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Ceylan N. Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey
Autor | Nazli Ceylan, |
Tytuł | Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey |
Title | Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey |
Słowa kluczowe | policy analysis matrix, wheat production, Turkey |
Key words | policy analysis matrix, wheat production, Turkey |
Abstrakt | Turkey plays a significant role in global wheat trade, importing wheat grain and exporting processed wheat products such as pasta, flour and biscuits. Wheat growing areas in Turkey have shown a decrease of about 10% over the last decade. Although an increase in yields keeps the production amount in balance, policies toward the wheat sector have reached a more critical point due to an increasing population and growing demand on the wheat flour sector. In this study, the profitability and sustainability of the sector were analyzed by using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) approach, and by examining the effects of the policies that have been applied on the wheat market recently. According to the PAM results, domestic wheat prices are higher than world prices due to existing policies and the wheat sector is not competitive without support. |
Abstract | Turkey plays a significant role in global wheat trade, importing wheat grain and exporting processed wheat products such as pasta, flour and biscuits. Wheat growing areas in Turkey have shown a decrease of about 10% over the last decade. Although an increase in yields keeps the production amount in balance, policies toward the wheat sector have reached a more critical point due to an increasing population and growing demand on the wheat flour sector. In this study, the profitability and sustainability of the sector were analyzed by using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) approach, and by examining the effects of the policies that have been applied on the wheat market recently. According to the PAM results, domestic wheat prices are higher than world prices due to existing policies and the wheat sector is not competitive without support. |
Cytowanie | Ceylan N. (2020) Policy Assessment of Wheat Production in Turkey.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 4-11 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s4.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2020.20.2.8 |
4-11 | |
2. |
Kukuła K. O pewnych dylematach związanych z budową rankingu obiektów ze względu na poziom zjawiska złożonego
Autor | Karol Kukuła, |
Tytuł | O pewnych dylematach związanych z budową rankingu obiektów ze względu na poziom zjawiska złożonego |
Title | Some Dilemmas Concerning the Construction of Ranking Arrangements of Objects with Respect to their Levels of Complexity |
Słowa kluczowe | wielowymiarowa analiza porównawcza, dylematy, wybór zmiennych diagnostycznych, układ rankingowy, porównania |
Key words | multidimensional comparative analysis, dilemmas, choice of diagnostic variables, ranking arrangement, comparisons |
Abstrakt | W artykule podjęto dyskusję nad trzema kluczowymi zagadnieniami związanymi z budową rankingu obiektów w oparciu o ich wielokryterialne oceny. Pierwszym z problemów, z którym musi się zmierzyć prowadzący badania (analityk), to wybór zmiennych diagnostycznych. Wybór ten w decydujący sposób wpływa na kształt konstruowanego rankingu. Drugim zagadnieniem jest wybór metody porządkowania liniowego. Trzeci zaś dotyczy obiektów układu porządkowego, jakim jest ranking i sprowadza się do ich podziału na grupy mniejsze względem wartości zmiennej syntetycznej. Z uwagi na to, że w dotychczasowej literaturze związanej z budową rankingu obserwuje się pewną dowolność przy wyborze stosowanych procedur, podjęto się zadania przeprowadzenia dyskusji na ten temat. |
Abstract | The paper presents a discussion on three crucial issues concerning the construction of ranking arrangements of objects on the basis of their multi-criteria estimates. The first problem that is faced by the researcher (or analyst) is the choice of diagnostic features. This choice is a decisive factor influencing the shape of the ranking arrangement being constructed. The second issue is the choice of the method of linear ordering of objects. The third issue, in turn, concerns the objects of the linear arrangement, which lead to the division of the total population into smaller groups according to the value of the synthetic variable. Because a review of the literature concerning the problems of ranking construction showed a variety of procedures that might be applied, the author thought it worthwhile to undertake a discussion on this subject. |
Cytowanie | Kukuła K. (2020) O pewnych dylematach związanych z budową rankingu obiektów ze względu na poziom zjawiska złożonego.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 12-21 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s12.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2020.20.2.9 |
12-21 | |
3. |
Jaśkiewicz J., Parlińska M., Rackiewicz I. Wyzwania dla rolnictwa związane ze strategią Europejski Zielony Ład w okresie pandemii
Autor | Jacek Jaśkiewicz, Maria Parlińska, Iwona Rackiewicz, |
Tytuł | Wyzwania dla rolnictwa związane ze strategią Europejski Zielony Ład w okresie pandemii |
Title | Challenges for Agriculture under the European Green Deal Development Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period |
Słowa kluczowe | Europejski Zielony Ład, gospodarka obiegu zamkniętego, rolnictwo, odpady i marnotrawstwo żywności |
Key words | European Green Deal, circular economy, agriculture, waste and food waste |
Abstrakt | Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie wyzwań związanych z realizacją strategii Europejski zielony ład w zakresie rolnictwa. Wyzwania te wpisują się w realizację koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju i związanego z tym zatrzymania zmian klimatu oraz transformacji w kierunku gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego. Warto już obecnie, w dobie pandemii, przygotować strategię jak wykorzystać szanse rozwoju rolnictwa, aby po jej zakończeniu maksymalnie wykorzystać sytuację opierając się na zasadach określonych w EZŁ. W artykule przedstawiono szereg możliwości w tym zakresie. |
