Tendencje zmian w strukturze aktywności ekonomicznej ludności wiejskiej

Ewa Wasilewska

Wasilewska, Ewa; ORCID: 0000-0001-9065-5526
Tendencje zmian w strukturze aktywności ekonomicznej ludności wiejskiej
Tendencies of changes in the structure of the economic activity of rural population
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2006, vol., nr 61, s. 131-150


In the paper the analysis of changes in the structure of an economic activity of rural population, with division into agricultural rural population and rural people without land was presented. Changes in the age structure and education structure of rural population as one of factors differentiating economic activity were also analyzed. Increasing tendency in the share of village people without land and in the share of economically inactive population was observed. Landless population dominated in the structure of old aged people while in the group of agricultural rural population youngest people dominated. An increase of better educated people in the structure of rural population was stated. However the worst educated people dominate, particularly within agricultural population. Differences in professional activity between agricultural and landless rural people should be considered in creating agricultural politics towards rural areas, with differentiation applied instruments and direction of administrating financial support