Qualimetric approaches to the quality of human potential in Ukraine

Vasyl Lypchuk1, Tetiana Stepura2
1 Kielce University of Technology, 2 European University, Lviv branch
Lypchuk, Vasyl (Kielce University of Technology)
Stepura, Tetiana (European University, Lviv branch)
Qualimetric approaches to the quality of human potential in Ukraine
Annals of Marketing Management and Economics, 2017, vol.3, nr 2, s. 41-54

Key words

regional human potential quality personal paradigm qualimetry time–space factors energy degree of harmonization


The article evaluates the main parameters of human potential quality of Ukraine’s region. The assessment is based on the quantitative measurement of sustainable development. The Euclidean metric was used. The quality of human potential as a multi-structuralphenomenon characterizes the levels of human potential characteristics developed according to the environment of its formation, as well as public and personal needs. It is indicated that a structural approach should be used to study the quality of regional human potential. This necessitates the separation of certain levels of sociogenesis. Those levels include the human body, individuality and personality. Quality is formed at each of them. In this article, using qualimetry, a quantitative measure of quality was evaluated using the level of the human body. This was the basis for the premise that the quality of human potential is formed in a three-dimensional system of time, space and energy parameters, corresponding to the demographic, ecological and economic dimensions. Various indicators can be the characteristics of each of the parameters, depending on the research focus. Using the methods proposed, the quality of the human potential of Ukrainian regions was evaluated. Indicators of the degree of harmonization and the quantitative measure of the quality were calculated. It was established that analytical conclusions should be considered not only the grade of the quality achieved, but also the degree of harmonisation of internal and external factors.