Abstract | The aim of the article is to present the challenges in the field of agriculture related to implementing the European Green Deal (EGD). These challenges arise from the implementation of sustainable development strategies and the related efforts to arrest climate change and create a more circular economy. During this time of a global Covid-19 pandemic, it is worth preparing an approach, based on the principles set out in the EGD, that will maximize opportunities for agricultural development and which can be put into place as soon as the pandemic begins to wane. The article presents a number of possibilities in this regard. |
Cytowanie | Jaśkiewicz J., Parlińska M., Rackiewicz I. (2020) Wyzwania dla rolnictwa związane ze strategią Europejski Zielony Ład w okresie pandemii.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 22-36 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s22.pdf |
HTML | wersja html |
DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2020.20.2.10 |
22-36 | |
4. |
Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine
Autor | Pelageya Papkovskaya, Kateryna Pylypenko, Sviatlana Shсharbatsiuk, |
Tytuł | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Title | The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine |
Słowa kluczowe | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Key words | counterparties, receivables, monitoring, solvency |
Abstrakt | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Abstract | The article investigates issues regarding settlements between business counterparts in the Republic of Belarus, including those between Ukrainian and Belarusian enterprises. The presence of bad debts is identified as a key issue, leading to overdue and unrealistic debt collection accounting that burdens a company's balance sheet, resulting in a loss of financial stability of the creditor enterprise. Monitoring of business counterparts helps minimize this risk. Therefore, a mechanism has been developed to collect information about a counterparty and create a credit dossier. There is a proposal to monitor a counterparty's solvency based on criteria that has been specifically established for an industry. The proposed mechanism will help control unjustified growth in the receivables of agricultural organizations in The Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine in hopes of keeping funds in circulation, and reducing the risk of companies losing their own financial stability due to overly loyal credit policies. |
Cytowanie | Papkovskaya P., Pylypenko K., Shсharbatsiuk S. (2020) The Counterparty Assessment Mechanism in the Receivables Management System of Agricultural Organizations in the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 37-50 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s37.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2020.20.2.11 |
37-50 | |
5. |
Yitayaw M. Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia
Autor | Mekonnen Yitayaw, |
Tytuł | Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia |
Title | Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia |
Słowa kluczowe | Eastern Ethiopia; financial sustainability; outreach; profitability; SACCOs |
Key words | Eastern Ethiopia; financial sustainability; outreach; profitability; SACCOs |
Abstrakt | This study scrutinized the effect of outreach on financial sustainability and profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia using balanced panel data from 33 SACCOs over the period of 2017-2019. Quantitative approach and explanatory design were employed to realize the stated objective. This study used secondary data sources, mainly audited financial statement of the SACCOs, in the study period. The analysis revealed that SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia are profitable but not financially sustainable. Random effect model results show that gross loan to asset ratio, yield on gross loan portfolio, managerial and operational efficiency has statistically significant and positive effect on the financial sustainability of SACCOs, while average loan size has statistically significant but negative effect. Likewise, gross loan to asset ratio, managerial efficiency, and average loan size has statistically significant and positive effect on the profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia. However, the portion of women borrowers and number of active borrowers has statistically significant but negative effect on the profitability of the SACCOs in the study area. Finally, the study suggests that increasing the number of borrowing clients and sales volume (loan portfolio) could benefit SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia from economics of scale. |
Abstract | This study scrutinized the effect of outreach on financial sustainability and profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia using balanced panel data from 33 SACCOs over the period of 2017-2019. Quantitative approach and explanatory design were employed to realize the stated objective. This study used secondary data sources, mainly audited financial statement of the SACCOs, in the study period. The analysis revealed that SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia are profitable but not financially sustainable. Random effect model results show that gross loan to asset ratio, yield on gross loan portfolio, managerial and operational efficiency has statistically significant and positive effect on the financial sustainability of SACCOs, while average loan size has statistically significant but negative effect. Likewise, gross loan to asset ratio, managerial efficiency, and average loan size has statistically significant and positive effect on the profitability of SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia. However, the portion of women borrowers and number of active borrowers has statistically significant but negative effect on the profitability of the SACCOs in the study area. Finally, the study suggests that increasing the number of borrowing clients and sales volume (loan portfolio) could benefit SACCOs in Eastern Ethiopia from economics of scale. |
Cytowanie | Yitayaw M. (2020) Effect of Outreach on Financial Sustainability and Profitability of Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Eastern Ethiopia.Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 20(35), z. 2: 51-69 |
Pełny tekst | PRS_2020_T20(35)_n2_s51.pdf |
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DOI | 10.22630/PRS.2020.20.2.12 |
51-69 | |