Aukcja koni arabskich „Pride of Poland” jako typowy przykład aukcji angielskiej

Ewa Drabik, Agnieszka Lewczuk

Drabik, Ewa
Lewczuk, Agnieszka
Aukcja koni arabskich „Pride of Poland” jako typowy przykład aukcji angielskiej
Arabian Horse Auction “Pride of Poland” as a Typical Example of English Auction
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2006, vol., nr 58, s. 105-115


Auction is one of the oldest ways of exchanging goods and money. It has become very common over the past few years, especially as far as the nonstandard goods such as works of art, antics, thoroughbred horses, real estates or mineral raw materials are concerned. The best known form of auction is the English auction (bidding). It consists in overbidding other buyers’ offers up to the moment where there is nobody else willing to offer more. The bidding is won by a buyer who has offered the biggest amount of money. Arabian horse auction “Pride of Poland” is a typical English auction. Our aim is to show the model of English auction and to describe rules for “Pride of Poland” auction