Wpływ systemu utrzymania gęsi na optymalną długość odchowu w produkcji niskotowarowej

Barbara Biesiada-Drzazga, Agata Grużewska

Biesiada-Drzazga, Barbara
Grużewska, Agata; ORCID: 0000-0003-3786-4016
Wpływ systemu utrzymania gęsi na optymalną długość odchowu w produkcji niskotowarowej
An influence of goose management system on an optimal length of rearing under conditions of small-scale commercial production
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, 2007, vol., nr 63, s. 147-156


Research included 600 geese fattened under an intensive system, and 1000 geese fattened under a semi-intensive system. Data on bird body weight and the amount of feed consumed in successive weeks of rearing constituted the research material. Both characteristics were expressed numerically and the numbers were used to calculate production functions, feed costs functions and the functions of average and marginal product. All the functions calculated were in the form of polynomials and made it possible to obtain information on economic effectiveness of goose fattening. Production under an intensive system was in the most beneficial second phase throughout the whole fattening period. In the case of the semi-intensive system, production entered the second phase in the 3rd week of fattening which lasted 17 weeks.