg CO2 eq., respectively. GHG emissions associated with young calves staying in the cow-calf pairs until weaning (in the period from 0-6.5 months), had a decisive influence on the final CF in each of the subsystems of beef cattle production. The second important factor directly affecting the CF was GHG emissions related to methane (CH4) enteric fermentation and manure management. Knowledge of factors affecting the CF structure allows better identification of critical areas in production processes with high GHG emission potential. Information on the CF of beef cattle and beef meat responds to a wider societal demand for the ecological characteristics of market products, which ultimately contributes to improving their market competitiveness. |
Cytowanie | Bieńkowski J., Dąbrowicz R., Holka M., Jankowiak J. (2018) Carbon Footprint of Beef Cattle in a Conventional Production System: a Case Study of a Large-Area Farming Enterprise in the Wielkopolska Region.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 3: 23-35 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n3_s23.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Bernadetta Dziura, Bogusław Ślusarczyk |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | social capital, intellectual capital, enterprise, development |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Social capital is one of the essential elements of an enterprise’s development. Enterprises with a high level of social capital, due to the smooth flow of information, are predisposed to achieve higher innovation, gaining an advantage over competitors (Przybysz, 2011). The social capital affects the creation of the unique value of an enterprise, mainly through the structures of the connections network, social and cultural norms as well as trust (Dziura, 2016). Nowadays, it is analysed at various levels and in varying degrees, also in relation to territorial systems, including the provincial level. The present paper is an attempt to analyse and describe the impact of social capital on development of selected enterprises in the Podkarpackie province. Authors of the article, due to the conducted surveys, application of statistical methods and analysis of financial reports, aim at presenting the effects of investing in social capital. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Dziura B., Ślusarczyk B. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s326.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Robert Nowacki |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | food processing, ICT, ICT services, information society |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The aim of the article is to analyse the scale of use and to assess the services related to modern information and communication technologies at food processing enterprises and to identify the dependencies between the obtained indices and the features characterising the entities surveyed. The grounds for considerations are findings of the surveys with 201 managers of enterprises of this sector, differentiated in terms of size. The analysis comprised the three areas of ICT services: telecommunications services, services related to software and consultancy in the IT area, and information-related services. The results indicate a wide scope of the use of ICT services – telecommunication services are used by all the entities surveyed, those related to software and consultancy – by three quarters, while information-related services – by almost 60%. In case of all entities there are noted growing outlays on their application, justified, on the one side, by the demand, and, on the other side, by high appraisals of their quality and up-to-datedness (more than 70% of indications) as well as their impact on competitiveness of the entities using them (percentages at the level of more than 60%). It must be said that there occur quite big differences in the indices obtained, due to the features of the enterprises in question. Most often statistically significant dependencies appear in case of information-related services – they are determined by the size of enterprises and the origin of their capital. In case of the services related to software and IT consultancy, the said dependencies also concern the enterprises’ size and, additionally, the range of their activities. Definitely most seldom the statistically significant dependencies occur in case of telecommunication services. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Nowacki R. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s51.pdf |
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Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 2018 |
Kacprzak M., Król A., Radziszewska M. European Integration Influence on the Development of Human Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland
Autor | Marzena Kacprzak, Agnieszka Król, Marta Radziszewska |
Tytuł | European Integration Influence on the Development of Human Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland |
Title | European Integration Influence on the Development of Human Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland |
Słowa kluczowe | human capital, small and medium enterprises, European integration, EU assistance programs, EU funds |
Key words | human capital, small and medium enterprises, European integration, EU assistance programs, EU funds |
Abstrakt | Enterprises from the SME sector significantly affect the quality of human capital in Poland and the standards of their management are rising every year. The aim of this article is to present the essence and specifics of human capital of SMEs, showing the impact of European integration on the devel-opment of human capital in this sector. In addition, the authors focus on finding the answer to the question whether employers willingly reach for EU funding (sources of knowledge, forms, types of funding, barriers to access to funds) to be able to support and develop human capital that they have in the long run. The study was carried out by a survey method. The analysis made allowed to formu-late the following conclusions. Entrepreneurs willingly undertake to raise funds from EU funds. Re-spondents were convinced that EU funds help in the development of their businesses, although ob-taining funding alone is not easy. The respondents pointed to barriers, which include complicated and lengthy procedures, as well as low availability of information. |
Abstract | Enterprises from the SME sector significantly affect the quality of human capital in Poland and the standards of their management are rising every year. The aim of this article is to present the essence and specifics of human capital of SMEs, showing the impact of European integration on the devel-opment of human capital in this sector. In addition, the authors focus on finding the answer to the question whether employers willingly reach for EU funding (sources of knowledge, forms, types of funding, barriers to access to funds) to be able to support and develop human capital that they have in the long run. The study was carried out by a survey method. The analysis made allowed to formu-late the following conclusions. Entrepreneurs willingly undertake to raise funds from EU funds. Re-spondents were convinced that EU funds help in the development of their businesses, although ob-taining funding alone is not easy. The respondents pointed to barriers, which include complicated and lengthy procedures, as well as low availability of information. |
Cytowanie | Kacprzak M., Król A., Radziszewska M. (2018) European Integration Influence on the Development of Human Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 18(33), z. 4: 236-249 |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2018_T18(33)_n4_s236.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Halina Powęska |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | rural areas of Poland, EU structural funds, cultural heritage |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | The paper presents the issues relating to the use of EU funds for cultural heritage projects in rural areas in Poland in the years 2007–2015. The study examines the structure of the funding of EU cultural heritage projects by the purpose of their implementation including revaluation of cultural heritage objects, creation and development of a new tourism product, renovation of sports and recreation infrastructure, promotion and other issues. The spatial analysis was carried out at the level of voivodships. The survey was conducted using the database of the National Information System of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of the Republic of Poland (NIS SIMIK 07-13) as at 31 December 2015. In the years 2007–2015, in both rural areas and rural districts, in the case of those projects which were aimed at developing infrastructure and restoring cultural heritage assets, while projects thematically related to the creation of a new tourism product and promotion were of lesser importance. However, the highest grants from EU sources were provided for projects thematically related to the reconstruction of cultural heritage and creation of tourism products, which shows that the activities aimed at preservation of cultural heritage and support for local entrepreneurship are of particular significance to European entities. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Powęska H. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n1_s335.pdf |
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Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy, 2018 |
Autor | Anna Mazurkiewicz, Katarzyna Szara |
Title | |
Słowa kluczowe | human capital, social capital, creative capital, development |
Key words | |
Abstrakt | Socio-economic development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes that increase phenomena in the economic, social and cultural areas. Various types of capital, including human and social capitals, support this development. These capitals are often described in literature. Less information on the subject of creative capital derived from the Florida’s theory is available in the subject matter literature. The aim of the paper is to identify the role of human, social and creative capitals in socio-economic development. Against the background of the capitals characteristics, their similarities and differences were pointed out. Human capital is substitutive against social and creative ones. However, these two capitals have a complementary character in relation to human nature. The identified roles of the three capitals described in the comparative dimension in the aspect of a commune, a region and a country development are an original contribution to the paper. |
Abstract | |
Cytowanie | Mazurkiewicz A., Szara K. |
HTML | wersja html |
Pełny tekst | ESARE_2018_n2_s273.pdf |